try to update/locate the drivers of these devices by inserting your drivers cd and then make it search for the drivers in the cd rom, it worked for me as i also did a clean install and had the same issue, i guess its duplicating some devices.
Has anyone found where we can get good skins for the N81?
Can I do a clean/custom install of windows 7 with the discs that came with n81vp-d2? I don't want to a recovery
Ok since no one has responded with any drivers for this laptop for windows xp x64. I will post my progress so far.
This includes the list and links of drivers (ordered by install) I found and comments on any software i came across.
**select 'winxp' on asus download site
1. Chipset - Mobile Intel® 945 Express Chipset Family ver 9.11
-no comment it just works
2. Video - ASUS V8.65 Description ATI Graphics Driver
-the asus driver is the only one i found to work. there is some ccc alternatives but i think ccc works fine.
3. Audio - Windows 2000, Windows XP/2003(32/64 bits) Driver only R2.40
-no comment works
4 Audio/HDMI - ATI HDMI Audio Device R2.39
-no comment works
5. LAN - WinXP 32/64 and Win2K Auto Installation Program 5.742
-no comment works
6. WLAN - Atheros modded Driver v7.7.0.259
-works really good, so good I slipstreamed this driver into my xp x64 so i have wireless internet immediately after install
7. Bluetooth - AW-BT253 BlueTooth V5.5.0.3200
-I checked the file from asus win xp 32 download. It includes install for x64, so i just used this
8. Touchpad - Synaptics Windows XP/Vista and Win7 64-bit Edition v14.0.3
-easy install works
9. Modem - Version V2.1.88.1 modem driver
-not much to say here. I removed all modem related components out of xp x64. So xp does not have anywhere to 'install' the driver nor does 'it' even know there is a modem to detect. I tried installing it nothing happened.
10. Fingerprint - V7.11.0.23_V7.11.0.1 Fingerprint driver and utility
-located under 'other'. This installs and shows up in device manager as a 'personal identification devices'. I do not know how to use it (no software) but I do not intend on using it.
**Now things get a little sketchy** (and I need help on)
11. Card Reader - Version V3.57.01 RICOH_R5C8xx
-I checked the diver from asus site. It has x64 divers in it. It installs but I didn't notice it remove any 'yellow exclamations' in the device manager - 'secure digital host controllers in device manager does not show any 'ricoh' products. My n81vp-d2 is able to read sd cards however. I do not know if this enabled that.
12. Infrared - Version V1.0.1.7 ITE remote controller application
-installed from asus under other. XP install package has 64 bit drivers. Installs ok. shows up in device manager under 'human interface devices' but i am unable to use it (no software for it i think).
13. Camera - Version V6.5801.22.007 Suyin Camera Driver
-first off you have to check which camera you have. Under the hardware ids of the 'other devices' in yellow you will find the part 'Pid_a116'. So I have suyin, I don't know if all n81vp-d2's are the same. I tried installing the xp x32 package it almost completed. It needed a x64 file, so i used a vista one. It installed but with a yellow icon on it. I rolled the driver back and it is installed, maybe. I think I need the correct drivers though. Manufacture is Sonix Technology Co. I tried the driver from there site even less luck.
14. TV/Radio - Version V2.3.3.7_V1.5.0.1 YUAN_MC770A TV Tuner driver
- Not able to install. Need help. Seems to be driver + software to run it. Can't find xp x64 driver on web. Does not even show in device manager and YES my laptop has the port on the outside so I know it is there.
15. ATK - Version V1.00.0008 ATK Generic Function Utility
KEYBOARD and the function buttons. the hardest thing to get working. It is 4 drivers big(and I have 4 uninstalled devices showing in device manager). It is called ACPI ATK0100 and I cannot find working drivers. PLZ help on this one.
Some fyi's.
-i used an 'updated' version of win xp 64. It had all hotfixes and service packs as well as other m$ updates and some software too slipstreamed. - no need for windows update (for the time being) or the hotfixes recommended on asus download site. I also slipstreamed the wireless driver as mentioned above. This leads me to mention YOU HAVE TO SLIPSTREAM THE SATA DRIVERS
THIS is where you need to be to get the info on integrating the drivers. I used the '64bit Intel textmode driver v8.9.0.1023 WHQL (download link)' in NLITE. I then selected Intel ICH9m-E/M SATA AHCI Controller. In the dropdown when you are integrating drivers in the nlite setup. Can't hold your hand anymore than that.
-if you are wondering what all the utilities are in the asus downloads are look here. I didnt install any of it. YOu are ok with out them. IMHO.
-same with KB Filter (use link above for info on kb filter) and turbo memory. I have 4 gigs of memory i am also ok w/o it.
Thanks for any help notebookreviewers
Reasons for doing this..for those that say *why not just use win 7 x64?* (I didn't wipe my win 7)
Firstly I'd like to say the negitive perception of xp x64 is false. It had a rough start bc. there were no drivers/software available initially - it was a rough introduction of an improved os. Now in the future there is lots of drivers/software available and it runs fine and IS NOT buggy as I have read other people say when they installed it in 2004 or whatever. I can get my xp to run FASTER by stripping away whatever components i want than all the integrations in vista/7 and it works with ALL of my software and games.
Updating/Promoting Win xp pro x64 is what m$ should have done than release vista. That is, it is an improved xp made to work on newer machines (if people would have waited). An update to xp if you will. It makes IT much simpler than a whole new os to fudge through. 'Updates' to OS's dont make M$ much money though. -
I'm not having any of the keyboard issues that everyone seems to be having here. But I did have an issue where everytime I tried to install a program or even use windows update the interface would freeze. For example, I could move the cursor around, but the whole process itself doesn't finish. I thought probably because the system needed more time to install the programs, but after 10+ hours it stayed the same. What I did was I did a full reinstall of Windows and it's been fine ever since. This happend a week after I received my N81.
In case you guys want to get rid of the glossy lid, see my thread here: -
Even though my bios version was the same as the one i downloaded from them, the problem was fixed.
Oh, and I didn't use the LiveUpdate which comes with our Asus notebooks. -
so u mean u had bios version 211 already installed on ur laptop and u reinstalled it again, but how did u re-flashed the bios coz winflash is showing me that i already have the latest bios installed, did u use easy flash???
ill give it a try -
ugh... never mind. i thINK it crashed again last night.. I was listening to music to fall asleep and it suddenly got cut off and I heard the sudden shut down sound made by the hardware(?). my old notebook makes the same sound if i force it to shut down via holding the power button.
I confirm that it crashed last night because the boot up windows in safe mode option came up when i turned on my notebook.
I guess I'll complain to ASUS for now to see what solutions that can attempt to provide! Haha! xD -
Does anyone know what size of wireless adaptor to get for the N81? There is the full size mini PCI and the half size mini PCI. I want to upgrade to a Intel 5100 or 5300, but don't know what size to get.
I recently bought the N81vp-D2 (Win7). I like the unit very much. However, the laptop goes to sleep and power off whenever I close the lid. I have to power on and restart windows every time afterwards. I find that very inconvenient because I use an external monitor to do my work, and would like to tug the laptop away. Can someone teach me how to change the setting? Thanks.
Click on the battery/plug icon, and select More Power Options.
Click on Choose What Closing the Lid Does, and modify accordingly. -
Thanks mystery905.
anyone has experience with the eSATA port on the notebook???
i ve juz got myself an external HDD which comes with eSATA port... i connected the HDD to the eSATA port of the notebook, but nothing happened...
My Computer - checked
Device Manager + Scan for hardware changes - checked
Disk Management + Rescan disks - checked
Intel Matrix Storage Console + Rescan plug and play devices - checked
BIOS - checked
and none shows that the HDD exists... i ve no problem using USB instead... -
I've had this laptop since early december. The only issues i've had with it so far is with the keyboard.
-The fn-ctrl thing is a huge issue and i see that you have to buy a set from their online store which is ok i guess. but if im buying a new keyboard for it.. i want to get a illuminated keyboard. Is there one available or maybe a mod to get that feature without external lights focused on the keyboard.
-For some odd reason i cant use "ctrl+space" to select individual items when im using windows explorer. i HAVE to "ctrl+left-click" to select them. this is the 2nd most annoying thing on this laptop.
-at times...some japanese characters popup on the upper-leftside of the screen and i have no idea how to start or stop this. sometimes while in photoshop i just cant seem to get rid of it. most annoying thing.
-also while in photoshop i had an issue with the trackpad not registering my click+drags. sometimes when it did register a click+drag it would click+drag some other spot completely...
-is there a way to stay in "high performance" powermode non-stop..because it seems to change to anything else at times..i hate coming back to my laptop and its in sleep mode when i dont want it sleeping *i live in a spot where the power could cut for a second so it switches to something by itself
-the scrolling of the trackpad doesnt work in certain spots like on firefox tabs..why? i have no works just fine with the included mouse!
-the wifi adapter im getting upgraded because the range really is too little.i got a 5100 for it..just waiting for it!
but other than that i like this laptop and its a keeper..just a few quirks -
that did it for the card reader
is there any driver or stuff that i am missing??/ -
Windows 7 should load the required drivers automatically.
Power change: it's controlled by ASUS (Power4Gear?) or else by Windows power management. From Windows you should be able to choose what profile is used on battery. From ASUS power management, I don't know. -
Thanks. -
Good news guys(hopefully) for the random shutdown issue
Iv posted this on asus forum as well,
guys i think iv figured out the problem, the culprit is asus live update, just remove every instance of asus live update from your laptop and i hope everything would be fine, ALU is completely buggy, I removed ALU 3 days ago and havnt faced this problem since last 3 days, another thing i noticed was that ALU was holding up all the windows updates including drivers/windows 7 and office updates, and when i removed ALU windows updated all this stuff. -
You are sooo right!But I dropped XP x64 for one single reason: couldn't find a working suite to use the fingerprint reader. However, I managed to install ALL the hardware and a lot of the ASUS utilities!.
Some things to correct:
1. The chipset for this laptop is the Intel Mobile 4 Series, not the 945PM, which is kind of two generations away...
2. WLAN card actually is an Atheros 928X. You can find it as Azurewave driver, same way you did with most of the drivers.
3. MMC/SD/xD reader: the driver you downloaded, actually works. However, the driver only installs SD and MMC support, as far as I know. To install the remaining drivers, you have to decompress the driver, then perform a Driver Update in all the Unknown Base System Devices you find(with the exception of the ATK0100 driver, needed for quick launch buttons to work) and then point to one of the subfolders(xDx64, MSx64, and so on). Only then will you eventually have the reader fully handle such cards.
4. There is NO modem inside the Asus N81VP-D1(and possibly neither in the N81VP-D2). Don't bother installing it.
5. There is NO TV card installed either.
6. About the SATA driver, you DONT have to do slipstreaming. You can either do it, or install Windows without it. However, without SATA support, any XP will be doomed to greatly reduced performance. To install XP x64 without SATA then enable it, two things must be done(in fact, three things):
- First, go to BIOS setup(F2), then move to Setup, then to IDE configuration and then SATA mode, set it to Compatible.
- Now, install XP. To integrate XP you will have to download these drivers:
and then follow this guide to integrate the SATA drivers after installation:
Do NOT forget to set SATA mode to Enhanced after installing.
Later I will post details about ATK0100 driver and, possibly, the only way to make fingerprint logon work.
See ya!! -
Well, here is what I did with my laptop(fresh installs):
1. Installing Windows 7 x64: Fast installation, few things to do post intallation, fast startup(but I wish it would be faster). Visually appealing, faster in some things than XP...but a memory hog!!!
2. XP x64: fast installation, but a pain in the ... after initial installation*soo many drivers to set up!!). Not that fast, but undoubtely faster with most games)
3. Ubuntu x64: Mmmm not happy with it. -
I suspect I'll only begin to have problems with this.
Update: Due to the power failure issue, I returned my laptop to the reseller and got another unit (same model). I've now had it for a couple weeks and the problem has not re-occurred. For those of you who have been trying various software fixes without success, it certainly appears to be a hardware issue. If you can still exchange your laptop for a new unit, I'd recommend it; if not, it's probably time to request an RMA from Asus.
is there an illuminated keyboard you can get for this thing??
My power failure issue has returned, even after shipping it off to Asus with an RMA. After this problem, I called them again, and they advised me to use system restore and turn off Windows Updates to see if it is a driver issue I'm guessing. As of now, it hasn't crashed... yet.
On a positive note, when I sent off my laptop to asus, I got a chance to tell the technician the problems i have with the laptop. So I wrote down that the Fn and Ctrl buttons were in the wrong spot and they replaced the keyboard for me!
So if you're about to send in your laptop, I would advise trying this little trick if the keyboard is annoying you like it did for me -
Thanks for Thanks for posting these XP drivers! I added a link to your post in the Info Booth.
has any one got osx/hackintosh to load on this unit ? if so any links on what method works best would be great !
Hey all...anyone find a illuminated keyboard for this laptop??
Im loving this thing so there updated video drivers that make a difference?
how about to cover the seems prone to scratches? -
Believe it or not, it sucks how easy it is!!!!ALWAYS POWER ON YOUR LAPTOP ON BATTERY!Then connect the AC adapter after logging on to Windows!
With such ridiculous simple thing, its been 10 days so far, and not a single crash!Who know, maybe it's a bug in Windows, but the trick did work nevertheless!!!! -
anyone has problem using the fingerprint reader after install Win7...
it worked fine when i was using Vista... but not when i formatted the laptop to Win7...
there's no option for enrolling the fingerprint under the ADSM tray icon... i ve tried going into the Program Files to launch the app directly, but it says "Fingerprint Reader not ready", but the reader's driver has been installed and Device Manager recognize it properly...
i ve tried reinstalling both ADSM and driver, but the problem persists... -
Is there a fix for the keyboard problem not detecting keystrokes when typing too fast?
I've owned an N81VP-D1 for almost a year now and my laptop has suddenly contracted the sudden shutdown problem. I had read about this problem before and I hoped mine would never have this issue, but it's happening now.
I think I found out what is happening though. It seems as though the cpu is overheating to the point that the system shuts itself down to protect itself. I ran HWMonitor and checked out the cpu temps when doing various things and sure enough the temps would spike as high as 98C when the cpu came under load.
This is odd though because there is no dust in the vents and the cpu has ran within acceptable temps for the entire time that I've owned the laptop up until now. I'm starting to think the thermal compound under the cpu heatsink has broken down.
When running on battery power, the cpu underclocks and doesn't run near as hot, allowing me to do more before the system shuts off.
I've sent my laptop off to Asus with a full description of the problem and even a screenshot from HWMonitor showing the cpu hitting 98C under load. Hopefully they will be able to fix it. -
Hey all, it's me again, and my shutdown problem has been solved.
It seems that my GPU as well as several others (ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670) were faulty. They finally fixed it by replacing it during my 2nd RMA.
Hopefully, if you send your's in for RMA and include this detail, they'll finally fix this annoying issue! -
Is there anyone that has an n81vp-d2 that would be willing to PM me their serial number?
The reason I ask is because of this thread:
I have been VERY curious to see if i could upgrade my n81vg-x1's nvidia gt120m.
A while back I emailed the Asus estore asking if they carried the VGA boards for the different models of the n81. Here's a link to the only parts that they have available for us:
ASUS Online eStore
This was the response that I received:
Which of course I would post a review/howto/etc on here. -
After getting my N81VP back from Asus RMA, I was pleased to find that the sudden shut down issue was gone. I wasn't, however, pleased to find that my temps were still outrageously high.
Instead of sending it back to RMA, I pulled the heatsink assembly out and I discovered the culprit to my temperature issues.
The stock thermal compound on the cpu was dried up and flaky, the gpu thermal pad/copper square wasn't even fully covering the gpu die, and worst of all, the northbridge didn't even have thermal compound on it!
I cleaned up all of that mess and applied AS5 to the cpu, gpu, and northbridge. My temps are now much, much better. My warranty may have been voided, but at least my laptop is running cooler than it ever has. -
Crimsonskar, how high were your temperatures before fixing it?
A single pass of the Resident Evil 5 benchmark netted in upwards of 100c from the cpu, gpu, and north bridge. That was before I fixed it myself.
After clearing out the crud that was already there and discovering the north bridge didn't even have thermal compound on it, I applied AS5 too all three chips. My load temps during the RE5 benchmark went down do around 60c for the cpu, 80c for the gpu, and about 70c for the north bridge. -
Hi N81V owners. I have an N81Vp-C1 which has just started having GPU-related crashes. I've read about some people having similar problems here, so hopefully my info can help others troubleshoot.
The crash causes the screen to turn off, cooling fan suddenly turns on high speed, and computer has to be restarted with the power button. Sometimes a memory.dmp file is written to the Windows folder, but normally the PC just locks up. The memory dump shows a TDR error in the ATI driver.
I can get it to crash on demand by running Google Earth and zooming in on the map, but it also happens randomly under normal use (browsing Internet, moving windows around). It only seems to happen when using DirectX mode in Google Earth, or with Aero enabled in Windows. Also, it only happens when using an external monitor set to a resolution higher than the notebook LCD (I run at 1920x1200 normally). If the Google Earth window is resized to a smaller area, or I switch the screen res to 1366x768 then the problem stops.
I have tried with both standard VGA and HDMI cables, and the same crashes occur. I have tried a fresh install of Windows 7 64-bit, 32-bit, and even a factory re-install of Vista 32-bit from the recovery partition. I have updated the BIOS, tried the latest ATI drivers on the Asus site, the latest drivers from ATI, but the problem happens in every case.
Asus support told me it was caused by running the graphics card at too high a resolution! I have checked temperatures, and they seem fine. CPU is approx 35 deg C, and GPU is anywhere from 45C to 70C (under load).
Anyway, I have got an RMA number and will wait to see what they say. It really seems like a hardware issue to me, unless anyone else has any ideas? -
Hi guys,
basic question from me.
What is the maximum ram my Asus N81VG VX004C can take and how many slots does it have?
I am running 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate.
Many thanks in advance,
Jason -
Got my notebook back from Asus, and it is now working 100%. They replaced the 4650 graphics card with a 4670, so it must have been a graphics hardware problem.
Wow, it's the year 2011 already! How are your N81V laptops holding up?
Mine randomly shutdown today after a long time without this problem. Also, it will crash when I try to make it stand by or hibernate. Time for a 3rd RMA? >.<
N81V: Review & Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by sephiroth135, Mar 1, 2009.