Ah, brilliant! - I had my mouse plugged into the 2nd closest USB port, and when I moved it to the lone USB port on the rear-most side of the optical drive, the whine stopped.
However, as good of a temporary fix as this is, it means that 2 of my USB ports are out-of-commission while my speakers are plugged in... Is there a permanent fix for this yet or will I have to wait for the new BIOS?
It seems to be an electrical design issue. From a user standpoint this sucks. It is possible that some shielding might fix the problem, but as a consumer that is not willing to break a warranty seal, we will just have to complain till they buy us USB hubs, or recall the affected models.
I just purchased this laptop, and I initially thought that perhaps the keys were just a bit sticky, or the springs were a bit tougher than I was used to. However, after doing some searching on the net, it appears that other people are having the same issues.
Just typing the above paragraph, there were three keys that were missed, and I had to backspace to correct. Including the "c" in correct, ironically.
Other laptops have apparently had issues that required a BIOS flash, but since there are no new BIOS updates for this laptop, I'm assuming that the solution has not been identified yet. This is a very aggravating issue, since I usually type quite fast, and correcting missed keys requires a lot of backspacing.
I've read everything here : http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=250533 and I've adjusted the touchpad settings as suggested on a different site. Nothing has helped so far.
Ideas? I'm running Vista, but other people have reported the problem on XP as well as Ubuntu. -
This of course could just be something they tell everyone when in fact nothing is being done, but we shall see. -
I found out that the high pitching noise coming from the audio out will only be heard when using external speakers and at MAX volume while using any of the 2 closest USB ports. It's not noticeable at all unless I put my ears near the speakers. I've also noticed that as long as your mouse is moving, the high pitch sound goes away. The moment the mouse is idle, the sound comes back.
As for earphones, the high pitch noise is more noticeable than the external speakers, BUT, it depends on the type of earphones you're using. I've tried it with the B&O A8 earphones and the Shure SE530 earphones, both produces the high pitch sound. I have these cheap Sony earphones which work perfectly fine and no high pitching sounds occur.
Yes, I've attempted that, but it didn't solve the issue. I believe that it helped somewhat, but it still misses characters. I'm not sure what the cause is, but I've opened a ticket with Asus, and I'm just waiting for them to reply.
The above paragraph mised two letters, and again here with the s in missed. -
1. Disable searchindexer
2. Disable IE7 Protected mode -
I sent the notebook in to get checked for a buzzing noise unrelated to the speakers.
I don't really think Asus cares whether or not you keep vista loaded up on it after you buy the thing.. just pop in the restore disc if you are that worried (I didn't even restore to vista when I sent mine in). You can buy the m50sv with XP as an option from some places, so I don't think it's a biggie. -
I have a few questions regarding Asus utilities. I'm recieving my M50Sv tomorrow and plan on installing Windows XP on it.
Life Frame - What does this program do?
Virtual Camera - What does this program do?
Splendid - Is this even worth having installed? I'm leaning towards no...
Power4 Gear - If I want to utilize Windows XP power management features can I just skip this program and not install it?
Wireless Console Utility - Since I don't make much use of wireless and will never make use of Bluetooth can I just skip this program and not install it?
I'm just concerned if not installing Power4 Gear or the Wireless Console will cause issues in the device manager such as unrecognized items or stability issues.
Thanks -
Life Frame - an image edit and capture program associated with your webcam. You can probably do without it
Virtual Camera - http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?p=3389740
You can skip this if you want. I don't use it on my m50
Splendid - Supposedly makes images and videos look better by adjusting the contrast/brightness. You can skip this.
Power4 Gear -You could skip this if you want, but try it out first. I find it quite useful.
Wireless Console Utility - yes, you can skip this if you don't need it. I didn't install it on mine. -
hey, why can't i tune my graphic card using rivatuner?
whenever i "Enable driver-level hardware overclocking".. --> that's what we should click first to change the clock right?
it always giving me a 'reboot is recommended' notice...
i have clicked 'detect now' option but nothing happens.
i reboot, but when i got back into windows, the same thing happen all over again.
if i click cancel... well duh.. hahaha -
What is the AV/S Video in for?
What is the esata port for?
There is not S-video out right? -
download the latest modded drivers from laptopvideo2go for overclocking, if your using stock asus drivers i dont think it will work -
eSata? It's like USB2.0, only faster and better in every way.
S-Video? Since there's no opening for it, and there's no line item in the spec listing, I'll say no. HDMI and VGA are better choices, IMO, especially HDMI. -
Can anyone tell me if the keyboard pops out nice and easily on this model?
I get an annoying amount of stuff under the keys, and its so much easier to get the keyboard out than it is to tap the back of the laptop, or try and remove the keys (already ruined one keyboard doing that) -
I know Bunsie must be feeling the same way I do right now. Anticipation of recieving a $1300 extension of you life is incredible. What makes it worse is that like most other shipments I have recieved from FedEx, the tracking info isn't updated till it is sitting in my house. I have a date it departed both ExcaliberPC and a date it departed California, but nothing in regards to anyone recieving it, and It was estimated delivery of today. Here is the information I have:
May 23, 2008 9:39 AM Departed FedEx location SACRAMENTO, CA
2:00 AM Arrived at FedEx location SACRAMENTO, CA
May 22, 2008 8:51 PM Left origin SAN JOSE, CA
6:47 PM Arrived at FedEx location SAN JOSE, CA
5:22 PM Picked up SAN JOSE, CA
May 21, 2008 4:23 PM Package data transmitted to FedEx Newark, CA -
Oh well. -
Here's another interesting observation regarding my desktop speaker whine when the nearby USBs are used - it only occurs with my mouse USB! - As I said earlier, moving my mouse to one of the farther away USB ports causes the whine to stop, but inserting my USB memory stick into one of the close USB ports does not cause any whining at all! (even if I put the drive into use) - Very strange!
May 27, 2008 10:40 PM
Departed FedEx location
10:08 PM Arrived at FedEx location
May 23, 2008 6:27 AM
Departed FedEx location
2:32 AM
Arrived at FedEx location
May 22, 2008 9:45 PM
Left origin
6:43 PM
Arrived at FedEx location
5:22 PM
Picked up
I ordered mine from ExcaliberPC on the 20th and it shipped the same day
latest update
May 28, 2008 1:55 PM
Delivery exception
Customer not available or business closed
6:41 AM
On FedEx vehicle for delivery
Great service from ExcaliberPC so far, but I want my computer so badly -
Guys, i successfully put windows xp on my m50sv-a1 but now i'm having problem watchin dvds. says that its missin a dvd decoder. is it because i may have missed certain drivers that i did not download? I can install and play games using the dvd drive but i can't seem to watch dvds with it. anyone got ideas?>
Just got my M50sv-B1 today, excellent machine. Now i just have to tweak it a little bit.
I'm pretty sure it's either a BIOS issue, or a hardware issue though, because it causes me grief in XP and Vista. -
Just got a call from the house. Looks like my laptop just arrived. Loading WoW as soon as I get home.
I just got mine
Its awesome so far, but I need to remove some bloatware, how hard is a reinstall of vista and are how exactly do you add the drivers yourself? -
You can load the restore disc and let it do it's thing, and then when it asks for the driver CD, power down and the restart it and load the driver from the cd manually. then you will have a fresh Vista to start with.
I just got my ASUS M50 Series M50Sv-A1. quick question.
How do you turn on the fingerprint login feature?
So far I really like this laptop. It's really nice for the price -
There should be a link for it at the login screen. it's a bit confusing but not hard to figure out eventually.
The button on the touchpad that switched to the media mode/normal touchpad stopped working. DO you guys have any idea why this could happen? -
So, I just did a clean install
is there a list of which drivers do what?
specifically which ones are the hotkeys and fingerprint reader.
silly me there is a nice readme on the driver CD -
this infrared driver
removed last yellow sign in XP device manager on my m50sv -
Is there any way to change what the laptop does when you close the lid?
yes in the windows power settings somewhere if your using vista, it says change what certain buttons do.
yep, right click on desktop, and go to personalize. click screen Saver at the bottom click on change power settings. Then to the left is the option to change what happens when you close the lid.
No Problem, it's a Mat$h!ta BD-CMB UJ-120 (i had to change the letters 'coz of the censors lol. -
hey, got got another little problem here..
why can't i instal certain games.. my Flatout 2 installer could not be executed..
is it because of vista compatibility? -
There is nothing about this laptop I would say is bad.
- Battery life is fine...it's not marketed saying it's got huge battery life.
- SD card is actually good that it's tucked in there good. card doesn't stick out, and will never get bumped by accident.
- Audio jacks are good too. front on the side...what could be better? in the front they are in the way of your workspace...in the back they are a pain to put in and out.
I work on my laptop 7 hours a day, and the only PITA is that all my old programs I used from windows 2000 dont' work on Vista. I ordred an xp cd and am trying to hold out...
Search for my post in the forums (I dont' think it was this thread) on the download link from asus...
I had to reinstall mine.
I had same problem as you.
works fine now.
M50Sv: Review & Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by GenTechPC, Mar 13, 2008.