raid 0, not sure if I specified raid 0 but I did indeed install it after. Its right in the manual tho that it wont work with raid 0.
I guess express gate must bypass the raid controller but yet its installed in the windows environment so with raid 0 its still totally installed to single drive/partition. Raid 0 would have it divided between the two. So when you boot into it from start up it only can read half the program. Just a guess but its logical.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Does anyone know if there is a DK for the secondary display screen? Or if it is even possible to dev your own application for the secondary screen? I hope there is because I have a sweet idea for an application to display on there but am not sure if this is possible.
They have been working on displaying custom information on the G1S OLED screen, there is a forum on this site, I don't think anyone has tried it yet for a G50V.
They used LCDHype to customize the info on the screen. I am hoping the G1S driver will work on a G50V also. -
I am about to receive the G50V-A1 on monday. I would like to know how the thread starter overclocked the CPU to 3.0 Ghz? Using that vista software or can I do this in XP too??
Also with all laptops so far I have always experienced small chops in games when new sounds were played. Does this laptop also chop a bit when new sounds are played in game? I think I saw it in the video of crysis in 1 of the review threads. If this one chops too, does anyone know why laptops do this and how to fix this weird problem? -
Also for the future, is it possible to obtain a card like the 9800M GT and put it into this laptop? -
Anyone know if the G50's OS discs force you to reinstall the bloatware? I remember my old Asus forced you to install all the Asus crapware before finishing the Windows install.
Flickshot: Sorry, it only goes to 2.8ghz IIRC. No idea how anyone got 3.0ghz -
SetFSB has a pll code that works for overclocking the FSB. I can get up to 3.23ghz (semi stable) but rock solid at 3ghz.
PLL code is ICS9LPR363DGLF. -
Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2015
this laptop is perfect for me except the RAM! I want the DDR3 since the motherboard support it!
also the G71V comes with PC3 10666 (1333 MHz) DDR3
so do you think the G50V will be available with DDR3 later? because i can wait few months
and why some of you say that the difference is marginally? 1333 is double the speed of the 667! -
a) 1066 speed (i think)
b) very high latency (bad)
Really, it's not that much better than lower latency but slightly slower (if at all) ddr2 800 ram (which is what the G50V has) -
Anyone figure out how to turn the lights off when the laptop is closed (but still on) Figure the average person may close the lid to put the laptop in stand by, but with the side lights still blinking thats killing the battery. Do I really need to set them to battery save mode, then close my laptop. Seems like it should default to that.
I'm trying to get lcdhype to work with my A2 and I loaded the scripts for the G1, the lcd never seems to pick up the new input. Anyone get it to work with the g50's? Am i missing a final command to send the output to the actual LCD?
With all laptops so far I have always experienced small chops in games when new sounds were played. Does this laptop also chop a bit when new sounds are played in game? I think I saw it in the video of crysis in 1 of the review threads. If this one chops too, does anyone know why laptops do this and how to fix this weird problem? -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Regarding DDR3, I also beleive it will not offer any gains unless you are running at 1600 mhz with CL7 or 8. The bottleneck will be the old P45 FSB based chipset anyways. Only with nehalem will faster memory start making more sense.
Currently 1333mhz modules for laptops run at CL9!!! And 1066mhz modules run at CL7 and CL8.
While the DDR2 800mhz laptop modules mostly run in CL5!
It will be another year until they get those 1600mhz cl8 modules out for laptops.
Does anyone know if the G50 has slots for DDR3?
I wish DDR5 makes it to desktops soon. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
No DDR3 support on the G50 I heard but I have not taken it apart to look yet. Its on my to do list.
I finally got my G50 and posting this on it right now. So far I love everything about this thing.
Edit- 100th post, how fitting. -
Got my G50V-A2
It is unusually big, bigger than the reported 14.3" width which kinda sucks for class. A bit on the warm side at first but it cooled down since then. Very light and very fast. Already removed the jumper from the hard drive too.
Can't configure my OLED mail settings though, anyone know how to do this? When you check the mail option, nothing happens so I'm not sure what this is for. I'm about to do a clean install, will this remove the awkward partitions of the HDD? -
Hey Docz,
Can you do me a favour and measure all the dimensions of your A2 while it is flat on a table.
Width, Height and Thickness (front and back).
I feel that the posted specs may be optimistic.
Thanks. -
15.5" x 10.7" x 1.3-1.6"
This was a very rough measurement and not really all that precise but it's a close enough. -
docz, did you also see a big increase in speed from removing the jumpers? im about 10 minutes away from picking up my a2 from the ups place and I want to know if i should do it right away
Honestly, I can't give you a good answer for that. I didn't do a whole lot before I took the jumpers out so I'm not sure. But right now it's blazing fast.
quick question, the warranty papers come inside the box right?
For both the 1 year accidental and the 2 year global?
How does the warranty work exactly o.o?
Sorry, I don't usually deal with warranty, but I'd like to get my facts straight -
ClearSkies Well no, I'm still here..
1. Correct. Complete and mail it in, or call Asus to register (currently there is database problem with Asus recognizing the G50 serial numbers for this step, which is being fixed).
2. Correct.
3. If something happens, you call Asus tech support for RMA. They arrange for overnight prepaid FedEx shipping both ways. You get it back fixed. (caveat = you only get one ADP claim during the 12 month coverage term). -
ahhh I see, thank you very much
Hey what video drivers is everyone using?
had a moment to spare and took a few shots:
Asus g50v-a1 + bag/mouse + zalman cooling pad (which honestly, with the temps this thing has I don't even NEED)
Notebook open with a common household object (for size reference of course)
Running Vista home premium 64, absolutely brilliant screen and the best one I've ever encountered in a laptop.
On desk with a Samsung 22" and dell 19" display. Makes a perfect addition to any setup!
P.S. I apologize for the lighting, This dwelling has no functional ceiling lights and i tend to work in minimal lighting (in this case blue LED xmas lights and red half working Halloween lights.) -
I'm diggin ur setup there Viking, the laptop seems to fit riiight in.
Excellent pics viking. I also like the setup, even the lighting. It has a "I don't want to let go of my college dorm years" feel to it but it's nice.
hahaha! the axes/swords and other armory items are the one thing that she can agree with in that bedlam.
lol I love how you're calling her wench. So I guess youre really a Viking then, eh? haha
oh yeah bump for people posting which video card drivers they are using right now. I'm having a real hard time getting Team Fortress 2 to run without this constant hiccup. I have almost all of the settings on medium, and the shadows and textures on low, and I've tried different resolutions and I've made sure it's on power extreme mode and the direct console is extreme mode as well. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
179.77 for me and it can play TF2 1280x800 maxed. My FPS was VERY high so high that I feel most confident it could handle TF2 1680x1050 maxed without problems.
Click the link in my sig near the bottom is my TF2 scores. -
On Topic:
Still waiting on my puter. It's "shipping" but I have no UPS tracking info yet. :taps foot impatiently: -
A question for my fellow owners, how far can you get from your laptop with a bluetooth device, I havent had time to test it personally but I have bluetooth remote control options on my phone and was wondering about the max distance I could use it at.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Id say I got the full 30/32 feet its supposed to give before I started to lose signal with my headphones.
The actual range will vary depending on the device im sure. -
Has anyone hooked there A2 up to a HDTV or HD monitor yet, because I can play bluerays fine on just the laptop but when I hook it up to my new samsung T260HD and play the blueray it says "Your display environment dose not support protected contents" so i do not know if it is the graphics card or my tv or what, I have it connected with a hdmi cable so it should work, any opinions on possible problems?
off topic: we each are going to have our own offices or i'm sure we are liable to cut off each others heads with our identical highlander replica katana's
on topic: I am using the same driver hack that vicious posted earlier and am getting high on all for TF2 -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
its my practice blade and I only use my real katana for cutting competitions (iaido)
On Topic: @ beast maybe its a HDCP issue, I would try a computer monitor or something that says it supports HDCP protocol and go from there if you have a friend with one you can test it on. -
G50V Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by greyreap, Jul 30, 2008.