Just got my g50 an hour ago![]()
really happy with it so far, it looks amazing
just one thing... How long does the initial set up actually take o.o its been installing asus applications for a good 1/2 hour now.. which i find kind of ironic since im going to uninstall most of them...lol
Got my Asus G50V-A1 just yesterday after a 2 and a half week wait. Well worth the long wait. The thing is just beautiful.
I'm really surprised about the noise, better yet, the lack of noise. It's just dead quiet. I've been using it for about 5 hours straight now (hah, my new toy) an so far I've just heard some clicks from the hard drives (I guess) when it's booting up/shutting down.
The keyboard is just perfect for me. No trace of the keyboard lag/missing keystroke problem.
I haven't had any problem with it so far. It's running smoothly. I'm about to do a clean install to get rid of the "4 partition" setup.
Is there a way to disable that explosion sound in the bios? That would be awfully akward in a crowded school library on campus! I changed the bios setting but that seems like it cuts out not only the bios sound, but windows sounds as well. Any one had any luck?
occasionaly when i unplug and plug the Ethernet cable, the system detects an SM BUS controller. It did this in vista too. Has anyone installed this?
nvm... It installed automatically. -
Not the volume option. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
I think Sparky got this one right EBE. I posted it also in the past.
I found out the hard way that turning the "Play post sound" off also turned off all sound in windows.
I also found that the "volume" in bios did not effect the volume in windows.
So the solution is to leave the post sound "on" but the volume to "0" and you should be good from there.
I went a good hour uninstalling and re-installing my sound drivers not even linking the fact I just turned off my post sound to my problems and I also put this information in my common g50 problems & fixes thread as to prevent the headache for anybody else.
edit: here is the thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=282617
I need to update it when I find the time with a few new things. -
Oh sorry, for some reason I remembered the other way around.
ok quick question...
I want to set up my Hard drives in the following way:
Use the first hard drive (all 250gigs) for windows and program installations
And use the second hard drive (all 250 gigs) for my documents, etc
How would i go about doing this with the recovery cd
ty -
Srry its just that im not familiar with vista or recovery Cds in general o.o (rly rly accustomed to using a full win xp cd) -
The easiest and sure to work way that I can think of is really a dirty workaround.
Disable the 2nd HDD from the BIOS.
Recover Windows with "Recover to entire HDD in 1 partition".
Reenable the 2nd HDD, delete all partitions on it and create a new partition that is the entire HDD. -
that makes sense
ok so i started formatting and now i have a new problem, I got the BSOD during installation (at the part where it says "setting up windows") so im attempting to reinsstall now
this hapen to neone else? -
Haha! The fix works!
At least it was a computer class -
but now im tryign to renenble the second HD, but it doesnt appear in bios..
any ideas? -
What options do you have under ATA devices in the BIOS?
Few random things I noticed:
- Webcam stops working after a few Hibernations, needs a full restart to begin working again
- Sometimes batt will stay on 96% - 98% and say Plugged in & not charging.
- if in sleep mode and the machine is warm (aka been used for quite a bit) and the lid is closed windows media center will start by itself (i'm assuming the splashtop key somehow gets activated when the lid is closed).
None of this is a deal breaker but just random things that can be slightly annoying. -
Okay jsut a random question for people, Have you charged your notebook battery up to 100% and left it "charging" for a while and then remove the ac source to discover your battery is apparently charged to 103%, this pops up on the secondary and I laugh seeing how my battery is putting in overtime!
New batteries are sometimes overspecced so that they will hold more charge than the designed value. So no worries in 103%.
I also think it's not much to worry if it stops charging at more than 95%. Although it can be a bit annoying. -
How do you turn on/enable the OLED display?
Seems like a dumb question but I honestly can't figure it out. -
I think you need to run ASUS Direct Console for that?
I ran DirectConsole and turned on what I want to show, but it's not turning itself on.
Did it run and then stopped, or did it never run?
If the latter, it may be faulty OLED hardware. -
I've never seen it on, but I just go the notebook today.
Anyone know if there's an off/on toggle?
I'm sure there's an option I'm missing to turn it on and off, not working would seem just... not right? But who knows. -
Something must be wrong. The OLED display on my G50V-A1 powers up by itself (with the ROG logo and "Republic of Gamers" text) a few seconds after booting up. Then stays on with a battery % indicator. -
Unfortunately it's difficult for me to give advice without seeing the menus myself, but I assume you should be able to enable the HDD from the same option where you disabled it.
For a PATA notebook, this would be something along the lines:
Primary Master
> Auto / Manual / Disabled
Secondary Master
> Auto / Manual / Disabled
and they should all be on Auto. -
What would be a good sound card for this guy? I was looking at one of these
http://us.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=1&subcategory=208&product=16642 -
I would advise against that card because the quality is not stellar (old DSP), instead it's probably on par with the integrated sound that your notebook already has. Rather than that, I'd recommend something like the Audio Advantage SRM.
Why do you want an external sound card? Newer integrated soundcards are pretty good, and I think you also have 5.1 and 7.1 via optical output (SPDIF). -
odd thing happened today, after hibernating/screen saver being on my resolution got reset to 1600x1024. This happened several times. *** is goin on?
Some power management bug, either in the video drivers or the ATK drivers. Standard procedure is to update/reinstall those drivers.
It was weird though, I had to change to a raid configuration for it to notice that HDD
but o well, i was planning to try out raid 0 anyway
thnx for the help E.B.E
Btw, since this morning my CPU has been acting really weird... It stays above 90% all the time, even when idling... I know there was a thread about somethign similar but no one mentioned anything about why it happened to them?? Any new developments on how to fix it? -
Yeah, check those threads, people have found some possible solutions.(The last solution posted involved unplugging the computer, booting into Battery Saver mode; that took care of the problem for one user).
hey just a quick question, what kind of slot adapter do i need to be able to read the pro duo memory sticks in the memcard slot ?
I'm getting some random freezings when I have a video, audio CD or a DVD playing. The screen freezes (if it's a video or DVD) and the sound starts stuttering really loud. It's getting annoying... It happens at least once while I'm watching a video or a DVD.
Anyone having the same problem or knows how to get rid it? Could it be Vista? I never had that problem with XP. -
Are we (as an owners of G50V-A1/2) able to upgrade faster hard drives? For example any SATAII 7200rpm 2.5in HDD???
thx -
Yes, you can upagrade. Any SATA 2.5 drive.
However, take into account that the difference between the last-gen, largest 5400RPM HDDs, and the previous-gen, largest 7200RPMs is doubtful to minor. This is because of data density differences.
Yes I have seen this, probably not as often as you have. I have problably watched about ten movies (1 regular DVD, the rest Blu-Ray's) and I would say that during about half of them it stuttered once during the movie. Unfortunately, I know of no fix...
BTW, I have the G50V-A2... -
anyone with a hypothesis on the stutter problem?
One question: Has anyone tried to install 2003 Server on it (don't ask me why I want Server, please; hehe)??? Probably, drivers will fit cause it's almost the same as XP, except those three or four which won't work (DirectConsole, IR,...)...I'll give it a shot, whatever
One problem: I have bad experience with my microphone! When I'm speaking over skype, the other side hear my voice so unclearly! (I tried to find where's the problem, check sound settings but without success) Can anyone help me with that?
thx in advance! -
Another question hehe
For the warranty, do I actually have to mail in that card or is it possible to register online/by phone
If i dont register that means no waranty for me right?
Also how long do I have to register?
ty ^^ -
wondering that question too. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
To my experience all built in laptop microphones are crap, and will continue to be crap, so get a cheap external one for like $5 or so, or a headset. -
i have a quick question that was probably asked in here, but i figure ill get a quick response as its nothing serious.
i don't like the way the drives are partitioned, if i was to format everything, and install vista ultimate (32bit)
is that 10gb partition i am seeing in disk manager important? is it a recovery partition i am not sure if i should be delete it or not -
dont delete it, it is the recovery partition
and bump for my question up there -
60 days from purchase to register, and i think you can only mail it in as you have to also mail the original reciept.
if you don't register your not entitled to the 1 year accident warranty -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
You can do it online, or call.
People were having trouble doing it online tho it was not recognizing the serial #'s so I have not even done mine yet. I need to remember to do it. -
i went on the asus site and created an account
it then asked my to register a product to become VIP (which i did)
will that do it? or will I have to mail it in with the receipt anyway? -
I just received my g50v in the mail two days ago =D. Loving it (screen is awesome; I'm not getting any of the backlight bleed or graininess recent asus screens are known for... I owned a g1s before this). No air bubbles on the OLED either. I do have a few issues though: when I'm hibernating and I disconnect the power, windows shuts down improperly... correct me if I'm wrong, but the advantage of hibernation is that it does not require power? Another thing, when I run HWMonitor it doesn't show my HDD temps. I'm running Raid 0; not sure if that makes a difference. Also... the OLED doesn't show time =P, whereas the G1S one did, although that's just a minor gripe of mine. Otherwise, love this laptop
. Oh, one last thing: Windows Live Messenger tends to crash a lot. Sometimes when I just turn on the system it crashes and I can't turn it on again until I restart again.
G50V Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by greyreap, Jul 30, 2008.