Ken - i know this may be a stretch but is there any way you can try running a 30" monitor via HDMI? Asus support doesn't know if it's dual link compatible, I know the card is but whether it works over HDMi is a whole different story
The G1S makes 3630 in 1280x1024 but the zepto makes that 3860 in 1024x768!!
Or the bench of the G1S is in 1024x768 ? ( The picture shows that the resolution is 1280x1024) -
While we are making off-topic requests, any chance of you commenting on the keyboard? If I recall, the G1 had some minor flex on the upper left side - has that been resolved?
I think you can take the included cleaning cloth, carefully fit it underneat the keyboard, and kiss flex problems goodbye? -
The G1s is kinda ugly, The screens seem to display significantly different colours on those pictures, Is the G1S a better quality screen? As much as I hate my Sony notebook the one thing they did right was putting in a good quality LCD.
I was thinking the same thing about the screen .... Do both of them have the same setting?
the colors looks so different, I don't have a chance to see them In real life so I don't know which screen is better. The 8600GT is dabomb... scores as high as 7900GS it's good enough to game. I'll wait til this card available for spare parts.
Overall G1s is getting better now. It's gotta make some good sales here. -
GenTech, Any news on the V1J Refresh? Cnet did a review of it with santa rosa and the 8600GT, But I dont understand why they've called it V1J as that model name is already taken by a different Asus Model.
Whats the battery life on the G1s ? how does it compare with the G1p?
Can they at least pinpoint a month? -
- not before August eh?
I've been searching for an alternative just in case for the past month...but..none exist -
G1S-A1 Overclocked:
For a moment I thought that was the F3Sv Score and got really excited -_-.
Cnet UK already have a model on their hands to review, So they must have a refresh planned if theyve distributed prototypes, And while Cnet is aweful, stupid, and have no idea about technology I wouldn't say their intentional liars. -
Thats a nice OC score, its a nice little improvement over stock speeds. Makes me happier I went with the G1S.
I definitely like what I'm seeing here so far for the G1S.
We appreciate what you've show us here right now.
F3SV-B1 Overclocked:
Thats severely disapointing that it dosent even hit 3000 when Overclocked...
Oops i was hoping that G1s hit 4800 - 5000 in 3dmark06
Gentech do think that's possible with new drivers some reg edit eg: dual core patch , more OC'in using cooling pad
-Jabriiiz -
On page 6 you posted a Lost Planet dx9 demo. I think the resolution reads 1280x720 or something like that and its Avg. 32 Snow 22 Cave 30.
Can you please tell what settings you used for Shadows, AA and AF.
Thank you! Great job keeping us updated! -
The zepto with the GT was benched at 1024x768 and got 4547 in 3DM06 here.
Ken, can you please run the bench at that res so we can compare like for like?
edit: with OC how as the heat from the G1s?
The GS is looking more and more disappointing. How do the 8400M G/GS/GT and 8600M GS/GT compare to the 7xxx cards? This is a pure guess:
go7400 ~ 8400G
go7600 ~ 8400GT
go7700 ~ 8600GS
go7900GS ~ go8600GT -
This is terrible as far as 3dMark scores should be for next-gen GPUs. Can we blame nVidia for not having mature enough drivers yet?
Yeah some blame lands with nvidia but also windows vista. All the go7x00 benchmarks were made with XP and all the 8x00M benchmarks with vista. That is already a decrease of a few 100 points I would think.
to see how much does the 512 mb and 800MHz ram will affect on the performance
-Jabriiiz -
Santa Rosa does not support 800mhz ram, unless the manufacturer states otherwise, and Asus does not.
It would be more interesting what differance the vram clock makes. Asus G1s has a 8600M Gt with 256MB GDDR3 running at 700mhz and the Zepto a 8600M GT with 512MB GDDR2 running at 400mhz.
I think for 3dMarks the G1s surely has the advantige because it cant make use of the 512MB. -
sesshomaru Suspended Disbelief!
Hmm... I was thinking of replacing my F3Jp with a F3Sv. Doesn't seem a good idea anymore... And I really don't like the looks of a G1. A score 2400ish, means i won't be able to play even the least demanding DX10 Games.. Guess that rules out Crysis.... I really expected better than the GS in the F3, or at least both options should be available. Maybe they would include the GT later on.. Any hopes of that, Ken?
What about its screen .
By the pictures i see that its all green looking it sideway, i remember my xps m170 and 1710 screen didnt do that at alli could still see what was going on on the screen looking it sideways .z
m i wrong ? Are asus laptop screens as good as Xps s ? -
is the ram for the F3 still 1g? Or did I just read that screen wrong.
Thanks for the excellent and rapid posting of test results. I'm glad I switched my order from the F3SV-B1 to the GS1-A1.
To the list of "would you please try this" requests, I add: please repeat the 3DMark and WEI tests with 4 GB of RAM in the GS1. -
I am at home now and I didn't borrow the RAM from our warehouse, I'll try 4GB on Tuesday. -
Hi guys, I got Lost Planet DX10 to work, will post more pictures
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
Hey, what were your exact OC specs for the G1S? (Mem clock, Core Clock, Temp, etc.) So If I wanna do it on my own I can fast track it =P.
Your scores are pretty weird cos according to this site ( 8600GS should have same memory clock as GT. Only number of processors is different. GS should have higher core clock... Difference shouldn't be so HUGE between these.
btw i know ST don't support 800MHz ram but who knows maybe it's make difference
ThanK u Ken 4 ur time
-Jabriiiz -
Maybe the specs from nVidia is saying what is capable of but it's up to manufacturer how they want to modify it. Just like the ATI X1600 on different notebooks has different clock speed. -
The 8600M GS does have a higher core clock but it also has a significantly lower tex fill-rate..
which can only mean 8600M GS do lesser texels per clock..(8 vs 16 maybe? 600x 8 vs 475x 16) -
Believe on real world test, check this out, 3DMark06 2191 with GS 512MB and F3SV-B1 is only 256MB very close to my score:
ImSpartacus point it out:
"the 8600m gs has higher clocks and half the stream processors.
so basically the gs is a pentium 4 processor clocked at 3.4 GHz and the gt is a C2D clocked at 2.13 GHz.
In another analogy the gs has a small door to fit information through, so it shoves info thru fast. the gt has a door twice the size of the gs, so it can push stuff thru at a slower pace, but still out proform the gs."
And according Anandtech:
"While we are unable to present any concrete benchmarks at this time"
Translate: We don't have anything to show you except nVidia's specs. -
Can you please run a 3dMark06 benchmark at 1440x900 or 1680x1080 resolution?
Thank you
G1S 8600M GT vs F3SV-B1 8600M GS Benchmark
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by GenTechPC, May 24, 2007.