I changed to a SSD and installed a fresh new Windows 8, which I updated to Windows 8 Pro. Now I just realised that the place where I could choose Minimum processor state and Maximum processor state is totally gone under advanced settings and energy settings..
My battery time changed from around 5-6 hours of use to 3-4 hours after this happened. Is there any other way to change maximum and minimum processor state?
Thanks in advance
This might be a very stupid question, but i am asking it anyway since i cannot find anything about it.
I have bought the UX32VD R4002H(this version has win8 preinstalled) and i want to do a clean install of windows 8 so i can get rid of all that crapware.
To do this i know i have to make an iso file and put it on a bootable device.
My question is, where do i download the windows 8 file, or can i create it on my system?
Through my searches i can find only an windows 8 upgrade version to download, but since i already have windows 8, im not sure this is the right thing to install. I'm also getting a little bit confused about how much space needed on the bootable device, my common sense says around 4 gigs, but im sure ive read something about 32 gigs?
Any help would be appreciated! -
Checks pages 61 and 60 in this thread.
http://lookpic.com/O/i2/1216/N5PGute4.jpeg (If it doesn't work, update the page and then it worked for me) -
Now i have installed windows 8 on my issd and all seems to be working my only problem is im running out of space on the issd... I have 22.4 gigs to use and only 667 mb left, im not sure this is enough for the rest of the updates.
So my question to you is, how do i create more space, is there fx some programs not needed i can remove? -
And another issue, i have problems installing many of the zenbook drivers, fx usb 3.0 from fresco. Why could this be? -
Most people don't recommend disabling page files altogether and I am not sure if it is a safe idea completely disabling it. However, you can still move it to another drive. For example you can set a small page file in your C drive while setting a large one in the hdd.
Check this link for some instruction:
6 Ways To Free Disk Space In Windows 7
However, you obviously want to install all programs on the hdd since your system drive on the iSSD is too small. You will need to move user folders that are in the C drive by default, to the hdd. -
one more thing, im still having problems with installing drivers, and my touchpad driver from asus isn't always available.
Once again thx for the reply, bexause im pretty much on rock buttom now. -
Hello UX32VD owners,
I just bought this ultrabook and I am very satisfied. However I have noticed something weird that may be linked to this post:
I have an IPS display (the Full HD 1080) and Windows 8. Windows 8 brightness auto adjustment is disabled.
When running on battery there is a brightness adjustment delay when switching between bright and dark scenes.
To reproduce this behavior:
-you can set your desktop background with this wallpaper:
-Make sure you are unplugged (on battery)
-Then just display a window on your screen let's say in the upper left corner or in the middle so it allows you to see your desktop background.
-switching between desktop only (by reducing the window) to desktop + window opened, you can see some "flickering" on the desktop background in the gradient parts (look at the right).
This happens only when running on batteries. When the PC is plugged in, no flickering at all. Like if the screen adjust its brightness when running on battery.
You can notice this also when switching between a dark window and a bright window. You will see the brightness slowly increase.
Anyone can confirm this?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Lawrence. -
How is Win 8 running on this?
That's what I have done. I did learn there are other methods such as changing registries but I didn't want to tamper with registries at all since from my personal experience it can cause problems later (Windows is not intelligent enough to find these kind of problems and solve them).
The only things: the above method does not move all files from C:\Users\ABC. There are still some hidden files and folders there. I just checked the properties of C:\Users\ABC and it says it is as big as 2.6GB. I enabled seeing hidden files but it still doesn't show what is taking this space of 2.6GB.
iSSD used to be 32GB. Too bad Asus decided to shrink it to 24GB. I feel like 24GB is too little while 32GB could have been alright.
As per installing the programs, just at the installation windows choose costume installation and choose a location on the HDD drive instead of C:\Programs. You can likewise create a folder called Programs in the HDD.
As per touchpad drivers: It is probably better to install the ATK package first and then, I chose to install Elantech drivers. To find the driver, Google search your Asus and Elantech touchpad driver all together. It should lead you to the correct one. The one I found was on Asus website. I don't know if there are more recent versions elsewhere that work better but it seems other people have tried these drivers from other websites. -
How long does your UX32VD lasts on battery when browsing web with Windows 8?
Hi guys, I have a ux32vd-r4002p.
I deleted all partitions on the hard-disk mechanical and I installed windows 8 on this. I have not formatted the internal ssd that consist of two partition, one of 4gb and one of 18gb as the original.
Now, when I press the del button, i can not access to the bios, and if I put a pendrive and press esc the boot windows that allows you to choose to boot from pendrive doesn't appear.
How do I fix this?
Thanks -
Finally it looks as if there is a solution to the Intel USB3.0 issues in Windows 8!!
I was definitely experiencing slow USB3.0 speeds using the standard Microsoft drivers on my UX32VD running Windows 8 x64.
I followed this hack: Windows 8 and Intel USB 3.0 Host Controllers | Plugable
Now my USB3.0 ports are running at full speed!
Hope this helps some fellow UX32VD owners. After upgrades this truly is a brilliant laptop -
Hello Snurb,
Thanks for this info.
If you have the Full HD IPS display on your UX32VD, can you check if the behavior described here is due to the technology of Asus or if if it is only some displays/batteries showing it?
Thanks. -
Sorry but I don´t remember the aplication name. -
Also if you are going to modify min and max CPU state, you must use the latest Elan driver for the touchpad (11.5.09 or above) or max and min CPU will reset to 100% (or switch min for max and viceversa) after a few minutes. The problem for this is the Smart Gesture driver in the download page for the UX32VD.
http://support.asus.com/Download.aspx?SLanguage=en&m=Touchpad&os=30 -
Hello thanks for the suggestion, but this is not it since I resinstalled W8 from scratch. I believe this is more a hardware technology. I just want to confirm that. Can you follow the described procedure? I am pretty sure that any UX32VD will 'suffer' from this.
Hi to all. I'll be upgrading my UX32VD-DH71 to SSD + 10Gb RAM and I have some questions for you guys that did the same..
is there any way to keep using the OEM activation key ASUS provides in the new windows 8 installation?
also, I'd like to have everything working correctly as right now.. is there a special order to install the drivers?
any tips will help.. -
Thanks to Phatmatt for this
0-THe Windows 8 Key is stored somewhere in the UEFI (BIOS). No worry here, no key prompt displayed. New Windows 8 activation method.
1-If you want to install using the UEFI natively along with GPT Partitions, you will need to copy the WIndows 8 (x64 version only, otherwise it won't install in UEFI/GPT mode) to a USB key formatted with FAT32 (UEFI won't boot on a NTFS filesystem, it will boot in BIOS compatible mode).
3-Install Windows. You don't need to worry about manually converting your disk with fdisk to GPT, installation will do it for you automatically if you followed previous steps. Otherwise it will install but in the BIOS compatible mode.
2-Install the drivers in the following order:
You can download all drivers shown above from Asus website except the ATKPackage.
After contacting Asus because some function keys were not working, one Asus guy sent me this link to download another version (1.0.0025) which works http://www.asustreiber.de/jdownloads/ASUS ATK Komponenten/atk_package_v1.0.0025.zip Don't know why their website is not updated with this version.
Lawrence. -
UPDATE: So it booted after about 15 minutes, so my question changes to: Why does it takes so long to boot (waking up is just as quick as before)? It's clean Windows 8 install with Chrome and drivers.
P.S. Elan driver is worse than Smart Gesture driver, for example scrolling seems a bit laggy and navigating through running apps has worse reactions. Any ideas, how to make it work better? -
I got the UX32VD-DH1 laptop a few days ago and noticed every time I pick up the laptop it makes this very annoying popping noise. I noticed it as soon as I took it out of the packaging. Realised the bottom of the case was flexing causing it to scrape against the edges. Putting a tiny bit of pressure near the edge (where you would pick up the laptop from) would make the popping noise. As someone who spent $1200 dollars on a laptop, this was completely unacceptable. I sent it back and hopefully will get a replacement soon.
Here it is happening:
Asus UX32VD-DH71 flexing pop - YouTube
Am I the only one who had this problem? -
I posted about it last week:
and I think there was mention way earlier in the thread also. -
I got the same problem as well
Skickat från min Galaxy Nexus via Tapatalk 2 -
Since ive reinstalled win 8 if have had all kiiindz of problems, and im thinking about it might be the order i installed the drivers in thats the issue. -
Didn't realize until having bought the laptop, but I really wish there was a PgUp, PgDown, Home, and End buttons.
I wonder if there's a way to map over existing keys. -
Skickat från min Galaxy Nexus via Tapatalk 2 -
Howdy people!
Has anyone else experienced that the UX32VD keyboard doesent like the cold?
I just arrived from my work related trip and this guy backed into my car, while I was waiting in a queue.
THen after a while filling out forms and I finally got home, my PC was "frozen" (I guess it was -8C, maybe even colder in the car).
My keys stopped working, or some of them.. But after about 5 minutes now everything works
So, if you have the same experience, give it some minutes and maybe you are lucky like me, it's just temporaryoops. It seems my tab button is not back yet .8, also my left shift .P but I have all the letters AFAIK.
That's a lot of buttons. -
Skickat från min Galaxy Nexus via Tapatalk 2 -
I recently purchased a ux32vd, and installed an ssd and windows 8 on it. The system now takes a long time (~5mins) to boot and hard freezes when I wake from sleep. Anyone else having this issue?
Also, the mssd is now missing from boot options and from diskpart, disk management. -
There's a 6-7 mm play in hinges on my laptop when closing the lid. I can't recall if I had the same problem with my first UX32VD. I believe I didn't, I think I would have noticed if the lid didn't snap shut. Could anybody tell me if they experience the same problem? Does your lid snap shut when you close your laptop or are the hinges a bit loose?
Thanks! -
After doing a lot of programming on the UX32VD, I some times almost do it on my stationary PC at work, then I think: oh, wait.. There is no FN there -
Photographers usually put their cameras in the zipper storage bags -- made for example of PVC -- before they come home, so that water condenses on the bag instead of on the equipment. Then in an hour or so the device can be taken out of the bag and be used again.
When that is said, yesterday it happened agian.
This time the PC was in my bedroom.
I have a system that controls the heat in all my rooms and for power save usage, I let it become as cold as about +12C in daytime, in the bedroom.
When I got the PC, the same happened egain... LOL.. So the keyboard cant handle about +12C. -
Hi guys,
I have recently buyed this fantastic ultrabook, i wanted to know, if I leave the power attached to pc, when the battery is completely charge, the battery may be dameged?
is equipped with a circuit that does not charge the battery if it is fully charged? -
It shouldn't damage -- at least if your notebook is functioning properly. However when your battery's charge falls below 95% it's automatically charged to 100% when you plug the power adapter in, then it works consuming energy from adapter rather than from battery.
ok, thanks
Asus UX32vd owners lounge.
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Hendrickson, Jul 31, 2012.