Just curious -- Why did you purchase the u45jc over the u43jc? I'm debating between both of these laptops and I'm having a hard time deciding. The u43jc is a about $20 cheaper once I factor in the $150 Amazon giftcard promotion (plus I would get the WiDi adapter for free). It seems that the u43jc is better than the u45jc in every respect other than overall design (I think the Bamboo looks tacky -- but it seems like a lot of people like it), thickness (the u43jc is 1.2" while the u45jc is 1.1" -- not sure how big of a difference this feels like in person), and battery life (u43jc is advertised at 10 hours, u45jc is advertised at 11.5 hours -- not sure what their true battery lives are). Does anybody have a sense of how the display quality differs between the two (Amazon user reviews suggest that the u43jc screen is great -- I wonder if the u45jc shares this quality).
i set my power4gear to Quiet Office and i reduce the LCD brightness to 0 from control deck...
getting about 4hrs 50 mins use time with skype on with conference call going on...
is the battery life somewhat expected? 5 plus hrs?
thanks -
hmm...my U45Jc is starting to exhibit weird whining sound from the HDD.... started to happen when my laptop run out of battery and it starts going into hibernate mode...then i quickly plug in AC power cord but did not make it...when i reboot my computer...starts to have that whining sound....sheesh....
I recently jumped ship from the U35JC to the U45JC, since J&R is selling them both for $799. They didn't even have a product page for the U45 until today, but they have been taking preorders for the U35 for over a month!
Long story short, I got tired of waiting, and decided that I would be better off with an internal optical drive, just in case. -
Now with the price lowered, I'm leaning back toward the u45, though I am still concerned about the whining noise some are reporting. For those that have this comp, how many are hearing a whine? Is it very loud or noticeable? Is it always there or only present at certain times? Thanks.
Okay weird..my U45JC just suddenly went to a blue screen with a bunch of white text. The only words I caught were "if this is the first time this has happened, restart.." then it restarted on its own.
Anybody know what this is? I'm computer illiterate, so should I be worried? Had the U45Jc for about 2 weeks now with no problems, and very happy with it. -
So I decided to ignore amd's advice because I heavily preferred the 14 inch screen. However, I received the u45jc today and all of the issues he mentioned Im experiencing as well (keyboard flex, insecure battery etc). I'm gonna go and exchange it for the u30 tomorrow. I realized I'd prefer something a lil smaller anyways. Plus WiDi and an aluminum palm rest area are always a plus...
That's a fairly standard blue screen. There are a million reasons that one can pop up, so if you can get a log of what happened when you boot back up and paste it here, I'm sure we can help you find what went wrong.
So I talked myself back into the u45 (b/c I'd be saving money and getting an extra year of warranty) and just ordered it, although I now see that Amazon has it for 799 as well, and I would have liked to order it there to get the free 2 day shipping with prime. Anyway, can anyone talk me through creating the recovery discs for the laptop? This is my first new computer in about 8-9 years and my first laptop, so I am pretty uninformed in this area.
to my understanding, when i turned it on and it installed everything automatically (as it usually does when u start windows for the first time), a pop up box comes up asking you to make the back up cd's. All you need to do is have some blank dvd's and i think you're good to go -
and pls prepare about 4 DVDs...
it occurs to me 2 days ago but yesterday i don't hear any whining noise... so it's not something that is persistent, which is bad news because you can't use this reason for warranty claim... cause the notebook might work perfectly when you try to send the laptop back for warranty claim...
The $799 Amazon price is not eligible for Prime, since it is sold by J&R.
I sort of had the high pitch noise problem with my U45JC. I noticed that it was only when idle. I google'd for similar issues and found a solution that worked for me.
Go to-Control Panel>Hardware and Sound>Sound
Select the Recording Tab.
Right-click the Microphone and select Properties.
Select the Listen Tab.
Select and Check the Listen to this device.
Select the Levels Tab.
Click the speaker icon to mute the microphone.
Click OK.
Hope this helps some users. So far I'm enjoying my U45JC. -
how would you guys say this compares to the u460 from lenovo?
both are around the same price as of todays coupon -
the u45jc doesnt have an aluminum palmrest? but the u30 does?
thanks...by doing this, will i still be able to use the microphone and talk via skype?
hi guys, im new here and just got the u45jc, its working fine so far but i can't seem to locate the webcam. i tried doing a search in windows but nothing shows up, did i uninstall something that made the webcam not show up? thanks.
Hi folks,
Is it worth upgrading the memory in the U45JC? If so, where can I check what memory would be compatible? Crucial's memory advisor doesn't seem to have this model in their list of laptops. -
example, if urs is 1333mhz, better find one with the same 1333mhz..
but iianm u series will reduce it to 1066mhz as it will support until tht lvl.. -
I've noticed the HDD whine but it's definitely very intermittent. I haven't tried the microphone fix suggested earlier but I will the next time I notice the noise.
My battery does wiggle in the slot but I don't really see a problem. It's not noticeable unless you're trying to shake it and even then, it's not like the battery is disconnecting at all.
My trackpad is slightly warmer than the adjacent palm-rests, but I think it's only noticeable because the palm-rests stay so cool. Mine definitely hasn't gotten warm enough where I notice it or think it's a problem.
The laptop is growing on me more and more. I'm still struggling with the trackpad usage but I am coming from an iBook, so maybe I've been spoiled. -
The 'solution' by TwinDragons worked for me as well, but it doesn't really fix it and I want to be able to skype.
Does anyone else with the U45JC have the high pitch noise? I havent seen anyone else reporting it.
Wondering if mine is just faulty and should return it.
It's strange too because it's louder when I browse with Google Chrome vs Firefox when it's less. -
Hey guys i just picked up my U45jc the other day and i havent had any problems thus far but the 2 touch scrolling feature stopped working yesterday and the mouse whenever my finger is just left on the pad is very jittery but only when trying to stand still its verying annoying.
Im just wondering if this is a problem thats known or if theres a fix or if i should RMA the device.
Also is there anyway to disable the touchpad when typing or anything like that because i seem to hit it more often then not even when typing this statement here. -
There should be a Fn combination (for me it's Fn+f9) that turns off the trackpad. My trackpad is very jittery too, I think it might be because of the textured surface. I'm not sure what caused the scrolling to stop working, did you try another driver?
Yeah fn F9 doesnt work it doesnt disable the track pad ive even gone into the drivers and hit disable it does nothing though i got the scrolling to work but it pisses me off when i click while typing
does anyone know how to get the fn keys for play/stop/pause/ffwd/rewind to work with winamp?
>>> The computer store near my house has Asus U45J. Is it the U45JC? I checked the laptop: specification are identical, but not the name and the weight.
Thanks @TwinDragons for posting your solution to the noise. It seems to have worked for me, too.
updates from anyone how are things running? -
sending it back
yes...i do have the occasional HDD whine.... weird isn't it?
It may be helpful to determine what HDD those experiencing the perceived HDD whine have in their systems. I'm curious if those who upgraded the HDD from the default aren't hearing the noise.
I have the default 500GB 5400RPM HDD and I HAVE the CPU whine.
Others? -
you sure it's the CPU whine? or HDD? hmm...interesting...i thought it sounds more to HDD whine...
anyone experiencing battery drain ?
I know that this isnt specific to the U45, but i have a U35JC and also experience the CPU whine. Many different computers seem to have it. Please go to this link and complain about your problem along with the computer model in hopes of Asus actually doing something about it.
ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Forum- How to eliminate high pitch noise?
-JFlem -
I just ordered a U45JC! it's supposed to arrive on monday. Im very excited. Anything important to do related to getting it?
hey guys,
first time poster, long time lurker... i've really appreciated all the insights and information offered here by the users of this forum. It's helped me to decide on what to buy for my first laptop, the u45jc-a1. i'm expecting it this week, & i'm very much looking forward to getting my hands on it! i did have another question, i've scoured the internet looking for the answer with no luck. Since you all have been so helpful with other's questions, i thought i'd bring it up here. What i want to know is, my u45jc i ordered will be shipping with the core i3 370m processor. Is this processor upgradeable at some point in the future? I'm thinking specifically of the core i5-450m, which apparently ships on some of the overseas models. I also thought i saw this as an option on the xotic pc website a couple weeks ago, although that doesn't appear to be the case any longer.
I think the i3 370m will be fine for the majority of my work, i'm an architect and deal with autocad and occasional 3D modeling/BIM programs like sketchup and revit. looking at the specs, it actually outperforms the desktop workstation i use now everyday at work! but future growth is important to me (i actually moved up to the u45 from the u35 after realizing the u45 had the capability to upgrade the RAM to 8gb max vs. 4gb max for the u35). And so I want to know if the processor could, someday, be swapped out for the core i5 (overseas CPU variant?) on the this model without too much headache... and if so, which variants of the i5 could be installed? core i5 450m? how about the core i5 520m?? even if your answer is just to point me in the direction of someone who might know the answer, i appreciate all responses. thanks! -
I was told by xoticpc that the cpu is soldered in place. I think there is more info on this in the u35/u45 thread, here.
Hey guys,
Just wanted to write a quick review about the ASUS U45Jc. I lurked this forum for a long while before deciding to buy it, so I thought I'd write a little something in case anyone else was thinking about buying this computer.
Overall I am very happy with my purchase. The laptop has been great for my purposes so far (I'm a university student). I've had the laptop for about 3 weeks now and so far no problems (knock on wood, lol). I'll try to address some of the problems people have been talking about. I've also got some questions for you guys, if you don't mind.
1) Amazing battery life - This is probably my favourite thing about this computer... Battery goes for about 8 hours usually. I have it set to the lowest brightness setting (still bright enough to use the laptop comfortably). I usually do a lot of internet surfing and word processing, downloading PDFs, chatting on windows live messenger, and usually all at the same time and the battery still goes for 8 hours. If music is playing you'd probably get about 5 hours. But seriously guys, battery is awesome. I'm always making fun of my friends (even the ones with Macs) for their inferior battery life. The only time I have ever charged my laptop is at night when I go to bed. I don't even need to take the cord with me to school.
2) Core I3 370M - love it... amazing for multitasking... does not slow down when there's a load of microsoft word files open, PDFs, MSN messenger, windows media player, firefox (with multiple tabs). It works amazingly.
3) Heat - usually almost none. Gets slightly warm on the left palm rest (barely noticable) and on the bottom. Warm air blows out of the fan (kinda nice if ur fingers are cold). Gets slightly hotter when you're playing videos or doing heavy multitasking. Trackpad can get slightly warm as well. Keep it on a solid surface where heat can dissipate easily and it won't get on at all.
4) Noise - VERY quite laptop. My last laptop was an HP DV6000 and that thing wouldn't shut up. The only time I can hear this laptop is in a quiet room, and the only thing I hear is what sounds like the fan gently blowing air out. Very quiet.
5) Light weight/small size - Like I said, I'm a student... I'm loving the 14 inch screen and the light weight... makes it very easy to carry around to class. Btw, it is very durable and I haven't noticed any design flaws except the keyboard flex which I'll address later on.
6) Express Gate - they say it launches in 8 seconds... mine launched in 4... The internet browser looks lame and the resolution in express gate isn't that great anyways, but it's great if you need to get on the internet or w/e quickly without turning the computer on.
7) Fast Start up/Shut down - My old HP took forever to power on and shut down so this is a huge improvement. It boots up in about a minute and shuts down in about 15 seconds. Actually, it takes longer to go into Hibernate mode than to shut down.
1) Speakers - They SUCK! very bass-less sound. Thinking about buying cheap speakers to plug into when I'm using my laptop at home. Again, this is a minor con and should not deter anyone from buying the laptop.
2) Track Pad - although there is 2 finger scrolling and 3 finger right click (which are awesome features), the track pad really isn't that great. The one on my old HP felt smoother. It's not too bad though. Just once in a while it feels a tad unresponsive, but as soon as I take my fingers off and put them back on, it works fine.
3) Long wait time for Hibernate Mode - maybe I'm just so used to everything else being super fast on this laptop, but I've noticed that going into hibernate mode takes longer than most things. I haven't timed it so I can't give you an accurate assessment. It's not bad though. Again, just something very minor.
Can't really think of any other flaws off the top of my head (not sure there are any more). I'll address some of the stuff people have been talking about here now.
CPU/HDD whining noise - Yes, it has come up for me. It came up only twice during the 3 weeks I've had this computer. First time, it went away immediately after I restarted the computer. Second time, it went away on its own in like 3-5 mins. Don't know what caused it. I remember I had Firefox open both times though. Don't think that's what it was because I've used firefox a lot without it coming up... just an observation though. It wasn't as loud as I was expecting. Not sure if I would have heard it if I was using the computer in a public place. But still, it happened. It hasn't come up in about a week and a half so I'm hoping I've seen the last of it (again, knock on wood lol).
Keyboard Flex - I'm honestly not sure I would have noticed it if I wasn't looking for it. You don't feel it when you type. It happens most in the top left area of the keyboard. But again, you don't notice it unless you actually push down at that area. It might flex about a millimeter or slightly less when typing normally... again, not something you notice unless you're looking for it. I use my laptop all day in classes taking notes and the keyboard has been awesome. My friend who's in comp sci loves the keyboard and didn't notice any flex at all when he was typing with it (of course, i didn't tell him about it).
Hmm, what else...
The screen is awesome. When you've got the brightness all the way up it looks fantastic. Viewing at angles isn't that great but that's really not a problem... just adjust the screen to the right angle.
The lid IS aluminium brushed. I don't know how anyone could possibly think that it's not. Its always cold and feels/looks like metal. Speaking of which, the laptop looks very sleek and I've had a lot of comments about it.
The mouse buttons or w/e you want to call them are fine. Not hard to press in or anything like people say.
I hope that was an informative review for you guys. If you want me to comment on anything else please let me know. I'm not a gamer so unfortunately can't comment on anything like that, but there are some vids of a guy gaming on it on youtube that you can check out.
I just have some questions I was hoping someone could answer for me.
1) Can someone tell me about Super Hybrid Engine? So far I've kept it turned off... don't know if it's any good or what. Someone please let me know if they've used it and if it makes a difference on performance or battery life.
2) Can someone give me some more info on the different battery options ASUS has. I've been using Power4Gear Quiet Office and it's been good. What's the difference between Power4Gear Quiet Office, Power4Gear Entertainment and Power4Gear High Performance? I know they kind of speak for themselves but Quiet Office was something I was wondering about.
3) I haven't really used the Nividia control panel much... what's that all about?
4) should I bother downloading the drivers for this laptop on the ASUS website?
I guess I haven't really experimented a lot with the laptop. It's been amazing for my daily needs so I figured why mess with it. Let me know what you guys think about those questions.
Mr. Pink -
The CPU whine I'm experiencing at the moment is absolutely unbearable!!!
Ugh... please let this end up being a Bios\Software issue and not an unfixable Hardware issue. -
Is the whine there all the time? I noticed that I only hear it when I am using FF.
I'm running stock BIOS and have not experienced any whining noise (knock on wood). My old HP laptop made high pitched sounds, similar to what you hear when you plug headphones into a computer's headphone jack. It fluctuated in pitch and volume.
I've had several Asus U45JC all with the same high pitched sound coming from the keyboard area. I finally figured out what is causing it. When I plug in my wireless mouse receiver the annoying sound starts, stops when I unplug. Can other confirm this is the case. Now that a cause is know, what can be done to fix the problem????
re Bloatware.
I'm seriously considering the ASUS U45JC. Pardon my ignorance and I did look at the thread on ASUS bloatware, but my question is: As long as you make sure that the bloatware programs don't run at startup, what does it hurt for them to just exist? It's not clear why you need to uninstall them if they are doing no harm. Many users, including me, are not expert enough to do a clean install, whatever that is. -
Has anyone change the HDD and checked if the whine still exists??
Has anyone here install Nvidia latest 260.63 beta drivers?
I was able to install the 258.96 none betas with no issue however the beta say no graphics card compatible blah blah blah. thx in advance. -
I installed a new hard drive in mine, and I don't notice any whining; but I can't say I'd noticed it before I swapped out the drive, either, so your mileage may vary.
Does anyone know if I can turn off the graphics that pop up when I use the hotkeys to change the brightness and volume? They're driving me crazy.
*** Asus U45JC Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by FlamingTortilla, Aug 5, 2010.