Just rec'd my I7 11.6" today, everything seems fine after updating, except the wifi doesn't always connect when resuming from sleep. However, the build quality is not quite there on my sample - the bottom case towards the front has two bulges (between screws), very annoying especially when pressure is applied.
Only read a few pages but sounds like you kids are having fun. Good luck. New radical design then add new crazy operating system I don't wish that on anyone.
Has anybody had issues with Firmware 208 and the backlit keyboard? I upgraded firmware from 205 to 208 yesterday, and now my backlit keyboard will not stay lit at the Windows 8 login prompt. It turns on when I turn on the computer, then turns off at the login screen and then turns on again after I log in. This is really annoying for me since I often use that computer to work in the dark (connected to a telescope), and logging in becomes a real pain. Unfortunately, the Asus flash utility (both WinFlash and the one in the BIOS) will not let me roll back the firmware.
It just really annoys me when an update messes up a previously working feature, -
The problem with the headphone jack not being recognized has resurfaced in my 2nd unit, anyone else experiencing this problem?
(also anyone else discover that holding the volume rocker on the side registers the "h" key?) -
I am trying to prevent my Taichi from going to sleep when I close the lid, because I want to connect it to an external display/keyboard and use it with the lid closed. But even after setting all the relevant Power Options to "Do nothing", it still goes to sleep as soon as I close the lid.
I even shipped it to the ASUS repair center and they reinstalled the OS and upgraded the BIOS, but it did not help.
It is not the hardware for sure, because when I uninstall ATKACPI it stops going to sleep when closing the lid (but then of course I would have all kind of other problems running without the ATK, so that is not a solution).
Did anybody else notice the same thing? -
'However, I am having a strange issue where the device registers phantom touches on the touch screen for a few seconds after resuming from sleep, even in notebook mode. I also saw a review in which the touch panel remained active in notebook mode, meaning you could put your hand around the screen and use touch when the outer screen was off. This might be what was happening.''
Hi carbnebula thank you so much for identifying the problem.. I just received my Taichi and it as such a nightmare to see those touches and sometimes selection boxes appearing out blue on both screens. And plus the screens are so jumpy on both sides they swich back without my will especially the touch screen feels like some ghost is using lol.
Unfortunately I got my machine from Amazon and shipped it to Turkey. How did you proceed with notifying the fault to Asus? Where shall i start? I am so disappointed.. : ( -
Anybody here know why the Taichi 31 seems to be discontinued?
I'd like a 13" Haswell Taichi, but no news and nowhere is it available... -
where can I buy a replacement stylus for my taichi from somewhere that ships to canada?
So after sending mine back to ASUS for touchscreen/heat issues, for the most part I've been a happy camper this summer. My only current issue is that the keyboard is no longer backlit ever; anyone have a similar issue and know how to resolve it? I think I've already tried older drivers but to no avail.
I have a problem after resetting my taichi 21 to factory standard.
I can't activate Windows 8, and I'm told to buy a new license key.
I have contacted asus support, and they tell me to start a RMA, and send the notebook to them.
I don't understand that (I have done that with several other notebooks, without problems), so I Wonder if anyone here can help me to activate it.
Could it be a setting in the bios? -
Hi everyone, I'm new here and just got the taichi.
It seems great so far, but I have a question; does anyone know how to make the primary display brighter, aside from the brightness controls on the function key? I know this display can go brighter, because when rebooting, the display brightens up. I imagine this has something to do with the ambient light sensor or something else, but I really hate that kind of stuff, and always disable it. I realize that this affects battery life, but don't really care.
I've searched around and haven't found much, so if anyone has thoughts, i'd love to hear them. Thanks! -
Ah, got it. Function+A. Thank jeebus!
anyone here tried windows 8.1 preview on the Taichi? it seems to interfere with the screen switch - or is it just my machine?
All drivers from windows 8 work fine with it.
But I would wait till it comes officially if I were you. (18 oct)
btw, 8.1 will let us use 6 or even 7 rows in metro ui -
Thank you for your answer! on the Microsoft community people said it does not work for them (for example: Can't get the screen to auto flip to the second screen when I - Microsoft Community) and someone even wrote that the problem consist with the RTM version so I was a bit worried. when I changed to win8.1 preview it did not work for me either so I went back to win 8 until the final release
Thanks again! -
I have a question - when you work on the inner screen and then shut the lid to work on the outer screen - does the stylus work right away?
for me it doesn't (touch does stylus doesn't) I have to set it to sleep and wake it up and only then it works - any idea on this?
sorry for my english -
Sure enough after i installed 8.1 from the Windows store yesterday i had the same problem looked on Asus's website no new driver available, 8.1 updated the driver. I rolled back to and it fixed the problems with the screen switching.
Too bad we cant get the benefit of the latest Intel drivers, they do make improvements over what was shipped with the Taichi. -
unfortunately I still have another issue with my devise - the stylus sometimes doesn't respond and I need to set the machine to sleep and wake it up for the stylus to work again. does that happen to anyone else or is it just my machine? -
anyone else's backlight on the touchscreen not work after upgrading to 8.1 RTM?
Tachi Lid issue 8.1 - YouTube -
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
I upgraded to 8.1 on my TaiChi right away on release date.
I really like 8.1, but I have no tablet functionality on the exterior screen.
I contacted ASUS, who said:
"For this issue, it caused by a driver, and this driver isn't released on our support site, because this action need to be done with a process, please wait, our PO team is uploading this driver, please pay attention to our site at any time to download this driver. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding! "
After a few days, I restored the Win 8 disc image I had saved and am now back to Win 8 (Pro).
Reading this forum, it is obvious that ASUS has been aware of this issue for some months.
Yet there is no new driver.
I saw a "close lid" driver entry on their support site dated Oct. 18 - but there is actually no file there to download!
I'm unfortunately not re-upgrading until I see a stable taichi environment on 8.1 -
Well, this is garbage. My taichi is completely blown now with win 8.1. I can't use the touchscreen, when I close the laptop to go to tablet mode, it doesn't switch to tablet, everything is blown. This is such GARBAGE. Thanks, ASUS. You had months to be ready for all of this, and now I'm going to have to reinstall GOD DAMN NEAR EVERYTHING thanks to you morons.
Thanks for nothing. This is atrocious garbage. -
Add one to the chorus of discontent Taichi owners. Updated to Windows 8.1 today unaware of the tablet mode problem and no fix available from Asus. The Asus update showed a critical update for Asus Close Lid program which updated it to the version on the latest version (1.1.8) according to their support site (even though that download is not working) but still no luck. Currently when tablet mode is set, it just changes the main screen to low resolution and doesn't activate the outside.
Anyone who upgraded to Windows 8.1 and having problems with the touchscreen taichi switch app roll back your video card driver to the latest Intel driver bundled with 8.1 is not compatible with the Asus Taichi screen switching app
I ran into this problem myself when trying to upgrade to the lastest intel driver even when running 8.0. This is obviously a problem with the the Asus software.JeffersonCampervan likes this. -
As you and others have noted, this solves the screen switching problem. However, can you confirm that, in mirror or dual mode, the touchscreen incorrectly registers taps, like if the tap coordinates were inverted?
I would like to confirm the suggested fix to revert the video driver mentioned by Noxian above does fix the tablet problem.
I confirm the touchscreen correctly registers taps. However, occasionally I still get the error message that sunpluscaller.exe has stopped working that I had mentioned in the main asus forum on this site. It requires a reboot to get the tablet to start working properly. Hope there is a fix soon.
Thanks to everyone here for contributing their experience.
cheers -
While the video card driver rollback helps, this crap had better be fixed soon.
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
I decided to retry the upgrade yesterday ( I had restored to Win 8 from an Acronis backup I had made).
1) reverting to VGA version solved the no tablet screen issue. (thx Noxian and others above!)
2) auto rotate was erratic, so I uninstalled the ATK package & reinstalled the latest one from the Win 8 Taichi 21 download page. This one seems to be missing the rotate function, so I installed ATK from Jan 2013 & have rotate.
on edit: 3) I also reinstalled the close lid utility. ASUS has an up date to this dated Oct. 18, but so far there is no actual file at the link on their support download page, so I used the newest version of close lid that actually has a file present for download.
At the moment, I appear to have close to full functionality. Sometimes when I open the lid, the ultrabook screen remains black - hitting the Taichi button brings it right up, though.
On edit - as well, when I go from ultrabook to tablet mode, the tablet screen will remain black until I turn the screen lock button off, then on again.
Basically, there is no seamless lid transfer from screen to screen. I have to hit a button each time I go from one to the other. Interestingly, when I uninstall ATK totally, the screen transfer seems to work just fine. I'm not sure what else a lack of ATK would affect, though.
Pen & digitizer are working fine.
Thanks to everyone above whose efforts came up with these (hopefully temporary) fixes. -
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
I have now tried 3 ATK packages: the latest one (Version V1.0.0030 ) has no rotate function.
The Jan 2013 (Version V1.0.0027 ) one does not have seamless screen activation - requires buttons as in post above.
However, the one from May (V1.0.0028 ) so far seems to work properly, with screen transfer & rotation.
Version V1.0.0028
Copy Link
Description ATKACPI driver and hotkey-related utilities
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
File Size
12,91 (MBytes) 2013.05.17 update -
I have no issues with the rotate feature. I can enable and disable it in tablet mode by activating the charms on the right hand side and selecting "screen". I just touch the rectangle on top of the brightness adjustment meter. Is it visible on yours?
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
In the latest one- Version V1.0.0030 - , there is no rotate on/off visible, just screen brightness. -
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
When first booted up, my Taichi (with the rolled back VGA driver, May ATK and reinstalled/repaired close lid utility) works as it should with respect to seamless lid screen transfer and rotation being present.
After awhile, with no discernible cause, it will:
1) when lid is opened for ultrabook use, the internal screen is black. It comes up upon pressing the Taichi button on the keyboard. Then when I close the lid to use the external touch tablet screen, it too is black, but can be activated by turning the screen lock button off & then on.
2) I will lose rotate, with the icon in settings only showing the brightness (sun-shaped) icon. The rotate selector at the top of the brightness slider, which is there initially, disappears. Going to resolution in Control panel reveals that the option for auto-rotate has also disappeared. This is true whether accessed from tthe tablet screen or from the ultrabook screen, and whether accessed through control panel menu or by pressing on the desktop in tablet screen & going directly to resolution.
If I reboot, full functionality of rotate/screen transfer returns, only to eventually disappear again until the next reboot.
NOTE ASUS now actually has a file for the Oct. 18 revision of the close lid utility. I just reinstalled ATK & this latest close lid. We'll see if that helps. -
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
OK, I now have the old VGA, the latest ATK & the latest close lid, installed in that order.
Works for short period - anywhere up to 2 hours, then I arbitrarily lose seamless open lid screen transfer in both directions and I lose rotate. There is no computer activity that I am doing that triggers this.
Reboot restores it.
Obviously unstable. -
A work arround is if you switch to the general login screen ( <- ). Than the pad keyboard appears.
Hope Asus fix this very soon as 8.1 is in general a good face lift. -
What is ATK?
Very new to windows 8 and the taichi. Updated to 8.1, tablet mode stopped functioning as for others in this thread. Tried to roll back video card, went to: device manager>display adapters>intel(R) HD graphics 4000>driver but it wouldn't allow me to roll back the driver. Did i try to roll back the wrong driver? If someone could help me roll back to it would be much appreciated.
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
Google ASUS ATK Package -
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
"If your problem still persists, please do a factory reset to revert your laptop to win8, then reinstall win8.1 for a try. Or you can keep using win8 system. Sorry for the inconveninece and thanks for your understanding!"
I've already uninstalled & reinstalled Win 8 & done reinstalls on all the close lid/ATK combinations.
Looks like they aren't working on these problems I guess this machine is stuck as a Win8 machine only. -
Asus is suggested people upgrade their Taichi's... -
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
All Taichi functions are working properly.
I liked a lot of the tweaks in 8.1, but they weren't sufficient to overcome the constant close lid & rotation issues.
I'll watch this thread & the ASUS download page to see if they ever bother solving it, but I'm not optimistic. From their responses to me, they don't seem to realize that they need to rewrite the drivers that are Taichi-function specific.
I really like my ASUS products (I have several computers, monitors,router,tablets, etc.) and I liked their support on everything up until this.
I really like the Taichi when it is working, but I doubt I'll ever buy one of their "innovative" products again. -
New to these forums. Wish I'd seem them before updating to Win8.1! Am also having the same issues.
And also not getting much response from Asus. This is the latest I had:
"As you said, this would be a problem that the driver is incompatible with the windows 8.1. And we are also wating for the Microsoft's update. Sorry if any inconvenience. But now, would you please send you product to our local service center to repair? They will use specialized tools to help you solve this problem."
I still can't figure out why they want me to take it to my local Technical Centre.
As per a previous poster, I also can't seem to roll back the drivers. Not sure if there is a way around this or if the only option is to go back to Win8.0?
Disappointing to say the lest! -
Hi guys,
I recently updated my Taichi to Win 8.1 via the store and am having issues trying to go back to Win 8.
There are a few issues that 8.1 is causing:
1. Shutdown doesn't always work
2. Touchscreen doesn't work - reinstalled older driver which seems to have fixed it but resolution is a bit crappy somethimes
3. Wifi won't automatically connect - sorted this out with ISP
4. Laptop sometimes freezes
I have tried to "Remove everything and reinstall Windows" but I keep getting asked for a recovery or installation disk. When I click cancel it boots into the recovery console. When I try to do the recovery though advanced options it cannot find the recovery image.
Contacted Asus and they keep telling me to do the F9 thing during boot but its useless - I get the same result as above.
I had a look at the partitions via disk management and there are something like 5 partitions on the disk. There are 2 recovery partitions that are listed as 100% free.
What on earth as happened? Have they been wiped somehow? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
How do I create factory recovery disks?
My old Toshiba had a Toshiba recovery disk creator but I can't find it on this Asus machine.
Unless you mean I should use the Win 8 "Create a recovery drive" tool? If I click on this and tick the option about copying the recovery partition, it asks for a 16 GB usb drive.
Is this the way to go? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Troubleshooting ASUS Taichi Display Control -
I don't have the Al Recovery Burner, never did.
I'll track it down and give it a go.
Thanks very much for your help. -
Downloaded Asus Backtracker instead. See how that goes.
Backtracker worked flawlessly with creating a recovery drive using the hidden partition.
Asus is a bit sloppy though, crappy documentation and a VIP support service that stops responding to logged tickets. -
certainly am glad "VIP Service" came free with the Taichi! (It certainly has "no value") Have had this almost a month ...purchased a week before 8.1 came out.
Wish I would have found this site before I upgrade to 8.1. Like others here, have gone back to windows 8 and at least it works again. VIP service is a joke ...sincerely hope these folks don't make pace-makers..."Please revert back to a time you did not need a pace-maker...thank you for understanding." LOL
Thanks to all here for helping me get this mess straightened out and my new computer working again.
Liked some of the features of 8.1 (at least the ones I could see on flashing up-side-down screens) but think I will wait for an "ALL CLEAR" form those here before trying it again!
Asus TAICHI Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by crabnebula, Dec 30, 2012.