OK thank's good news. Hope it will working for me tomorrow on my TaiChi 21
Tank you again.
Good night
- Close Lid functionality, in general (the automatic switch of the outer/innes screen, going to tablet mode from desktop and viceversa)
- screen share and mirror mode for the dual screen, in particular
- auto rotate functionality
- brightness adjustment
- touch pad
- anything else you'd think appropriate to test...
Sorry for not being clear. I didn't want to promote false hope!
The issues that are fixed are the ones I was referring to in my post. The close lid function is fine it switches from desktop to tablet all good. The mirror mode and screen share also work fine. The touch pad can easily be fixed by downloading smart gesture from Asus. You can choose a windows10 version from them.
The brightness and autorotate issues are not fixed but from what I can find these are not asus specific issues. Lots of people are talking about these two issues so hopefully a later windows 10 build will fix it. -
Hi Taichi21 owners!.
Ok few minutes ago I rolled back the Windows10 intel graphic 4000 driver to the former Windows 8.1 driver bad news, for Asus Taichi21 no change nor the close lid with switching from laptop to tablet mode; nor the mirror mode; nor the dual mode...... finally nothing. It still stay on desktop mode display only
I have done something else too, is to roll back to basic vga driver (Microsoft) no changes too.
So I have no other solutions than to go back to windows 8.1.
I don't hope for Asus support. they took so much time last year to solve the graphic problem under Windows 8.1 that don't expect nothing from them dears owners you bought a piece of crap like me.
Again, Thank Asus...
Richard -
Ok after the last year experience with the drivers problem under windows 8.1, i applied the total procedure:
1) Uninstalling windows 10 driver (intel
2) Restarted my laptop until final boot,
3) Checked for the driver installed after reboot (Microsoft basic VGA driver)
4) Cheked if the A pannel was working; in fact no!
5) Installed the former driver from windows 8.1 (Intel
6) Restarted the laptop again until final reboot;
7) Checked A pannel....... and Tada!!!! no work at all.
any help if it exist will be appreciated
Richard -
Sorry if this has been covered, i've been working on this issue for what seems like forever and haven't found a solution to this yet.
I have a Taichi 21 i7 which works ok for the most part. Problem is, the battery does not charge. I have replaced the battery, adapter, and have even tried the motherboard. Same issue no matter what. In windows, the battery icon starts to move when i log in as it's charging, then stops. But, the message always says 0% (Plugged in, charging). The instant on widget says no battery. Even turned off, the battery doesn't charge. I've also tried installing and uninstalling various drivers and programs related to power and battery. And when i try to update teh BIOS, it tells me i cannot due to the battery being below 20%. im assuming it has to be a BIOS issue as it doesn't charge when turned off and plugged in.
Again, sorry if this has been covered, i may have missed something if it has been. -
Upgraded from 8.1 to win 10, my inner screen doesn't work any more. BIO is the updated version, nothing changes. tablet screen still work well though rotate doesn't functional well. Have no clue how to fix it, desperately hoping to get some help here. Anyone?
So my Taichi 21 is giving me some issues right now. It keeps freezing. I have to pull and hold the power switch to shut down then attempt to switch back on. It has problems going back on.
Flick the power switch and the side power light comes on, as does the caps lock light. During a normal successful boot, the caps lock light normally then goes out as the keyboard backlight comes on and the screen comes on. But this isn't happening. Press and hold the power switch to shutdown, and try again. 5/10/15 times, same issue. Eventually it'll come on, run fine for a bit before the next freeze.
Weirdly, discovered I don't have to try the multiple times anymore - if I lift the device holding it by the sides of the keyboards and put pressure top left while flexing the chassis ever so slightly with my right hand it fires first time. (that description probably made no sense). Still prone to freezing after that though.
So - any thoughts from anyone about what my issue could be?
Loose connection? Motherboard/SSD error? Overheating - dust blocking the fan? It does seem to be hot around the vents and the fan does go a bit crazy at times.
I'm not great with this side of things so it's all guesswork. Just frustrating that it runs and works so it's not a dead duck - just keeps cutting out on me.
Very likely to give up my Taichi for a Surface Book when it launches. But would still like my Taichi to be working! -
Once removed try to put the laptop on and see if te fan is working. fan clogged with dust would surely cause a laptop not to turn on because of the heat generated by the cpu while loading windows... check and come backLast edited: Nov 14, 2015 -
Hello everyone, I bought a used Taichi 31. I noticed that the touch screen has a light dark tone at the right and left edges of the screen. I was wondering if this is normal. My guess is that it could be caused by the backlight or by the glue used for the digitizer. Could anyone check if your screen has the same little issue?
I must mention that it is hard to be noticed on color backgounds, but it can be seen by using a white color background. As I said, it is not so noticeable, but it can be bothersome if I focus my attention to it. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you gently press around the display does it change the dark hues?
I have another issue. Every time I use the laptop in tablet mode the windows logo is always on, is it possible to turn it off? I looked online for hours, literally, and did not find a solution for this. The only solution I found was to install the surface app and it allows you to turn it off; however, after I installed and run the app, it says that it only works on surface tablets. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
IPS screens are very sensitive the pressure from the bezel, so that can cause some backlight bleed.
Hope you solved the problem since your post was a few months old. -
Finally, for ASUS 21 or 31, what is best: stay on Windows 8.1 or move to Windows 10 ?
In terms of usage, Windows 8.1 is very, very convenient to me and I do not see Windows 10 dramatically improving work effeciency on computers.
Assistance by Microsoft on Windows 8.1 is still more than 5 years and I expect the computer not to last that long...
What do you think ?
Has ASUS recommended the switch ? -
Another question: since the last update of Windows 8.1, when the program starts, my inner screen is upside down. When entering the code, the screwn is upside down too, and 1 second later, turn itself to the right position.
Anything to be done ? -
They inspected it - and found the main board to be failing. So they replaced the board. Just got it back so i'm assuming all is now working and it'll see me through until I buy a Surface Book. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I have the Taichi 31 with the updated BIOS 209 and vid drivers. Did the 8.1 upgrade and now the Taichi Home button does not work. Clicking on the shortcut does not work close lid works most of the time. Downloaded and re installed Taichi home but still does not open. Thanks for any replies
https://vip.asus.com/eservice/win8/?SLanguage=en-usLast edited: Jan 3, 2016 -
Well all i can say is that my taichi 31 and my friends taichi 21 are working fine with win 10. Outer screen does not rotate though. Backlit keyboard not working neither. Those two things are not important to me anyway. very satisfied of my laptop. was working fine with win8,1 also sceenrotation and backlit was working fine with 8,1
One thing I should say to those having issues with their taichi21. I also had all kind of problems with my previous taichi21. These problems completely disappeared once I installed the windows from a taichi31. I am a computer tech and did all I could, without success. Was working fine one day and for no reasons the next day some features weren't working. Took windows from a perfectly working taichi31 and like a magic trick, all was fine after that.Last edited: Jan 3, 2016 -
Hey everyone, just got my taichi 21. I browsed through all the pages of this topic but could not find an answer..
Can I upgrade the SSD? If the answer is YES, which one should I buy to be compatible??
Thanks -
My Taichi31 hinges broke, and now both the screens don't seem to work anymore.
The computer is still functional and works when connected to an external monitor, but the actual laptop displays are not detected. I've tried a power reset, to no avail.
One of the LVDS connector cables (the right one) looks to be frayed. Could this be causing the problem? If so, wouldn't only one of the screens be affected? -
Has anybody had any problems with duplicating outer screen with projector after upgrading to W10? I can duplicate my inner screen with projector but not outer screen. Any solutions would be appreciated.
Hi, everyone,
I tried to upgrade to Windows 10 yesterday night, after it's on track, I went to bed. I found out the Taichi 21 is on Bios page this morning, after looking into it, the SSD can't be detected for some reason. I tried many things today, include changing the SATA mode to IDE, boot with a Windows 10 USB, still can't find any HDD.
The Taichi21 has been working fine until yesterday evening, SSD should be good. I even open up the back cover to see it, looks all OK, no burning mark etc.
Any help is greatly appreciated! -
Hi everyone, i just registered today. I am using a taichi31 and bought a micro hdmi adapter today. at first it was working, displaying on the external monitor as it should. Now i cannot seem to get a signal to the monitor.
When i plug the cable in, windows 8.1 sees the monitor, and i am able to change settings etc, but on the external monitor it says no signal.
does anyone have any experience on how to fix this issue?
sorry i cant seem to find a search function, much appreciated for any help.
Marcel -
maybe you're interested in what I posted on this Microsoft Community forum
and in the kind reply I got from a MS Engineer:
Anybody knows IF and HOW Asus Taichi back screen (lid) is working after windows 10 update?
I'd like to upgrade from Win 8.1 to Win 10, but until now Asus has omitted to assure compatibility of Tahici with Win10. I think the main issues concern the various Taichi's drivers (i.e. Close Lid, Screen Auto-Rotate, pen support, etc.). Every useful news or suggestion is appreciated.
ANSWER (from a MS Support Engineer)
Compatibility mode runs the program in the current version of Windows using the settings from previous version of Windows.
You will be able to install only the device drivers and games loaded from external devices which may not be compatible with the current OS installed on the computer in Compatibility mode.
To run a device driver or game in Compatibility mode, you can also follow the steps below:
- Press Windows logo key on the keyboard and type Run programs made for previous versions of Windows.
- Select the top most search result and follow from step 2 from the article Make older programs compatible with this version of Windows (Also applies to Windows 10).
- Check if the changes are effective.
Thank you.
As you wrote you already made the trasition to WIN 10, I think you are in the best condition to try prompty the solution suggested by MS.
In this case, please let me (and all of us Taichi owners) know ASAP.
Thank you. -
Just wanted to share my experience with getting the keyboard backlight working.
If it lights at boot but not in windows then it's probably software so try uninstall and reinstall APK.
Myne was showing no light at all even at boot. At first I thought it might be a W10 thing as I recently upgraded - before the free upgrades stop! However I also replaced the motherboard (another story...) and upgraded the bios with WinFlash - I'm not sure which caused the problem as wasn't paying attention but sure it was one of these. The fix which worked and was much simpler than it initially seems is as described at the following thread;
As a bonus the thread also includes a way of getting the backlight on during logon - had always annoyed me the way it went off at that point. Just need to schedule HControl.exe within ATKhotkey folder to run at startup before user login. -
After breaking two with accidents I just bought a third but the front panel seems not to be working so think I'll have to send it back. Just hope I didn't fry it when trying to connect it as did see a spark at one point (forgot to take battery out?) though that was after I'd already tried it and it hadn't worked.
I think the small connector does the outer panel display and the big one does the inner panel and the outer panel touch. At the moment I have one panel with a working outer (though not touch) and one with a working inner so was playing around connecting them at the same time... I'm tempted to try swapping connectors between panels but not sure how to take one out where it passes through the hinge cover. -
Has anyone gotten the asus taichi 21 to reliable work with win10?
Thanks -
Hi everybody,
I am using an Asus Taichi and it is my trusty companion through student life. However, I am less happy with the stylus that came with it.
I've tried some of the newer styluses out there and I much prefer the softer tips of the Surface pens (to name an example) to the Asus Taichi pen, which makes the same noise as a ball-point pen hitting a windowpane when writing...
From what I can gather, the Taichi uses the N-Trig DuoSense 1 stylus (see here: http://www.jessebandersen.com/2015/11/list-of-digitizers-and-tablets.html).
Would you have any suggestions for alternative styluses (soft tipped) that might work for this purpose? Would the new Surface 3 or 4 pens work on the Taichi? -
Just thought I'd check in to say my Taichi 31 is working well on the latest Creators Update build of Windows 10. The only thing not working is screen rotation but I use it so rarely in portrait that I haven't bothered looking into it.
Think I'll get at least another year out of it. I know it had it's issues but I'm still sad there's no new version. The Acer R13 is one of the only models out at the moment that really appeals as I think it gets closest to the Taichi's flexibility. Will probably wait and see what Windows on Arm is like, could mean some super slim hybrids but hopefully performance is still ok.
(360 rotation with exposed keys just seems clumsy to me and makes getting to tablet mode too difficult, surface pro style doesn't make a good laptop. detachable maybe but sure it would mean ending up with no keyboard when you want it half the time and they tend to be top heavy.)
Oh and no idea about alternate stylus I'm afraid. -
I've got 10 to work by giving up on the touchscreen. That's with the Windows insider programme. Two points tho'. Upgrading to 1703 you get a BSOD with no workaround so the end is nigh. Where I am, sticking with any less than the current version means you can and will be given a virus, everything from Trojans through ransomware to the real nasties which bring the entire machine to its knees, wrecking the bios, the o/s and user data.
On a bad week I get 5 attacks in a week, and that's on a personal machine -
I would have said check the usual - bios, gpu drivers, closelid version etc. - to get touch working but BSOD seems a bit extreme from an update so might need to reinstall Windows? Especially with all the attacks you seem to be getting?! -
Taichi21 hinge cover replacement
The hinge cover broke, and ASUS only replaces the whole LCD assembly to fix it. Too expensive for me, and my OCD is killing me.
Does anyone have a hinge cover for sale?
Asus TaiChi screen auto rotation not working - SOLVED
I’ve just solved the problem of the Asus TaiChi 21 screen auto rotation not working.
Lots of posts simply recommend going to control panel/screen resolution and ticking the option: ‘Allow the screen to auto-rotate’. Really frustrating, as reported by many users, as this option does not exist.
However, if you go to control panel/screen resolution WITH THE LID CLOSED – in other words, while you’re on/using screen 2, the option ‘Allow the screen to auto-rotate’ then appears. I clicked it, and it works!
Hope it works for you too. -
Please, let us know which Windows version is installed on your Taichi 21?
Hi there. My Windows version is 8.1. I tried 10 when it first came out, but couldn't get both screens to work. Must try again at some point to see if the issues have been resolved.
I last posted here in 2014 after I had issues with Win 8.1. I rolled back to Win 8 and all was well in the world (was well because we hardly used the heap of junk) until a few months ago when I decided to have another try with 8.1. The upgrade seemed to work, both screens worked and no issues until last week.
I was using it in notebook mode on battery and it suddenly turned off mid browsing. Would not restart. I plugged it in and nothing. After a few goes i shut the lid and restarted it and I got the Asus logo and loading symbol but nothing else on the outer screen. Open lid and inner screen not working. Pull charger out and laptop dies instantly.
It booted all the way through once and I noticed the battery was not charging at all. It was on 0% and said not charging. Strange because I did not notice any degradation in battery life at all. I restarted it to see if it would boot up again. Mistake.
I since have had it attempt auto repair and get the black screen with jumpy cursor after the initial boot but before login.
I stuck a bit of blu tack on the f2 button so I could get to the bios as only outer screen works. It refuses to boot from usb recovery (same recovery drive i used in 2014 which my work laptop recognises so it's unlikely it is faulty) even though I can select it on start up options via the esc key. It just seems to hang with the black screen.
Even when I try to access the recovery partition using the blu tack trick with the f11 or f12 button (can't remember) it hangs with the black screen.
So I think this might be the end of the line for this heap of crap? Inner screen not working, won't boot normally, get the black screen after auto repair attempt, can't get into safe mode and can't boot from USB or recovery partition. I think my only option left is to take it somewhere to recover hard drive contents and then bin it.
Thoughts? -
Double post
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
This issue shouldn't be OS related but you can try going into BIOS assuming if battery is working fine, unplug the AC adapter and see if it stays on.
Just tried when in the bios and yep it shut down when I pulled the charger out.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Since you have had the system for like 3+ years it's reasonable that the battery had reached the end of its life. However, you can find replacement battery eBay to have it replaced.
https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fr...attery.TRS0&_nkw=asus+taichi+battery&_sacat=0 -
< http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...-be0e-4483-950a-5252d299f5be?tm=1464957088501>
When done, let us know the outcome. -
Diagnosis is faulty motherboard. Getting data recovered then it's in the bin for this one.
Asus TAICHI Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by crabnebula, Dec 30, 2012.