I'll let others who already have theirs respond to the "is it worth it" questions.
On the very first page for the ASUS N61JQ-A1 it says in bold red:
There is a new shipment coming in next week. There will hopefully be enough to fill all back orders (it isn't pre-order anymore since we have already shipped dozens), with some left over for new orders.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
What'd you think of Empire: Total War, by the way? I just got my A1 a couple days ago and I'm looking for good, semi-new (so they're cheaper) games to play that my old laptop couldn't handle...
Hey guys im assumin most of you use ur n61jq at home on a daily basis like a desktop.. how often do you turn off the notebook? Or do you guys leave it on 24/7
True performance/heat numbers will come while running on 24x7.
I seldom shutdown my PC except automatic windows restartstill doing well for the past 5 years
though I have started seeing some swelling capacitors on board
For anyone that is interested, I just got notice from some UK retailers that they have this laptop back in stock now.
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
I really hope they make a 2 year warranty retroactive! -
I hope to god this isn't what their after sales service is like (for warranty and accident coverage usage).
Reading what I am on the forums though, this is precisely the laptop for me, anything else could prove disappointing (from power to mobility ratio) so once I get it within a month, I'm happy. -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
ETA's change unfortunately based on production or their shipments coming from HQ.
ASUS didn't expect this model to take off as well as it has. We have had 3/11 as the ETA since the beginning of the week.
I have the N71JQ (same cpu & gpu)
Dirt2 in Directx9 runs at 30 fps (high details, 1600*1900, aax2)
COD6 perfect (max details; 1600*1900; aax4) -
I am no gamer at all other than WOW. Do the 2 games that you mentioned here have higher criteria of hardware (CPU&GPU) than WOW? I want to go with N71 however a bit afraid that I can't play high setting with WOW on 1600*900, instead the N61's lower resolution.
Thanks. -
WOW should be perfect even on 1600*900 with high settings. It's an old game
my battery only last 1:40 with battery saving mode, brighnthness to minimum, bluetooth off. Only light surfing in web.
i need that one of you with a n61jq do a full charge to battery and then enter in bios and let the pc shut down alone to see how much time it last. This way i can compare without different types of use and see if my battery is damaged or not.
Can someone help me and do this little test? -
Hello Guys,
ASUS has uploaded on 23/02/2010 a new driver for our ATI 5730 graphic cards.
Here is the link:
From the name of the file in the list Version V8.692.1.0 it's not clear, but when you start downloading you will see VGA_ATI_Win7_64_z869210.zip.
The driver version for ATI 5730 is 8.692.1.0 and dated to 22/01/2010. -
For anyone else like me running the 10.3 beta Catalyst, the driver version included in it is 8.7103.0 and the date on it is 2/5/2010. -
It's OK. It was just wishful thinking on my part. ;-) -
http://steamcommunity.com/id/mean2u/games (yes I spent over $1000 on PC games)
Hello guys, first time posting here.. I just purchased the N61JQ-X1 recently. Should come any minute now..
anyway, I been look around the 'net and seem like this place have the most active discussion about this model. I read through the posts, but there's over 120 pages, I can't read it all.
I just have a few question.. have anyone format and reinstall the OS? I'm thinking about installing Windows 7 Ultimate on this baby, but I see so many drivers on the Asus website. Which ones did you guys install? I think I can figure out, but just asking in case anyone got a good list, then that's awesome.
Also, anyone bought a cooler for it? If it gets hot, I might buy one, but I don't which ones are good. I heard Zalman coolers are good, but I see them on newegg for like 60-70 bucks, that's a hefty price to pay.
Seems like everyone is very happy with this machine, so I'm really excited to get my hand on mine. Thanks for reading and I'll appreciate your answers! -
Edit: For reference, the junction temperature for the i7 720QM is 100 degrees C. At this temperature and above, the CPU will throttle to cool itself down.
Thanks stevedogg for the answer!
That's interesting that a notebook color don't do much for the CPU, but I can understand why, its probably used more to cool the chassis. But I was expecting it to help cool down the CPU along the way, it's disappointing if it does not. Maybe I'll just keep my cheap Targus notebook stand to let the air flow. -
I personally don't like to use beta drivers. Sometimes they can be stable but other times they can cause problems.
My N71JQ is a work PC so I cannot do beta testing on it.
I have not tried any gaming on it so far, but if I get some time I may try Crysis and COD6 on it.
For gaming I mostly use my desktop PC which has ATI 5850 in it. -
Hey doodes, can anyone suggest a good/best external sound card? I have a 5.1 logitech system (X-540). I'll be using it once i get a hold of the N61.
It has a S/PDIF out port for digital optical sound out.
The pages below mention the laptop has 5.1 sound support:
(do ctrl+f "5.1")
But I see the X-540 has no input for optical input...So after-all I have no suggestions...
"misprint". If not then Newegg must have negotiated with ASUS to add the other year. I could see them doing that because they raised the price and now why would you buy an X-1 from them when you could get an A-1 or X-1 cheaper from other resellers.
As you said there is no way to retroactive this since ASUS goes by the serial #.
Myself this doesn't bother me because it is $100 more than I paid. I never buy extended warranties on anything. And I just look at it as a $100 1 year extended warranty. I would have said pass if I was offered that option. Plus Newegg gave Me an RMA after I complained, But when the price went up I just decided not to return it. -
Whaaaat???? My N61jq-x1 doesn't have SPDIF and it certainly doesn't have 3 audio jacks like the N71.
I'm sure it's unintentional, but these resellers should verify what they post on their websites.
Unless I'm missing something, but I looked all around and I only have 1 audio out and 1 mic in.
Edit: That BTOtech website lists that it has built-in 5.1 surround speakers???? That's false advertising at its best. -
I never said it had 3 audio jacks.
EDIT: Or is the ASUS site wrong too???
EDIT 2: your audio out is also a spdif out... one port dual purpose, like on all some newer macbooks. Kinda like the usb/esata combo ports. -
I don't know if the asus site is wrong or not, what I do know is that in MY laptop, I only see one headphone and one mic jack. Where is the SPDIF? I really can't find it. Maybe the X1 doesn't have it and the A1 does???
EDIT: The BTOtech site says it has 3 audio jacks (and built in 5.1 surround sound speakers). The other one mentions a 3-pole jack which to be honest I don't know what it is. -
Like I said in EDIT 2...
Its says it's a dual purpose port, audio out and spdif out on the same port.
Just get a standard optical cord, with a special end connector cap...
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00009V6QZ?vi=tech-data -
I think that just means it has 3 connectors, unlike some 3.5mm jacks (like the iphone) has 4 connectors/poles ... TBQH I don't know 100% also. -
I dont think it has... Check out the youtube vid review. So yah, suggestions for external sound cards? Im not familiar with them since i only used 2.1 before i got the x-540.
I had mentioned before that I intend to sell this after a year and get an upgraded notebook (most likely ASUS after having this bit of awesomeness). It would help the resale value though if it were retroactive. So, there was a bit of concern for myself also.
Either way, it was a fun idea to play with and gave me something to do at work besides trying to figure out that stupid API I am stuck coding for. -
This macbook help article points out that one port has both connectors in it.
It says the one port is optical and standard sound out. I assume the ASUS port works the same
http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1562 -
Thanks for the link, I see what you mean now. I really wish btotech would correct their specs though...it's really misleading.
I am sure this will all improve quickly as WoW is coming out with a new expansion soon and ATI is improving their mobile drivers and releasing for more hardware, more frequently. -
Hi, I just recently purchased the Asus N61JQ-X1 and it is a gaming beast! However, I do have a problem with my model and I'm not sure if anyone else is having the same problem?
The microphone on my machine does not pick up sound very well. When I use it to chat with friends on AIM, all they can hear is static and my voice sounds like I'm trying to speak while gargling and getting cut off on and off. Any idea as to what may be wrong with my machine or what I can do to fix it? Thanks everybody! -
Its USB connection, so It can be used on future laptops you may have.
There are no expresscard/34 sound cards that have 5.1/7.1 out... as far as google can find... -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
The ASUS N61JQ-A1 has two audio ports, one of which is S/PDIF. Your headphone jack is also a S/PDIF port.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Yep built in mics are terrible...
you can try mic boost (or also turning it down):
Your sound driver should have some kind of echo cancellation tool also.
You might want to go digging around looking for this "realtek Acoustic Echo Cancellation" if the asus laptop uses the Realtek HD drivers... -
Has anyone upgraded to the blu-ray player?
If so...was it worth it?
Has anyone upgraded to the Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6200 Wireless Card?
If so, was it worth it and were there any benefits?
* Asus N61JQ Owners Lounge *
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by GregW, Feb 3, 2010.