I tried changing the language settings for keyboard, didn`t work too. It seems It can`t fixable for me. It could be a regional thing.
I did a clean install with a windows 7 iso. Now my built-in mic doesn't seem to work. It's listed under my audio devices (there are 2 for some reason), and both are enabled. Am I still missing a driver?
I don't understand why it's not compatible. It has the same dimensions, same pins everything but it doesn't have the same keystrokes...
Laths did you speak with the seller, does he accept a return?
So who knows for sure which keyboards from which laptops are compatible? -
Hey guys
Happy to join here, I found this thread, before I bought my Asus N53SV on Christmas and I found a lot good information here.
So now I have more than 5 months this laptop and I am very happy overall, just webcam is very bad, but I not using anyway. Few weeks ago fan start making noise then its cold in room. I open and check the fan axis, looks like is loose a bit, that's why is making noise, after 5 minutes its stop being noise and start less or more working normally. I can still hear a bit noise of loose axis, but that's ok. But is annoying because every morning it makes terrible sound and I laptop was using just 2-4 hours per day.
So anyway I decided to change the fan, because sooner or later I need to do. Its was not easy to find this fan, but I did check Asusparts which here you was posting and looks like I founded. I did contact to them ask that CPU Thermal Module Assy comes with fan and heatsink or just heatsink, they said it "should be complete thermal module". So just make sure I want you ask if it comes with heatsink and fan?
Thank you. -
Ok, so about keyboard, i made more research and i think i can say that the keyboards that have the ribbon bended in the right are compatible, and the ones bended in the left are not
i'm talking about the keyboards that are looking and have the same layout as our laptop but for different models... Is this true?
Sorry to post again, but do you think this keyboard is compatible?
New ASUS G72 G73 UX50 K52 Keyboard Arabic BRONZE FRAME BRONZE Backlit | eBay
I'm 99% sure it's compatible, but I would like to have your opinion also... -
Hi guys, I have a N53SM-SX095V.
Just bought an upgrade to 16GB RAM for it through crucial, their checker said I had 4 SODIMMs. Same for a local check I did on the machine.
Now, with everything telling me I have four slots, imagine my what when I open the RAM door to find two slots, and no sign of the other two. Anyone know where they could be?
Cripes. -
All i5 CPU version are equipped with only 2 DIMM slots. i7 has 4 DIMM slots. Never believe online-checkers, they seem to lie or just get general info according to laptop model, not submodel.
That's really weird, the labels on the board (next to the two DIMMs) also say Slots 1-4 (with two not to be seen) and Belarc advisor is reporting a second set of DIMMs.
Shouldn't be an issue though, Crucial do ~guarantee compatibility~, so it's their fault. Refund time~ -
I have N53SV, but in my case all programs say I have installed both RAM modules to DIMM1 and DIMM3, but I don't see DIMM2 or DIMM4 - weird
Hi all, I was wondering from those who have done the FHD upgrade on the N53 whether it was worth it? Also, where did you get your screen and what brand etc?
I have contacted the eBayer elbolo suggested but he cannot guarantee the brand or model or part number of the screen which I will receive... he says 'you will receive a screen compatible with the n53'. I need a better idea than this, I'm a photographer and image quality is very important...
Thanks -
OK. Thanks for info.
Hey Guys,
Theres an Asus N53SN-SH71 for sale right now that i might buy...
has i7(2670qm) 8G DD3,2GB Nvidia GT540M etc...
my only concern is...I want to use this for a bit of gaming especially when diable 3 drops... Im sure it will run the game decently but i want to know if i can upgrade the graphics card in this laptop... is that at all possible for this model?
Thanks. -
No, you can't upgrade the graphic card for this model. It's put directly onto the motherboard. Also, very few laptops offer this possibility.
You should just save more money until you can afford a laptop with a graphic card that satisfies your needs.
For me the GT550M it's more than enough...
@Oliviakrk, ASUS787 wrote at least 2 posts where he explained how he implemented his solution, just go into his profile to see a list of his posts.
I have another 'bright' idea about the backlit keyboard. What do you say about connecting the power wire from the keyboard to one of those minuscule usb bluetooth dongle which you can then insert into an usb port? Yes, that means you have to get the wire outside the laptop somehow, but you would be able to activate the backlit by only enabling and disabling the device, or by just unplugging it. I'm thinking of sticking the wire outside trough the card reader, solder it onto the usb bluetooth dongle and connect it to the usb... Would it work?Now, another part is how you can open a bluetooth dongle and to solder a wire onto it...
The main advantage would be not voiding the warranty...
Hi all,
Kudos on the thread, wealth of information here.
I received my N53SV a couple of weeks back and been pretty impressed with it. Especially coming from a Core2 Duo with 2GB ram.
Naturally, i chucked in 12 gigs ram and an Intel 520 SSD as soon as i got it. I had the issues with the Wifi card too and decided to get and intel 6300. received it day before yesterday and installed it yesterday.
Problem I'm facing is that since the installation, lappys making a wiered noise. Its almost a whine and I've noticed that it only comes when I'm transferring something over the wireless. I've heard that these noises are from faulty capacitors on the power circuits. its pretty loud and very audible in a quite room.
Any one had this sort of trouble?
Could it be an issue with power drain? I've heard that this card is a monster with 3x3 and all, I've only plugged in 2 of the antennas.(left the middle one n/c)
Thanks heaps for your time.
PS:Oh, and I'll be taking it apart again to add the third antenna(which is in the mail), if anyone needs a picture guide on taking it apart, I'd be happy to make one and post the link here. -
Yes, please post some pictures
. I am going to swap wifi card soon.
Hi all; can someone tell me the cable i need to buy to change my default led from HD to FHD, i find in ebay the led FHD, but i read in the froum i need to buy the video cable.
Thanks in advance. -
Bought the n53sn recently. Only issue im having is with my turbo boost. It doesnt seem to be working anymore. Is there a way to turn it off and on?
The turbo boost monitor shows no activity. I was playing league of legends max settings 60fps now im averaging 30fps since turbo boost stopped.
Any ideas? -
Can anybody who bought a chiclet keyboard write me the exact link plz?
Found this one on ebay:
Original ASUS K52 K52J K52JK K52JR K52F N53 N61V N60 N61J N61 Series US Keyboard | eBay
but not sure if it's ok, title says one thing but in description:
"Compatible model: ASUS UL50 UX50 UX50V U56E U50V"
Is that fine?
thanks -
if so you need a plan that uses 100% of cpu in its settings...
That could be it. -
After I bought the wrong keyboard I did learn my lesson and can tell you that the keyboard you chose it's compatible. I presume you don't want one with backlit, no? Because the one from the link it's not backlit.
I uninstalled some bloatware and apparently that messed things up with my keyboard and keys at the top of my laptop. Does anyone know how I can fix that?
Sorry if this has been mentioned previously but I have missed many pages of posts!
I have the 2GB nvidia 550M card but I am finding it impossible to force the laptop to use it instead of the Intel integrated graphics chip.
Basically I want to output a resolution of 2560x1440 to an external monitor using HDMI. The intel card does not support such a high resolution but the GT550M should. However I cannot use the card!
Is there any way to force the computer to use the dedicated GPU all the time (not just gaming)?? -
speakers work fine and i didn't have to install anything... -
shumilica said: ↑After I bought the wrong keyboard I did learn my lesson and can tell you that the keyboard you chose it's compatible. I presume you don't want one with backlit, no? Because the one from the link it's not backlit.Click to expand...
Thanks for the info. I think I will order it soon. -
So I sent my Laptop to Asus´s service provider here in Austria, TAB Electronic Service GmbH & Co KG to replace a faulty touchpad. Returned to me 5 days later, which I thought was very quick, . Opened the box and started the Computer up and couldn´t log on. Strange, tried a few times thinking I couldn´t remember my password when I noticed some black flecks on the Screen thought these were dust but they wont blow off, it´s pixel failure I now have well over 40 dead pixels . I then notice that not all of my keystrokes are being recognized, so out comes my trusty external Apple keyboard and I can log in.
So in replacing/repairing a touchpad (the right click wasn´t working properly) the repair center have broken the keyboard and the Screen.
So I try and email them again, but the Server is having difficulties. A RMA request goes through, but it´s Friday so I know it´s Monday at the earliest that anything is gonna get done. I´m now waiting on Asus to get back to me about how I´m going to get the laptop to the repair center again, I´ve turned down the send in service as they only offer 8.00-18.00 pick up time and I´m not taking another day off waiting for the courier.
I am now regretting my purchase, Asus computers I´m sure are fine, until something goes wrong. Their customer service and especially their Repair Partner is useless, how my laptop was passed as tested is beyond me -
I have just upgraded my N53SV (i5-2430M, FullHD) to 16GB of RAM. I bought 2 8GB Corsair CMS08GX3M1A1333C9. Cost me $160.
I had a minor problem with the TV Tuner (Winfast Gold USB) drivers causing a BSOD (Blue Screen) but that was solved by uninstalling the drivers and installing the Win7 64bit drivers from the Leadtek download (dated 2010)!
I ran memtest86+ overnight with no errors and my laptop has been stable for the last two days.
My next upgrade is to replace the DVD drive with a second hard disk so I can fit a few VirtualBox Virtual machines (linux and macOS X) and move the Steam directory to make my C drive smaller for backing up (Steam can be backed up by copying the steamapps directory to my file server or just downloading all the games again). -
How do you manually switch to the nVidia dedicated GPU? I don't understand, it will not switch even if I select to use the nVidia card in the control panel.
Cubed said: ↑How do you manually switch to the nVidia dedicated GPU? I don't understand, it will not switch even if I select to use the nVidia card in the control panel.Click to expand...
Hi guys, I'm looking for a chiclet keyboard for the Asus n53sv. I can't find them on Ebay, does anyone have a link to the right chiclet keyboard for the Asus N53SV. Thank you very much!
miket5au said: ↑I have just upgraded my N53SV (i5-2430M, FullHD) to 16GB of RAM. I bought 2 8GB Corsair CMS08GX3M1A1333C9. Cost me $160.
I had a minor problem with the TV Tuner (Winfast Gold USB) drivers causing a BSOD (Blue Screen) but that was solved by uninstalling the drivers and installing the Win7 64bit drivers from the Leadtek download (dated 2010)!
I ran memtest86+ overnight with no errors and my laptop has been stable for the last two days.
My next upgrade is to replace the DVD drive with a second hard disk so I can fit a few VirtualBox Virtual machines (linux and macOS X) and move the Steam directory to make my C drive smaller for backing up (Steam can be backed up by copying the steamapps directory to my file server or just downloading all the games again).Click to expand... -
Dantei said: ↑How the hell did you manage to make the RAM work? I have the same set but 2x4 GB from Corsair and they are unstable all the time! I also have i5 CPU. Goshhhh!Click to expand...
Have you run memtest86? I ran it overnight and it reported no problems. At work we have had lots of trouble getting memory to be stable with some Intel motherboards. Some of that RAM did not fail with memtest86 unless it was run for a day or more. The systems were just not stable (we were building a Hadoop cluster) -
Dantei said: ↑How the hell did you manage to make the RAM work? I have the same set but 2x4 GB from Corsair and they are unstable all the time! I also have i5 CPU. Goshhhh!Click to expand...
I bought these: Corsair CMSO8GX3M2A1333C9 prijzen | Core | Tweakers.net Pricewatch
By default, ASUS installed Hynix RAM stick (1x 4GB) and I assumed that it would be a great idea to buy more RAM and new SSD. Hynix with one Corsair stick don't work, also both Corsair sticks don't work. MemTest86+ pass through without any error, but when I test them after a few hours there are hundred of errors. The sticks are good, the problem lies with incompability. I'm using the newest 2.15 BIOS, tried downgrading to 2.14, but it didn't help. -
Dantei said: ↑.The sticks are good, the problem lies with incompability. I'm using the newest 2.15 BIOS, tried downgrading to 2.14, but it didn't help.Click to expand...
What do you mean by incompatibility or instability? I had two problems. One was a BSOD (Blue Screen) and the other was a lockup. After isolating it to the TV Tuner drivers I have had no problem since.
I am using the default install of Windows 7. The only change was to remove everything from the startup folder. -
When using 8 GB RAM, after using the computer for some time I get BSODs. After checking configuration in EVEREST I realized the problem may lie in Command Rate set to 1T, but it's not possible to change it. Nevertheless, now I'm using original Hynix RAM stick and lost my 40 € for nothing. Kinda sad.
Dantei said: ↑When using 8 GB RAM, after using the computer for some time I get BSODs. After checking configuration in EVEREST I realized the problem may lie in Command Rate set to 1T, but it's not possible to change it. Nevertheless, now I'm using original Hynix RAM stick and lost my 40 for nothing. Kinda sad.Click to expand...
For example mine said DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and then reported AF15DBA.sys Adresss FFF etc.
There are a few drivers that have problems with more than 4GB of RAM. It should be possible to uninstall the driver that is causing the problem. -
Hello all,
I just bought a N53SV-XV1 from eBay. I would like to do a factory restore, but the auction only included the laptop and AC adpater. The person who had the laptop before me appears to have removed the stock hard drive, and replaced it with a smaller version. I am now missing the recovery partition that would normally be present, and I'm wondering if anyone could offer me some assistance in doing a factory restore.
I read about how it can be preferrable to restore the hard drive with a generic windows installation, downloaded directly from Microsoft. I'm ready to pull the trigger on that method, but for the sake of resale in the future, I would like to offer the next person to own the laptop to have the recovery partition intact, or at least have factory recovery discs available to them.
Thanks in advance! -
Not sure about the recovery partition, but you should be able to make recovery discs with ASUS' AI Recovery.
Drivers and apps can be downloaded from support.asus.com (choose Select Model Manually and then look under drivers and apps, you might also want to look under your specific model for an updated BIOS, etc.).
As for the Windows itself, see this guide. -
nebulus said: ↑Not sure about the recovery partition, but you should be able to make recovery discs with ASUS' AI Recovery.
Drivers and apps can be downloaded from support.asus.com (choose Select Model Manually and then look under drivers and apps, you might also want to look under your specific model for an updated BIOS, etc.).
As for the Windows itself, see this guide.Click to expand...
Also, I have done a clean install using the Windows Store .iso download linked from this forum. Also installed a pulled MacBook Pro SSD I got from eBay, it's performing very nicely.
The only issue I have now after installing drivers from the ASUS Support page for the N53SV, is that my wireless card doesn't appear to see any available networks, although Windows reports that "the device is working"...
I installed the "Wireless Utility 3" before attempting to install the wireless card (Atheros?) drivers, as suggested on the support page. Any help in this particular area is much appreciated.
Thanks again. -
cm98058 said: ↑Thanks for the great advice. While digging around on the internets, I found that ASUS will sell some recovery discs for $50. Ouch. Does anyone have discs they would like to get rid of - please PM me.
Also, I have done a clean install using the Windows Store .iso download linked from this forum. Also installed a pulled MacBook Pro SSD I got from eBay, it's performing very nicely.
The only issue I have now after installing drivers from the ASUS Support page for the N53SV, is that my wireless card doesn't appear to see any available networks, although Windows reports that "the device is working"...
I installed the "Wireless Utility 3" before attempting to install the wireless card (Atheros?) drivers, as suggested on the support page. Any help in this particular area is much appreciated.
Thanks again.Click to expand... -
So I've just bought an SSD and an optical bay caddy for the old hard drive.
Does the optical drive fascia on the N53SM snap off? The standard one shipped with the caddy looks terribad. If not, can I buy one anywhere? -
With many thanks to those who have done it before me, I swapped out the wireless card with an Intel 6230 bought on eBay for 18.00! Only took about 60 minutes from start to finish. I'm now enjoying 11n wireless, and I didn't lose Bluetooth.
Update: I've done a Windows 7 download direct from the Microsoft Store, using the serial from the bottom of the laptop. Worked out great! I installed it on the MacBook Pro SSD I bought from eBay for ~$200. The drive is a 256GB SATA-II, so 3.0 transfer speeds, but it's still a major improvement over a spinning hard drive. Although looks like with sales at Newegg (some with coupons) you can get a decent one (new) with maybe SATA-III speeds for about the same price.
scoopage said: ↑I am now regretting my purchase, Asus computers I´m sure are fine, until something goes wrong. Their customer service and especially their Repair Partner is useless, how my laptop was passed as tested is beyond meClick to expand...
Don't know what's wrong with it but will send it to be fixed. After that I'm definitely going to sell it and buy something else.
Asus N53SV & N53SN SandyBridge Owner Thread
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by nama8137, Mar 19, 2011.