Thanks Oliviakrk, my other question I guess you can't help with. I need to know what windows drivers ppls USB 3.0s use when they plug it in. The error occurs when it tries to install a driver for the USB3 hard drive, it uses USBSTOR.sys but it never succeeds in the install.
What driver did windows use for your USB3 drive? Did yours come with its own driver or did it just plug and play. If you can check if it uses USBSTOR.SYS, I'd be grateful. -
Is there a keyboard replacement available that doesn't have the additional number pad on the right side?
nope, only chicklets and standard keyboards
same layout
I just updated the Fresco driver posted in page 105. It's working much better now. I used to get only 25MBps (USB2 speed) on my USB3 Passport. Now I'm getting 80MB+
Thanks guys
mgmchan, as you have a working USB3 connection, what driver is installed for the hard drive? Not the host controller (which will obviously be fresco logic). did it come with software or was it just done automatically through windows?
But sometimes it works, if i click and select a file on windows explorer the two finger scroll works again.
Sorry for my english -
Anyone else is getting some of the next problems?:
-sporadic bsod after a fresh install of windows 7 x64 and sp1. Sometimes fully freezes on the blue screen unable to create the dump file
-Or after press fn+f7 and tried to turn it on again it freezes the laptop with the turned off display. -
It's on the utilities section of the download page. -
Hey, is it worth updating my BIOS drivers to v2.31.1?
I don't like updating my system when it's running stable so...should I update or not?
And where can I find the change-log for those updates??
Thanks! -
Define BIOS drivers please...
Well the ASUS live update says:
BIOS -> Drivers > Application > v2.31.1 -
the newest bios version is 208. The thing you're referring to is the BIOS flashing utility, which allows you to rewrite the BIOS whilst in windows.
I have a question for those who update BIOS regularly. Is there in new versions an option to disable Nvidia??
Hi Everyone,
i have just a purchased an Asus n53SV with i5,4gb ddr3 and gt540 2gb
im looking to adding more ram to it as currently the onboard graphics is using some of the current ram and affecting my WEI score, does anyone know how much more memory i can fit into this laptop?
i was going to purchase another 4bg stick from crucial as i noticed in cpuid it only has 1 4gb stick running single channel just wanting to make sure this wont cause any issues before i purchace it.
thanks in advance -
in the one I have, there's supposed to 4 ram slots, which would allow 16gb. But I have the i7
Basically, using just integrated: just use the laptop. You want Nvidia graphics? Set up the programs in the control panel. -
I have linux...
I don't think you can shut of the intel. When my one is using integrated, the LED only ever blinks blue and then white, and then solid white if it's using NVIDIA. Is that just mine that does that? Or do people stay solid blue for a long time.
my one never stays fully blue, it just blinks when its on integrated. Do you have the 550 as well? Or it may have been me changing the gfx card options to high that did it.
I have the 53SV-XV1 (Gt540M, i7). Constant blue on integrated, switch to white when Nvidia. Only time it goes blue white blue is when I'm in the control panel and adding a program to High Nvidia, then it goes white for a moment and back to blue. I guess as a confirmation or something. Nothing flashing when normally using it, though.
2) Try ironhide/bumblebee for simultaneously using the intel and nvidia cards
Linux Hybrid Graphics -
If you have a Momentus XT in your n53sn, there is a new firmware.
Momentus XT Firmware Update -
I found what was causing the blinking, I use the speedfan program to monitor my pc temps, and it accesses the gpu to get the temp, every time it did this, it would go to white to signify use of the gpu. I just unchecked the gpu temp, i use it to keep an eye on the processor and the HD anyway.
anyone knows how to take off DVD-ROM from N53SV
Single screw under keyboard.
Is there any way to get a 90 degree angled power adapter that comes out the back of the laptop? The straight one sticks out quite a bit.
hey guys,
After a long deliberation (dual core vs quad, 13" vs 15", Mac vs PC) I am now an owner of Asus N53SV XV1. Got it for $899 from So far I am very happy with the laptop and currently busy in removing the harmless bloatware it came with (thanks to the bloatware guide in this forum)
I wish to know which laptop bags (backpacks) do you guys use to carry this laptop around. I am planning to buy one along with a laptop sleeve. So would really appreciate your feedback.
I apologize if this has been discussed already; i tried searching for it, but without success.
hrishi -
New drivers for Intel HD3000 graphics...
Intel Version:
Date:09/07/2011 Win64 -
Just made an account to answer your question. Just bought this ( V7 Professional 16" Laptop Sleeve: Computers) laptop sleeve for mine. Fits perfectly in it, and suits my use. I just put that sleeve with the laptop in a backpack and carry it that way. Otherwise, you could look into getting a laptop specific one (V7 has a few backpacks for cheap on or just a shoulder bag (also by V7 on Walmart). All of them hover around $15, which is a steal considering swiss army backpacks are like $70. -
After using the N53SN (16GB RAM, Crucial M4 SSD) for a month or so, I can say there are some repeating problems. This machine would hang/freeze beyond anything short of a 5-sec power button shut down. It usually happens a short while (20-30 minutes) after a pro-longed sleep (say overnight) and wake up from sleep. Anyone has the same experience? This is now happening almost once every two days or so and quite frustrating.
Mine is a Win7 x64 clean install with everything from ASUS re-installed. -
Will replacing the keyboard with the "chiclet" one affect the warranty? Also, is the keyboard external or does it require opening the laptop up?
Fully external no screwtouching
My N53SN-XR1 seems kinda slow. Processor is only i5, but i figured it'd be at least faster than my 6-year old toshiba, however it isn't. Hard drive loads much slower than my old laptop.
I bought 8gb ram for $50: Mushkin Enhanced 8GB 2X4GB PC3-10600 DDR3-1333 9-9-9-24 SODIMM Dual Channel Memory Kit for Apple
and then realized it was for apple. my friend says it's all the same. is it ok to use it then?
and how do i go about upgrading the keyboard to chiclet style? the current one is driving me nuts, almost as much as the touchscreen on my new smart phone.... -
the ram looks fine to me, although probably safer to also wait for a second opinion.
The chiclet upgrade is in the early pages of this thread, I'm interested if it's truly screwless, the chiclet keyboard replacement also has lit up keys so I was assuming it needed something more to supply the extra power. But I will stop being lazing and go back in the thread to read up. -
Re: Crucial C300 128GB freezing 30 seconds Windows... - Crucial Community
There is the topic I made myself. The guy who replied to me, follow his link. I made a Notepad file with the copied text in it, added it to my registry, and allowed it to disable LPM. On my old laptop and this one, with LPM off, I've had 0 freezes/hangs and sleep mode works exactly as normal. This should solve the problem. Also check for firmware updates for your SSD -
Thanks Yazzinit. I just visited Crucial web via your link and found a newer firmware (009). I'll perform that update first and see if it'll improve because my situation is a little bit different than what you were describing as the HDD light did not come on. I had previous cases with HDD light on when frozen and got past that with firmware 002. I'll report back.
My HDD light would be on too when it froze for 30 seconds. Solid HDD light, everything frozen, including mouse. Disabling LPM has fixed it 100%, but yeah, see if the firmware works first.
Hi guys,
I read quite a few pages but most of them were about a few problem solvings.
I'm in need of a laptop and I don't know whether to get myself a Sony Vaio or to get an Asus53SN..
This is the specific laptop: Asus N53SN-SZ251V-BE i7-2630QM 15,6inch -
It's in Dutch, but the specifications are English, so that shouldn't be a problem.
I'm going for an IT-Course at college which means I'll have to use the laptop a lot..
Photoshop, VB, etc...
I would appreciate it if some of you could post their owns thoughts about the laptop, positive points & cons.
Thanks already, I need to make up my mind fast! -
Anyway I would go with n53, though there is a con in those specs and its the driver speed (5400). Maybe upgrade it later.
Good luck!
Asus N53SV & N53SN SandyBridge Owner Thread
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by nama8137, Mar 19, 2011.