orgasmerator: Follow up. I looked around for compatible RAM and ended up on Corsair's site. After running their scan utility I selected RAM they "Guaranteed" to be compatible. It should be here early this week. I'll report back on my findings in case you, or anyone else, is interested.
FYI: If you follwed this thread and others from around the Web:
If you want to run your Asus N series memory in Dual Channel you can only do so with 8GB or less. Do a Google search for detailed explanations but in a nutshell the notebook will not see anything over 8GB in Dual Channel and is forced to address it as Single Channel. As some have pointed out, Single Channel is still better than Page File. But if you are not using the full 8 in your apps you may be better off staying with 8GB and getting Dual Channel.
Grab CPUID (CPUZ?) aplication and veify. As I'm staying at 8 GB I will not be able to verify so if someone with 8+ is wiling to do so we'd all be interested in the result (and in a comparison of Windows Experience Index with 8Gb and 12 or 16GB). -
Best Regards xSWEDEx -
It is available only wireless, no Bluetooth more.
Also, an update to version of the Console did not change.
For Intel (R) WiFi Link 1000 BGN # 2 is now behind it and at Realtek GbE PCIe controller family also # 2 behind.
Bios downgrade is not possible to 206. I get the message:
"The current BIOS does not recognize the BIOS ROM-TYPE"
Well, looks like what went wrong, or a programmer has once again done a great job! -
RE: The Duel memory issue, The computer will see all memory as duel mode and operate as such until it starts using above 8GB's then it reverts to single channel mode! So add as much as you want but understand the processor limets the channel mode if it needs above 8GB's
Hope that clears up the issue!
Dean -
Ver: 15.22.6 /
physx: PhysX_9.11.0621_SystemSoftware.msi | Game Front (NVIDIA signed)
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Drivers and Download Touchpad
Version Elantech
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Drivers and Download Audio
Version V6.0.1.6410 with latest SM (sonicmaster)
Wireless and Bluetooth:
Atheros & Zidas drivers
Version WHQL and Version
Note: Wireless LED does indicate only whether bluetooth is supposed to be turned on. Actually, it is always on with these drivers when cycling Fn-F2. Don't know how the switch on the side impacts things.
Note: Not using "Azurewave", but both called Bluetooth_Suite_win7.EXE, signed by Atheros
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Drivers and Download Card reader
Version V1.2.0117.08443 / (Alcor)
USB 3.0:
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Drivers and Download USB3.0
Version V3.3.14.0 (Fresco)
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Drivers and Download Camera
Version V5.8.55133.208 (Sonix)
Microsoft Bluetooth 5000 mouse:
Software Downloads: Wireless Optical Mouse 2.0
Intellimouse 7.1 (NOT latest)
(Forced as arc mouse for extra control over side-button)
Realtek Ethernet: Latest from Realtek
USB wireless RT2500
Microsoft Update Catalog
Version 3.1.3
(Internet explorer only)
Deterministic Network Enhancer (not latest, but upgraded)
for Cisco VPN
Hopefully avoiding any more BSOD's
Intel RST:,+64-bit*&sort=Date&sortDir=descending
Intel MEI
SpeedFan - Access temperature sensor in your computer
currently for fan monitoring only (4.44)
ATK Package
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Drivers and Download ATK_package
Version V1.0.0010
Also upgraded:
Wireless console 3
Please feel free to chime in about turbo boost drivers, etc... -
removing duplicate
Good luck with the new sticks! I've downgraded my panic to curiosity now, since I haven't had any issues with the memory yet. Hopefully it was just a a bad batch or something...
Well, I received mine yesterday and set off to upgrade the hd and mem right away. When my optical bay caddy arrives, I'll toss in the 500/7200 hd in there too. Thinking I might also swap out the kb for the chiclet one since it doesn't feel sturdy enough. But, so far, it's ran without any hiccups.
Two things worth noting, IMO: 1) This laptop runs super cool and 2) The touchpad gesturing kinda sucks
Great! Glad to hear you're not having compatibility issues between the notebook and the Corsair memory... I have always liked Corsair and have Corsair in all my current systems (except the servers). From the responses to the single/dual channel comments above I may just go for the full 16 GB if this new Crucial RAM works out for me.
I put mine through FurMark for about an hour. GPU climbed to 79 C but I just couldn't make it hit 80. Definitely has a good cooling system!
Good luck and enjoy the new Notebook!
Panther256 -
No one at all??? -
Does anyone know how to specify which GPU to use for a .jar file?
I know for .exes you just right click and choosre, but .jars dont have that option.
the jar file is using the intel GPU and not the 540M.
Help please, thanks -
Try specifying it for java.exe and javaw.exe.
Flex in the N53SV-A1 keyboard wasn't bad but it bothered me to the point that I considered replacing mine, as several of you have done but before I ordered the chicklet one you guys seemed to like from E-bay I decided to remove mine and put a slight bend/curve (about 3/8 of an inch upward) from the top, now it is solid as a rock and the flex is gone!
Just thought you would like to know -
Damnit, bought the caddy that everyone has but once it's connected, with or without a hd in it, laptop won't even turn on. I can feel that the connection from caddy to lappy is quite loose too. I thought maybe it's a bios setting but it's not set to boot from that bay anyways.
I've contacted the seller to see what my options are. I really don't feel like spending money to send it back. Thinking maybe they'd be okay with sending me another one at a discount...
Ughhh, so frustrated. Took me 5mins to get it connected and an hour of figuring out wth is wrong.
If there's something I'm missing, please let me know. Thanks!
Sunny -
Hi guys
I was wondering if someone could help me fix USB 3 port on my n53sv. It works fine with USB 2 devices, but doesnt recognise USB 3 devices.
Ive tried asus update, reading other forums and magic :/
but cant seem to find fix for my issue
any help will be appreciated -
I am probably just not seeing it, but what is the ASUS software for the webcam (to record)?
Hello, I've read a lot in this thread about putting an SSD in a caddy and replace the DVD-drive with it, but I got a problem with that..
Last week I received my Crucial M4, took the HDD out and put it in. Now today I got my HDD-caddy, I've put the HDD in that and took the DVD-drive out. When I booted only the SSD showed up in the BIOS (even though the HDD was spinning) In windows it was the same, the HDD was not there. So I swapped the two, HDD in original place and the SSD in the caddy. Then it only showed the HDD in the BIOS, and there was no SSD (same in windows)
Can somebody help me with this? Because I NEED the space of the HDD and the speed of the SSD... -
Hi all, I just install new BIOS 207 for N53SN. Today I want to update my Realtek audio driver to newer version. But it shows me "no driver was supported in this driver package". I suspect this might be related to new BIOS. Is there anyone have similar issue? Thank you~
I found this is not a real issue. I select "Windows XP" compatible mode for setup.exe by mistake when install the driver. -
So how did you guys do a clean install without a windows CD? I've been looking at the topic and I see a lot of mentions about the bloatware-- I just ordered my XV1 today and it's coming tomorrow! I wanna jump right into playing with it, so any jumpstarts would be great.
Is this a caddy with the face plate that matches the N53 or do you have to take the face plate off the drive?
Thanks -
You'll have to take it off the drive because the one that comes with the caddy is rectangular. The faceplate comes off REALLY easily so don't sweat it. Good luck!
Microsoft Store Online -
Did anyone purchase the N53SN from ? I ordered mine 3 weeks ago. I selected next day delivery, The laptop didn't arrive till now. I emailed them many times but no response yet. Are they an unreliable website?
Yeah, totally. It's like 3 little tabs? SUPER easy, you won't have any problems, haha. Just don't go Hulk on it and rip it apart and you'll be fine.
Reviews: 2nd HDD / SSD Caddy, ASUS N43, N53, N61, N71, N81, N82 [OBHD-SATA12-SATA-BU] - $44.75 : NewmodeUS, Hard Drive Caddys for Notebooks
I've bought from before, also a caddy for my HP laptop and I've had zero problems with it.
So guys, i've got my laptop. And I booted it with a fresh copy and now i'm installing drivers.
But now, whenever I boot up my laptop it prompts me to choose from two OS's. How do I delete the other OS? -
boot tab and delete other os
good luck! -
Ok, just got my N53SV-B1 from Xotic...and there's no eSATA port. I'm seriously disappointed....not even counting the fact that the screen is defective. Since support isn't picking up, I'm going to go PM Justin.
Hey guys, first time here. I´ve read all 74 pages and convinced myself of getting this notebook unfortunately I couldn´t find one with Full HD display in my country :/
I can´t regret of buying this, it´s a beautiful machine. Everything is working like a charm even tho I didn´t do a clean install. But there´s something that bothers me a little, and I would like to know if it´s a trouble with mine or if it´s normal in this notebook so any feedback would be appreciated.
My temperatures seem a bit high for me, especially after reading the whole topic and seeing that everybody keeps saying this baby runs cool. You´ll see my CPU is getting up to 95°C and my graphics card up to 85°C. I´ll leave some attached images so you can see better, I tried with Asus support but they won´t answer
Thanks in advance.Attached Files:
1) try the new bios 207, it might change something in the cooling policy
2) You really don't want to know how the thermal grease is applied in the Asus factory on the cpu... but yes, applying it yourself might give you 80 degrees max under full stress. -
but it didn´t solve the problem. The funny thing is that I feel like it used to run cooler when it was brand new but maybe it´s just me. About the thermal grease I don´t want to void the warranty after all, if they can´t answer me with this simple question imagine how difficult it would be to make them understand about the advantages of me changing the thermal compound LOL.
They won't let You change it. They will make You send the computer on warranty. You might try to get an extra paid warranty extension with OnSite option and keep an eye on the technician while he fixes it
Haven´t seen that kind of warranty offer over here. I don´t think they even thought about such an extension
But based on what you told me my temps are "normal" I´ll just watch them not getting up to 100°C LOL
By the way, I forgot to tell all the other guys that the HDMI output indeed works, only problem that I had (image was smaller than screen even if proper 1920x1080 resolution was selected) was solved with the latest BIOS wich also updated the Intel Graphics BIOS. So far no more problems this was tested with a LG LCD and a 10ft 1.4 High Speed HDMI cable. -
so...did anyone figure out how to clean the heat sink in this thing with out taking it apart? I dont see a way to use compressed air to clean it out? (n53sv-xv1)
You can try then to put the long thin nozzle of the compressed air into it
Will this keyboard work (no numpad + backlit): Replacement Keyboard
1) Probably has different dimensions
2) N53 lacks a place to plug the backlit ribbon. -
I just successfully updated my N53SN to latest BIOS 207, no problems so far, but AES-NI CPU instruction is still disabled in BIOS and even Asus support told me they don't plan to release BIOS supporting this CPU feature
If you have N53SN, just visit this thread and/or ask Asus support for BIOS with AES-NI enabled here . More requests they receive, the bigger chance there is for enabling it -
Hi all,
I just bought the Asus N53SV (model version N53SV-SZ589V to be precise) and I have this "electrical leakage" issue which other posters have pointed out in this very thread.
Now, this is obviously due to my outlets not being grounded since it stops whenever I find a grounded outlet.
I'm sorry if this has been answered before but I have 3 questions concerning this issue:
1) Does this present a health hazard on the long run? (I don't have a volt/amp meter to measure how much electricity I actually feel while slider my finger on the case.)
2) Can it cause damage to the hardware overtime?
3) Is Asus aware of that and do they have any ways to "fix" this? (I'm assuming not all metal case notebooks have that problem?)
I have no prior knowledge in electrical matters but I'm very close to return this laptop and would like to get advices from other fellow users and/or people who actually know things about electricity, etc.
Thank you! -
Yesterday, I received my new Asus laptop and I proceed to transfer some videos and music over from my external hard drive (brand = WD). I perform some Windows Updates (there were a LOT) and I download Mozilla Firefox and the Steam client. However, as I stream the Internet, the blue screen of death suddenly pops up and my computer freezes. I restart my computer but after another couple of minutes of using the laptop, the blue screen appears again. This happens for another 4-5 times. Today, I phoned Asus regarding this problem and they said it might have something to do with software malfunction or the drivers on the external hard drive. Any suggestions?
The last time it froze I also got a message saying:
DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - Company Representative
All I have installed are Steam, Firefox, and Windows updates.
I had a BSOD (can't remember the error message) and laptop froze in the first few hours after I got it. I installed all of the windows updates, new Intel graphics drivers from Intel's site and new nvidia drivers from nvidia's site and haven't seen any BSODs or crashes since.
Asus N53SV & N53SN SandyBridge Owner Thread
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by nama8137, Mar 19, 2011.