Sorry Zan I followed the instructions, but I couldn't get it to work. Installed the newest 64-bit catalyst mobility drivers from ATI's site and your settings files. I keep getting the blank screen and I've tried to reboot using win+R and shutdown -r -f -t 000. Maybe I am doing something wrong.
I just removed my 11.1 drivers, ran the crap cleaner, reinstalled the 9.12's:
9.12 -> 11.1 instructions:
Run ATI express cleanup then run the crap cleaner script,
install 11.1 drivers, do not reboot when prompted,
install 11.1 southbridge drivers,
place scripts in c:\fix and make sure GPO scripts are setup for logon and logoff
You'll get the black screen of death 1 time,
Press Win+R and type in c:\fix\enable3200.bat
the display will come to life,
From here on the display will work as normal, I think the issue came from devcon not being able to enable both GPU's when they are set to standard VGA thus causing the BSOD on the next reboot. This issue seems to happen only when going from the 9.x ->10.x series and above.
One other thing, I have Win7's UAC turned off and Test Mode Enabled, though I don't think these make a difference. -
I will try this out. Thank you
where is the ATI express cleanup tool and the southbridge drivers? -
Southbrige X32 Win7
Southbrige X64 Win7
See my signature for the others -
Awesome! It worked just as you said. I think I will document exactly how I got it working so if others have problems, they have something detailed to follow.
Thank you Zan!
I got the blank screen on startup a couple times and I had to run win+R C:\fix\enable3200.bat
Everything seems to be working now, but I have one problem. CCC recognizes both of my cards as 3200's and the windows device manager only recognizes the 3200 -
I find it strange that your running into so many issues with this
CCC during a switch will see only one device at a time now, so if the device manager says 3200 then your using the 3200. Devcon is meant to disable the 3200 card completely during startup/login so it won't interfere with the 3650.
If you run enable3200.bat then it will shutdown the 3650, you do this only to prep the system for reboot the first time, so on the next startup enable3650.bat will be able to switch you over to the 3650.
Sometimes the screen will black out for a few seconds, give it some time to come back on, if it stays black for more than say 30sec then devcon failed to enable the 3650. So you'll then have to run enable3200.bat and try again.
I will look into a simpler solution when I have more time, but for now I am rocking the 11.1 drivers on the 3650 and loving it. -
what i found
to properly run logon and logoff scripts for the first time, disable password logon to windows. if it stuck on logon screen you have blindly click the logon button.
Otherwise you can set in gpedit.msc Startup script to C:\Fix\Enable3650.bat under Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings.
From here follow the instructions to run C:\Fix\Enable3200.bat by pressing Win + R.
Now I have followed the Zan's instructions.
It cannot enable the 3650 graphic card. I dont see in CCC and in device manager 3650 card
if I try to enable 3650 through Enable3650.bat, screen just goes blank and not coming to life unless I press Win + R and run C:\Fix\Enable3200.bat.
In CCC i tried to switch High Performance GPU then I got 3650 graphic card in device manager but disabled.
I tried to enable it through Enable3650.bat, it enables but cannot get screen resolution more than 1152x864 ... and its giving error pop-up that no AMD driver installed or something like that ...
Now I am running on 3200 card. I have set Enable3200.bat in logon script.
Zan if you able to switch to 3650 card what maximum resultion you have??
By the way I had 9.9 moded driver installed which worked perfectly except cannot switch between graphic cards ...
One more thing, when resuming from hybernate, fan just run like horse, i have to shutdown notebook takeoff power supply then switch on again ... this is annoying ... taking little more time to boot ..
therefore back to 9.9 moded drivers... working perfect ... atleast you have option to switch between graphics through Win + P ... -
It seems to me that your 11.1 or 10.x drivers aren't installing properly, just using the drivers themselves and not any of my fixes the drivers will install for both GPU's and you get the BSOD because it cannot init the 3650 while the 3200 is enabled, so simply remote into your laptop at this point and disable the 3200 and the 3650 will come to life.
This is what I did that lead to the discovery that you have to have both GPU's enabled during login and that by disabling the 3200 after login will get the 3650 working, so I attempted to automate this process with the batch scripts and devcon.
I was hoping this would be an easy solution to most of you as it was for me.
I have no apparent issues running the 11.1 drivers, I have full resolution and everything works as normal, I can goto sleep and hibernate as normal. Though you cannot easily Win+P to switch GPU's, it's not something I do everyday so this limitation doesn't apply to me. It would seem that if you need to use the 3200 often just stick with the 9.9 or 9.12 drivers, as your case doesn't merit the gaming speed increase of the 10.x and 11.1 drivers.
This fix is meant for those that want to use the new drivers for the gaming speed increases.
The only stipulation this modification requires is that you make sure you are getting the drivers installed correctly and that the batch files are being ran during startup. I tested the scripts with and without a login password. The scripts will run if you let it sit at the enter password screen for a bit, so the 3650 will enable during the logging in process as well.
There really isn't anything complicated about this process, so ignore setting it up automatically with the GPO stuff, and just blindly type in c:\fix\enable3650.bat and it should go. If not then there is something about your own setup that is interfering with devcon operating properly. -
When I try to enable the 3650 with win+R and C:\Fix\Enable3650.bat. the windows device manager still tells me I am running the 3200, but only gives me a choice of a maximum resolution of 1152 x 864. I am having the same problem.
Zan, What BIOS version you are using? I have tried to follow your instructions from fresh Windows 7 x64 installation. without anyother driver installed Then I read forum and tried 9.9 moded driver, working perfectly with games. Then I tried again with cleaner and installed 11.1 the result i wrote
I never upgraded BIOS..
Zildjian, If you will try in CCC-> Power Express "High Performance GPU" then will see disabled 3650 card in device manager. from here you can enable it but maximu resolution 1152x684. What is your BIOS version? -
You fix only for x64... (devcon is attached for x64)
I updated GPUFix.rar for all (devcon for 32&64bit Win7)
Unfortunately, it still does not work. Please, point by point how to run - no unnecessary descriptions. I use Win7 32bit, freshly installed - clean...
sorry for my englishAttached Files:
I am qouting again Zan's intructions
9.12 -> 11.1 instructions:
Run ATI express cleanup then run the crap cleaner script,
install 11.1 drivers, do not reboot when prompted,
install 11.1 southbridge drivers,
place scripts in c:\fix and make sure GPO scripts are setup for logon and logoff
-------------this is my instructions----
to properly run logon and logoff scripts for the FIRST TIME, disable password logon to windows (or remove password for your login). if it stuck on logon screen you have to blindly click the logon button.
Otherwise you can set in gpedit.msc Startup script to C:\Fix\Enable3650.bat under Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings.
From here follow the instructions to run C:\Fix\Enable3200.bat by pressing Win + R.
You'll get the black screen of death 1 time,
Press Win+R and type in c:\fix\enable3200.bat
the display will come to life,
From here on the display will work as normal, I think the issue came from devcon not being able to enable both GPU's when they are set to standard VGA thus causing the BSOD on the next reboot. This issue seems to happen only when going from the 9.x ->10.x series and above.
One other thing, I have Win7's UAC turned off and Test Mode Enabled, though I don't think these make a difference
One thing ...
In CCC Hardware information I can see Primary Display 3200
and in the bottom Disabled 3650 ...
Zildjian52886 and ZanQuance please tell me what BIOS version you have? -
Hi all,
I have just tested all the rocommendations and guidlines. It is still a NO GO. :-( I have only 3200 running correctly. :-( The performance of the card is weak (as it points to CCC showing the 3200 card only). The 3650 is still disabled and can not be enabled for AMD driver (showing only the 11xx to 8xx pixels resolutin and no Aero support, no 3D support - Standard VGA driver is loaded).
Win7 x64
M51-Ta X2 - 207Bios -
anybody will tell additionally what BIOS version they are using?
I have 205 but I am planning to upgrade to 207.
Here what fixed in 207
BIOS 207
1.Fix the fan don't normal work after s3 resume in the power saving mode.
2.Update external VGA VBIOS to BR030816.001 to fix 3D mark will hang with Hynix VRAM.
I see aczasa has 207 BIOSmeans still no chances ...
@ omergul BIOS v2.07 working properly!
With me on Win7 32bit fiasco.
After installing vga_ati 11.1 + sb 11.1 and adding scripts despite several reboots - a black screen.
Manually running the 3200 OK but after restarting the darkness...
P.S. Reaction of the screen (flashing) can only seen during start/stop when:
1) Enable3650.bat copy to: C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Startup
2) EnableAll.bat copy to: C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Shutdown
3) devcon.exe copy to: C:\Windows\System32
and for manually run Enable3200.bat copy to: C:\FIX
... I have a dream: GPU switching in the BIOS, as in Asus K40AB and K50AB
sorry for my English... -
@crk81 You able to enable 3650 with 1400 x 900 resolution?
@ omergul The Bios has nothing to resolution. 1400 x 900 can be set in the CCC, regardless of the version of BIOS and Windows...
sorry for my English...
Win7 x32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . NEVER AGAIN ASUS!, NEEVVER!!
M51Ta X2 3GB Mem - 207 Bios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chcesz wyrzucić pieniądze w błoto - kup Asusa,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lub lepiej podaruj potrzebującym!!
Omergul, I have whatever the newest BIOS ASUS has out. I think it is 207. I cannot see the 3650 running after the instructions. win+P set to "computer only" shows the 3200, and win+P set to "duplicate" also sets it to the 3200, but with only 3 resolution choices in the windows desktop manager. I am running win 7 x64.
Sorry for the late reply.
I am using bios 207. Things to note are:
Before installing any drivers are the old ones completely removed and cleaned off the system?
Edit the scripts, do they match the device ID's of your GPU's? they should by default.
Are they set to run during startup and logoff?
After installing the 11.1 or 10.x drivers, does your device manager show that both GPU's took the drivers have their radeon names and reflect a proper driver date?
Reboot, press F8 and enter safe mode, remove your login password if you have one then run the enableALL.bat script manually. Reboot into normal mode, did the screen flicker and then finally switch over to the 3650?
If you still have a black screen then run enable3200.bat and then reboot and try again. Were you giving it enough time to switch over?
If you still have a blank screen, then reboot into safe mode, enable remote desktop access. Reboot and get the Black screen again, then remote into the laptop and disable the 3200 via device manager.
Does the 3650 come on and work at this point? if so then reboot, does the scripts run and enable both GPU's during shutdown? and do the scripts enable the 3650 successfully on the next restart?
I don't really want you all to respond to those questions, there there as a sort of checklist of things I paid attention to while trying to diagnoses this problem for you all.
Sorry to those who cannot still get this going. I don't think it's something wrong with my instructions as there really isn't anything more specific to pay attention to that could go wrong. If you use group policies they just run the batch files automatically, so there is a chance they aren't doing this for you. Which is why I ask you to try them manually and see if they at least talk to your hardware correctly.
Well best of luck to you guys, I can't really help much more than what I've already posted. -
Thank all of your replies ...
I could not solve the problem with display except 9.9 running perfectly.
I just read Zan's instructions, i will find time and try again.
BUT BUT I do have good news regarding sound.
with latest Realtek drivers under w7x64 sound will work only through headphones not through built in speakers. Dosnt mean that your head phone hardware broken. Just follow the instructions below.
1 download Vista drivers
2 unzip and right click on Setup.exe.
3. Select Properties, tab Compatibility
4. Check checkbox "Run this program in compatibility for"
5 Select from dropdown menu "Windows Vista"
6 Press Ok
7. Run Setup.exe and install program, Reboot
8. Enjoy your sound through both ends Headphones and Speaker -
What I have done:
1) complete ATI manager uninstall and All ATI components.
(computer is running both cards as Standard VGA adapter (both with ! sign)
2) used the removal tool stated in this section (all yes and all ok).
3) installed the 11.1 drivers and sb driver ending with black screen (during the install, the gpedit section was set to logon and logoff as posted).
4) shutdown -r -f -t 000
5) black screen after boot up
6) login and blind Win+R fix\enable3200.bat (ending with working 3200 GK).
7) restart and no problems after boot up, but only the 3200 is running full resolution, full support by CCC, full acceleration (even though the 3650 is enabled in the logon section).
(no chance to make 3650 running, getting the err.msg. of no amd driver for the card - running in fact the standard VGA adapter again).
Pleas help.))))
better install 9.9 moded drivers under w7x64 running perfectly. BOth 3650 and 3200.
if you need guide how to install 9.9 moded, I can post here. -
No, thanks.
I have some 9.12 modded and working with both GPUs and switching (manualy in screen params). But just for one adobe program I just need new drivers... :-( So the current state of 3200 working with 11.1 is just so so..... but OK. No games played here..
The problem will solve only a new version of bios... but aSUS (SIC!) has forgotten about their numerous clients (M51Ta & X56Ta)
I wish you all the new computers, but remember never more aSUS (sic!)
The problem here is that your 11.1 drivers did not install onto the 3650 properly, for your case right click both GPUs in device manager then click uninstall, and click the delete drivers check box.
Reboot and let windows auto detect the GPU's, it will ask for a restart, DON'T! instead install the 11.1 drivers again at this point. If the display goes black during the install, wait until the HDD light finishes installing the drivers, this can take a few mins. After the HDD light settles down, then hit Win+R and type in c:\fix\enableall.bat
after the display flickers and stays black hit Win+R again and type in shutdown -r -f -t 000
On the next reboot the 3650 should init for you. I did encounter this once the first time I started installing the new 10.x drivers, turns out it is missing registry info for the 3650 which isn't set properly. -
Yeah I fixed my sound problem a long time ago, where have you been
j/k there should already be an existing thread about that.
Does anyone installed sata drivers? or using windows7x64 standard drivers?
I am using AMD AHCI and SATA drivers. No problem.
But when you hit the "Disconnect device" logo you list your hard drive as well.
But no significant performance changes.
ZanQuance... I still have one problem.Now the driver is installed and working.
But to make it work I must always do this:
0) Blind local login
1) blind cmd - enableall.bat
2) remote desktop and manually disable 3200 with mouse right button)))) (after this the local screen goes on and full resolution is on)
3) login localy as a user
After these steps the 3650 is running with all the power I do my work. But after restart/shutdown - black screen. And the procedure above must be done again.
What now? Seems as if the gpedit.msc and login logoff scripts are not working properly. :-( Did you add them to Machine logon and off or to user logon and off? When I put them to cmd they have all PIDs OK. -
Alright, some progress! So all that is left is to get the GPO scripts automating this process for you.
under user configuration open windows settings, goto scripts logon/logoff:
1)Open log on, click ADD, click Browse, goto enable3650.bat and double click the file, Click OK. DONE!
2)Open log off, click ADD, click Browse, goto enableAll.bat and double click the file, Click OK. DONE!
edit the enable3650.bat file and delete the restart lines in the middle:
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9591"
remove devcon restart "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
remove devcon restart "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9591"
devcon disable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
devcon restart "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9591"
They are not needed, and don't go typing remove! that is just there to identify which ones to delete. and now save and REBOOT! It should all work, unless there is something that enables the GPO that is setup correctly on my laptop that perhaps isn't on any of yours, that might be why they aren't firing off for you all.
Let me know how it works out for you. -
ZanQuance ...
Some progress observed. Black screen on startup.
1) blind login -> monitor on but no AMD driver for a card.
3200 is disabled in HW manager
2) local mouse enable of 3200 and monitor goes off.
3) remote mouse disable of 3200 and local monitor on.
4) local re-login and all ok and working like hell.
:-/ so there must be somethig in my M51Ta that is disturbing the work of yours scripts. Maby I will test the scripts instead of remote 3200 disabling. But once I am after step 1) and re-run enable3650.bat - BSOD. :-/ -
What happens when you shutdown, do you get just a black screen and no windows is loging off message? If you get a total black screen during shutdown then the EnableAll.bat script is running and on next reboot the Enable3650.bat script should switch you over...however,
If you are seeing the windows is shutting down screen, then the EnableAll.bat failed to fire off and this is why on the next reboot your getting a BSOD and must remote in to fix it.
Make a new file called Restart.bat and put this in it:
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9591"
shutdown -r -f -t 000
If you restart with this batch file does it still give a BSOD? If so then hit WIN+R and type in c:\fix\enable3650.bat
did it switch you over? If so then none of the scripts are firing off, you might want to look into how the GPO's are setup for your system and look at how to automate batch scripts a different way than what I've posted.
So far it seems I am the only one that got this working properly so far?
no one else has had complete success yet? -
Will try all above later on.
Now I have to work so await my testing in some 10 - 12 hours.
So, all done...Thanx allmost one thousand dollars ZanQuance (that was the retail price of this machine for me).
I have it really done.
change in your scripts:
enable3650 is now just one line devcon disable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
enableall is untouched with two lines enabling both devices.
My only remaining problem is with blind logon, since I have my NTBK in company domain and I must use CTRL+ALT+DEL and pass to login. But since I know it by heart it is not much of a inconvenience.
RESPECT ZanQuance!!!! -
Yesterday release 11.2 Mobility Drivers .....
Software Suite 1.1 MB 11.2 2/15/2011
not checked yet ... -
11.2's are working the same as the 11.1's, got BSOD during install from 11.1, you can use the enable3200.bat during the install (blindly of course) and get video so you can visually finish the setup. Might have to try a few times as the installer likes to grab focus all the time while your typing.
Seems like the same performance as the 11.1's
@aczasa your welcome, however the scripts should run while sitting at the login screen but you have to wait a while, more time that it takes to blindly login.
I don't see any method to init the displays before the login display is fully initialized, so without proper drivers this will have to do for now. It's a pain for some of you I know, but it does work and the performance difference really shows.
Starcraft 2 is now fully playable on medium/high settings -
Can you please tell me how much is now your Base Score for Graphics and Gaming Graphics? -
Here is the results from the Windows Experience test:
Processor ZM-82:
2D Graphics:
3D Gaming graphics:
Primary hard disk: I replaced the 250GB with a Seagate Momentus 320GB
I get the same FPS in my benchmarks, so no drastic changes from the 11.1's -
Processor AMD Turion(tm) X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile ZM-82 - 5,0
Memory (RAM) 4,00 GB - 5,9
Graphics ATI MOBILITY RADEON HD 3650 - 5,1
Gaming graphics 2175 MB Total available graphics memory - 6,1
Primary hard disk 79GB Free (112GB Total) - 5,1
I installed w7x64 on my old laptops HDD therefore its 5.1, keeping my old vista as back up, that i can work in case
for old Vistax32 i had
Processor AMD Turion(tm) X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile ZM-82 - 5,0
Memory (RAM) 4,00 GB - 5,9
Graphics ATI MOBILITY RADEON HD 3650 - 5,5
Gaming graphics 2175 MB Total available graphics memory - 5,1
Primary hard disk 79GB Free (112GB Total) - 5,3
The only good change is Gaming and graphic now 6.1 which is same in windows7x64 CCC 9.9 and I see in your case CCC 11.1
This is good. -
For gaming the 10.x series does offer a good improvement over the 9.9 and 9.12 series, it stabilizes the minimum fps and raises the average quite a bit so games feel much smoother as well as offering many fixes.
I don't think the Windows experience benchmark reflect a proper idea on how much the 10.x and now 11.x series improve this laptops gaming speeds. They are night and day compared to the older 9.xx series. -
Me is like:
CPU: 5.2 (running zm86)
RAM: 5.9
WinGPU: 5.1
GameGPU: 6.1
HDD: 5.9 (running WD32 OBJKT...) -
11.2 working (those who needs switching between 3200 and 3650 stay with 9.9)
What i was missing is Remote Desktop Session.
Only then you control the process with scripts.
Here are the instructions W7 x64!!!
- Installed 9.9 modded driver (you dont really need. I am writing because i had this.You can try from fresh installation as well.)
- Enable Remote Desktop Session
- You would need another computer on your LAN to make Remote Desktop session. But this is only required for setting up display.
- You must set password for logon user. Otherwise you cannot login with empty password through Remote Desktop.
- Copy devcon.exe to C:\Windows\System32\
- Win + R type gpedit.msc
- Under Computers Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Startup script C:\Fix\Enable3650.bat (file looks below)
- Under Computers Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Shutdown script C:\Fix\EnableAll.bat (file looks below)
- Download and Installed 11.2 over it (upgrade/or fresh install if its first time).
- reboot
Setting up scripts under Startup and Shutdown properly showing logon and logoff process.
If got Black Screen. Connect through Remote Desktop Session.
- Go to device manager-> Disable 3200, Enable 3200, Disable 3200
You must get 3650 with full resulotion
Remember Black Screen means, both 3200 and 3650 are enabled in Device Manager.
If dont get Blackscreen. You will get 1152x864 resolution with 3650 enabled
- CCC will blank almost and it will give pop-error "No AMD driver installed etc"
- Right click on desktop. Screen Resolution-> Advance Settings -> Adapter shows nothing.
- Connect through Remote Desktop session. Enable 3200 then disable 3200.
You must get 3650 with full resolution.
Make a Final Reboot
Right click on desktop. Screen Resolution-> Advance Settings -> Adapter Show normal.
CCC will show normal. Atleast after second reboot.
You have to set full screen for other resolutions as ZanQuance mentioned earlier. I am writing again.
- Change your screen resolution to any other for example 1024x768
- open CCC and press My Built Displays -> Properties Built in Display
- Select Full Screen and Press Ok
- change your resolution back to full.
Now in games there will be full screens.
From here everything should be ok.
Remote Desktop session needed only first time to properly enable 3650 with full driver support. and that's it. Then all process controls by scripts.
If ever you will have accidentally restart or system shutdown, on next boot up you will get again 3650 not properly enabled. But after full boot and login, restart your computer, everything will be ok.
Dont try to press buttons "High Performance GPU" and "Power Saving GPU" under CCC. Pressing "Power Saving GPU" crash your system. Next two reboots, everything will be ok.
Due to start up script you don't need blind login. By the way I used Smart Logon Utility
There is script update from ZanQuence here.:
Without Remote Desktop Session Updated GPO Scripts 02-19-2011.
*******Both Batch files********
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9591"
devcon disable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9591"
Let me know if you stuck.
Sleep working perfectly
Hibernate working perfectly
Questions to @ZanQuance
Question1: I don't understand, What is the difference between enable/disable device through Remote Desktop and through scripts??? Only Remote Desktop Enable/Disable-3200 brings 3650 to life with full driver
Question2: Why we need to set Enableall.bat script on Shutdown? Since we are enabling both cards in Enable3650.bat!!! But I have tested without this its not enabling 3650 properly on next startup!!!
*********100 points to @ZanQuance********* -
[scripts updated in signature]
Old postings that have useless info are being edited to avoid confusing new users. -
But keeps the download links for GPO Scripts and other stuff in your signature
Keep those two startup and shutdown scripts -
Hey Omergul,
you have just hit my point of view with your questions.And answer: for one is ... you do not need the enable and enable lines in enable3650.... only the disable is required since you do the enable in logout section.
The difference of enabling by script and by remote desktop is a bit more complex, but to make it simple.... sometimes the devcon "decides" to disable more than just the 3200 GK and there are aproximately 15 devices with very simillar PID signature (parts of nort, south bridge, chipset.....). The remote desktop then works only with the card. But to automate the process of disabling the 3200 GK is just by writing and putting the scripts. -
[Removed useless info]
New scripts in signature -
Okay I have some progress,
I switched to the updated GPO scripts, but I had to edit the enable3650 file to match these lines of code:
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9591"
devcon disable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
before it had said something like:
devcon disable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
I had it so that when I remote in and disable the 3200 in the device manager, my display turns on. I could reboot and the computer would start fine with the 3650 enabled in the device manager, but ccc would give me the error everyone is talking about and my resolution is limited to 11xx x 8xx.
The problem I am having now is when I remote in to disable the 3200 in the device manager, my laptop screen turns on, but when I log in the screen just flickers and goes back to the login screen.
Any thoughts?
whoops! sorry I didn't see Zanquance's "Updated GPO Scripts 02-19-2011"
I ran the restart.bat and after a blind login the display started up with the correct resolution. Awesome, thank you! -
ccc and my resolution are working properly, but I am still having to login blindly before the 3650 starts.
I had also this glitch logging remotely but locally screen flickered and then again login screen, I dont know what it was but it was only once. -
Thanks omergul, I have the 11.1 right now. I will try the 11.2. The screen is only black before I log in to windows at startup. The display shows the login screen fine when I come out of sleep mode. Does anyone know if you can switch between the 3200 and 3650 without a restart? It would be nice to have the 3200 running for battery mode.
well theoretically you can do it through batch scripts, and I guess without restart. not tried yet.
script should be like this
devcon enable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9612"
devcon disable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9591"
Let me know if you try. Nothing should be harm
Asus M51Ta Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Tshroom, Aug 10, 2008.