woofer? все решается очень просто - в регуляторе громкости жмёшь параметры - ставишь галочку дополнительные параметры. под микрофоном появляется кнопка Настройка. Жмешь на нее и ставишь галку усиление микрофона. и всё прекрасно работает.
omg, russians everywhere))
This problems resolves simply by turning on microphone boost in microphone advanced properties
Hmmm. It works properly for me. Also, i saw this soution on the asus.ru forums
PhpRu. Привет, купил себе m50vm 1B, такая же проблема как и у тебя, пищит звук при любом запущенном приложении, как решить не знаю уже, качаю дрова 217, посмотрим что получится... Очень расстроил этот факт, а ноут действительно хороший.
I also download the new sound driver WDM R2.17 but i don't think this will fix a problemm. But I'll try today.
Anybody tried installing windows 7?
I have an Asus M50VM-B1 and installed Windows 7-x64 ...most of the vista x64 drivers worked just fine, except for the bluetooth drivers.
Initially i had a problem with my optical disk drive, but i guess after installing some upgrades from MS, it works just fine.
Just want to know if anybody else has any issues? -
bizmark03 - i've installed build700 x64. haven't any problems with bluetooth, but i've got a bug - after waking up from suspend mode sound is disappeared((
it's beacause of unstable release, i think.
Mexan1k - пищит у меня именно при инициализации звукового тракта. причем заметил интересный факт -если включить в настройках воспроизведения микрофон и на середину выставить громкость, то пищание пропадает -
Let's keep it in English people.
Like that everybody can benefit from the information in the posts. Thanks!
Hai all,
My fiance borrow my laptop including all the manual and disk. I am not sure if there is a windows installation on the beg.
So does Asus M50 come with windows home premium installation cd? or it is just a recovery disk? -
hey guy, sorry to revive a older model thread, but did/was the mutiple keypress issue fix ever solved? I see there is a newer bios ( in comparison to mine ) on the asus download site. does this fix the issue?
It would be great to have multiple key presses for games like tomb raider and devil may cry haha -
Did anyone have Service Manual fo M50Vm? I have a problem with my card reader & I think the chip migth be dead. Manual can help me to find it. I just don't want to kill the laptop.
Here is a version 2 of the XP driver pack I compiled. Contains newer version bluetooth driver and a new Nvidia VGA driver. Also HDMI audio driver from first driver pack was not needed anymore, so it was removed
I put this driver pack together to try and make it more convenient when trying to install XP to an Asus M50VM-B1 notebook computer. All 'Fn' keys work, including ambient light sensor 'ctrl+A'. There are no yellow flags in 'Device Manager'.
Hope this helps somebody. File can be downloaded from link below :
Filename : M50VM-B1.XP.Driver.Pack.Ver2(08.16.2009).rar
File Hashes :
CRC32: 983EE85D
MD5: 3B689C2F08FD56397F441CF3866BA280
SHA-1: 1590F78EA081E3739C1F64389BDCDFC6291DA892 -
. This pack of drivers are compatibles with xp 64bits? If they are not compatibles, where I can found them. Thanks
did anyone try do install windows 7 on his Asus M50VM-b1 ?
if yes than did the draivers was compatible with it? or should i downlode new draivers? what draivers should i download?
thanks -
Here You may download drivers for Win 7:
This collection was made by user "Turbogear".
On my FTP server there are only (as yet): ATK, webcam, Touchpad DualMode drivers and BIOS.
I use Win 7 x64 on my m50Vm-B1 and works great.
There is new BIOS for m50Vx models -
I have Asus M50VM-B1 and i restored my vista to the beginning but as i did it the resolution got crazy and i cant fix it , the web pages is at the middle of the screen and in tiny letters i tried to change the percentage and the resolution and the DPI but i never found the perfect option
My question is what is your rsolution and DPI configuration?
Do anyone knows this problem and how to fix it?
Idan -
Hi guys,
This Laptop is great, but I think I need a newer and bigger hard drive. Can I just replace it with a newer and install the OS? -
Thanks for any help -
Thanks pal, I just updated the Hard Drive. I got a 500 Gb 7200 RPM. Works fantastic.
Now I got a new challenge. I need to get my Hannspree LCD HD TV to work as an extended desktop through the HDMI cable. I updated the Nvidia Drivers and I can only duplicate the Desktop, but not extend it. Audio works perfectly through HDMI. -
hey guys. first post here. i am highly considering buying this laptop used. i have two main concerns, though:
- i want to add in an internal bluray drive. i don't need it for writing, just reading. is it possible? how difficult is the installation and any recommendations on drives?
- does the graphics card hold up to some of today's/near future standards? i don't need the settings to be ultra high, just enough to play some steam games decently.
thanks guys for a great thread.
Asus M50VM Montevina, NV 9600M GS Review
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by GenTechPC, Jul 16, 2008.