Sorry about not getting those up. Thanks for running the benchmarks!
Non of the ASUS models have Optimus?????!
Mother of god... i hate this.. i love asus design, and im willing to sacrifice some performance, but... no optimus... thats just stupid... -
What type of screen was it Paul? Matte or glossy?
Thanks Paul) Did you like it?
I was deciding between 670m and 660m models... but... no optimus... thats making it hard to buy ASUS...
Dang... when i finally decide about a laptop... something is on the way... always...
I curse you ASUS... why you have to make so stupid mistakes? if you are not packing Optimus, you might at least waited and get the biggest card out there right now(AMD 7xxx) and not just a 660/670...
I wonder how the guy that makes this kind of decisions keeps his job...
PS: Is there a chance, they enable it later on, via BIOS update or something like that? -
Wasn't there a downside to the optimus technology?
Are we sure the G75VW does not support optimus?
I know the High-End 3D Screen Model does but the other versions lack it as well?
This was going to be my laptop of choice, but that is a 100% dealbreaker for me if true............... -
Not 100% sure, but i dont see it on ASUS wepage, or resellers webpage.
Non of the reviewed models last longer than 2-3 hours on battery, and that makes me think "no optimus" so... idk
I really hope im wrong, and you can get this thing to be alive 4 to 6 hours on battery with IGP. -
Maybe later on with a firmware update? I checked everywhere tried to install Intel Graphics drivers and still a no go
I bought this laptop and love it. The only issue I have with it it the wireless card. I have a Intel 6300 I want to put in it. Does anyone have a picture or video of all the screws that needs removing to access the wireless card?
I'm very glad I caught this ommission since I was very close to pulling the trigger and now I dont have to hassle with a return. -
Paul (or anyone with experience tearing down the laptop), did you by chance snap a photo or remember the labeling on the chip that the "Thunderbolt" port is connected to? Does it have "DSL2210", "DSL3310", or "DSL3510" on it?
If so, then I think we can be safe in assuming that a future firmware update will enable the Thunderbolt port. If not, then I think we're most likely looking at ASUS releasing a different G75 model that has Thunderbolt. -
Is there a definitive answer to the question of 670m vs 660m in the G75VW lineup?Is the 670m's 3gb of VRAM superior to the 660m's 2gb?
From reading the reviews posted this thread, it appears that the 660m config bases a consistent 11300 3D Mark Vantage Score; and Paul has managed to hit OC scores of 12000+.
Would it be fair to base a comparison of the 660m vs 670m using the scores of the the base MSI GT70 (~13000+)? - the MSI GT, essentially uses the same components as the 670m version of the G75.
Also, I have noted that Paul has proven that the 660m configuration of the G75 is upgradeable -- how viable will this be in futureproofing this laptop moving forward.
There's been some considerable commentary on NBR, but no definitive conclusion by anyone.
Would very much appreciate your thoughtful analysis.
To provide some context -- I purchased a 670m variant, and am now second guessing my purchase (I am still able to cancel it -- due to delays haha). -
Is there an actual owners lounge thread for the G75VW ? I bought one today till I order an m17x R4, and was just wondering where i can find all the pertinent information and discussion about our model..
At least in Norway... probably before in the US and UK
Can't wait, it's said to have the same performance as the desktop GTX 570 and could possibly be OCd close to a desktop GTX 580 -
GTX 680 will be Kepler, but it will still be on par with the 7970m, only it will cost a leg and an arm compared to it.
Probably. -
Are there any potential issues with the g75 power connector or the charging brick?
Confused here ... at one point I thought that some people were experiencing problems with connectors or connector pins on some models.
Is this anything to worry about?
Any comments/opinions/clarifications appreciated ... considering pulling the trigger and buying one of these g75's! -
Thanks for the info Rokopt, bad news for me then :S...
Ill keep looking around... but seems the only option is Alienware, i belive MSI doesnt pack optimus either.
But.. i like ASUS design... i really looks much much better.
Alienware is to flashy... and i intent to take my laptop to work also...
and MSI ... idk.. im not convinced. -
Well to each his own I guess -
We should ask the resellers, as the optimus information may be just a copy past of the card information.
I believe someone noticed the same on Asus ones... -
Could do Dual amd hd 7700 x fire and a intel 2500k oc to 4.2 etc... -
My own calculations. Could be dead wrong, could have some truth to it. Wait and see
The fact that im not playing COD under a tree in the park, doesnt mean i dont like to browse, brick free, sitting in a coffe shop.
Or go into a meeting room, without taking the brick with me... and be able to take notes etc...
If the idea is to have something just to go to work, i would get a XenBook or something like that...
I wanted a Desktop Improvement, not a desktop replacement. IE: Trade in some GPU power for portability, 3+ battery hours on the road.
Idk... i might get it anyway... but without optimus... its not as good as i expected...
To be honest, i much rather get a Sager/Clevo 15"(cuz i dont like the 17" model) with a better VGA and Enduro if they confirm it works... probably around the same price.
Whats all the Kepler point if 660m OC really bad, and doesnt perform really high...
670/675 are just re brands, which would be OK due to Nvidia adding optimus to them, but no one decides to use it... then its pointless...
Maybe MSI is another option, and the design is no that bad, but the exaust design on ASUS is just awesome... i would really like to get ASUS barebones
I dont know... im kind of disappointed, and dont know what to do now... -
Of course that if I would have the laptop in my home all the time I would get a desktop, it's a given fact you are trading power for mobility (and even that is relative).
Can you confirm that there is indeed no Optimus?
If I had a desktop I would be forced to buy a Dell 27" monitor with a 2560 x 1440 resolution and my wife would yeah uhm that wouldn't go over well.
It is cool to see where technology has come from lets say a few years ago. I'm excited to see which direction it goes with Ultra Books and Tablets when it comes to gaming.
"The current models are not shipping with TB hardware inside so they cannot be retroactively upgraded. Only TB advertized models ship with TB installed. This is because those who don't need TB at all (still quite a significant %age due this early in TB rollout) won't have to pay for the TB chip inside."
So there we have it, the Best Buy model doesn't have TB and never will (at least until a new model is announced). -
thank you. -
Hey Paul, you said you got more ram for the computer, do you have a link for what you got.
Brightness is good
The computer is pretty decent, wishwe had a real G75vw lounge but this may have to suffice :"( Should be receiving my Samsung 830 256Gb SSD today, so needa figure out how to properly install windows on it, and then the order of the drivers etc that I'll need to install presumably from the Asus website (hate having no driver disks/Windows Cd..). Also wanna wipe the standard 1tb free of everything including the windows install. Also needa figure out if it can hold more than 906Gb, since my external can hold 945 or so, so any help of unformatting it or getting rid of hidden recovery files would be greatly appreciated guys
SlickDragon, you will probably only need to get a thumbdrive with disk drivers(ACHI/RAID/SATA) were the SSD is connected, and just to be sure, i would download network drivers(WLAN and LAN).
Also, keep in mind you will need the Windows License, and i dont know if its on the backside of the computer or where it is, as i never had a ASUS laptop.
Then once inside the system you can download the resto.
I would download gpu, chipset, etc drivers, from it own vendor webpage
IE: GPU from nvidia, chipset from Intel, etc etc
Then go to ASUS website and download the ASUS tools you need, like idk, any multitouch control or something like that.
Windows 7 is really smart latelly, so once you have a internet connection it should be able to download most of the drivers. (like the touchpad etc) but i would update them from their vendor or ASUS webpage.
About how to clean the other drive, you can probably use diskpart to do it, or the disk manager on windows.
open a cmd as administrator
list disk
sel disk 0 (where 0 is the disk number of the 1TB disk)
create par
format fs=ntfs quick
and you should be done.
Check online for each command if you want, as this is a generic instruction set, and as it might work for your configuration, is not "made for" your configuration, as the drive might have another number, or you might face any unknown issue. -
Hmm thanks for the tips Wee, i just got the Samsung 830 now, but will deal with the installation later after i do alot of research to not screw it up. Only have 1 usb thumbdrive now which is 4 Gb, that i have windows formatted on and will use it to install windows on my ssd. Getting a 16gb usb 3.0 tomorrow, since i may need it to install drivers from, although im not sure. Also i don't really understand what you mean by
I'll check on using diskpart to wipe the harddrive and then reformat it to ntfs, but sorta hoping i will have the "full" 945Gb or whatever, since every bit of storage matters.. -
I just bought the G75VW from Amazon a couple of hours ago and was hoping to find a thread here on this machine...
Is it here but I am missing it? I am pretty excited about the purchase. -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
I have cut this thread by 2 full pages by merging consecutive posts. If anyone in this thread doesn't know how to use multi-quote to reply to multiple messages in one reply, please read this:
Also if you want to add something to your post a few minutes later, please use the edit button instead of making a new reply and stacking your posts on top of each other. Thanks in advance for less future cleanup I need to do on this thread!
michaelws I moved your post here and renamed the thread to add 'owners lounge' at the end.
There is also a gigantic (older, pre-sale, speculation, etc) thread here: -
Well, i cant advice you any further, as i never had Intel SRT neither an SSD.
For SSD, is recomended to set the BIOS to ACHI, so you can take advantage of all the features.
And what i mean with the drivers is, that if you set your BIOS to ACHI, and for some reason, the drives are not recognized (which is normal for some chipsets) you will need to put those in the thumbdrive (you can use the same thumdrive were you have the windows install thing) and load them when the installation requires them.
Altough, i just browsed the ASUS support downloads webpage, and i cant find those drivers :S
Maybe im missing something, someone who already owns the laptop, or other laptops might guide you better.
They might be on the ASUS CD(if its there) -
I just bought a G75 on Saturday. Started to overclock the GPU a little and here are my results so far:
Have not have any crashes in BF3 yet.
I'm playing at 1080 but on all low settings, I don't understand how people are getting 60fps on ultra.
What other stuff do I have to do to get a better framerate?
Edit: I only put MSI afterburner up to show how much i overclocked. Core was Oc'd by 65 and memory by 500 -
Asus G75VW Ivy Bridge 660M Review! and owners lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by paulnelson88, Apr 27, 2012.