Hi how do you like the keyboard? All review sites seem to really like the g53swa1 etc but not the keyboard. Thanks!
I'm still waiting.. (in about 3 days I will have it)
When I recive that, I will tell you. -
New register here!
...New owner also, after reading all 111 pages and every review I could scrounge up I decided to order it (G53SW-XN1) just a few hours ago. This will be my first gaming laptop as I've been a desktop guy up until now; the tied to a desk gaming style just doesn't work for me anymore.
I'm not sure if I want to rip it open just yet to get at that fourth RAM slot, but using 3 what would be the best configuration? Is the fourth slot actually that difficult to get to, for a rusty IT guy?
I'm going with the standard adjustments from this thread mostly; throttle stop, MSI afterburner, SSD and probably a new wifi card if I have issues with it. I use USB gaming mice and no bluetooth devices so I imagine it should be fine as is.
I feel like a little kid waiting for this to come in the mail. Maybe I should have spent the 30 bucks on the 2 day shipping../crosses-fingers-for-no-damaged-goods
You don't have to tear it apart, just take 2*4gb ram and you'll be fine for a long time... Even with 4gb you're fine.
Adding 16gb is useless, it would be like adding 6gb to an atom netbook...
We don't need that amount of ram, and we'll probably never will until this laptop turns obsolete.
So 2*4gb is the best, dual channel with equal amount of memory. Take 1333mhz, unless you have better than a 2630qm, which can only go to 1333mhz for ram.
Ssd will be great, intel 6230 is also a great upgrade, and yeah, take an usb mouse, it's faster.
And final word : Avoid to disassemble it unless you really have to. I disassembled mine 5 or 6 times in only two weeks, and one of my hinges screws is now...Screwed. I mean broken, i can't unscrew it with a screwdriver.
And you need to remove the screen before disassembling the rest.
Some screws seem really weak, so just tear it apart for example in a year when you'll have to change the thermal paste. -
Yeah there's no way I'm taking it apart now, thanks. They have to cut costs somewhere and I imagine the screws are part of that. Once a year maintenance is enough.
I'm going to play around with it and see if I can even get to the point where the stock 6GB is not enough. Unless of course I run across a sick deal on 2x4GB.
Two day shipping...Two days too long!
Now to go find those SSD's people were raving about earlier in this thread... -
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
ASUS G53SW-XN1 Gaming Notebook, $792.99 Shipped After MIR @ Newegg
Hot? Don't know how long this will last... -
thats crazy @.@
Quick question, is there a workaround to be able to use the official nvidia drivers? Because the latest version from asus dates back to march...
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Drivers and Download G53SW -
Use the modded inf lying around here in this forum or go to laptopvideo2go. The latest one is 285.26
I just want to know g53sw has windows vista or windows 7? -
Well, I'm buying this laptop and I was wondering what's the deal with this power button issue?
I heard ASUS warranties are really good and I'm getting the laptop from newegg, so even if I have to RMA, it's fine. Just a hassle to get this laptop for the amazing deal on newegg. -
Hello everyone,im a new owner of the g53sw(newegg).I have read alot of the pages so please excuse me if i didnt see the answers to the questions i have,im having some problems with my pc.
#1-Google chrome wont open but internet explorer will
#2-The top 3 buttons the two next to the light for keyboard arnt working for some reason now.
#3-My function button isnt working for some reason(cant use volume controls or anything)
I would appreciate any feedback or help from a newb,thanks =)
ps.i havnt removed any bloatware cuz im scared to erase something i need i saw the guide thing but idk where,is there a bisic list thats easier? -
I thought that I would move this over from the gaming forum.
Ok, so I have the Ssd and ram installed. My laptop shows the ram when it boots up but not the ssd. I also downloaded a windows 7 iso and burnt to a dvd. The iso was like 3gb. Disk is in the computer. Now how do I reimage? Its been 10 yrs since i've done it. How can I get the ssd to show up? Do I need to go into the bios for the drive? -
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
It's here!
No power button issue, no dead pixels, lights up fine etc.
I wouldn't worry RekeHavock, as another poster said earlier in this thread, the negative reviews on Newegg are likely the vocal minority.
Seriously I think I'm in love with this machine. It's been a long time since I've owned a high quality gaming box and I still have the old desktop that I built around 6 years ago.
Now to update everything and install some games. -
So I have a weird static sound come out of the left speaker on my lappy.... Its through the whole sound system actually, headphones aren't excluded from this behavior.
Only issue is the 500gb HDD that came stock is a storage drive now, and I have an SSD as the main drive. I am pretty much broke and cant afford another HDD to store crap. What can I do so I can send my laptop in to get repaired?
EDIT: I was told by ASUS that it has to be factory stock. So I have to take out all enhancements and I have to find away to get my data backed up.
well after months of using My G53, i didn't know that the SX-XN1 model comes with an GTX 560M...!
Is there a huge difference between the GTX 560M and the GTX 460M ?
and or can i upgrade my G53sw to a gtx560m...? just want to make sure i'm bf3 proof... lol -
Does anyone get these messages when installing the drivers?
I cant install any new driver with modified inf. Older drivers from Asus website seem to work fine. -
Ok, thanks for the replies.
I can't wait for it to get here haha, will post a review once it arrives. -
I think you should be able (though none video card upgrade has been successful yet on a g53/g73), but it would be useless.
GTX460m 192 and GTX560m 128bits are equivalent, and GTX460m 192 bits o/c to GTX560m 192bits frequencies is exactly the same as the GTX560m 192bits. So just o/c to 800/1600/1300 and voilà, you got a better card than GTX560m.
If i were to make an upgrade,i wish we could put a GTX485m in it, that would be awesome. -
the thing is you wont be able to find a G53SX's GTX 560M for sale anywhere, at least for now.
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
Will that sucks about the factory stock. Makes it a pain for almost all of us. On top of that, I guess I just got knocked out of my warranty, because I no longer have the DVD drive that came with mine. (Had bought and upgraded to blue-ray reader.) So I can't put it to stock anymore.. If that's the case, way to go Asus, one more way to screw your customers over.
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
As it says in my signature after that whole fiasco with installing windows and all that I RMA'd with newegg, they ran out of stock and my replacement was changed to a refund, now I'm rather wary of getting another g53 to replace my refunded one.
No other laptop has that kind of cooling system and given hardware for that price. I'm wondering where all of the refurbished laptops are going. If Newegg is just repackaging the g53sw's you've been sending back after fixing the problems, I'm wonder if there is even any new stock that is actually new, not just reused and repackaged.
Backlighted keyboard a MUST if you have small kids. Only way you can play late a night once the kids are sleeping.
I'm impressed with how fast it comes on, mostly due to the SSD drive. Restarting takes seconds instead of a couple minutes. -
College student, I never use backlighting it just looks awesome on the steelseries, get the alienwareish keyboard without the gaudy looks, I touchtype most any keyboard even ones I've never used.
Hey guys, I've been looking for a computer to replace my G60JX for awhile(due to freezing quite regularly). I found this computer here for $1049, which I feel is a good deal.
ASUS G53Sw-A1 15.6" Notebook Computer (Black) G53SW-A1 B&H
I read a ton of things about power button issues though, and would like to get some opinions about this laptop from owners, and if I should be worried about anything, or if any of you have experienced freezing. It would be horrible if I replaced this comp...
My computer froze at this point actually, good thing firefox saved my post.
Anyway, I would be horrible to replace this computer with another that freezes. Could anyone let me know if this computer has this problem. Also, what else would a new owner of this computer need to know. Thanks so much in advance. -
what is the max ram supported
Well I just orded my G53sw-a1 from amazon after doing alot of research and not ordering the g53sx from hearing that the 560 in that is gimped due to the interface being 128 pretty excited hoping I made the right decision
You certainly did, mate
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
Does the G53SW-XN1 come with Momentus XT?
Newegg.com - ASUS G Series G53SW-XN1 Notebook Intel Core i7 2630QM(2.00GHz) 15.6" 6GB Memory 500GB HDD 7200rpm DVD Super Multi NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M
I currently have 2 SSDs. One is the OCZ Vertex LE 100GB SATA 2 and the other is OCZ Solid 3 60GB SATA 3. The Asus G53SW-XN1 has 2 HDD Bays both SATA 3. Is it possible to put these 2 SSDs in raid 0? Obviously the SATA 2 SSD will bottleneck the SATA 3 SSD, but by how much? Or am I better off putting the 500GB hdd that comes with the system in the 2nd HDD bay and the 60GB SATA 3 SSD in the main bay? -
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
Im waiting for mine to show up are there any drivers or updates I should install on this thing out of box been hearing some people with driver issues just wondering thanks!
I just bought an external monitor to go with this laptop. Is it ok to run this laptop with the lid fully closed? I know some laptops cool thru the keyboard but I am not sure about this one...
Thanks! -
So how bout that throttling when unplugged.. thats..lame any fixes throttlestop and unchecking that option doesn't do anything for me sc2 still stutter same with deus ex
Your not really supposed to game on an unplugged laptop. -
Kingpinzero ROUND ONE,FIGHT! You Win!
Do some search next time
Also check the guide in my signature, it shows how to use a modified inf with newer driver releases. -
Asus G53SW Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by kaworu876, Apr 16, 2011.