Just wanted to let you guys know, I've gotten Snow Leopard to work on the laptop. Full HD resolution with QE/CI enabled (some sort of Graphics acceleration, like DirectX). Only problem is that audio doesn't really work now.
i'm also using EVGA and it's great!
4226 ppd -
Thanks a lot rexrzer727!!!! So fast and accurate answer
I'm following you're steps right now!!!
I have now a second question, is there a special program to manage the Turbo mode besides the one from asus Power4Gear?
nfshp253 i've search on insnelymac web site and they can't manage to get Snow Leo to work with QE/CI enabled and full HD, could you make a tutorial or something?
Thanks to all of you!!! -
I've already brought it to the service center. Its kinda frustrating since that's my 2nd trip there. The first one was BSODs. The fix they did was just update the BIOS. I was expecting them to replace the memory modules (for those memory related BSODs).
Who do I call to get a full refund, as Im really not satisfied considering that it was purchased for just over a month now. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Most vendors will give you between 15-30 days to return for refund, so if you are over 30 days you may have to rely on your warranty.
The best thing to do is check with your vendor where you bought it. -
@zerocdv, you can follow this guide meant for the G60Jx, which is almost identical to our systems. Most importantly, you need to identify your laptop as a MacBookPro6,2 and telling the system that it's 10.6.2 even after you've installed 10.6.3. You then have to install the MBP Update 1.3 which will include native support for the GTS 360M just by entering the boot command GraphicsEnabler="Yes". Of course that will only work if you are using a Chameleon bootloader.
I think I've told most of you that I'm a Mac convert, in the small sense of that thought in any case, although I've had PC's of one sort or another since the 1980's, and before that I worked as a news writer for one of the major wire services where we used a system called "CompuScan"---an IBM concoction that allowed us to edit copy on the fly from the newsroom, vs doing it in the typesetting and printing part of the news process, a 1st of its kind. :wub:
So various types of computing and I go back into the 1970's, before most of you were born probably! Hah! I latched onto the Mac OS and Mac computers in the 1980's and used them exclusively for my home systems until about 5-6 years ago, when I started building my own PC HTPC's at 1st, then graduated to more eccentric machinery and finally got into laptops of the PC variety in earnest 3 years ago. :wink:
I have not delved into putting Mac OS X onto a PC of any sort though, but I have done PC on Macs many, many times, both with Boot Camp (the Apple program) and Parallels, and VM Ware for Virtual Machines for various uses including FAHome...that is why I am singling out Mr. 253 here because that's no small order to do, ie getting Snow Leopard, a 64-bit OS to operate successfully on a PC laptop, and I think it's just great that he's done it!! :smile:
I think we could all benefit from his tutorial about doing such a thing, if he'd have the care and patience to be able to post it here 1st in our intimate little group at notebookreview.com, so with that in mind do I have any 2nds or 3rd's about that idea? Don't you all think it would be KUHL for Mr. 253 to go ahead and post up about *HOW* he got Snow Leopard to work on our G51?
If you agree it would be a good thing for him to do, please post up here about it and let's encourage him to do just that...it would be great!!
If I were to install Snow Leopard onto my G51JX-A1 I'd have to pop into the machine a 2nd HD of some sort, because I just don't have the room to go ahead with that program on my smallish 120GB (112GB formatted space available) OCZ Vertex 2 SSD. I just happen to have such a thing sitting here doing nothing, a spare Hitachi 500GB 7200RPM 16MB Cache HD, so if I could figure out *when* to have the time to do it I'd like to run Snow Leopard on this G51, too, having a fresh copy of the OS, yessir I do! :yes:
If those of you who I have been helping out here of late would like to help me out a little, I could use some Reps Up comments under my rexrzer727 name if you wouldn't mind. If you really want to thank me for tips and tricks and ideas that have benefited you by all means hit that "Rep Up" button under my name and show me some computer luv, because believe me it's nice to see concrete recognition at notebookreview.com. People just don't do enough of that sort of thing here...even I don't do enough of it, and I'm the 1st to admit it.
I owe Mr. Thalanix a nice Rep Up for all his brilliant posts here that I've taken advantage of before today, so I'm going to go find his namesake and give him a Rep Up for his postings as soon as I am done with this, so that's my personal thanks which will be going out to him. He's such an experienced PC guy with these laptops, you know? We are lucky to have him here to give us advice and tips, at last I think so anyway.
That is my thought for today: give some thanks to people who help you out here at notebookreview.com! A Rep Up is the only way that we know that we are in fact assisting you, and it's directly proportional to how many thank-you's we actually receive in the comments and Reps Up remarks. Give thanks where thanks is due, that's my thinking and I intend to do just that for people who help me out now, and in the future, and I hope others will do the same for me. -
nfshp253 & rexrzer727:
Does the GTS 360M self down clock when not using anything graphically intense? -
There's already a tutorial done for the G60Jx, which I followed meticulously to make it work. But remember, if you have to dual-boot, get the Snow Leopard DVD which is modded to support MBR partition tables (it would normally supported only GUID tables). You can then dual-boot by installing Chameleon and then adding a boot entry in Windows using EasyBCD, at least that's what I did.
Not all stuff are working now; for example, audio, which is sort of working, but crackling sounds shows errors. The wireless card (Intel 1000) doesn't work (and probably never will in the near future). I haven't tried HDMI video out, but I've heard from the G60Jx guy that it works. I'll try it out some day.
Other stuff that work include the GTS 360M with full QE/CI support, the Bluetooth, the webcam (!!!!), Blu-ray drive, RAM, Processor (Speedstepping seems to work!).
I could get the Fn keys to work by patching the DSDT, but I can't compile it successfully.
That's about it for now. I'll continue to work on the drivers and try to get the G51Jx to run like a perfect MacBook Pro. Wish me luck! -
Good luck on your quest of using Mac OSX on G51Jx nfshp253
Thanks! Anyone want to work with me and try it out too?
janvandongen -
janvandongen -
hey guys can you give me the best configuration in evga precision as in game settings for running GTA4 on this amazing laptop. thanks
Thanks for starting up the owners' lounge, added to the Info Booth and to the Reviews and Owners' Lounges Index thread.
E.B.E., ASUS forum moderator -
Just to update you guys. I've gotten the audio to work on Snow Leopard on the G51Jx-A1. Turns out that the crackly audio was because the CPU was always trying to idle and therefore cannot process the sound. Just add the boot flag "idlehalt=0" and everything's solved! Now almost everything is working, except for only the Wireless card and SD card reader. Not sure about ExpressCard slot, since MacBooks don't have them!
Please, do not discuss OSX on non-Apple laptops on these forums. It is against the Apple EULA, so we cannot have this type of discussions here.
Hi, this is my first post and I would like to start with thanking everyone for their informative posts. I just got my G51jx-ai and am trying to do a clean install. However, i have hit a snag. My laptop did not come with ANY asus support CD's, or even windows seven. i finished making a windows 7 DVD, but i am having an extremely hard time finding the drivers that rexrzer recommended.
so i guess i have two questions
one, does anyone have a link where i can find the drivers? or a recommended site
two, can i use my AI recovery discs in a similar way to how Rex described to shutdown with the asus discs.
Thanks again, and in advance -
I doubt that Asus has a new policy that is "No DVD ROM's at all"! I would guess that there has been a mistake, albeit a costly and difficult to understand mistake with this retail delivery and packaging, so I would be the 1st to advise this new owner to get in touch with both the retailer and Asus to FIX the situation 100%, and give this gentleman some backup for his new notebook!
This owner is due at least a Driver & Utility DVD-ROM, and best case scenario Asus should furnish him with the works, that would be the drivers AND Windows DVD installers, sort of to "make up" for neglecting in the Quality Control with the packaging of this notebook for delivery.
I can't help with the Drivers and where to get them, apart from having that invaluable DVD in hand, because Asus is shut down for the weekend with doing a complete reconstruction of their "Web Identity" and pages, ie there is not any Asus to go to right now! Here's hoping that Asus's new web pages are sublime, interesting, and informative as they strive to improve on their web presence. :smile:
That is my recommendation today for the new owner: get in touch with your retailer and Asus both, and see if there is anything to be done to help him out with having at least the bare minimum Driver & Utility DVD ROM to go along with the new laptop, because that IS the minimum that is supposed to be furnished with a new G51JX-A1, and he didn't get one of those in his retail box.
I feel very lucky in that I have *both* the Driver and Utility DVD ROM and the Windows Installer DVD ROM, which came in my retail box, along with a copy of PowerDVD from CyberLink to boot, and this is indicative of an "early production" G51JX-A1--mine was just that, as it was made on January 10, 2010 it turns out. I found some documentation in my retail box which gave away the build date, so that's a bit unusual to say the least, and I am glad for it on both cases! :wink:
I don't like the tendency of manufacturers on the PC side doing this "denial" deal they are on these days, that is not giving a new owner the sum and substance of having DVD's for backup with a retail purchase, in fact it just SUCKS that they are as a group doing this without exception. I have to give it up to Hewlett Package (HP) computers for *not* doing this stuff with their retail products, as HP still for the most part gives the customer DVD's for the OS and drivers...at least I think they are still doing that.
Doing this deed goes against all logic when you think about it, and prevents an owner from being able to reinstall the OS and drivers when anything unusual occurs (*system crash, equipment failure,* or owner preference for that matter), and it just makes no sense at all in general. How much $$$ would it save the manufacturer to do this? A reasonable estimate is about $2-$5 or so, depending on which version of Windows they would furnish in a retail package, ie cost of the DVD and licensing fees to Microsoft...and that is ALL! Go figure! :rolleyes2:
Other than having that retail package from the manufacturer an owner is left to the mfr's web site and a retail copy of Windows, or one of the popular "free sources" of the Microsoft operating system, which can be legal or illegal to do depending on the source of such a thing, in order to have a way to go with a 2ndary install of the OS and drivers. None of that should be necessary, and it's where a company like Apple Computer separates itself from the PC industry in general, as there has NEVER been an Apple computer delivered without the full OS and supporting software...and they stand alone with that in mind. :yes: :yes:
Good luck with this situation, and I hope that it resolves in your favor...I know I would be complaining like crazy, and with plenty of backup to boot against both the retailer and the mfr, so get to it, and may the Force be with you! -
NVIDIA just released new driver 257.21
You can try it here:
I shall wait for someone else to try this out first. The 257.16 gave me numerous problems. Anyone willing to test this?
Experiences welcome, (good and bad).
janvandongen -
Just curious guys--have the BSOD issues been cleared up with this laptop?
I'm considering picking one of these badboys up but don't have the patience to watch this thing BSOD on me regularly. -
In following rex's advice, i contacted both asus and my retailer, the retailer said to contact asus, and asus said that they do not supply CD's with these laptops anymore. They offered to guide me through downloading a manual... which i have already done, and their next offer hurt my brain. They said that they will sell me a driver and support CD for forty dollars plus shipping and handling.
I am a very sad panda, i love my laptop, but i really need a clean install top get away from all this bloatware... well, wish me luck as i begin exploring the internets and as advice i recommend always checking the packaging... even for something you may assume essential and obvious.
and thanks rex for all your help, you should be getting paid by Asus. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
If you want to get rid of any bloatware or any of the ASUS utilities just go to Control Panel>Category = Small Icons>Programs and Features and then select and uninstall anything you don't want.
Anyone in here tried the new Seagate Momentus XT Solid State Hybrid Drive?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148591&Tpk=seagate%20momentus%20xt -
I have a couple Seagate 2.5" notebook HD's from my UL30 (replaced by a Hitachi 500GB 7200RPM 16MB Cache HD at 1st, then later an Intel X25-M 160GB SSD) and this Asus G51, the OEM HD's in both computers, and they sit out in storage in my garage workshop area unused, with no plans to use them at all. I simply don't trust Seagate HD's with my data, not for backup, not for use in the notebooks. It's my outlook, and not everybody shares it I am certain, but that is my view, there are people who use Seagate HD's by preference but their track record with QC in Asus notebook HD's is pretty miserable.
I could cite thread after thread over in the UL30VT-X1/A1 notebook Owner's Lounge, and in the N71JQ-A1 lounge here at notebookreview.com, and people complain and beetch and moan, and time after time again the OEM Seagate HD's are to blame for vibration, noise, clicks and clacks, all kinds of weird and strange things going on in the notebooks, all caused by faulty Seagate HD's. If that is the sort of product you want to have in your notebook, by all means try it out and see if they are doing any better than they have been doing of late with their products for Asus notebooks, that is the bottom line, take it or leave it.
I think your $$$ is much better spent on a small SSD for your notebook, albeit *much* smaller than a 500GB platter HD, but the benefits are tremendous and fantastic...you could go as low as an 80GB SSD and still have plenty of room for the OS, your key applications and programs, and certainly a core amount of music, videos, and personal data. Then you could store the other personal & otherwise important data on an external USB, FireWire, or eSATA HD system, even use the Seagate OEM HD that is in your notebook right now for that use, and you'll be 100% ahead of the game vs getting yet another platter HD, 4GB of Flash NAND notwithstanding. :yes:
That is my recommendation to you, and anyone else considering such a HD: avoid it at all costs and just get an SSD and an external HD enclosure for the OEM Seagate HD for data storage, and BAM! You're now doing something to really, and significantly increase performance, response time, boot time will be cut in half or better, read and write speeds will be up to 5X as quick as a mechanical platter HD, in short you just cannot go wrong with a small SSD in a notebook. Not to mention one other key ingredient with any SSD: it saves BATTERY and Run Time! :wink:
The run time in my UL30VT-X1 went from about 6-hours tops, at high performance settings on battery, to more than 9-10 hours of run time by simply changing the HD from platter to SSD, an incredible benefit! You can't get that benefit with the new Seagate HD you are referencing, in fact it uses MORE battery power than a standard platter HD according to Anantech.com! So beware of *losing* run time with such a HD, and that's a fact.
I am sorry for lighting up about this new product, but to me it's just not a brilliant example of this type of HD, and if it were made by anybody else I might recommend that people go ahead and try it out, but it's not, it IS made by Seagate and I have a large and indelible problem with that fact: their notebook HD's generally suck large tomato seeds, and there are much better alternatives from Hitachi, Western Digital, and all of the SSD makers to choose from vs that HD, and I recommend against it 100%! -
Anyone tried overclocking the i7-720QM in the G51Jx? I've tried it once but it always freezes. It would be good if other members can look into this.
SetFSB on the CPU and have had difficulties, as I can imagine you may have done.
I have read all the threads associated with overclocking this CPU here at notebookreview.com and so far I am unimpressed with their results, as there is significant heat produced by any sort of overclocking of all 4 Cores at the same time, and that spells out a LOT of trouble for the CPU and associated parts and pieces of the notebook, I am sorry to report.
If we could successfully overclock the CPU to 2.5Ghz on all 4 Cores, simultaneously ideally, the internal temps of the CPU would be increased by a factor of at least 60% or more, and if we are already operating at the mid to high 70's Celsius @ 100% Load, as I can see in my own CPU when I have the notebook doing Folding@Home @ 100% CPU Load @ 1.7Ghz (Turbo Extreme setting in P4G), that means that @ 2.5Ghz on all 4 Cores our temps would be up and into the 90's and higher, which would just about FRY the CPU and throttling would be taking place because the notebook would have no way to recover from such a thing!
I frankly see no benefit to a significant overclocking of this CPU in this notebook, I mean what is the point? Would you like to damage the machine easily? Well, that will be the result of overclocking at that level as described above. and that is sure to happen if we *FORCE* the CPU to levels that it cannot sustain or cool off from, same thing really!
I personally do not want to see damage to my CPU, as that is difficult to justify at any measure of sanity, and I do not recommend overclocking the CPU in this G51 machine, not at all really, cannot do that after seeing that which I have seen at merely overclocking to 1700Mhz or so, I mean the CPU just doesn't like it one, little bitty bit! It cannot cool itself at higher speeds, so why should it be forced into doing something it cannot sustain? I see no point in doing it, not even a small sense of challenge or satisfaction should or could develop from overclocking this CPU, as presently configured.
This is a fantastic machine for overclocking the GPU substantially, and we have all done it at some point, at least I sure as heck have done it, but once doing that even I lose interest in it really, because it's simply artificially inducing high overhead into a perfectly fine GPU that works quite well at clocks such as 1620/2100, and beyond that I have to ask you WHAT is the point of doing such a thing anyway? Are we breaking some new territory for the other users of this fine laptop? I think not, and I for one cannot encourage overclocking the GPU beyond sane levels any more than I could see overclocking the CPU beyond 1700Mhz on all 4 Cores...there is just simply no rational way to justify potentially damaging the notebook for kix, for fun, for amusement, and for entertainment of some sort...I just am not that bored of a user, I guess, to want to do such things.
I am sorry to rant and rave about it here, but for once and for all I see no need to do it, no reason to do it, and there is no benefit that I can conceive of for doing such overclocking other than sure as H*ll destroying the CPU and or the GPU both if you do such things enough, and how is Asus going to process a burned up CPU/GPU for warranty replacement when they see such a pattern in the System Logs? WOW, guess what, no warranty replacement that is what!
Let me give you some really solid advice, and it's from the heart not the head, and that is this: if you need or want to overclock a CPU, go and save up your lunch money, or whatever it is you use for this sort of budgetary expense, and buy yourself a nice X58 EVGA motherboard, like the Classifed that I have for example, and get a nice, hot Core i7 920 CPU that can be easily overclocked to more than 60% of its base clock and do so 24/7 RELIABLY and SAFELY with the proper cooling apparatus like a Megahalems CPU Cooler, and some nice, fast, efficient Scythe Kazy Jyuni 1900RPM/110CFM fans in place, get a nice ATX case to go with the above parts and pieces, equip the setup with a heavy duty PSU so that you can overclock to your heart's content and never run out of power to do so...get a video card to go with it, a new Fermi for instance, the EVGA 480 would do nicely... Some xxxlllnnntt G. Skill 1800Mhz- certified RAM would be next, no, make that 2000Mhz-certified RAM, and put it all together with the finest of care, and guess what?
You too, could be overclocking like I do right now with my Core i7 rigs, which all run at 4.2Ghz or HIGHER when I feel like it, and they are going to do fine with that sort of use because it turns out you cannot really Hurt a Core i7 920 CPU doing overclocking, because at or about 95-degrees C it will effectively throttle down itself, Core by Core, automatically, and even if you push it up to 100-degrees C it will just plain Shut Down, and safety first, you know? It will save itself, and you will not hurt it even if you try your hardest.
That sort of deal is way different than working out your little 720QM-equipped notebook, I can assure you of that fact, because the notebook has no way to save itself like the Core i7 920 does, because of one key ingredient: the CPU and the GPU are tied together via a common Heat Sink... And if one heats up to 100-degrees the other will also, it just will that is all you can say about it, and it cannot recover from repeatedly abusing it like that, and you can, and will damage things one way or the other by consistently overclocking the CPU or GPU in the G51 notebook.
I've had my say about this topic, and I hope that you understand that I am in no way singling out you Mr. 253, I am speaking to the general audience here in notebookreview.com Land, and what I just wrote is the gospel Truth of the matter, and I don't mean anybody any harm by writing it out.
Overclocking a nice notebook like the G51 is just downright abuse, it's nonsense, and it makes no logical sense at all to do it over and over again, be it the GPU or the CPU, so if you want to overclock something do what I suggested above, and go at it, and have all the potential fun you can at it! I encourage that sort of thing, as it is harmless.
Not the notebooks though, they *can and will be harmed* by constant abuse and overclocking of the GPU and CPU, and I recommend against this sort of thing 100%, not just a little bit, but 100% against it.
I hope that everybody understands that I do not write these things because I am trying to influence anybody, it's simply the gospel truth of the matter, and you can take it or leave it, I don't really care one way or the other. I simply wrote it out so that it IS out there for you to choose to abide by or do otherwise...it's up to you, each and every one of you. -
Thanks for the clarification, rexrzer727. I was thinking of overclocking the CPU since it will help to improve encoding speeds while I convert videos.
Thanks rexrzer727, I added a category CPU overclocking on page 1 and referred to your above post.
janvandongen -
Here is a good bloatware guide, which helps you decide what to keep and what to remove. (Most software is indeed bloatware, but some is useful).
janvandongen -
Anyone have a recommend for laptop cooler?
We all have our moments of wanting to "do interesting things" with our computers, I know I sure do anyway, but I try to have appropriate tools for the right purposes, and my OEM Core i7 920 computers are quite a work I assure you in that regard, and that is what I 'have my fun' with, not a notebook computer like the G51 we all love so much.
This whole thread is such a blessing for this machine, and I am so very grateful to Mr. janvandongen (sp?) for starting it and maintaining it, a very thankless task that requires certain efforts and time which I just don't have to give or I'd have been the originator. The G51 really needs this Forum, and its purpose is to sustain our interests in, and curiosity about, explore the possibilities it offers, define its limits and abilities, and most of all we get to speculate and dream about things we can do with it. However some things are just bad juju, bad Karma, inherently negative, and there is no escaping the results of doing them, and insane levels of overclocking with this notebook is just plain stupid.
Your encoding efforts @ 1700Mhz are going to be very good with the notebook, it turns out, because I know something about that topic as I am a video editor, so let me translate the difference between encoding @ 1700Mhz vs. encoding @ let's say a theoretical 2500Mhz with the Core i7 720QM CPU.
To encode in real time, that is being able to change video from one format to another, or RAW video into an editable format, in actual minute by minute speeds takes a Mac Pro 8-Core @ 3.2Ghz (60FPS) to accomplish such a feat, so that's our comparative. The G51 notebook @ 1700Mhz is going to be encoding let's say an AVI to MPEG-4 video @ roughly 16-20FPS (frames per second), maybe 23-25FPS with ideal conditions; @ 2500Mhz the notebook will achieve about 20-25FPS, maybe 28-30FPS with ideal conditions, so the difference is quite real in terms of time spent when you can save 5-10 minutes an hour when time is of the essence, and it always is with things like encoding.
However, if you happened to have a Core i7 920 OEM PC like one of mine and you are doing encoding on it @ 4.2Ghz guess what? Right! My PC is faster than a Mac Pro 8-Core, as one of them routinely can encode, with the help of a fast hardware RAID 6 system that is part of my setup with two of them, at better than 75FPS, so how about them apples! This is a function of many factors, and I don't want to get too technical and offtrack and off-topic, but suffice to say my OEM PC is running 1600Mhz RAM that is overclocked to 1620Mhz, the 2.67Ghz 920 CPU is @ 4.2Ghz on 8 Hyperthreaded Cores, my system bus is negated because of hardware RAID so there's no I/O overhead on the CPU/HD's, and finally the RAID is able to write to disk @ better than 350MB/sec across the volume, and those are all things that a Mac Pro just can't compete with because it has 1066Mhz RAM, 3.2Ghz speed, an overloaded System bus and an AHCI Controller that can write to disk at no higher than 60-80MB/sec across a volume...much slower than my OEM PC.
That sort of data is why I build my own PC's these days instead of buying a new Mac Pro and blowing $10K or more on a system I can build for $3-4G's with the finest of everything component-wise, and as above it can kick the Mac Pro's butt easily! That whole body of statistics is just a primer to video editing which can get incredibly complex when you throw other factors into the mix, but those are the basics and they are real. I put those numbers out there so you all can see what an actual encoding process involves, and to be good at it a little notebook just can't compete with a full-blown multi-core, overclocked or 8-Core desktop, either one of which can most capably convert either RAW or composed video into various formats very quickly.
Thanks for the mention on the front page, and the reference to overclocking Mr. janvandongen, as those words I wrote were for everybody's benefit not just some expose' specific to our notebook, and it really applies to almost any notebook computer because they inherently have lesser limits than a full-blown desktop multi-media machine with unlimited resources. I will say that if there is any interest from someone reading this stuff that I can always give them the ingredients for making an OEM PC with "all the right stuff", because I make them for actual work use on request...it's just not that expensive to do so and then you have it all: a fast notebook for the basics and some editing on the fly, and a hardcore, fast, overclocked monster of a PC desktop that has no limits when it comes to output and throughput.
OK, that's enough about all of that, let's get back on topic and continue the discussions about our fantastic G51-series notebook, and all the things it can do, and do them well it turns out! Any notebook that can, by the way, support up to 16GB of 1333Mhz RAM is capable of a lot of things, and has very, very high limits as far as notebooks go, so our G51 is sort of in an elite class of notebooks, along with the 17" MacBook Pro, certain HP notebooks (such as the "Envy" and their Core i7 820QM-based notebooks), various higher end Sony and Lenovo notebooks, but I don't believe there is any other notebook other than a Sager/(?) notebook that supports up to 16GB RAM, only the MacBook Pro can do that and one of those costs about $4000 with all the goodies and that much Apple RAM.
You know what I love most of all about our notebook? The screen "real estate" with a 1920 x 1080 pixels LED-lit LCD display and the video card that supports it, THAT is what I love the most about the G51. When you can fit two who web pages on screen at the same time and edit one to the other, or use comparatives when making a new web page out of another one's template, it saves sooooo much time and hassle, and I can do that with the G51, and it's so nice! The LCD also has xxxlllnnnttt angles to view also, ie the viewing from side to side and from top to bottom is of course limited somewhat because it's a notebook vs a desktop's dedicated display, but its viewing angles are terrific for a notebook, and to me just as good as my wife's MacBook Pro's display.
Anyway, I wish others would chime in about their uses for their G51 because I hate being the *only one* who talks about what they do with their ROG Special! We should have an "owner's contest" to publicize all of the things this great notebook can be used for, and surely it's not all just gaming and looking at BluRay or DVD movies! Please feel free to write here what *YOU DO* with your notebook, it will be appreciated. -
Amazon.com: Logitech Notebook Cooling Pad (N100): Electronics
We have three of them, one for my wife's 13.3" 2.53Ghz MacBook Pro, one for the G51JX-A1, and one for my UL30VT-X1, and those notebooks run cooler than my other two that use different brands. :yes:
The Logitech N100 is very well constructed, has a low-speed but high volume USB powered fan which pulls air through the top of the cooler from the bottom of the notebook... perfect for our hot-running G51's. For about $30 shipped you cannot go wrong with the N100, they Rock! -
Thanks, rexrzer727 for that extremely comprehensive and mind-blowing explanation on everything. You really do know a lot. Respect. But you have to realize, we aren't as professional as you to know so much and write so much. Any writing contest will no doubt be won by you!
I've seen the Logitech N100 and never really considered it. It doesn't seem very efficient with one fan. It's quite cheap here in Singapore, about $25 SGD a piece. Is the ventilation better than it seems? How many degrees cooler when you use the cooler vs no cooler? -
Zalman product page NC-1000 -
NZXT :: Unique. Unprecendented. Inspired - Cryo LX Product Detail -
3 120mm fans, how the hell did all of them fit inside that?
well it's 16.6 inch across fits the G51JX and the G73Jh. it's got some great cooling
it keep my laptop doing folding@home GPU at 100% with 620/1620/2100 at 80-85c all day long -
hey they have a Cryo S for 15's with 2 120mm
I do a lot of overclocking however, myself, my own machines, but they are *made* for it from stem to stern, and they show it. You wouldn't want to have to be "near one of them" for very long, as they are very, very LOUD with all those fans going 24/7...you have to provide for an overclocking environment you know? And our notebooks just don't qualify for it, that is all. I am done writing about overclocking, I promise.
Now, about the Logitech N100, yes it does look "cheap and inefficient" doesn't it? I thought the same thing, and bought much more expensive coolers in the past, but a little birdie friend of mine at Amazon told me to try one, and you know what? They were right when they said: performs a LOT better than it looks.
The difference in using that cooler vs other coolers I wouldn't really want to have to figure out, but I can tell you it's a little better subjectively. Real temps though? About 10-degrees Celsius overall is the benefit, using a cooler or not using one. I am talking about extreme uses now, not casual use, like Folding@home use, any stressful activity, maybe playing one of your online games would equal that whole idea, I don't know, I am not you and playing those games like you do!
I wouldn't think of using a notebook without a cooler though, after having them on all my notebooks (5 of them) for the longest time, maybe 2 years and counting now with using coolers. There's just something logical about placing the notebook *off* the surface where it is being used, you know? I creates a buffer zone there, provides a 1" or greater space where the notebook doesn't touch anything substantive, and the fan does its job apart from that to make things a LOT cooler than without anything there at all.
With the N100 there is only one fan, and it's at the top of the notebook's body physically, but it pulls air *through* the body of the cooler from bottom to top, exiting at the top, which is a good concept because "hot air rises", and the place it would be hottest potentially is there at the top of the cooler.
I really bought one just to try it out, not keep it, but I ended up keeping that one and buying 2 more for the other active notebooks here, my wife's MBPro and my UL30VT-X1 Asus. That's the whole story: they are cheap, this is true, but don't let that fool you into thinking that they don't work well, because they work fantastic!
If you aren't using anything at all you might try one out, and see how it works for you...after all, it IS cheap $$!
I hope this helps you out some, after all, it's our friends on the 'Net who can sometimes help us out the best, even when we think otherwise.
EDIT: The REAL reason I bought it instead of something complicated with all kinds of fans and switches and stuff? It only has 1 moving part, THE FAN, and if that breaks I toss it! The fewer things to go wrong the better, in my book, therefore I own these instead of things like the cooler with 3 fans/2 fans above this post...I can afford to get anything, don't get me wrong, just like simplicity! -
I wasn't saying that you're singling me out, I'm just saying that you explain everything extremely clearly.
Maybe I will try the Logitech cooler when mine breaks. What about the NZXT one? It does look good, right? -
I think all of today's coolers are pretty well conceived, honestly I do, I don't think it's hard to design something so basic as a notebook cooler. What I *like* though is simplicity itself, and the NZXT may be perfect, and perfect performing, but it's got too much stuff going on for my budget and my idea of simplicity, which pretty much rules my wallet and my brain! :laugh:
Anything with 3 fans inside of it has a bunch of things that make those 3 fans work correctly is all I am saying, be it relays, simple wiring, or a multi-switch of some sort, plus it probably has an off/on switch, maybe even a tempo switch (speed switch) of some sort, all things to go *wrong* down the road, that is all I'll comment about it.
And it probably doesn't cost $25 either! The N100 costs $29 shipped @ Amazon.com for comparison, no sales tax for me there either, and I am a member of Amazon PRIME, their "free shipping Club for 2nd Day Air on everything you buy"...so I am going to buy there most likely all of the time if they have something that is even remotely aok fine for my budget and mind. :smile:
That is how I tried out the N100 in the 1st place, could have sent it back for free also of course, "30-Day Return Privilege" at Amazon.com also, but when it worked so well, and I sat down and analyzed it and saw only the 1 moving part in the whole deal, I thought to myself: "Now there's something that will probably not be prone to break easily, or quickly." :wink:
And that's how I decided to keep the N100 and ordered 2 more...gospel truth!
There I go again, explaining things 100%, in fact 110% in this case, as old habits die hard apparently. -
I made my own laptop cooler like 3 years ago.
It was for my 13" BenQ
It's still going strong =)
Yeh, I made it out of two old desktop fans, a beer carton and a 12V AC adapter from a wireless phone set =)
The silver spray paint has peeled off a bit now, but it was a good attempt for half an afternoon =)
The fan on the top sucks and the fan at the back pushes the hot air away.
Because of the attachment restrictions I only have one picture, it's from the back but I'm sure you'll understand.Attached Files:
Here's a G51Jx specific cooler, it works very well!!
Cost about 30.00 plus the fans were laying around and the entertainment factor of building it. -
BIOS 209 is supposedly solid and fixes a lot of issues. For us non-technical users, is there a minimal risk step-by-step set of instructions on how to flash the BIOS? Thanks!
Asus G51Jx Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by janvandongen, May 28, 2010.