here is the post I was looking for -
the targus one seems a little small but does the job for me, it was only 15 bucks ish....newegg has that stuff cheap. Only problem with targus is you lose a usb port. The other ones you don't.
hmmm... I'm debating if I want to lose another USB port, I already lost one to my mouse... I'll do a little nit of diggin into this and come out wih something.
but for now, check this out, it might run on a USB port, but you gain that back +2 -
How would this work for the C90's shape?? -
I've already lost all 3 USB ports. 1 to the webcam, 1 to the wireless keyboard and mouse, and 1 to the External Hard Drive.
I was looking at other keyboard and mouse combo's today at BMS Megapolis and came across a wireless gaming keyboard with backlit keys that has 2 USB ports built into it. I was looking at a few Logitech mice as well. I'm digging the G5 but they also have a G7 and an "Air Mouse" that I was really digging. The G5 was priced at about 65 Euros, the G7 was at 75 Euros and that sweet Air Mouse was upwards of 120 Euros I believe. I'll be looking online for cheaper. There was a combo Professional keyboard and G6 mouse, but I wasn't liking the keyboard. I like the professional keyboards, I just don't think it would suit me for gaming too well.
They however, did not have any laptop coolers. They sell their own laptops, but no coolers..... wtf? -
hmmm... we'll have to see if it does fit with the shape of the C90 since it already has it's own elevaton. I don't mind being a guinea pig.
I have the lapcool2 and my friend has the targus one. I tried both of them out on my c90 and they did absolutely nothing to the temperatures. It did lower the GPU and CPU by a couple of degrees but i could have got the same results by using 2 hockey pucks to elevate the end of the laptop. I dont know if the laptop coolers are a gimmick or its just the c90 has a different fan placement than other laptops but it definitely did not work for me. If you are planning to buy a notebook cooler thinking it will significantly reduce ur temps... then prepare to be disappointed. However, if anyone does find one that actually works then please share the info
Oh and another thing about my lapcool2 is that during the daytime when im using my laptop it sounds quiet since there is other noise. (I'm in a college dorm.) But once it get to night and if u like to leave ur laptop on he cooler sounds like a jet engine and i couldnt get any sleep. So i end up using the underclock on the powersaver mode in turbo gear which lowers the sound of the c90 a lot and turn off my cooler. It really helps a a lot.
I would like to know how people got there 8600m gt 512mb to overclock the memory past 500. Mine crashes when it gets near 500.... However the core can go past 600. Im using 163.69 and using nvflash to flash the bios. I also have the dreaded nvlddmkm driver crash error while playing CS:S on full settings. I can lower the settings but i get the same error just it takes a lot longer. I was wondering if its because I'm overclocking the GPU but it seems like other people are having no problems at all. I have mine OC'd to 570/1160/470. When i googled the nvlddmkm there were hundreds of other users getting the same problem on vista and i couldnt find a solution at all. anyone gettting the same problem? or is it just me. -
I just looked at the logitech site. The prices at BMS seem to be pretty much a steel... Seriously thinking about that Air Mouse. I can't remember the exact price, I just know it was around the 120 Euro range. The G series mice were incredibly low prices compared to what I'm seeing on the logitech site though. I know, Euros to Dollars. But even with the conversion, the price is still lower.
if that's the case, I might not get one. but then again it's not my money I'm spending
does anyone have experience with the Zalman NC1000, Notebookcooler combined with the C90 !?
Finally, I got my Asus' RMA number for the VGA.
I think I've been through every Asus' center lol.
1. Notebook tech support: Okay so you didn't received the e-mail? I'll get you to the RMA dep.
2. RMA dept:
Me: I've got a problem with my c90s vga...
Girl: Hold on!
3. Back at tech support.
Guy: so it's not directly the notebook, I'll get you to the general dept...
4. The girl knows nothing of the c90s, get me back at notebook tech support
5. Finally, same guy as yesterday. he KNOWS the C90S .He gets me to RMA
6. The girl sends me the mail right away
BTW: Tech support is at Toronto, General Support in California and RMA in Taiwan -
sorry to hear that man. Kills the excitement huh ?
Yeah. I think it's even me that broke it XD. I used the wrong screw at first and I think it damaged it. At least sending directly at Asus would allow me to pay and get it repaired if this is the case
Sgt. Hollywood Notebook Evangelist
I guess since my C90 came in today I can now join the "ACTUAL" C90 owner's lounge. All assembled and waiting the E6700 tomorrow and then install a little OS and the fun really begins. Wanna race Zoid? jk. I think you'll be set up with yours about the same time.
welcome to the family Sgt. hollywood! thing is, once you join, you can''t leave.
ever. -
Man I want mine to work >-<.
I RMAed my 8600 yesterday, should arrive at Toronto Tomorrow if not yet (my dad still havent give me the tracking number).
So I'll get it back like wednesday or tuesday. -
Sgt. Hollywood Notebook Evangelist
Holy freaking happy am I ! So far so good, all seems to be coming along nicely. I had a scare when my girlfriend called and said my package was "crushed". Thankfully Intel put a bit of thinking in their packaging so the CPU was safe, thanks FedEX. OS in, drivers in no snafu's yet all functions seem to be working. As well at hot keys and TP disabling, etc etc, oh flashed to 801 right away.
I'm pretty happy with the stability ( O BSOD) so now I'll go and test out the 2gb corsair stick. I wanted to have it stable before that test. Crossing fingers. -
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
Yes slowly but surely we can make our move to start taking over the world.
Yeah benchies of the gddr3 would be aprreciated zoid though I'm not gonna buy the gddr3 for 245 bucks. -
EDIT: I got 5.9 on Aero graphics, 5.4 on Gaming graphics...but it changes...don't put much stock in that myself. -
5.9 is the highest possible score. My desktop 8600GT XXX Gets 5.7 for gaming and 5.3 for Aero
Just wanted to let everyone know that i am now a proud owner of a c90s, but i am suffering at the moment while i wait for my gpu to come.
ASUS told me it was heart touching -
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
Also rock-solid.
I thought I would be buying the DDR3 8600 as soon as it came out, but I realised I can run Crysis at middle with over 60 FPS average, I don't really need it. -
I just bought it so i got the gddr3, wish i could wait for a better card to come out but theres no way i can wait any longer haha
How many of you ever delt with their customer service?
Cuz I called them yesterday for an RMA on my ac adapter, and no joke.
It just arrived! Overnight shipping. I was blown away. Their in Cali & I'm in FLorida. So my personal thoughts is,
They care. Thanx ASUS
Question 1: Have any of yalls ac adapters failed on you?
Question 2: I'm I that special or does ASUS just rawk? -
When I RMAed it for the video card it took about a week, still good and about the same as with my Toshiba when that video card died. I really havn't had to much luck with mobile video cards. Note, fresh video cards, no OC. Toshiba it was out of box and with the Asus C90s it died in about a week.
i need urgent help here please!
i just got my c90 yesterday, i havent sleep because
1.I put Vista in the cd-rom works and run smoothly after the instalation complete reboot and try to load windows on the startup screen
4.however, it freeze on the windos startup screen
and i tried to install xp in case its Vista's problem
1. c90 booted from the cd
2. it format the hD then install all the files, and then reboot
3.After reboot, it could not get to windows it says Error loading operating system
ihve tried upgrade the bios and everythings
does anyone could help me pleease
i thought it was my fault, however i even tried to install both os in my old laptop, and they works perfect. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Did you have the AC cord plugged in? There is an issue with ram compatibility where you cant boot on battery power.
It will freeze at the loading screen.
I had to sacrifice my 2gb ram to use battery mode. I have not used battery in a month so I just put it back in tonight, same as back then cant boot on battery power with it. -
thx vicious, i tried with ac plugged and battery removed but it still the same.
do you think its about the ram what should i do with the ram?
i got 1+1 giga corsair.
Ps: i tried linux which is booted from the disck and its working fine or it is the hard drive?
im going crazy here please help -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
if you tried ac power and also its 1gig sticks that really takes out most of the reality of it being the ram.
so the HDD is the next logical answer, you dont hear of dead hdd's often but sometimes its the simplest answers in computer hardware and not the complicated ones.
one more thing you can try with the ram is different combinations, just one stick at a time in one slot then the other. -
Seems in europe tey aren't as responsive.. after 14 days of waiting for a new motherboard from netherlands they tell me that they also don't' have it there.. i don't care.. order it from hongkong or usa.. i reckon it should be here in 2-3 days from anywhere on the world.. ah..
Just a little frustrated.. When I ordered the C90 i got it in 2 days after i paid.. now it is already longer in the service than the time i actually had it.. -
Finally i got my c90 working, thx to every one who had helped me a lot.
just a few question, do you guys play world in conflict? i got 8600m gt 256 ddr3 but it so lag play this game even in medium graphic mode.
does anyone have the same experience?
i just afraid that the store gave me wrong graphice card just like they gave me wrong ram( i got hynix instead of Corsair) -
They are seeing less than 23 FPS at 1600x1200 on medium with a desktop 8600GT, and 3 FPS on high. So yeah....don't expect world of conflict to run great on any system at all yet. Also a 512MB card vs 256 makes a big difference in that game.
Supreme Commander however, you will perform with the best. -
i run 3dmark06
i got 2246 with 1280 x 1024
is the number looks normal? 2246? just want to get experts recomendations
i got e6700, 1+1 gb ram, 8600mgt 256 ddr3 -
thank you pogitz,
it works now, i took your advice to checked the driver,
i used driver from, they are not compitble.. it made my computer slower,
then i installed the driver from the cd given with the laptop
and it works wonderful -
I would suggest it since the latest driver allows overclocking and people say performs much better with Crysis (5-10FPS increase). -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
As you should have noticed he already installed those drivers, and even reported his 3dmark score with them. He could not have installed them if he didnt use a moded inf. The problem is just as he said they are not compatible, as in the performance goes down by 1/2.
As of right now for the 256mb GDDR3 card ONLY the stock drivers are working correctly. I have extensive test and post regarding the matter scattered thruout the forums. I also own both cards currently so have done all the test on the same machine.
Its a big shame, and I have tried everything I can think of to fix it and pushed my networking resources to the max trying to get an answer from the other pros and nobody seems to know what to do. For this reason I am going to keep using the DDR2 card, because new drivers are very important. -
I feel sorry for all of you having to deal with such an issue. I hope nvidia gets you guys a real fix. -'s not causing me any probs at the moment though....actually I'm waiting on an ATI card I hope....I'm sure the new catalyst drivers won't affect performance similarly.
Sorry guys, but I didnt read this whole thread because its huuuuuge and I have a headache
My question: would you still recommend this latop to a moderate gamer who also is gopin to use it for studys, dont knows that much bout computers?
And -although you might not be sure- will battery be able to last an 1.5 when watching a movie or something (internetting,...)
Very much appreciated!!!! -
not 1.5 hour. This is what mine gets with brightness at minimum and doing nothing
I'd recommand this computer more to advanced users though, -
Yeah well, I haven't tried under load.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Newer 169.01 drivers or higher that have powermiser working again, I think will increase battery life on idle vs load. Before the gpu was full power even at idle.
As for the CPU have its power save functions working and make sure you dont have some hidden program/resourse running in the background using the cpu and there definitly should be a good bit of a difference from idle to load.
I have not done any test on mine since it was new, I got like 80 minutes doing web surfing and stuff in power save mode. I should get more than that now tho due to some of the things I just mentioned, and becaues I have a newer model cpu that uses less than 1/2 the power at idle.
ACTUAL C90 Owner's Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by AlexOnFyre, Jul 12, 2007.