Crap my first game crash (playing stalker) defitnely must have been heat i usually play with the ac on but this time decide against it just for the sake of it (ok, ok i was to lazy to look for the ac remote) anyway about an hour in the screen froze, i was able to close it down via task manager and return to windows...
sigh... tonight ill try to game with no ac and a lapcooler (i have a zodiac something something cooler). which program is recommended to check on gpu temps???
edit -> cant game tonight... i have a stag party(not sure about the stag word.... its the last party before a friend gets married)
1: how much heat will be generated/need to be dissipated/will the current solution be sufficient? Nobody has an answer yet since it's still being designed, its not a finished product.
2: will it be MXM2 (note that the c90 is MXM type 2 I believe, not MXM, you can google the term if you need a better explanation or look on wikipedia). This secondary issue being partiallysecondary due to the fact that it's in Nvidia's best interest to make it MXM (not neccessarily MXM2 unfortunately)...if it's bigger than our c90 can handle that doesn't count it out 100% right away but may mean casemodding, which (I wouldn't know personally), but would imagine might be fairly complicated on a laptop.
3: if ATI actually makes something awesome rivaling nvidia (we all hope and pray, but who knows), will it be MXM type 2? (also 50/50, nothing really shows one way or the other on whether it'll be MXM at all or type 2 as we need). -
oh and stag party... some of us call it a bachelor party, same diff -
Just got mine delivered and up and running today. So far so good
The display is the biggest surprise. Wow....And kudos to Ken at Gentechpc! Fast turnaround and good customer service. Thanks!
I wanted to browse the site and also call Gentechpc but I can't load their site. It's been that way for a few days. (Does Asus make their dealers have to have as bad a web site as Asus has?)
Anybody have the phone number for gentech?
Thanks -
or contact Ken (Gentechpc here on the forums)
and about the sites thing... look at it this way: the less they spend on the websites the cheaper their prices are going to be -
except i wont have it till next week, just in time for my birthday
vista ultimate
corsair 2gb
80gb Hitachi 7200rpm
nvidia 8600gt 512mb
b/g/N wireless
fingerprint scanner -
Quick question:
I want a spare battery. Anyone know a good place to get one? I did a google search and found a few places, but I wanted to get some more knowledgeable responses first! - has them in stock and are very active here on the forums (geared2play)
I'll probably have to pay a sales tax from btotech. Damn New Yorkers.
try i ithnk they have it too.. .but its listed as " special order "
I ve been reading all these thread about the turbogear issue and I just have these questions: to whom is really working this software??? could it work with XP DX9 or has it to be XP alk project DX10? or just work for vista? which is better, the first version of turbogear or the last one? the last one seem to just turn on the fans and as soon I start to play it freeze my game. I talked to asus and they told me is due to video driver incompatibility plus ram incompatibility and that I should not have updated the bios to ver 704 since it wasnt an official release. On the other hand, my c90s is running smoothly & I get 3,402 on 3d6marks, good gaming plus I have dual boot which is working fine under linux (edubuntu) enviroment with the latest kernel. On the temperature, I was told my c90s temperatures were fine and the fan started about the right time with the right sequence (1st video fan & last cpu fan, later the other 2 fans) Anyway, any good enlightment would be appreciated.
RG -
and that is the kind of input we need, especially the OS part plus config
I feel so lucky that i have not had these issues.
I have vista x64 ultimate and Linux
Does you memory read 533 or 667? which brand do you have?? Anyway, I have just 2 issues: memory reading (my 667 appears as 533) and gaming mode on XP (as soon I hit any game or video, screen freezes, not completly) My linux didnt run fine at first until I got the next kernel update. Now,my edubuntu distro is working fine and testing some package to see how it goes
Beside the 2 issues on XP, my c90s works perfect on standard mode with battery or plugged.
I have 533 mem speed with the 601 bios, and I believe the Ram is Kinston
ANyone have any information on external batteries for the C90S from a third party where it can be found how much ?
try i thnk they have it as special order.
and yes, just confirmed it. My c90 also crashed in overclocking mode while doing 3dmark 06.But when i put a laptop cooler underneath it, there are no problems. So heat is most likely causing it... (i think im in the same boat as swoley, vicious, forerunner and the others.... ) this is really alarming...
heat shouldnt even be a problem, in theory, with the turbo on back
yeah ! i was also hoping that the fans are more than adequate to handle the heat.
But while in overclocking mode and running 3dmark 06, the GPU hits 90+ degrees.... RGS has official info from ASUS that GPU temps should range from 65-85d C.
So i think something is causing it to run hotter than its supposed to be... or maybe, cooling is just not sufficient. With the notebook cooler underneath it, the GPU runs max at 85 and no problems in 3dmark 06.
However, im just also curious. Is" cannot run from battery power" = incompatible RAM = crashing in overclock mode = heat issues = defective unit ? just really curious... lol. -
mines can run on battery but it will freeze after runing in gaming mode for a few seconds.
Hi i posted about using the c90 with turbogear unistalled.
Basically it worked for two complete cicles but this morning i wont boot on battery again. Very frustarting i thought i pegged the iisue to turbogear. Sigh back to using my lappie plugged in. All the thime. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
My crash was heat related, I confirmed it with various test. Airflow = no crash no air = crash every time.
Temps never got too high on the cpu or gpu... so my guess is its a problem when they get really hot that it trips a sensor or overheats another part of the notebook and thats what causes the crash.
I was told it was my cpu causing the problems as it ran hotter than normal, and was an older model. They gave me a new lower model cpu and said it doesnt crash now. I have not actually tested it yet tho. That will be something I can do tonight with my free time. -
Well core temps according to fanpeed are about 52 on idle (thoug bios tool report to be at 74) i havent check gpu temps, dont really think thats my issue i can work fine plugged in even in oc mode) its when on battery that mine bsod. Like i said i unistall turbogear and it work well on battery for two complete cicles then this morning tried again and bsod as soon as i log on. Havent changed a thing so its really frsutrating. Lol i swear its like this bug is evolving everytime somebody does something to fix it a few days later crashing stasrts again
Well I've got my Asus C90 up and running!!! Kudos goes out to Ken from Gentech. It arrived in less than 25 days and overall I'm very satisfied with it.
Specs are the following:
Bios: Original version that it came with.
CPU: 2.66 Intel Core2 Duo (purchased from newegg)
Ram: G-Skill (2) 1GB sticks =2gb total. (purchased from newegg.
HD: Ordered and was installed from Gentech (250GB)
Wireless : Ordered and installed from Gentech
OS: Installed Ultimate and all drivers.
I have to say that this forum has been a great resource for preparing myself when the laptop finally arrived. From reading I followed what was suggested ie. calibrating battery initially and then replacing all of thermal paste with the coolpad for the processor and gpu. Here is a link for others that are interested.
I'm also using a Vantec LapCool4 cooling pad below the laptop which has an additional 4 usb ports + media card reader. Check that out here.
Overall I'm very happy with this purchase. I've been playing BF2142 and Half Life 2 with all settings to high.
The cool pads come with an alcohol pad and and a steel pad so that you can get a clean surface free from oils and dirt on your copper heatsinks. I hope this info helps someone else out.
One of the advantages of this laptop was price, which you've promptly rendered to oblivion.
$55 laptop cooler -
he just spend 70 bucks more than anybody else... its not that much...
Lol we have some penny pinchers here. Actually got the cooling pad from newegg and just placed the links from the same site that I bought the cool pads from.
my antec coolah is only 10 bucks.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Really he did what I tried to do, got his parts 3rd party instaed of thru a retialer/reseller so he probably paid less than most of us.
I saved a good 300$ doing that, but in the end spent more because my ram didnt work and my cpu was iffy, so I had to buy them 2x.
I may like a cooling pad down the road the coolermaster infinity or the zalmans both intrest me.
One of these days here I plan to put a metal pad on the new cpu, the temps drops were noticable vs AS5, so I am betting its alot better than the stock stuff on there, as for the gpu core, now that the notebook as been run for days I dont think I can take the gpu apart because the thermal pads on the memory have probably set and unless I have replacments for them I will be with no computer for awhile (my gpu is running really hot tho so maybe a replacment is in order) -
I think that needing to add that much more bulk just to have the laptop running properly doesn't make sense. If it can't run cool without a $56 add-on, it didn't run properly in the first place. We, as consumers, shouldn't have to resort to such means just to get our laptops running properly. Or at least, that is my opinion.
Hey vicious what are your temps? I'm still unsure about mine I'm on 90c under load and 77 idle (gpu) asus says under 100c its okey but I'm kinda close
I get almost the same readings.... ( gpu ave. 78-85 idle ), comes up to high 90's when gaming ang 3dmark 06. But i really haven't experienced BSOD, (note : im using 2x1gb ram )
only in gaming and overclock mode, i randomly experience direct3d error driver stopped working etc. etc. -
I've read a while back about hybrid video drivers for this laptop, but couldn't find where the Windows XP SP2 32bit driver is located.
Just stick with the official drivers.
Tell me about it, Im just using the nvidia 162.50 mod version from latop2go and works perfects. As ASUS told me, Turbogear is not 100% wih XP system. ABout Temperatures, there are differences if you use E6600 or E6700. For the E6700, shouldnt go higher than 80 oC in extreme cases and for the GPU should nt go higher than 100 oC (this from ASUS Tech support) They have been really helpful answering my inquirements. Also, your HD temerature will influence a litle bit in your system temperatures such as CPU and GPU (especially for 7200k rpm HD) I guess the best way to measure temperature was by sensor probes close to each device like ASUS told me. Another person in this forum is going to use some kind of probe to test temperature in the C90S and Im eager to hear his results. Anyway, I m doing my work fine in LINUX, playing fine my games in XP, temperature still within the parameters I was told by ASUS so Im satisfied for now
I assembled the C90S myself eventhough my wireless got stolen from my friend suitcase in the airport with the 2 x 1 gb corsair memory so my extra expenses were buying 2 new memories & 1 USB D-Link wireless. I even saw the the complete C90S motherboard completly naked when I was distressed about changing the BIOS chip that I thoght it was frid and the machine still working
Anyway, these are my findings so far. Ahh, the famous mistery chip from Alex review was the BIOS, guess what was the first BIOS number on mine before were shipped? C90S021515 versions of BIOS just in February 2007
RG -
I am looking for 2GB worth of RAM for my C90S. Anyone know of any great deals going on? I tried Corsair, since that's what comes with the Velocity Micro version, but I'm not so sure I want to spend $130. If anyone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Sorry about that must have missed them :s
Have had my Velocity Micro C90 for a few days now, and I'm generally happy with it. This isn't a C90 specific question, but Vista seems to have taken a surprisingly large chunk of my HD space, does anyone know any tips for keeping it down? or does anyone know of any Vista activity that would cause it to eat more space? Thanks.
ACTUAL C90 Owner's Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by AlexOnFyre, Jul 12, 2007.