I am having big problems with this new Microsoft child.
I have installed vista ultimate on my A8Jm after changing the BIOS to 211 version.
Everything works fine except SOUND !!!
There is no way I can get it to work. Vista automatically recognized my sound card as Device compatible with High Definition Audio. I believe it's trying to send the signal thru digitial output cuz thats what is says in "Sound" in control panel.
When I try to install any of the drivers (AUDIO_Vista32_64_070124, Vista_R160, AUD_allOS_5324_5322_PV_Realtek, 6213_Vista_APO) it doesnt change a thing. When I try to change the driver of this High Definition Audio in device manager I am getting blue screen which doesnt let me even start vista outherwise than in safe mode.
Maybe its a matter of the order of installing the drivers???
I am really frustarted about it cuz the new system looks pretty nice and I really dont want to switch back to XP but I will have to without sound and microphone.
In what order should I install the ATK stuff to get the nice vista nice looking icons for hotkeys cuz now I have only old ones - ohh and if it changes anything the hotkeys for sound dont work.
Thanks for any possible support.
Is anyone having any probs with their A8jm and vista drivers? Whenever I boot up, my CPU is at 90%+ usage for 2 minutes, locking up the whole system. I heard people have contributed this to HControl -- is this true?
Here is the fix:
Download the soundmax drivers for XP http://support.asus.com/download/download_item.aspx?model=A8J&product=3&type=Latest&SLanguage=en-us#
Extract them to a folder
Go into Device manager and Right click on High Definition Audio Device, chose update driver
Chose browse my computer and browse to the folder and chose the soundmax driver.
It might have a waring about the driver, ignore it. The driver works just fine. -
Have you checked the mixer to see if it is muted ?
If you right click on the volume control and chose Playback devices you should see it listed (SoundMax). Double click it and there are some test and setting you can run. -
I saw you posted this (your sound problem) in Asus Vista Driver Forum
The link provided by shlemielo is for a newer driver. I installed it and it works better then the xp driver and allows you to use the SPDIF out.
Here is the link for anyone else who needs it.
http://dlsvr01.asus.com/pub/ASUS/nb/A8Js/AUDIO_Vista32_070124.zip -
Hi guys, I havent been to the forum for a while so I want to know something about Vista
I am using XP and I thinking of update to Vista
So my question is that: is ASUS A8jm hardware and driver fully compatible with Vista yet?
I heard some rumor about Vista not fully working with A8jm so I dont know if I should upgrade.
Thank you. -
The drivers are scattered all over the place, but they are all available.
Check out this thread : http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=100357
Also look at the vista drivers for A8JS, on the ASUS Site.
NVIDIA Drivers are still not complete yet (no powermizer), keep an eye on laptopvideo2go.com
I also recommend 2gb or ram, it helps superfetch, Vista will use all the memory you can throw at it. I also have a 2gb SD card in the card reader for ready boost. -
Thanks -
Google ReadyBoost and you will find a ton of info.
Here some of the links I found useful
Link to a Microsoft blog on ReadyBoost: http://blogs.msdn.com/tomarcher/archive/2006/04/14/576548.aspx
Link to ReadyBoost Compatability chart: http://www.grantgibson.co.uk/misc/readyboost/ -
Hey folks,
I was planning on doing a format, but I realized I dont have a copy of XP to reinstall. So my question is, was there any XP discs included with this system? -
I don't think they give you an actual XP CD, but I did get the recovery CD's. They have an image of the build that was on your computer when your first got it. There should also be a recovery partion on the hard drive (unless you deleted it).
recovery partion?
Yes, thank you Mucker
If I want to format and reinstall Window XP and have it license, what do I do?
I keep thinking that after I format and install XP, my XP wont be license.
Do I just input the key on the bottom of my laptop when setup XP and my XP will be license?
Thanks -
ProfessorChaos Notebook Consultant
Well I've been meaning to take my A8Jm in to Asus Canada's service centre...but haven't had time.
Here's a list of things that need fixing:
cracked hinge covers
really loose screen
paint transfer from silver palm rests to lcd bezel
the status lights in the bottom left corner have lost all the silver paint on the cover
top cover really really scratched up(for some reason the paint scratches really easy)
I did not put this notebook through any beating so that taking it from class to home should warrant all these busted parts.
Since I bought it in mid August 2006, there still is a while left on the warranty and I will probably bring my A8Jm to be fixed at the end of April(when my university exams are done and I move back home).. -
Anybody here play Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion on their A8Jm? I just picked up the game and while it does run great, it does hiccup every now and then. I have been playing with the settings and resolutions quite a bit. My question is, has anybody got it to run absolutly smooth? I don't mean highest quality just a constant framerate with no slowdown.
I try to use the recovery CDs. However, by the end of reading the cds, it says I need to insert the Driver CD into the cd-rom, where the hack will I find this so called Driver CD??? ANy idea, anyone?
Thanks! -
never mind, i just found the "asus driver and utility cd", its 4 am in the morning and my vision is half-functioning
mucker, do u find readyboosting helpful? ie, if you compare stock 2GB vs stock + readyboost, do you really notice a performance difference?
i would just like to know because i dont have 2GB of RAM and I plan on readyboosting my way through vista with a SD card.
I found that ready boost helps speed system startup, from both cold boot and hibernation.I don't find that ready boost does much once i'm up and running ,maybee cause I have the 2 Gb or ram. I think you would be fine with the 1 GB of ram, I find that Vista will use all available memory to preload programs into your ram (superfetch) so my guess would be with 1 GB you will XP like performance. Since i do find my frequently used apps launch very quickly in vista. -
there wouldnt happen to be a 9cell A8J battery out there would there?
Im not too sure this thread has any life left in it, but i'll give it a shot.
Where are the RAM slots located on this machine? Would it be the exact same as the A8Js (same build i presume minus quality differences)? I am assuming theres 2 slots for 2 sticks right? The max is 2GB too right? I just want to make certain.
Also this (or all) question may seem stupid, but would I void the warranty if I open up and upgrade myself? -
MilestonePC.com Company Representative
One RAM slot is located under the keyboard, and one under the laptop, you will need to release the clips holding the keyboard in. Yes there are two slot so you can get a total of 2GB using 2x1GB.
Yes is basically the same as the A8js.
As for the warranty, technically yes it voids it but, technically it doesn't. So don't worry about it, you will be fine. -
man i think i fried my gpu... shuts down at like 65c now, right after i get a crazy artifacts while playing WOW. i opend up the entire botom and cleaned it out to see if that would fix anything, but it dint neither did formating. Did that void my waranty? i lost a screw lol, so i think they might find out if i send it of.
I haven't been watching the forum much since my laptop has been running great, but last night when I hooked it up to my new 47in LCD, I couldn't get it to do dual monitor with a different resolution on each screen. I'm wondering if there are any newer vid drivers out for the GF7600 go. Asus drivers are almost a year old now! Anyone know of newer/hacked drivers?
Right now I use Xtreme G's drivers: http://www.tweaksrus.com/
I would say its pretty good. The only issue I got was when I shut down or restart, I get an error from nview.exe I believe. Now I have one of the newer ones from a few months ago (110 i believe) and i dont have that problem anymore. -
Im having problem with removing hinges cover. Could somebody give me exact way to do this. I don't wanna hurt my 'baby'.
Btw. sorry for bumping old thread. -
I just wanted to say that my A8jm is still running great. I had to send it back in because of the famous loose hinges/cracked case symptoms, but now it's back in service and better than ever. Now that the 1-year warranty is up I think I'll head to the Notebook Cosmetic Modifications sub and look for something fun to do with it.
Anyone know if there is a way to make it so the button for activating BT (since we all know that the A8JM really doesn't have BT) can open the impossible to open CD tray? If you are not sure which keys I'm talking about it's not the F keys but the ones right below the power button (performance - bluetooth - WIFI - Screen Mode - InstantFun).
Thanks! -
Also, anyone know the average turn around time for getting the hinge replaced?
speaking of which.. it's ready to go againstupid @ss laptop, 4th time it'll be going in for it. The display backing is cracking again over the left hinge, it's making all kindsa fun snapping and creaking noises
Nice! I had no idea I could drop it off at their office.
don't know if thats considered normal but they've let me do it in the past
damn it. My 1 year warranty is over and my hinge is loose again! I already sent the laptop in for repair twice already for the hinge problem. on top of that, my touch pad left button is sort of busted. It no longer *clicks when I press on it and so I have no feedback and need to press harder to get a response now. This was my first Asus laptop and it has been quite a horrible experience. So not impressed.
I just got mine back from service for the infamous loose hinges. I'm over the 1 year but didn't get charged maybe because they accept it as a known problem so I'd give it a shot. Has anyone considered filing a class action law suit against Asus for this matter? For $1400 I would expect my laptop to not show those signs for AT LEAST 2 years. But most people are reporting this problem not even half way into their warranty.
Just my thoughts.. -
I know this is not a final solution....
But have you guy's been to the Asus EStore ( http://estore.asus.com/). You can buy all the parts for the A8JM. I bought a new screen bezel and LCD cover. I took it all apart and rebuilt it myself (since the warranty is expired) it feels stronger then new. -
Hm, that's cool! But the dang thing still shouldn't break!
This is a stretch but...
Any pick up Mass Effect for PC? If so, get it running smoothly on your A8Jm? From what I gathered from the minimum specs, it could be 50/50 if it will run smooth on bare minimums.
I always wanted to play that game and I don't have a 360 or a powerful PC. -
Greetings to all, I am just learning the undervolting for my laptop. For max, I have set it to be 11.0x at 1.062V; however, for min (FID 6.0x), I can't get anything lower than 0.950V, there isn't such option lower than this default.
* I am using RMclock 2.15, can anyone shed some light on how to further lower the Voltage for minimum FID?
* Also, for the max FID setting I have mentioned, I am able to run Prime95 or play CnC3 for more than an hour by keeping the CPU at about 42 degree C, is it a good result (normally my laptop runs between 22 to 26 degree C)?
* Do I need to click on the box under "Performance on Demand" which says "Override current Windows power scheme with the settings above" to allow the program take over?
* When I used SpeedFan to monitor the temp, the "Temp1" always seems to be really high, is it normal? (ie: temp1 = 51C while my core 0 and 1 CPU is 22C) -
1) Can't lower the voltage for min FID on Intel Core Duo and later. Locked from hardware.
2) Your laptop normally runs IDLE 22 to 26 degrees. Whether 42 degrees on full blast is better, I don't know -- you need to compare full blast temps with and without undervolting. Usually there is a drop of around 10 degrees (Celsius)
3) No.
4) Don't use speedfan, it hasn't been updated for the latest chipsets.
For further details on undervolting, see e.g., my Tips and Tricks (link in sig). There are also full-blown guides on undervolting, in the Guides forum. -
Awesome, thanks for the info.
Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone could help me in setting up dualview with 2 external monitors on my A8Jm. I searched the forums and found a thread pertaining to this but most of the responses were speculation from non-owners, except for one person who said it was definitely possible through the the GeFroce settings.
I have one monitor connected through VGA, and the other through DVI. I can swap between them as a single monitor freely. I can also run them together as clones (without the laptop display). However, when I try to run dualview it will only give me the option to run the laptop as primary and one of the monitors as secondary. Am I missing a setting somewhere or is it just not possible to run 2 external monitors in dualview mode? -
If it is possible through the Geforce settings, you might want to try "modifying" a driver from laptopvideo2go. The stock drivers locked out a lot of functionality.
Good luck with it. -
Ok so I updated my drivers through laptopvideo2go and now in addition to the option to clone the monitors, I can also run them as 1 desktop together, but it still only allows me to select the laptop as the primary display in dual view (with either of the externals as the secondary). Is there anything else I can try?
I think there is an option to set the external as primary. But that doesn't help you, does it?
I don't know if it's possible to run dual externals...
Well, at the very least that would be a start. Right now when I try to run dualview it will only let me run it with the laptop as the primary. I've been sitting here surfing the web forever it seems but sadly most of the information is almost 2 years old now. I did manage to find someone trying to set their external as a primary with the laptop being secondary, and they were able to successfully do that with a driver update. Unfortunately, this was also close to 2 years ago and his update was to a 9x.xx version. I just installed the 174.74 drivers so I don't want to go back that far. Just doesn't make sense to me that I can run every configuration of the laptop screen and both monitors except in dualview mode.
A8jm owner's Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by gusto5, May 30, 2006.