Yes we have a store location in Markham,
Address: 1405 Denison Street(at Birchmont Rd), Markham, ON, L3R 5V2. Tel: ( 905 ) 307-7738
We have dozens of laptops on display, you can call ahead to ask which laptops you are interested in looking at, so that you don't come and expect something to be there but its not.![]()
With regards to prices, you can always email us with detail on price matching and from there we can look into it.
- Company Representative
BTW I wanted to point this out.
I have two batteries now. The one that came with my computer is at 0% wear still 3 months later, although it does have some wear its at like 51084 mwh and it was 52000 when new ( I think i didnt look for a while)
The battery that came with my computer is a 6 cell 52000 mwh battery. Thats HIGH capacity for a 6 cell
I got a new battery and it has listed a8f or something on it.
Its capacity is 48632 mwh. This is actually whats listed on the asus site btw.
When i switch the batteries live nhc will say the new battery is 95% full and try to charge it. On a reboot it will say the battery has 5% wear.
Just something interesting to point out. Im curious as to the capacity of all the new a8js batteries. When my computer was new I got longer battery life than all the other owners and it took me this long to put this together.
I just have evidence that there are at least 2 different batteries in a8 notebooks. the orignal one i have says a8js on it, the 2nd one says a8f a -
Hi everyone,
I'd just like to mention that the forums here were a great help for me in choosing a new laptop to buy. I've just spent the afternoon tweaking an A8Js-4S024C (the Vista preinstalled version) and for what it's worth, it has the CMO screen according to Everest. I bought it from NCIX/Netlink computers in Vancouver. One interesting thing is that it looks like the box has been opened up and re-sealed by ASUS, so chances are all of the Vista redistributions are just old units that have been reformatted and re-boxed... -
Interesting info IronStomach. Thanks for posting.
Could someone of you A8Js owners check what firewire chipset that computer has?
Control Panel -> System -> Device Manager -> IEEE1394 -> Properties -> And from there the third page from the left (info or something like that, I don't know the exact word because I'm usin Finnish Windows.) -
Just recieved my A8Js
Its pretty good the build quality is nice.
The Screen is amazing. And belive, I dont see any light leakage in the LCD. The LCD is GREAT.
Things I didnt like about the A8Js
1. The speakers: My cell phone is louder than them
2. The touchpad:- too rough
The machine is blazing fast and the wireless works like amazing. -
Use nice headphones like me. I have Shure e5c and the are MINDBLOWING. Or use external speakers. They work great with SoundMax HD provided with the laptop. -
I plan to put the speakers from my old sony notebook in someday. If they actually fit. And no ive never seen pictures of the set up but im not afraid of it.
The sound quality is less the speakers and more their location. They are actually pointed down and projecting through solid plastic. -
Is anyone having issues with Vista?
I have it installed and running that isn't a problem -- major CPU usage is. I have installed most of the drivers in the Vista thread here and still I get unacceptable CPU usage that slows the whole machine down. -
Can any of you with nhc installed see what the capacity of your battery is?
Just go to battery it says right there.
Im asking this because I see on the official specs that the a8js has a 48000 mwh battery,
and i just got a new one and thats what it was.
Only the one that came with my a8js was a 52000 mwh battery. And if thats the case maybe some of you with 48000 mwh batteries can get 52000 mwh batteries.
So please say when you bought your machine and what the battery capacity is using nhc -
Anyone else notice that the A8Js models that NewEgg is selling come with a 120Gig drive?
According to NHC, my full capacity is 51370 mWh and my capacity is 51436 mWh... not sure why my capacity is higher than my full capacity though... and the official specs state that the A8Js has a 4800mAh, 53Wh battery, not a 48Wh.
I noticed one more thing with my Asus
The battery life is amazing!!!! -
Oh I see, so 4800 mah is is 53000 mwh then so this is a difference in the number they use then?
The asus site is using a different measurement than nhc?
Ok if thats the case then by coincidence my new battery is 48000 mwh or 5% wear -
and by the way i got the Asus with 120GB hard disk
the two numbers measure 2 different things: Ah is Ampère hours and is usually what's used for measuring battery capacity (check you cellphone or any rechargeable batteries), and is the amount of electric charge transferred by a steady current of one ampere for one hour.
Wh is a unit for measuring energy (like Joule) and is defined as the amount of energy expended by a one-watt load drawing power for one hour.
And yes, it's a coincidence that you battery says 48000 mWh -
For those who have upgraded from the 5400 rpm hard drive to the 7200 rpm hard drive how much difference is there in terms of battery life, heat, and speed? Sorry if this has been asked before I just didn't want/have the time to go through 80 pages of posts.
regards, - Company Representative
Going from a 5400rpm to 7200rpm hard drive, you can expect the following:
1) Faster boot up time
2) Faster load times for applications and games
3) Battery life should roughly stay the same because the spindle will have to spend less time spinning to get the information.
4) The heat is dependant on the drive you get, Seagate tend to be quiet and cool, but Hitachi are known for more performance and may be a little noisy.
5) Do some research on a good 7200rpm you want. -
Quick do you change out the HD in this? I opened the tab and am not sure how to take the Hd out. DO i have to pull on that plastic tab thingy coming up?
Thanx for any help. -
I probably won't go through all that trouble. The speakers are the only downside of the a8 laptops for me. I do have a pair of Shure e3c headphones (not as fancy as your e5cs, but still very good). I hate having to attach a bunch of peripherals to the laptop because they just end up getting in the way. Right now I am using the Asus mouse but I will be getting the new MoGo X54 bluetooth mouse the moment it becomes available. That will free me of one chord and maybe then I won't mind plugging in headphones as much.
Anyway, thanks for the advice; I won't try to replace the speakers! -
If you hold the laptop at an angle up, such as on your lap but keeping the speakers uncovered, you will notice a large decible increase.
Even then the speakers arent hi fidelity but youll see whats really going on if you do that.
I have some headphones from ear candy and the sound fidelity from the intel chip is amazing, better than an alpine stereo.
its much better than a creative sound card. Its actually the best sound ive ever heard from a pc and all laptops have it now. -
I am very interested in this particular laptop and just wanted to know if there is any retail store in the Southern California area that I can actually try out the notebook and look at the screen and use the keyboard? Thanks.
Most asus are sold through the mail. -
I'm sure this has been answered before, but I don't have the resources to read the whole thread, what I want to know is how to disable the sound when the asus Bios or whatever that is boots. Or if I can get rid of that Asus logo screen all together.
- Company Representative
press "f2" to enter bios while the laptop turns on after the splash screen. in bios you can both disable to sound and i think the logo as well
**** how do you fix the instantfun button ****? I fixed it before once, but forgot, and then my brother pushed it
hello, Im interested in buyin the Asus A8Js. Can someone please tell me the difference between the 4S024C and the 4S024P??? wich is best and why???
at gentech ( they have both models but in geared2play only the 4S024C. Ill buy from either of this 2 companies since they have the best prices and really good feedback in
Besides that any other hint I can get from you A8Js Owners? how about the monitors, (AUO, CMO)? they are related with the different models?
Please help Im very confused.
Thx in advance. -
As for displays, either model should come with the CMO, as nobody has reported a 4S024C coming with an AUO. The P should be the same. -
wow thanks boardstrapd that really helped alot!,
so I guess the extra $50 for the C model worth it since you get Vista. -
I also just got the 4S024C, and in addition to Windows Vista it has a bluetooth module factory installed and a CMO screen. I'd check to make sure that yours is the same, but it should also come with Bluetooth.
Has anyone experienced this; the Spendid Splash Logo thingy is kinda burned into the monitor? At first I thought it was the screen, but it seems like I can click on it?! Incredible irritating, because you only see it at a certain angle with a certain background on the screen - plus it's opaque, and I keep clicking it when I try to click something behind the splash thingy.
Hey xclusiveplayer, yeah it got here, no problems. ZipZoomFly had it packed decently within a seperate box, sealed up well. Its an AUO screen, but it doesnt really bother me. I do like my Dell Inspiron's WUXGA+ better though. But its far from intolerable for me.
Edit: Just noticed this is the 96000th post on the Asus forum....YAAAAY haha
So far I'm liking this thing, it has a stronger WIFI than my Dell, at least in the sense that I'm picking up networks in my living area that my Dell didnt. Tried out Oblivion on my day off, auto-detects on Medium and I run it decently at 1280x800 with the Distant Landscapes, Trees, Objects on. This is without overclocking, I downloaded Coolbits (or NVTweak) so I'm gonna give that a whirl later. I already voided the warranty because I decided to stick some Arctic Silver 5 on the GPU and CPU so what the hell. We shall see how she runs later tonight.... Guess its time to send the good ole 9300 home now. -
- Company Representative
Hmm, I was going to ask the same question, if it doesn't go away try this.
Press FN + C to change the Splendid profiles, and see if that causes the Splendid logo to dissappear.
If not then uninstall the program, restart your computer, and don't use splendid for a while, this would show that there's nothing wrong with your screen.
Then if you feel the need to install Splendid because you want it or actually use it, then place the Asus Driver CD into the optical drive and select the Splendid software and install it.
This should alleviate you of this logo problem, let us know what happens. -
I'll try to uninstall it if the disabling of instantfun doesn't help.
PS. Hi all - I'm the proud owner of a new A8JS, thanks to recommendations from notebookreview!
I'm loving it too...
Can you check the model no on the underside of your A8Js? The numbering convention is as confusing as hell but I thought 4s024p came with smaller HDD and no BT. I saw one last night in a mall here in HK and it was 4s019c and it had 120GB HDD and BT factory installed. Is yours the same?
And if same, do you know if it has the CMO or AUO LCD?
Thanks -
I got the 4s019c from HK about 2 weeks ago with vista pre-installed. It has the AUO LCD and has noticeable light leakage at the buttom of the screen.
I've just bought A8js-4s034p w/ 1g ram... i am thinking whether i should get another 1g memory... any suggestion?
btw, i will use it to do lots of graphic work and some 3d modeling + redering... i am worried that 1g memory might not be all means, i would love to save the touble searching for the right kind and storing it...... -
667 mhz ddr2 laptop ram. Almost any brand
A8Js - Owner's Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by peekaboom, Oct 27, 2006.