i'm curious too. i'm really on the fence right now. i rather have a good single card solution then sli or cf. but the 460m in the r3 is a real turn off atm. if only the r3 had a better gpu then it will make it much easier for me to decide.
man its not the same unboxing a refurb, comes in a big ugly brown box and a super huge psu too, which the system doesn't even recognize. argghh
Chances are the r3 will get a better card in the near future... 460m is a good card but I expected Dell would give more options at the start of the r3... -
yeah the 460m is nice, but i was expecting some more better options since the M15x already has the 460m. oh well gonna gave it another week before making final decision.
the outlet was a huge let down for me, the laptop didn't come with anything except for the super big and ugly psu and the windows disk. at least gave me the sleeve or something to protect the laptop. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
I'm waiting to see whether the 6970m or 485m gets offered in the R3; otherwise, I can't see it, particularly with no extreme processor available, but even that may be irrelevant since TS apparently won't work with SB. The Clevo/Sager notebooks are looking very dominant at the moment. I still really like this M15x, but I'm afraid AW is going to leave us stranded, so may have to go back for the high performance machine.
yeah i really don't know whats going on with dell, i really like the r3, it has everything i wanted in the M15x. full size keyboard and 2 hdd. but the lack of the 2920 and a better gpu is really making me bummed. also the naming scheme is wierd too, r3 is supposed to be M15x replacement.
if clevo/sager have warranty like dell offers then i would be all over it. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
I'm under no pressure to upgrade so waiting to see what develops. Could go with the 2820QM if the GPU was top level. but worry Dell will treat the R3 like a stepchild, the way they've treated the M15x.
Yep, hard to beat the Dell warranty, but Sager replaced 2 mobo's that died on the o/c bench without argument or delay and when they do repairs, they're done right, not always the case with other manufacturers. Can't beat Dell for convenience so long as you get a good tech. -
yeah i'm in the same boat as you for now, just gonna sit back for another week or two, if nothing new then i will bite the bullet and get something.
the 2820 looks pretty good, but would still prefer the 2920, you know me, its either go big or go home.
yeah i feel the M15x was neglected by dell too. the r2 and m11x problem were looked at right away, but the M15x problems were put aside for almost a year and still some kinks are still there. it pretty sad actually. thats one of the things that made me want to move over to the r2. -
Yes, I really expected them to update the M15x as well... and a full size keyboard is something that would be great for the M15x... I mean there's enough space imo...
from what i've read so far, it looks like the r3 is the M15x revision. don't understand the naming scheme dell is using, its really confusing.
He was talking about the online outlet store: Dell Factory Outlet
got it: refurbished one's eh.. -
Has anyone here bought these certified refurbished laps? how was the experience? how would the body be..
i have, the laptop comes in a big brown box with an psu and 2 cd, no extra accessories like when buying new. could also have scratch and dents on it too.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
My m15x came from the outlet and was amazing, just ask inap
nope can't remember anything about it, i blocked off all memories of it, hahaha
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Is it haunting you a bit too much inap? But really most of the outlet rigs end up being great machines.
hahaha nawww i'm fine, can't win them all. but prolly do a few last runs before return my baby.
Just ordered my new m15x off the outlet sunday afternoon
It arrives Thursday morning.
840QM I7 proc
8 gig DDR3
bluetooth module
the 900p screen
9 cell batt
and the gtx 460m 1.5Gig DDR5 vid card
delivered for 1320 -
wow nice man, congrats looks like some awesome specs.
I had a clevo many years ago and after its untimely demise and subsequent cannibalization due to no support whatsoever, I refuse to purchase one of the other gaming laptop brands. I play a few games but I also do video rendering and security research so I like to have a powerful laptop
yeah you can't go wrong with that setup. any reason you didn't go with the M17x r3.
what extra accessories do you mean? we pay for the extras right?
and is it probable for these laps to be better or worse when delivered? because ill only get to see it after i get in india.
lot of queries, i know.. but this is gonna be my first lap =) -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Even most of the scratch and dents are in good shape, if you go with only "Previously ordered new" or "Manufacturer Refurbished" the chance of getting physical defects goes down but it's still not guaranteed. The extra stuff he's talking about are things like an AW hat, leather wrapped manual, etc that don't come with outlet rigs. If you're in India you can't order them, you have to be a US based customer to order them.
the M15x is already pretty heavy, the size and weight of the r3 is just slightly more.
my unit had a charging problem, it wouldn't charge the battery no matter what i did. and it also did not turn off properly, have to do a hard shut off. -
hahaha yeah for most the M15x is already considered huge. either way its a very nice laptop. congrats and enjoy
Do you get the nameplate with it?
And now i'm confused between the m15x and the r3 too .. -
My M15x is now out of warranty, please don't break lappy D:
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Always a sad day, SoccerT. Be gentle.
sorry no name plate option.
r3 are coming in already, check out the M17x threads. but overall it should outperform the M15x, well at least cpu wise.
man soccer can't beleive you didn't extend the warranty with everything you read here, hahaha
have my fingers crossed for ya bro. -
ok i made up my mind sticking with the M17 r2 for now. so no r3 for now.
^^ Thats a good call. Dude you got a 920... why settle for less in every area of performance that matters? (ok so you gotta do a light OC to match the 2820qm... but you can demolish it if you crank up the clocks
3d gaming is awesome though... tried it an my brother in laws house on his ps3... its actually alot better than movies in 3d thats forsure..
i say you keep the r2, and wait for the 18x :O -
actually i'll wait till they make an M24x before I make another move. actually my specs just changed last night, re-ordered a better system with the 20% discount.
haha nice... im still waiting for 920/940 prices to lower on ebay
... gettin there though ... but i dont wanna spend over 350$
yeah an xm system is hella sweet. My M15x with 940xm is crazy fast and i run that at 26x all day.
what are your temps like? Just so i know what to expect
@ 26x i max out at 85 without any extra cooling.
@inap: hehe, I thought you'd end up with an r2...I don't see a M24x, lol, but something tells me you'll get you hands on an M18x once it's available... just a feeling that you wont be able to resist...
yeah it really depend on the pricing, which i'm guessing would be very high. but an M18x is highly likely in my future but prolly wait till its available at outlet prices, i love big laptops, the bigger the better for me. hahaha
Yeah well, when I bought the lappy a year ago, I put all, but ALL my money on the the actual laptop, I was at 0$ after that! (Remember, I used to work at the minimum wage for around 12 hours a week).
I asked for a warranty extend online, but as usual nobody answered my message so I guess I'll take the risk! -
Anyone got any links comparing the 5850 to the 460m? Last I checked the 5850 was 330 from Dell Canada, meanwhile 460m is only 280 on Ebay...
Keep in mind that the ebay cad is most probably not a Dell version... and cards form Dell seem to perform better on the Alienware system. I don't even know whether anyone succesfully installed a non-Dell 460m.
Both cards are great for gamin, the 460m gets underestimated by a lot of people imo. -
@inap you'd said the r3 and m15x were almost the same weight.. but the m15 seems to be 1 kilo lighter at 4 point something when i googled.. how much difference is there between a 6cell and the 9cell..
they are similar in size and weight but of course the r3 will weight a little more because of the extra size and 2 hdd slots.
the 9 cell battery on the M15x makes it bulge out from the bottom like 1". it makes the M15x look bulky but it added extra cooling benefits. -
Svl7 I have a brand new 9 cell I'm still trying to get rid of for a m15x... Let me know if u want it... It's collecting dust on my desk and its starting to get me nervous ... lolll
Hehe, nice to know, but I guess the shipping costs and customs are not worth it unfortunately... I'm not in the states.
*OFFICIAL* M15x Owners Lounge - Part 5 (see post #1 for links)
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.