This place is sad since Inap and JS sold their beasts..![]()
hey i'm still here, hehe
but now an official M17x r2 owner now, can't wait for it to arrive.
still using the M15x atm, gonna miss my baby!!! -
Nooo! Don't go! Anyways seeing as I got scammed whilst trying to buy a 940XM, anyone got an Extreme i7 lying around? I know sellers on ebay do etc I've checked them but looking for a cheap OEM, oxymoron I know but we can hope...
Cheapest I've found is $670 for 920XM OEM. -
Hey Inap, what is your setup?!
I'm considering investing 400$ and getting a 920XM chip though I'd have to buy a 9 cell battery to make it work..
Bawww, is it really worth it? Knowing that my current system is probably worth around a thousand, investing 500$ in it sounds like a weird idea. -
The 920xm is really a beast and absolutely great for cpu intense tasks like rendering and photoshopping and of course for cpu demanding games. Together with throttlestop it's an amazing processor. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Lot of fun, too.
Why do you guys want a 920xm with an M15x? Most of your games will be GPU bound well before CPU. A single GPU system will never max out your CPU and coupled with the inadequate PSU of the M15x, it's not a smart idea unless you need the CPU power for rendering and multimedia tasks.
Why bother? It'll be a 1080p WLED system with possibly a single GPU, inferior build quality and it throttles. -
I have that screen on my M15x and I'm very happy with it. I also wouldn't call the build quality inferior even if it isn't anodized. Not being anodized give us easier options to mod the color.Still it's a lot better build quality than the Asus and other barebone systems out there.
Plus Dell does sell 1080p RGBLED screens. Who's to say this won't be an option. -
The last 1080p rgb led screen dell sold was for the sxps 16 that was 16:9. All others were 16:10 afaik (even the studio 17). Sandy won't beat an unlocked 920xm with TS unless SB gets TS treatment. Given how the M17x-R3 is already throttling at stock with a single GPU (see above), I don't hold much hope for any OC'ing ability. I would LOVE to be wrong but right now I don't have much hope for the R3. -
Mandrake did you do that white mod yourself?
i got the white case for the M17x from speedy already too, couldn't let that go to waste, heheh
The M17x R3 dissapointed me, no SLI, bad cooling and with this throttling.
I was considering to acquire an M17x R3 (honestly more by the HDMI IN option), but with this review well i suppose that i will wait until the R4, Sandy Bridge is not a very "must have it" for me at least my M15x runs every game fine without problems (if not, im limited my the GT240M but i will change that this month).
The change from 720QM to 820QM i really felt in some games (ex. Starcraft 2 with the 720QM everything in high was like 40fps and with the 820QM most of the time 50-55fps)
I think that the next CPU's will be more interesting, until now im happy with my M15x -
Best media player! -
Ha true I guess though I won't be partaking in the pleasure of being a beta tester this round. -
Just have the case atm. Still waiting for the m17x to arrive. The case look so good I had to buy a laptop to go with it, hehehe.
No pics of the case?
i haven't taken photos of it yet but here is a link to some of the pics speedy took:
kinda tempted to do a yellow M17x case too. -
man i think dell wants to kill off the M15x line with the M17x r3, unless the new M15x will be considerably cheaper with the same specs. this is sad
still no info about the next generation of the M15x? -
very sad... i wish they would've stuck to their same sizes.... seems everything is gettin bigger... single gpu config went to a 17.3"... dual gpu config goin to a 18.4" ... geeze 3 years down the line wer gonna have 20" laptops... what happened to cramming performance into a smaller package?
I did hear rumors about a 14" ... but that doesn't make sense... and how will it differ from the m17x-r3? 1xhdd with the same gpu? or crappier gpu? doesn't seem to add up... i guess only time will tell... glad i have my r2... just waiting for those 940s to go down a bit on ebay... shouldn't be much longer -
r2 are sweet man, it will last you a long time. just received mine today. its super sweet.
yea the 940 with throttlestop is more powerful at the moment than the i7 2920xm anyways (if it ever comes out for the r3 that is...)
PS: Time to update the sig then! -
So I had this tech come over today - he replaced my speakers and I told him about the dust under the screen. He told me that he wasn't supposed to do unauthorized repairs but agreed to try to get dust outta the screen and in the process I think he may have damaged something because my computer's frozen twice - to the point where i need to force shutdown - no error codes came up and I needed to take out the battery and powercord just to shut it off.....
you can't get the dust out, the screen and plastic cover is a single piece. they will have to replace it.
sny of you guys got anyu idea if its possible to get a 3d screen voor the ,m15x
right now no one knows what the future will hold for the M15x. -
kind of exciting though no? So much change going on... Dell really switching up their Alienware line-up in 2011 it seems.. keeping us all guessing
Hey everyone
Smeggit just reported that the new version of SetFSB is WORKING on those motherboards that didn't overclock beforeREJOICE! woohoo -
Hmmm... maybe it's time to try out setFSB & TS combo on my 920xm?
Please let us know (on that thread) what your results are though!! -
But I'll try it when I find some time...
im looking to buy a m15x lap, and my budget is tight at 1500. could someone tell me as to how much the rates for the m15x given at the site are negotiable? especially the rig at 1399 is it the lowest i can hope for?
thanks =) -
Maybe one of these 20% coupon works...: -
but those coupons aren't available for the alienware.. -
If this isn't possible, this thread may provide you with another way to get an AW system. -
man been so busy with work lately, don't have to chance to hang around much. right now i'm torn between an r3 or a refurb r2 both loaded is around the same price. can't decide.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
I thought you already had an R2, Inap.
yeah it was a refurb, came with a load of issues, so its going back.
I'm curious about what you gonna get in the end
*OFFICIAL* M15x Owners Lounge - Part 5 (see post #1 for links)
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.