My M15x ordeal...
1. Bought it on Thanks giving weekend 2009
2. Dec 2009 had the keyboard flex - replaced
3. Feb 2010 - new CC upgrade bricked the AlienFX. MOBO and Keyboard replaced twice
4. March 15, 2010 - System exchange accepted
5. March 23, 2010 - New system in production
6. Apr 20, 2010 - Some part back ordered. system still under production
7. Apr 22, 2010 - Previous order canceled. New order created
I'm fking tired now. Call tech support to ask what's going on? Asked for upgrades for all the mess I've been through. They asked to call customer support. Any special tactics / keywords / upgrade suggestions I should use while I'm talking to customer support? Anyone have a special agent in mind who would be more helpful?
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
its like $800-900 for ssd and 5870.. i can build a i7 gaming rig for $1000... with 5850 and oc it to run like a 5870....
anyways is babyhemi still sellin 5870's.... -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
whats the best mousepad for g9x and x5.... -
hey guys can I swap my 250gb hdd for a ssd, is it hard, does it void warranty.
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
hey anyone know any good ssd around which are good.
anyone playing battlefield bad company 2 here?
im running i7-720xm 260gtx all on high setting no vsync runs about 25 fps only -
mine hovers around 30 ... when it gets really intense it dips to 25 .. when not so intense it goes up to 35...sometimes 40 when in buildings.
Haven't tried it with my oc'd profile yet though. should play better -
i got an asus g71gx
running core2duo p8700 with 260m gtx 1gb
can reach 40fps easily :/
sorry to tell you, i dont really feel the power
just got this laptop a month ago..
i reformated the laptop to factory setting installed drivers and applications but then the lights are not working :/
i called dell they'll come tmr and replace my motherboard..
boot up M15x takes about 50 seconds?
my asus core2duo takes about 20-30 seconds only =X
by the way are you guys having the same problem? -
For me i got to live with the slower HDD for now since im a Gigabyte hore lol .. but it really comes down to personal preference. Hey did u set up your 500gb hdd to use it externally yet?
yea i've got to wait a while before i through more money into mine maybe December around the time for D3 to show its face
just sayin...
I'll probably buy a USB hub soon!
Besides do any of you guys have the alienware them so I can install it.. Like the login screen and all? :O -
here is the link for wallpaper and avatars:
and link for app to use it as login: -
Still no sign of my alien FX though, I guess I'll have to contact dell.
EDIT: Works great, Inap should be named *OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Owners Lounge's MVP -
awe rlslog got booted out of germany so sad
I would recommend a usb-hub anyway. The usb-ports are extremely tight (on my machine anyway) and could get damaged because you pull something out too quickly or something. By plugging everything into a hub, all your ports are free of risk (you never/hardly ever unplug the hub and the other 2 ports are unused. -
anyone know a good download site for apps i can't find any at all they've either been booted out of their country or shut down.
hey guys if I get the ssd 40gb, that can hold my o.s then could I use my 250 hdd for games and stuff, in my m15x. Also anyone know how I would do this, how many hard drives can this hold. and will it void me warranty
Just tried out bf2 in dx11, it does look alittle bit better but brings down the fps by alot, now ave. about 30-35 fps, highs about mid 40's and lows about mid 20. so still very playable.
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
Ok in Sims 3 with everything on high, I'm only getting around 10-20fps... Stealth mode off. I know this machine can do better than that, what the heck is wrong with it
nevermind, i managed to get it going, 120fps now -
only one ouch, hmmm will I here intel makes the best drive I have 230 in free amazon credit, maybe I should get the 80gb. How much space does windows 7 take up, and what difference can I expect. Also does ddr3 1066 vs 1333 a big difference with i7.
also how is ocz compared to intel. whats the best bang for buck. -
OCZ is pretty much the best, though intel are real fast, the difference is hardly noticeable.
I would have suggest you to use a caddy drive to have another intel HDD, but since you have a blu-ray drive, throwing it away isnt a good idea
The 1333Mhz ram should increase your overall speed by 5% IIRC.
Windoes seven takes about 14gb, I just installed my Intel SSD (160Gb) I have two games installed + all essentials + ~ 2gb of music, and I only use like 39Gb!
You can deal with a 80gb, but I think the 160gb is worth it, I'll eventually install more of my steam games, which could eat up to 25gb more, and If I want to watch a movie or something, it's like 2gb each... So yeah, in the long term the 160gb is worth it imo.
Plus you can get a sweet deal on them currently, (350 or so, which is almost 2$/g -
I ordered my M15x (finally!)
Should get here on about the 20th of may (after they ship to a US address and then they FedEx it to me) I can't wait!
Does it usually take the full 15 days to build? -
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
Mine took about 15 days, with the gpu being back ordered.
grats on the buy by the way. There's a good post on the forums here explaining how to tell your real order status, search for "how to tell your real order status" and you'll find it. It's a lot more accurate than the dell website. -
What are your specs? -
just got my m15x from USA. this's so much better than the previous m15x generation
im happy I didnt buy ASUS. -
I ordered mine last thursday, and it's been shipped. That's a full 3 weeks ahead of schedule. I'm expecting it by Wednesday/Thursday (if not delayed at the depot). Got to say, I did not expect that it would have shipped this week. But, I'm not complaining.
Congrats all new owners. Welcome to the M15x family, it's a great laptop.
Mine took exactly 2 weeks to arrive, that day being today. I am patiently waiting by my M11x for the big brother to arrive. Fedex always waiting for the last minute to deliver my stuff doesn't help me either...why am I always last...
same here fedex always delivers at my place at like 5-6pm your not alone
so after playing with mine for a couple days by the way for being a refurb it looks brand new. Anyways this thing is amazing, fast,sexy oh and did I say SEXY!!! I have learned that alienware is the best computer I have ever owned, seen or touched. Amazing just amazing.
Awesome, glad the refurb worked out for you. Welcome to the AW forums.
hey soccer, if your interest i have this app that takes away the arrows on your shortcuts to make your desktop look a little nicer. -
well my gpu fan is acting weird on full speed. Time to call back tech support lol
anyone know what i need to overclock the gtx 260m also anything I should know about these aw, also I have a i7 in it how do I tell if its turbo boosting. Also these are my temps at idle is this good or bad whats average on these thanx.
cpu 46c gpu 45c assembly 43c -
Happy to report that mine has arrived and everything seems to be in order!WOOT! The only thing I need to find out is where my account number is for MyHive. I can't find it anywhere. My system didn't come with an ID card or anything, where do I find the number?
@ Smackers : Temps are perfect. It turbo Boosts by default, so you don't got to worry about that.
And to overclock your GTX 260m i would download the latest 197.16 drivers from nvidia, and then download Nvidia System tools 6.06, and look under the performance heading to adjust the clock sliders. Are you new to overclocking?
197.16 drivers:
NST 6.06:
Also, might want to download Gpu-z here to monitor temps and clocks. Look for it on this page. It has loads of system monitoring apps... i would recommend downloading all of em actually:
**Remember if your new to OC just tell me so and i'll help ya out -
Question for you M15x owners. How does gaming in 900p on a 1080p setup look? Reason I'm asking is because I love higher frame rates while gaming and work with editing software that needs room. Cheers.
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Owners Lounge - Part 4
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.