I haven't seen anywhere to purchase the 620M by itself, I know a few sites that have the 720QM. Anyone know of anywhere to pick up the 620M? Doesn't really matter which one I get to me, but I could see the 620 running a little cooler.
Just got my Alienware M15X yesterday and am quite pleased to say this has officially rocked my socks. Really am glad I didn't go for the Envy over this amazing lappy, what could I have possibly been thinking xD.
You'll love it! -
Mine is slated for a Tuesday delivery, and being I will be at work. It's either call in sick and stay home to get it... or call Fed Ex have them hold it at the facility and get it after work... I really shoulda opten for one day delivery!
ok guys been kinda busy today but this this guide during my lunch break. its my first guide ever so tell me what you guys think:
sorry kind of big file,, but i included alot of pictures.
if you guys like it, please donate $10,000 into my account, i take credit,checks,food stamps, 420 or hard liquor, or any combination,lol
btw nice score on the ssd soccer. -
Found a hole-in-the-wall electronics store that had the power cord. I is a happy camper.
As for the game-testing... i wanna see anything you can give me! just tell me what specs u used.. aim for as high of settings u can go (obv) as no1 gave me any fps yet. i wanna see a + avrg 10-15fps or else im not getting it
i know some of you are probably saying, ya but i3's i5's and some i7's have two cores, and you're right. but they also got HT, so the computer thinks it has 4. so basically every new cpu has 4+ cores, and that means the pressure is on for program devellopers, to get those apps optimized for the use of 4+ cores!
That's also why i think, if your buying a pc nowadays...you shouldn't get anything with less than 4cores... but thats just my take.
when that day comes... even the entry level i7 720 will be running at 1.6x4= 6.4GHZ for even the lightweight apps! that means substantial performance increases vs i7 620m for example.. which will be running at 5.32ghz.
And yes, they are faster right now.. but we shall come up on top in the long-run( no offence intended for any i7-620 owners, as there are other advantages for i7-620's, such a slonger battery life, cooler operation etc... i'm just focusing on speeeeeeed in the long-run)
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. -
Hey, just ran into some problem this morning..
My Comand Center is not working anymore, and when I go on dell's support page and try to download the new CC, it makes me download the dell driver download manager, all the time!
So the Dell driver manager just pop on the screen, says: There is no driver to download, select one from the website (or something) and it closes..
I dont get it.. :S -
Wait you're talking about the old one aren't you...
well what i said should still apply... but i don't get it.. when you go to the download page you don't see it? this link works for me.. check it out
http://support.dell.com/support/dow...dateid=-1&formatid=-1&source=-1&fileid=376260 -
the link J gave works, just click download, and when the new window pops up choose the second option, download from browser. good luck
Clear your temp and history etc or try a different browser. Should work then.
did you try to restart your browser.
J, i played bf2 on 1080 with maxed settings ave about 55-60. smoothest i've ever seen it.
Gotcha, went on the same page with IE, worked well.
Thanks, the easiest solutions are often the best -
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
If you have the warranty that lets you talk to the NA tech specialists when calling in, how exactly do you call them?
not alot of people around here ever bought that warranty, maybe pm batboy, he should know. also what problems are you having steel.
i knew it was alot better than the 260m...but that surpassed ALL my expectations!
Looks like i'll be ordering that badboy asap.
here is my stock bench for the 5870.
probably would be better if i reformatted.
forgot to mention temps were around 78-80max. which is pretty sweet. wish i had more time to play. -
Go post your results in the benchmarks thread, too.
I want to get that thread alive. -
Pretty sure you would need a good cooling system going though...like a laptop cooler, top of the line thermal pads, maybe even a beefier custom heatsink...which can get pretty challenging... i know these cards can handle the heat... but i just don't like anything over 85 really... starts getting scary. -
yeah i posted this a few days agao, didn't have time to oc and bench yet. waiting for some free time to do a reformat. been to busy with work and family stuff. man i'm working this weekend too, sorry sleey0, but i'm gunning for you when i have the time.
man these 5870 are awesome, falling in love with my M15x all over again. hahahah
do you guy think my guide is good enough yet, should i post the link in the man=in forum? -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
i think is was some of the background stuff i was running, didn't care for the cpu score so i didn't worry about it.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
/10char -
My command center does not recognize my M15x set up..
try to do a repair install, then a cold boot.
Still nothing, might be the hardware...
did it ever work with your ssd?
yeah worked fine yesterday.. O_O
try to slap back your old hdd, to check if its actually hardware failure.
I'll be checking that guide out.
I was hoping i'd have enough disposable income to buy a 5870 with this paycheck but i may have to starve and wait for my next paycheck to be able to afford that badboy >_<!!! -
Hehe, same, I'll probably wait til this summer before buying something else for my laptop, I've put about 3000$ already, and considering I'm working about 15 hours/week, thats a lot of money
yeah please tell me what you think of the guide, should i add anything. not sure if its good enough to post in the main forum yet.
Right. dont know if this is a problem or not.
Ive got inbuilt bluetooth (bluetooth 370 card). How can i check its working or not?
When i try and search for devices from the laptop it doesnt find my phone. The phone is discoverable and the phone can pick up the laptop bluetooth but cannot pair with it either. =/
Any ideas?
Chris -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Hey inap.. what gaming mouse pad are you using.. I need to get one. have already tried razer goliathus control alpha ... any recommendation. Have got X5 and G9x...
Will def go through your guide and am sure it'll be the best.. Will use your guide to replace my card when i buy it...
Just thinking shall i upgrade ssd and 5870 on my m15x or just build a nice i7 920 desktop with 5870.. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Any ideas which driver. Cant find it on the damn site. =/
Chris -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
hahaa. just found it myself. But thanks anyway! =D
Chris -
hahaha i should learn to read.
right now i'm carrying a razer desctructor in my backpack, i like because it hard and easy to carry around in my backpack. i aslo have the vespula at home which i love because of the hand rest thingy. i tried most of the razer lineup and performance wise they are all pretty much the same. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
everyone told me 5870m over the ssd...and after some benchies these guys posted... im with them 100%... the 5870 is BEAST.
I think it'll be better if we wait for ssd's as theyre gonna get cheaper, and bigger... 256gb are insane right now... you could buy another laptop for the price loll..
and wouldn't building a desktop cost much much more?
I'd upgrade to a 5870m , and wait a lil longer for the ssd. I say this because thats what im doing -
it really all depends on your needs, so its kinda hard to say really.
overall performance for apps and daily use-ssd
?????-desktop -
hey white wizard, mousepad sorta depends on your mouse too, im using a mamba so the best pad that goes with that is the megasoma. Get the extra teflon feets, its awesome!
Btw how much difference is the 5870 in terms of 3d mark scores. So far i am so dissapointed with the GTX 260 cuz my 3d mark never goes above 13k. I havent tried overclocking or any of that, do all of u use rivatune to overclock or any other softwares? can anybody give me the link for the tips to overclock my 920XM/ram/GPU
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Owners Lounge - Part 4
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.