Well I returned my M15x yesterday and already I miss it. I guess I should update my Sig.
lol.. truth is...more often than not.. it works!
i did that but still no solution
i tried to reformated my latop about 5 times already
reinstalled cc for about 10 times already with no success
what bios are you having now?
i can open the alienfx but there will be a message telling me that "the theme could not be opened" -
I ordered mine yesterday (Yes, I know, I should have waited for the HD5870 to become an option, but, I don't have the time, and from what I've read, it requires the 260M GTX's heatsink since the 240M is not substantial enough). Expected delivery date is the 17th of May, but hopefully it'll arrive before that, not holding my breath though. Can anyone from the UK who recently bought (and has it now) tell me roughly how long it took, as a rough guide for me. I'd appreciate it. I probably shouldn't post here, since I don't actually own one yet, but thought that this was the most appropriate topic to post in
First of all, the 240 heatsink is the same as the 260.
Second, you might as well buy now because the M15x is NOT getting the 5870 from Dell. You will have to purchase it on your own.
On a side note, how come none of you don't come on over to the benchmark thread and throw down? -
i did that but still no solution
i tried to reformated my latop about 5 times already
reinstalled cc for about 10 times already with no success
what bios are you having now?
i can open the alienfx but there will be a message telling me that "the theme could not be opened" -
hey guys my m15x has 3 gb ram 1 gb plus a 2g could I just buy another 2gb stick and replace the 1gb so i would have 4 thanx
where is that located at?
do you mind to send me your theme to my email
[email protected]
thanks! -
try this one:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/iaa710 -
heyyy i ve overclocked it by using riva tuner its performance changed .......
but there's prob it's not going back to default settings man....n too much variations in clock speeds fluctuations too.... !! -
it says you have reached the limited download please try again in 24 hours time
do you mind to give me other link?
thanks! -
Thanks and +rep, for sure.
Got any more themes? -
could you please download the file and send me through my email?
[email protected]
thanks for helping
by the way where is the path/directory should i put the theme inside my M15x?
thanks -
there is a glitch in that theme, it makes the left speaker blink blue for a second or so every few cycles.
this is sooooo irritating
i have tried to upgrade my bios to A03 and A05 with no success
updated my cc to the latest one with no success also
i got this message when i entering windows
and i got a black/blank box when i enter alienFX
please please help me
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don't worry buddy. We're gonna help you.. so just sit back, relax, grab a beer maybe...and everythings gona be okay... loll
lol ok now seriously.
click on theme in the top left corner. and press -> New Theme. That should work...
but if it doesn't, it means your CC has gone screwey ( it often will, the new CC sucks) and all you gotta do is...
1. Locate the install .exe file that you ran to install it the first time. Click on it.
2. this time, click on repair.
3. restart.
4. it should work perfectly now.
---> CC randomly screws up on its own.. i've had to do this a couple of times already...
Hope this helps -
I'd say $400 give or take a few bucks is about right.
I'd also say that $400 for a top of the line and brand new mobile GPU is a good buy. Usually these things cost closer to $500 (or more).
If so, I just re-used the thermal pads that were on the heatsink already (I have thermal material but I don't think it is necessary seeing as how my temps are ok). -
and a screwdriver.
i reused the thermal pads from the 260 and the bottom mounting plate from it too. took me 15 mins for install, but did a real sloppy paste job. pretty much just drop a dot of the paste in the middle of the gpu and just pressed the heatsink down on it.
so you ordered the 5870 already bro? -
yea i meant thermal pads... couldn't remeber what it was effin called for a sec lol... i read somewhere bout some1 replacing them. but if you say your temps are cool then thats a beautiful thing. lol
Btw... Congratz inap for finally installing it!
So did you guys test it out yet? What are some avrg temps? idle and gaming?
Also, can you shoot me some FPS numbers of some games. I'm still convincing myself that getting the 5870m is a good idealoll
EDIT: 5870m's released in the M17x's in Europe. both single and CF! .. Nothin for the M15x yet though
and no Inap i didn't get it yet... lol -
Thermal pads can be reused if not damaged so peel them off gently lol. Nothing sucks more than damaging the pads and not having a local supplier!
haven't had time to game much yet, but on 3d clocks i idle around 57-60
and gaming right now around 75-80. so it acceptable but probably redo the paste job tonite when i have time, and maybe a reformat too. -
create new theme and repair the cc :'(
could you please guide me starting from reformating the laptop using recovery disk up to steps installation of the drivers and application?
which bios and cc should i use for this M15x?
currently im running A05 bios and latest CC A05
thanks! -
gaving us your specs would help,also drivers used and order of install.
all drivers i installed from the original cd
i have tried to install the drivers that are downloaded from the dell's website
i installed the chipset at first then the rest i just randomly install them
at last will be the cc and osd
can you please tell me the order to install the drivers
sorry to trouble you guys
im just new with this machine
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so i'm guessing your using win7,
driver order is spot on, i really don't see a reason for cc not working. the drivers from the dell resource cd is old so i don't recommend using them, us only use it to get back youcam and the dvd player. -
You are supposed to install OSD right after the chipset driver, and cc gets installed last after everything else.
Not sure if it matters, but that is the order of install provided by AW. -
Can't wait for some avrg framrates! i can't wait to see real-time performance increases between the 260m and the 5870m in games like farcry2, BC2, MW2, and of course... crysis.should blow it out of the water!
We'll get to the bottom of this
First off, Bios A05 is a DEFINITE must!!! so keep that.
the lastest CC isn't anything great, and is even more buggy than the previous version, so if yoru irritated and fed up, just keep the ver. Dell gives u on cd. But if you want to conquer this.. then we'll have to di-sect the problem further. -
thank you so much for the help
ill try to reformat this machine this evening
ill get back later to you guys
thank you -
i just dug up an OLD step-by-step guide i wrote a couple months ago when alot of ppl had problems with the new CC...and this fixed the prolems ppl had. I dunno you prob did all of this already but here it is... Once you have your clean install, and after your drivers are all istalled, i dont see how this WONT work...
"1. Download the new Command Center http://support.dell.com/support/down...g=en&TabIndex=
2. Uninstall your current version of CC in Control Panel.
3. Restart
4. Install the new Command Center.
5. Shutdown the system, and do a BIOS reset. (remove battery and hold power button down for 20 secs)
6. Turn on the system, check if everythings working. Some things probably won't.
For Example:
- Face login at startup says AlienSense is starting up but never does. Just login with your password for now.
- No AlienSense face login at all, just regular Windows 7 login screen. Again, just login with your password for now.
- Message about Quick Access Toolbar requiring a reboot to be fixed once windows has started up. Ignore this, it doesn't fix anything.
- Alien Fx lights do not turn off when Fn+f11 is pressed
- And so on...
If your not experiencing these problems, then your lucky and your done Installation . If not, don't worry this is "normal" and just ignore all these things for now and proceed to next step.
7. Go to your Dell Drivers folder, and start up the setup for the new CC again. This time, do a Repair. When it's done reboot."
Goodluck, and no problem buddy
man i'm craving me a 5870m more and more each day! ...
only thing holding me back is spending 4bills on a gpu that i'll almost never use, since i hardly game. On the other hand.. when i do.... hehehehe
the 260m has always been the "weakpoint" of the M15x .. even though i always found it to be a pretty solid card... it couldn't TRULY max out games. -
hey guys 2 questions first the 260m vs a 5830 or 5850, what are we talking about performance wise, also does it void my warranty to replace it, another thing is does it void warranty to replace ram.
I can't answer your GPU question but for the RAM, no it will not void your warranty. As far as those GPUs, I wouldn't waste time and money upgrading to something that isn't worlds different than the 260m.
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
How do I figure out what OSD I have? I don't know where to look.
I'm trying to get up to date on this stuff, as a lot of times my alien head power button light will just turn off while the rest of the stuff stays lit. -
newest osd was release last month, so i'm guessing you have the older version.
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
Also, everytime I start up and log in, i get a box that pops up and says Wireless Configuration at the top, then the message says Notification dll has not been registered, program will not work correctly. I'm not sure why it says thta
Hey guys. Im looking at the best way to get the ultimate gaming ability for crysis/crysis 2 out of my M15x System.
I have limited capabilities when it comes to graphics. But heres my current tech specs:
2x2048gb 1333MHz DDR3 Dual channel
Intel i7 720QM(1.6GHz,6MB)
512MB NVIDIA GeForce GT240M
500GB Hard Drive
Windows 7
Anything you can do to boost it. Or tell me how to boost it would be awesome guys.
Chris -
well got my screen replaced but the screen connection was longer than previous screen so it is pushing up near the power button other than that its nice to have a perfect screen again
I run everything on high settings and don't touch the machine during the benchmark. I have to admit that I haven't run the test after that so I will try again tomorrow. -
I can run medium with no problems though. Which still looks pretty darn sweet.
How much would the upgraded GPU cost then? How much will it hurt? hahaa.
Chris -
5870 for around $400 best upgrade for gaming right now. But 240 can play most games so don't sweat it.
Whew!! I did it. Finally got the nerve to update my bios by burning to disk. Had a few bumps along the way but thanks to all of you for helping this grandma is a happy camper.
Inap, you were right. I did have Nero, just needed to registered it. Anyway guys, thank you so much. Have a great evening. -
Just got my SSD 8D
Cant wait to install it!
Unfortunately it will have to wait, I have school tomorrow at 9 -
im reformating my M15x now
ill get back to you when its done -
I already placed the "My SSD rocks" sticker on my laptop
I think I should start it right now, and finish it during the night.. I'm so impatient O_O
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Owners Lounge - Part 4
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.