Now got my mobo replaced, I/O replaced with the cables.... the tearing is less apparent. Installed ubuntu to check if this is a driver issue.. The tearing is still there however the touchpad is awesome in ubuntu ...
If I uninstall the IDT drivers and let windows install default drivers and then use the loudness equalisation enhancement it almost fixes the issue...
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
im investigating....gimme a sec...let you know what i find
Yea man im sorry Whitewiz... Can't really help you on this one... I don't have this problem at all... i tried it with my Pioneer HDJ-2000 headphones...cranked it, and its crystal clear on full volume...
I then tried connecting my 5.1 surround sound... with one jack for front, one for rear, and one for center/sub ... and ran the tests..everythign plays flawlessly on each channel.... then i cranked my music on it...again.. no crackling or distortion at all
I did notice that i only have 1 jack displayed in the properties though... but it's not really giving me any problems...and since my 3-jacks can be configured to output 5.1 sound like i tested... I really can't say i'm experiencing any problems at all.. :s... sorry man
I guess this is device specific? some shipped with this problem, some didn't? i have the same drivers as you... so i would imagine this is in fact a hardware issue, and not a driver issue...? i dunno.. do you notice this problem when doing something specific in particular? -
hmm .. just noticed...
the jack information shown when clicking on Independant headphones is :
L R | Right Panel 3.5mm Jack
And the jack information shown when clicking on Speakers/Headphones is:
C Sub | Right Panel 3.5mm Jack
So maybe it doesn't show all 3 like your old M15x does...but seperately instead? -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Thnx guys... looks like have to get this thing replaced ......
Also, you said you used your iphone earphones...Well i just tried mine, and yea at around 50% volume i start to hear distortion...But you have to remember iphone earphones are some of the crappiest earphones on the market...take it from me i'm a DJ...The distortion you're hearing is mearly because the sound drivers in those earphones cannot handle the power of the output of your M15x's soundcard...My pioneers (the best headphones i've ever it should be for the price) showed zero distortion.
When i first got the M15x, i was going to replace the soundcard to one more suitable for my needs, but i was actually quite impressed with the sound quality from this soundcard, and decided to stick with it. You can only really tell with a pair of top of the line headphones... ( ipods actually have pretty bad output, when u listen to them with these things)
I'm a .. how should i say this... an Audiophile... hehehe... music/sound is what i live for... and i always need the best...and i found it weird from the begining when you told me about this problem, cuz i would've detected it a long time ago if i had the same problem as you...
so again... i would think this is a hardware problem...or just need better headphones?lolll i dunno
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
I tried 5-6 earphones. Sony, klipsch, philips .... Tearing still there...
Yea i figured you would've tried that you are by no means technologically
So yeah man...Good luck with the issue...must be hardware related... -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Hey J.. I am not very good with headphones... Can you recommend me a headphone. Budget around £30-40.
Looking for proper headphones not earphones.. with nice bass....
Thanks for looking into the issue... man.... -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Had creative fatal1ty gaming headset once... were quite nice... Shall i go with the same ones...
never tried those...but do you need a headset? ( with a mic i mean?)
If not... for that price range... i'd suggest Sony MDR V700's... they're mad cheap considering the audio quality... and give you loads of bass...only weakness is on the highs...mids can be better also... but to the untrained ear... you won't really notice...
best bang for your buck
You can get them on ebay for 70-120$ canadian.. that slike 30-55 pounds about... just be careful theres full of fakes... don't get the ones that are crazy cheap ( 20-30-40 dollars canadian) ... -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
thats like £63 in UK... any other recommendations...
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
can buy a logitech z 2300 for 40 quids extra.... lol!!!!
Hmm they've gotten cheaper it seems lol... £17.99 .. plus 9.99 shipping??
These seem real ( cord should be matte black, not shiny / sony logo is raised on each ear and has a silver finish)
Sorry these are the cheapest earphones i've owned lol...well that are worth mentioning anyways...never tried gaming headsets... -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
what do you think about this seller... -
This one looks even better...and as they show real pics taken of them...and not just a pic taken off the web.. your good to go...from the pics they show yea they're geniune no doubt about that...
and don't worry i bought my pair from china when i had them, and they were genuine...Not everything form china is fake...but 90% is lol...
I would go for them.. even if he tries stiffing you, and you get fakes ( which i doubt ) you'll easily get your money back as he's advertising REAL ones... so its an easy case to me.. i've been through ebay cases many many times lol...
EDIT: that one you posted looks good also... choice is yours .. except the one i posted comes in the box also... Anyways you'll love these headphones cheap considering how good they are... -
i have this one, its real nice for audio and gaming:
gonna set you back like a hundo, but worth it
also had the creative ones too, they are good but not great. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
went for it... thnx for helping me out man.. will try this headphones first... might just be the issue with earphones not handling the power from my m15x... -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Hey no problem man
yeah i work by a fry's electronics, so i pretty much tried everything they have, since they're return policy is super sweet,lol.
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
lol, yeah but i do it so much they know me by my name now, hahaha. you should do the same thing, find a good store and try them out. then find one on the internet for cheaper, hahaha. i think i tried about every mouse, keyboard, headset.... man i should work for cnet or some kind of review site,lol.
lol yeaa... i do the same.. maybe not to that extent...but close
hey the only way to see if you like something is to try it out for yourself...a hands-on trial will beat any review you simply read thats forsure...anyways im out guys...we've been taken over these forums...lets give some other people a chance to post LOLL .. peace -
man why you have to go, now the thread is dead again. o' well up up and away.
Weird thing going on, my h and my c key dont work on a couple of program, though on my browser they work great.. O_O Weirddd
any particular program? first time i heard of this.
Yeah must be a program issue, had trouble with MSN then word, restarted both, now it works.. Anyways, odd!
Damn why do I keep coming back here, I have a chemistry lab to hand in tomorrow at 9 -
awww fixed already.... man i'm bored, lol anyways good luck with classes.
Uninstalled Nvidia 186.81 and IDT drivers.
Shut down and discharge the static (remove battery, hold power etc).
Boot up and install the new Nvidia drivers.
Shut down and discharge the static.
Boot up and set Displayport as default. Result = no sound.
Uninstalled Nvidia.
Didn't bother with static discharge, rebooted and installed Nvidia 186.81.
Rebooted and set Displayport as default = Sound works good.
I still have IDT uninstalled, I figure I'll leave it uninstalled unless I notice something not working. -
m15x a05 bios is out
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Flashed to A05 Bios........ Works.... atleast for now...
new bios supports the ATI 5870M finally! Look at the bios change log.
Broadway = 5870 -
Really? New bios? O_O
What else is new, besides the 5870 support? -
New BIOS and my iPhone is syncing flawlessly now... maybe they finally stealth fixed the problem finally.
You can bet that when they start putting 58xx cards in the M15x they will not run at 104c. I know the 5000 series use less power then the 260m and I think we will probably see a moderate boost in battery life because of that, they probably wont need throttlestop either. Whoever tested the card probably didnt attach the heatsink properly or at all. The only person here that I know of that tested that card in the M15x was Moo and I dont remember it working at all due to no bios support so I dont know how he would have tested the temps.
... anyways just because the new bios supports it... doesn't mean it's coming out tomorow lol... probably going to take some time...and there's no knowing how long it'll take...fingers crossed for tomorow though
And remember a 5870M is really more like a desktop 5770...but that is expected..
What i want to know is if it fixed throttling or guess? it didn't. -
also a question for you would you be returning your own system once the 5870 comes out or are you going to wait and upgrade at a later date? -
there's nothing my 260M can't handle... especially since it Overclocks quite nicely with slightly over 20% gains in clock speeds... ( i attained clocks well over the 280m)
Sure i can't max out everything for EVERY game... but i can for quite a few... and i can live with a few HIGH settings instead of VERY HIGH settings... that you can't even notice the diffrence between...
So nope i won't be returning my system for the 5870M... but maybe down the road when i see a need for it i might...who knows.. but right now the 260 is good enough for me... -
My guess is that the bios wont fix the throttling but the addittion of a GPU that doesnt draw as much power might make the M15x not throttle in the first place.
man for some reason my bios isn't letting me boot up from disk or anyhting other then my hard drive. anyone with ideas, don't have time to mess around and find the cause today. maybe just time to accidentally drop it since new gpu is coming out,lol.
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Owners Lounge - Part 4
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.