I just checked my one month old M15x and it also has rev 11.
I'm at work again... but when i get home i'll check mine also.
I think i remember Mr. Pras saying that it has worked and not worked with both revision 11 & 12 motherboards... so i don't think thats the problem... i wonder what's causing some to work, and some not to. -
The rev. motherboard isn't the problem. It's just which pll the used on your board when they manufactured it. I'll probably tear mine down this weekend to see which one I have. More than likely those of use that it doesn't work on have the same pll. I don't see them using more than 2-3 variants.
So what's the working PLL number?
Would it any help to open mine up and share the PLL cause I don't mind. Have done it a few times already just don't wanna waste my time
If it's not worth it
- remember my PLL didn't work -
Here's kinda how to find it http://www.cpu-cool.de/FSB.HTM -
It seems like none of the 820QMs have worked...
Was only 130 bucks more. -
ahhh ... so scratch that then.. im not willing to do open heart surgery on this thing.. i7 @ 3.2ghz will have to suffice
Attached Files:
wow, nice camera
Gotta love my baby DSLR -
really nice photo +rep
clear as day on my screen -
That's it I believe. Have you asked abo about it yet? -
I did some research online and e-mailed a few people to see if I could obtain the datasheet so I can forward them to abo. Lets hope this works.
Now im wayyy to lazy to put my M15x back together... Poor thing is in peices on my desk. -
maybe something will come of it.
Guys with the overclocking going on. Do you think it's the RAM that's become unstable @ 160, or the CPU itself? I'm gonna buy some 1600 Hyperx ram if the RAM is bogging the overclocking down. That is, if my 820QM can overclock when I try.
I don't think that's the issue since most people are using 1333.
another M15x i have acess to wont work either and I cannot find what revision mobo it is
Did you look on CPUz? -
well i have a revision 12 btw
i got rev 11 and it OC's nicely... but keep in mind the rev. doesnt have anythign to do with it apparently..
abo has updated his app setfsb
included in the patch notes:
i believe they might be linked.
when i pushed too far, i got a bsod, i noted that it refered to the nvlkdm driver.
upon reboot, i was greeted with a blank screen and my caps and scroll lock were blinking while numlock remained solid. after a bit of searching through these forums the best info i could find was this http://forum.notebookreview.com/ali...hing-scroll-num-lock-stay-bios-post-code.html
look at the image in post #2 by batboy (tyvm btw i couldn't find that anywhere else including the sm)
it leads me to believe they are linked and the pci-e cannot handle the oclocked speeds. now to figure out a way to unlink them if possible.
*edit* sorry for the double post
if anyone can find a program which will let me check pci-e speeds (in hz) that would be great.
one other thing, by unlinking and downclocking the ram in bios, overclocking hangs at overclocked speeds which are normally stable.
the more i stuff around with this, the more confused i am becoming.... arrrrrgh! also being unable to set ram timings manually... sucks bad! -
For those that it doesn't work for have you reset your bios back to factory settings before trying?
i'm uploading it to sendspace as we speak for you
shouldn't be too long
All done
http://www.sendspace.com/file/cuw7tx -
thanks bro just bought myself an external as i need to reformat my comp to dual boot. So once ive got everything redone or before i put the osd and CC on ima change the bios back to A05 from A06 and hope i get better gpu temps.
wait what? why you formating? to get your cpu to OC?
no im CS(computer science) Major so i need to put linux on my machine as well as win 7
EDIT: ok so ive completely reformatted and now have dual boot and will flash the bios back to A05 tomorrow and we shall see if i can OC once and for all -
well am going to donate right now... but isint there any side effects :s with SETFSB.... cuz ive got i7 720qm with ddr3 8gb 1066MHz? is it fine ?
temps haven't increased by much.. . maybe 2degrees? -
btw i already donated for abo... but the problem is when i downloaded the setfsb it want start it will just show a box written in it SETFSB ID :...... dunno what to do?
he'll send you an email asking for your id , chipset, computer , etc,. then after you send it he'll give you your key.
man am lost he sent me message
examine the PLL data. I will examine whether it is possible.
1) start SetFSB.
2) click "Enter" button. (SetFSB ID screen)
3) click "OK" button. (SetFSB error screen)
4) select the clock generator to "PLL diagnosis".
5) click "Diagnosis" button.
6) click "Get FSB" button.
7) click "Capture" button.
but i didnt understand :S i downloaded the setfsb the shareware not the freeware after i install it it a double clicked SETFSB ... daah it didnt open anything just small box inside written inside it SETFSB IT ,,, am lost what does he want from me right now?
man , need help am noob !!!
full instruction from the begening first i download the shareware
is that right?
seconde i donate?
third he sends weired emails i didnt understand anything so guys help me with full instructions plz -
but i did that for you.... so you don't even gotta look for it
And since you got an i7 720 like me, move the slider to 492 (or 150mhz) ...as this is extremely stable and safe. -
To my fellow people,
I was able to obtain the clock generator data sheet for the other PLL on the M15x Motherboard.
I am sending this information to abo ASAP.
Lets hope this works so we the rest of us can O/C our processors -
thank you titan god
Does this work with the 620M or am I gonna have to wait more?
it will work if you have the same PLL
Nice one!!! -
Updated first post to include JStarnino's info and updated the notes.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/alienware-m15x/499964-kingston-hyperx-ram-problems.html -
Let me see if I can help with the memory questions....
The speed of the memory 1066, 1333 or 1600 isn't going to make a difference in OC'ing. If you are playing with the timings of the memory then it can make a difference.
The 1333 version of the HyperX memory comes in a non-XMP flavor. This means the advertised timings you see, you actually get without the system needing to support XMP profiles. This works great specifically for CPU and memory benchmarks but can have a large negative impact because of the additional heat caused by the tighter timings.
The person in the other thread has bad memory, not incompatible memory. I currently own 2 M15x system, one with HyperX 1333 non-XMP and one with HyperX 1600 XMP memory. They both run fine but when it comes time to benchmark I use my 1GB Elpida 1066 memory. You get better timings, less power, less heat with those sticks.
Hope this helps.
M15x FSB Overclocking (not only 920XM!)
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Mr Pras, Jul 14, 2010.