Yes I'm using Process Lasso too. Excellent app.. I like the way you can force games to use specific cores - most games which use dual core are happiest using 0&2 or 4&6 I found..
I just force an app to 0,2,4&6 and it gets virtually the same performance as all 8 enabled, but with less heat and no throttling (as I've just discovered)
Here's my comparison on Wprime
I used 32M to save time (will run a longer bench next to see how throttling affects the OC state).
I've attached the relevant wps files too..
Images show the 4 benchmarks ran - 1 thread, 2, 4 and 8 threads
Here's a throttle test using Wprime 1024M, overclocked.
I think that if Wprime can max 8 threads for 8 minutes then I think most games will run fine. I'm still striving to find any real-world apps that throttle. The only one so far for me is OCCTPT..
Attached Files:
Have you done some Wprime with 920XM stock yet? I'd be curious to compare. -
My wprime is 11 sec for 32m at stock. Ok I remove my Kingston hyperx and put back my old ram and now I can overclocked my CPU without getting any bsod. Wonder why?
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Thank you. That was my expectation.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
I get the same thing, when i open the oc tab in eleet it will show 24x across the board.
eleet doesn't change it, it's just reading the info from the system.
Clevo also made a mistake in the past when the x8100 was released. The multipliers where not correct for the 920.
@dttran83: Disable Intel SpeedStep and check evga eleet again. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
In my experience, that is the standard usage.
I've been e-mailing back and forth with abo so he can send me the correct SetFSB.exe for my M15x. He sent me one recently and I went to change the Frequency from 133 - 145 (small OC) and it froze my computer.
I tried a previous one he had sent me earlier and I was able to change the frequency but when I went to check CPU-Z it hadn't registered.
I'm waiting from a response from him to see what is going on.Attached Files:
Well turns out its not gonna happen for all!
Just received an email from abo and he says the clock generator does not have the function to change the fsb on my system and he is going to refund the donation (ill tell him not to bother).
Guess for those whom it did not work (inc myself) are just gonna have to wait and hope. -
Anybody clock stay overclocked after hibernation? Mine reset back to stock after from a hibernation. But whenever I do restart the clock stay overclocked.
Seems as if mine isn't overclockable either. Abo says he doesn't have the clock generator name nor the clock generator data sheet.
Damn all you lucky ones who got to OC ur CPUs. Jk lol -
I updated the initial post, if anyone has suggestions of essential info for the first post, please let me know -
Could say that xxx content doesn't stream well or the world will end cos SETI didn't find the little orange men coming to invade as they needed my processor.
Poll on which one will work! Lol -
haha Good luck!
my best oc, so far
just a quick test at 150, 154 and 158 fsb
160 hung on me when i tried however 158 exited with 0 error
i wonder if i unlink the mem/fsb timings... damn i wish i had more time.
also i'm not sure if it's reaching max multi hmmmAttached Files:
Can't wait to get my 820 to 940XM speeds. Once I figure out how to get the 5 bucks. XP
BTW, Quad (or whoever had the 820), which revision are you on? Mines 11 and I wanna know if there's a chance for my 820 to overclock.
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Hey guys... hows the OC comming along...
Just found out the wattage jumps between 45 and 55(HWinfo) when CPU is stressed with prime 95 when OC. It doesn't happen when on default clocks.
Maybe some type of TDP throttling.. Maybe Unclewebb can tweak throttlestop a bit... I think he mentioned it somewhere that TDP for 720 and 820 is locked...
3d Mark Vantage gives around 11775 CPU score thats still 800 short off the 820qm @ default clocks.. -
guess if this is oc'ed or not.
can't seem to rise mine that much with setfsb. i can go as 140 maybe 142 after that bsod.Attached Files:
If ThrottleStop shows that the TDP/TDC adjusters are locked it is because either Intel locked this feature on your CPU or the bios has locked this feature and there is no way in Windows to unlock it.
The result is a big performance advantage for the 920XM or 940XM. On the i7-720QM or i7-820QM, overclocking the BCLK is going to be limited because you will always be up against the turbo TDP/TDC limit. -
is it safe to run throttlestop and setfsb together?
this cpu OC'ing is mostly just for fun. these i7's are already quick.. even the 720s... need a ssd to unlock its true performance though
thats my next upgrade once the price/capacity is right that is... im thinking boxing day
where can i check if they're locked or not? -
Got a email from abo saying my pll was not supported.
Me and one other guy I guess. He returned my cash and I was going to write him back telling him to keep it but he had already returned it. He's such a cool character. I know he worked hard on trying to get it to work. We are lucky he's still around doing his thing. Enjoy to all you lucky ones.
Wait. So this works for Rev. 11 and not Rev 12? Or does it just depend on your processor?
I tested the oc out on my 720 it didn't work, as abo stated the pll was not supported, rev.11 M15x
Wonder what it could be.... -
For now it seems to be fine for me, been running both together the whole time.
Doesn't depend on processor it seems, but having said that - there are no 820QM's working on the voting list yet.. -
Well I've given Abo double the donation as a thanks and I'm backing up my laptop getting ready for a fresh install. Hopefully will be ready for some testing tomorrow
i hope someone can figure out how to unlock the TDP/TDC adjusters for the i7 720/820 sometime soonthere has to be way... i just dont have the knowledge in the field to figure it out... im sure many of the members on these forums do..and i'd gladly give a generous donation to the person who figures it out too
anyone try setFSB with the new i7s yet? -
ok so im new to this but i just donated to abo for setfsb but when i try using the AsusN61JQ it doesn't bring up my info. any help is well appreciated
I'm in the same boat, waiting for Abo's response. I'm not sure but from what I gather I think he will email us for our system info and will give us the appropriate .exe, assuming our systems are compatible. It's 11:30pm in Japan so we might be waiting a while
(I assume that's where Abo-san currently resides...).
ok here's what to do.
1. download SetFSB.
2. Donate.
3. he will then send u an e-mail asking you for some info that you will need to e-mail back to you.
"1. Could you tell me your SetFSB ID number?
2. The SetFSB informations
a. the motherboard(/PC) name ?
b. the chipset name ?
c. the clock generator name ? (If it is possible)"
4. When you get a reply, run SetFSB and skip the first dialog box ( just press ok for now)
5. select the clock generator to "ASUS N61JQ".
6. click "Diagnosis" button.
7. click "Get FSB" button.
8. click "Capture" button.
9. send capture image to him by e-mail
10. He e-mails you back the activation key, and type it in the first dialog box that appears when you open setFSB.
and viola! All done
Now everytime you want to OC just click on "get FSB" and it will load your current FSB, and then you can move the sliders as you wish (don't go too crazy... or you'll get a BSOD lol) and when you're done click "SetFSB".
The oc resets only when you SHUTDOWN, and stays with a restart.
well Jstar its not working for me i used the N61JQ pll and it didnt bring anything up so now abo wants me to disable the TME but kinda lost on where im supposed to bring it up in windows.
EDIT: I just got refunded for my donation as idk how i could get pll as i don't have any of my tools with me so i can't take my lappy apart. well we shall see soon if i can get -
ouff.. don't even know what that is :s sorry
Sadly it didn't work for me either. I told him ahead of time to keep the donation regardless as a thanks, glad I did that now
Edit: For the record I got mine back in November, revision 11 MoBo.
M15x FSB Overclocking (not only 920XM!)
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Mr Pras, Jul 14, 2010.