Hey ethan or tantang what are you guy WEI score now?
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
does it matter?
Good question,lol. IMO, WEI is just another useless bloatware created by microsoft to scare kids, hehe.
I assume that was rhetorical question, Scook -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
with 260 I was getting 6.8 and with 5870 7.2
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
So what are the best drivers that are out now that works well with the M15x?
The above is my thought. -
Where did you get em?
there are 10.6 alpha drivers out that are 8.740.0.0.
Please -
yes plz link
it says it supports switchable graphics does that mean you can switch between ATI 5870 and Intel's igp and if it does do you have to restart m15x -
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
Just to sum up. You would need
1. The M15x with 260M
2. The 5870 ( of course)
3. The cooler and pads from 260M
4. and some pads enclosed with the 5870
It that correct? -
not desktop
screwdrivers one for each sized screw
manual how to take m15x apart
camcorder? record taking apart just incase you forget which screw goes where
patience and care when taking it apart
plenty of time
patience and care when putting it back together -
you need all that?
You read those articles??
You do need a very small screw driver for some of the screws but there's not that many screws anyway so if you can't figure out where the screws go back you've got bigger problems! Install really shouldn't take too long because the GPU is very easy to get to.(I think I'll cut all install related info I have posted throughout this thread in the original post so it's condensed to one spot)
I don't know that I want to try drivers that are in Alpha stage.. -
Well I do think it would help to put all the info you learned in the original post so that n00bs can find it easily and have most questions answered. Would be a nice guide. However, as far as drivers go, you can always roll back. I generally just create a system restore point prior to the installation and then just restore afterward. Have you had a chance to do any benchmarks to compare the GPU scores to your old card? Be interesting to see what the improvement was. Especially since it's the exact same system, just differant GPU's.
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
Any new numbers yet?
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
No. Thermal compound across a wide space will give more thermal impedance than pads. That is why they are used. There is also less heat generated off memory and voltage regulators than the GPU core making it less necessary.
Just to clarify, heat is a measure of energy and is NOT temperature. Just because the ram shows a higher temp than the core does not mean it generates more heat. -
Alot of us ordered just the card from babyhemi without heatpads, so I hope the 260M's alone will be enough.
I have a whole sheet of 2mm thermal material I bought off ebay.
It was going to be for my W870 which I no longer have, now I guess it is going to come in handy for the M15x. -
thanks, need to get me some pads, i think my wife has some.
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
Lol at your comment
Ebay or frozencpu should be able to accomodate your thermal pad needs -
sweet will look into, thanks
also can i use both at same time? pads and compound -
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
not on the same component, but pads on mem and mosfets, paste on GPU
ok got it just got confused for a second. just had one of those homer simpson moments,lol d'oh
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
The ati 5870 is now back in stock in ebay. Ati 5870
Soooooooo tempting! Where's our M17X BIOS update!?? C'mon, Dell. Me needs big guns! Whoa!
So we suppose to put extra padding like ethan where he mix both from the gtx 260m and the ati 5870?
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
Well the picture in the ebay posting shows a CF connector, but that is also a stock image and not the actual card you would receive
ambiguous if you ask me, especially since it says crossfireX in the details (generic from ATI website)
I would assume no connector. It is for the eurocom model of the W860/W870 notebooks which are single card models. This means it is just the clevo card same as babyhemi is selling -
Hmmm, I was certain they all had CF connectors. :confused2:
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
Nope, those cards lack a CF connector. Just like the GTX 280m cards off their single gpu models lacked an SLI connector although they offered SLI variants for the D901c model.
I agree, stupid to make 2 different cards, but that is what is happening -
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
Doubtful. They must have just engineered 2 different cards so that they could optimize the cooling for each in their given case designs. These boards are made by Clevo themselves (or someone like foxconn). This would be unlike the 4870s in our M17x's that are actually manufactured by ATI and sent to Flextronics/Dell.
If that's so, I c y AW is so late with 5870CF. Interesting...
Megacharge Custom User Title
Wish they would get started on the M17x variants, I can't wait to upgrade.
Just went and pick mine up at the post office
. Super fast shipping Thank Hemi!!! Going to install it later today after work.
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
Interesting to see people getting a pretty high GPU score out of the M15x. It will be interesting to see what people with the 920xm can do as well
M15x + ATI 5870 (MOD)
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by ethanh8791, Apr 9, 2010.