Are there any guides for how to replace the M15X gpu?
Awesome InName!
Just wondering how difficult it will i'm sooo tempted to get the 5870! -
actually opening it up is pretty simply, the hard part is getting the paste and the pads right for better temps, so actually you may have to do this a few times before getting the best temp combinations. also 1-2 pages back is a picture guide to use the existing pads from the 260 pad.
Good news all, I have just successfully installed my 5870! Idling at around 60, playing some Everquest 2 brought me up to a max of 80 but when the fan kicks in full It drops down to the low 70s, need to play something more stressful like Bad Company 2.
did you get ccc working tomuk22?
So far I have only installed 10.3 drivers that Hemi recommended. I tried downloading CCC on its own but no success.
The option to install CCC does not appear in the installation fields when in the custom install options.
This is something I am particularly interested in too though, as without it I don't know if there is any way I can now force AA, which I usually would use to force Everquest 2 at 4XAA. -
If you want to make ccc work, you can try this. Download any ati driver from Dell offical website, for example, driver for M17x R2, driver for 5970,5770 or 5870 for desket top, I choosed the driver for AMD M206(Redwood XT) Radeon HD5670 (1G GDDR5), because it's the latest(Release Date: 24/03/2010), so it should have the latest version of ccc(we just need ccc here).
Then, extract it to a folder, don't install it, or it will fail just like other drivers. Go to package-apps-ccc, and you should be able to see a setup.exe file, install this one, and restart you laptop, then ccc will work. At least, it works for me now.
By the way, only the drivers from dell has this setup.exe file in ccc folder, don't know why.
NICE. This worked for me! Thanks a lot. -
confirmed, it works too
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
Good to know! So are all features of the software working for everyone now?
I have been playing around with the control centre for the last hour or so and am having no trouble with forcing AA and AF into games providing Disable Catalyst A.I. is ticked in the advanced options.
awesome, fixed it for me too, thanks tangtang
Same here CCC is working now. Thank tangtang!
Works for me as well!
Inapp, Thanks for the picture for thermal pads! I reapplied the thermal paste and rearranged my pads, and the temps has dropped, but just five min of BFBC2 session stills peaks at 92c, Im going to have to reapply thermal paste again, I think my problem is i cant make the ball drop, it would taper up like pizza slice cheese from the pie, you know? all delicious strings, and then it would snap off, falling down, not a perfect ball i was hoping for, ha. Still, Major improvement with pads all set up right. I am now considering looking for mx3 thermal paste, im googling to see if there's any local computer stores around that has it. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
After a few days of researching on GPU cooling. This is what I got.
Uploaded with -
are those forced lower clocks or are those stock clocks
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
Modified Heatsink
Air Cooled
Artic Silver 5 -
Is this with the GPU fan on full blast? Sometimes when I start my m15x up the fan sticks on full blast. I recorded my idling temps with 700/1000 at 46 degrees this morning with fan on full blast and a NC-2000 laptop cooler. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
thats amazing rengsey +rep for the outstanding oc idle temps
Seems like I am getting similar results as others with Furmark, was maxed out at 93 for around 3 - 4minutes so decided to call it quits at 10 minutes total.
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
I'll try fumark when I get home tonight.
OT: I haven't seen my GPU temperature hit 70 yet after benching Vantage. -
How do you crank up GPU fan? Im deaf, so the noise wouldnt bother me, but is it safe to do so?
Can you explain what you did to the heatsink to get such good temps Rengsey? Stacked thermal pads? Using thermal compound on chips etc?
if i can learn how to get those temps rengsey im more now than ever wanting to do the 5870 upgrade unless there's a huge catch with something you did?
I've installed the mobility 5870 in my M15x now, too. Everythings seems to be alright. But i've only one problem. When i connect my M15x with my LCD-TV via DisplayPort to HDMI, i do not have any sound.
I have selected the Displayport in the Sound options. But still no sound on the TV. The HDMI/DP Drivers from ATI are installed too.
Can somebody help? -
Rengsey I'm curious to see what you did if those are in fact your normal idle temps after having the laptop on for more than five minutes lol! Run Furmark also 1400x900 fullscreen, 8x msaa, post fx enabled, stability test mode. Run it for 8-9 minutes and report your temps at that time (probably will be much hotter I came out at 98c peaking max 99c). This was with MX3 second application and nice 1mm ek thermal pads (stock 240m/260m hsf)
Also why does your card show default clocks of 800 core / 1050 memory? Default on these 5870 cards is 700 core / 1000 memory unless you flashed a modified bios set to higher default clocks. -
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
It's been great to see the excellent results of the ATi HD 5870 in the M15x so far! Especially for M15x owners on the forum you can get the best price PERIOD right now on this orders remaining stock (very few left) of Brand New ATi HD 5870's (card only)! No place else can you get it for less!! PM me for your price...NOW!
That's a nice pitch man. *golf clap* -
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
Does Furmark suppose to stop by itself? Going on 19 minutes now.
Well, I stopped at 20:00 Minutes Temperature peaker 87c and 88c Max.
Clock 700/1000
Full Screen
1920 x 1080
8x msaa
post fx enable
stability test mode -
If those temps are true you should clue everyone in on your hsf mod, if it's nothing that requires me to cut a hole in my bottom cover to accomadate i'm all for it (Want to be able to go stock to sell in the future). Used to run volt mod abit boards with water cooling back in the athlon xp / pentium 4 days, those where the days
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
Discrete GPU Cooling -
Why can't you just tell us and help the "community" you were professing about earlier (ref. price protection plan w/ BabyHemi). -
Yeah I'm going to install a "discrete gpu cooling" like the desktop ones at frozencpu since I don't see a specific laptop discrete gpu cooling solution that will just fit right in . I'll let you know how it goes *sarcasm* lol
Oh and let's get a screen of that 20 minute furmark, have to run non fullscreen to get a printscreen shot.
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
man that heatsink looks awesome, may i ask where did you get it?
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
fyi: I am not responsible for any damages if you perform this mod. kekekke -
Looks like a clevo sink.
also thanks for sharing your secret. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
M15x + ATI 5870 (MOD)
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by ethanh8791, Apr 9, 2010.