Did you turn off turbo boost? if so, how did you do it?
Soviet Sunrise Notebook Prophet
Set the maximum processor states in OS power options to <100%.
btw: you can disable the turbo boost options using TMonitor. Just right click the app screen for options. -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Asus pwns j00.
Very interested in this thread. While it might be brand bickering, it looks like the Klevo is the only thing packing that kind of firepower without throttling. Hoping it's just a power supply issue, which means you and Electrosoft and everyone else can lynch a Dell engineer. -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Lol, please don't make me eat crow when all is said and done with this throttling issue and the M15x, banish AW back to the pits of blah and run tuck tailed back to Sager where Soviet will ridicule us for a long, long, LONG time to come....
"Hey Joker and Electro, remember that one time you both had M15X's and their GPUs would downclock when the system was under load? Oh yeah, that was just last week.....ah, life is good." -
it may be too early to tell but is this something that is a huge issue and I should return my AW back and go with the G51J???? I hope that is not the case. For over a month of reading these forums and people chatting about the M15x everything seemed just fine with a little issue here and there. All of a sudden I receive my lappy and now it has this?
I haven't tested my system yet, but I am also not interested in overclocking or doing anything like that. I would be running it standard and making wireframe 3ds max apps and running CAD/Photoshop. I will have the chance to test them with my software in 2 weeks. -
Soviet Sunrise Notebook Prophet
Don't start panicking, nothing is 100% conclusive yet. There's plenty of more tests to be done and if it is found that there is a power related issue w/the bios or mainboard, I'm sure Dell will do something about it. Even if they do not, the system will run fine with most games/applications for a large amount of people. It's when the system is really pushed hard that it throttles the GPU which could be a problem for power users and future games that utilize quad core. -
Haha we'd never live it down. But I'm not giving up on AW anytime soon. -
Just wanted to let everyone know that I've seen this thread, and I'm currently talking to folks in engineering about this. I'll get back to you when I get some answers.
Cheers! -
Thank you for all your effort. you guys are awesome!!!
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
And if the fix requires us to do something, the best steps to do it and get an expedited solution would be nice too.
Thanks for being on the boards JohnBAtDell -
You guys are so friendly.
I'll be sure to let you know what I know as soon as I know it. Fridays are a bit rough around here, so we might be spinning our wheels until Monday. I'll keep everyone here in the loop though. -
If this started only after overclocking it sounds like RivaTuner could be screwing with the power cap Dell set on the GTX 260M in the M15x.
The GTX 260M is a 75W card but the M15x has a 65W limit going to the MXM slot. -
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
I believe Joker said he was using it.
It happened with just NST as well, before I even used Rivatuner so it has nothing to do with it. The problem is that even if there were a 65W limit, it should not affect the system at stock clocks while the CPU load is at 100% and that is exactly what is occurring. Anyway, the new PSU is here, I'm in the process of restoring the system to factory settings so that there isn't any software on the system besides furmark, p95 and gpuz. -
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Well just as some suspected, the PSU did not help. It still throttles immediately at stock clocks. I'll do more testing later.
hurry joker! hurry!!!
The GTX 260M in other machines run at a 75W TDP stock. Dell/Alienware changed that to 65W in the M15x (pg. 6 of the M15x Comprehensive Spec Manual).
RivaTuner or NST likely doesn't know that the M15x isn't using the standard power draw for the GPU and when those apps are changing whatever they do to set your card's clocks...whether it's overclocking them or setting them back to stock...they're more than likely making those changes based on a 75W TDP. -
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Looks like I will be canceling my order for now. -
Soviet Sunrise Notebook Prophet
width='640' height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7edeOEuXdMU&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7edeOEuXdMU&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width='640' height="505"></embed></object>
Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015 -
I do not think the 65W limit applies in this case since I ran the test a few minutes ago with a clean factory install and it still throttled.
Edited the post to clarify. -
Meh....I will have 30 days to return it. If I cancel it now in the middle of production I'll loose the $200 discount I got. Again there is a 30 day window to return it. Hopefully this can be resolved via a BIOS or Video card firmware update. At any rate this system is so high profile I do expect Dell to do something about it.
Joker...the manual for the M15x states a 65W for the video slot. Not sure what about that may be incorrect. Just curious.
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Scratch that, apparently you can't even cancel an order once its in production. Mine is being prepared for boxing apparently.
Dell either really like losing money, or it costs them more money to intercept an order than to have the automated system package and ship out and be shipped back once the delivery is refused. -
Joker.. You cannot buy a break man.. This is just terrible.
I doubt it's related, but have you guys been able to confirm this across OS's (XP, for example..)? I'm scratching my head after the larger PS didn't resolve it. -
What I mean is that I do not think the 65W limit applies in this case since it happens without any sort of overclocking. All factory settings (I did a system factory restore) and it still occurs. The next test is to buy a game like GTA IV, max the settings out and monitor the GPU clocks and see if they throttle. If they stay steady during heavy gameplay in GTA IV, then at least it should be ok for most games out there unless a new one is released that pushes the i7 to 100% useage. -
Mine is arriving on Monday,,,, it seems i will return it stright..
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
I just have to LOL @ Nvidia System tools making changes to the BIOS... BIOSes are not easily altered, even if you purposely wanted to.
okay i am really starting to get very nervous. I have a very limited amount of time with my machine. I have 2 weeks before I see it and if this problem is really a big deal then I need to have a family member ship it back. Is it THAT big of a problem and do we think that it is worth returning or do we believe that Dell is working on it??? I see that we have a Dell member posting on this thread.
It depends on how you plan to use the AW. If you will be using it heavily for gaming and applications that push the CPU to 100% while the GPU is active, you will get throttling that cuts GPU performance to ~50%. If you watch blu ray, play the common games on the market that utilize only dual core, do some photoshop here and there, then it shouldn't affect you for now. In the next year or so more games that utilize quad core will be available and once they start pushing the CPU to 100% during gameplay, you will run into the dreaded throttle. -
This has nothing to do with how NST functions when changing clocks. -
Yeah this kinda sucks, I didn't order the M17x because of the latency issue just to order a M15x with throttling issues. For the amount of money I spent I want a perfect machine.
Should I cancel my order? Man this sucks!!!
i dont plan on doing extremely intensive stuff here. I plan on doing basic photoshop, CAD, wire frame 3ds max, and playing Star Wars Online when it releases, and Modern Warfare 2.
Am I safe Joker? I am here because I trust you. -
Yeah I'd say your'e safe but you should double check on Star Wars Online and find out if its quad core optimized. I know MMOs tend to push the CPU pretty hard. I'll be sticking with the M15x for the long term and hopefully Dell will correct the issue in time. Despite the throttling, I think overall this is one of the best notebooks on the market. -
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Dam you alienware for being so purdy.
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
I am very excited about the system as well. I will have to go on faith that Dellienware will fix this.
I am on the phone with Dell Tech and they said they have 0 reports of this issue. Curious. -
(i only skimmed over the past 5 pages)
@joker, did you check if it throttles while underclocked to near-3d-low speeds? say, 400/350/800? if it's the 65w cap, that would certainly be below it. -
with all being said, i think i will still keep it because i'm a sucker for good looks, hahaha i'm so stupid. plus i have a great warranty for it, so hopefully if anything comes up dell will man up. hopefully
Okay so here is what tech support said to me. The GPU requires 75W and the motherboard outputs 65W. I asked him what happens with the remainder 10W. He was a little stumped. He then told me that the system disperses the power consumption to make up for the missing power. I am not a computer wiz but sounds reasonable.
So with those facts from Dell...that means that the system should not be pushed to the very max or else you experience this problem. I believe all the testing done with these programs push everything to the max? -
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
I hope that Dell does pay attention to this thread and fixes this. Still the better laptop at the price for what you get. In my opinion. I guess for those who max out there settings it is a concern. I have only maxed out a computer once and that was rendering a large clip in 3ds max with high detail. Fortunately I have a render farm for that one.
AW M15x Throttling Issue Investigation - Stock clocks and overclocked.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by 5150Joker, Dec 2, 2009.