And what I am telling you is that it is not certain that a GPU upgrade will fix the throttling issue.
Agreed. I was just saying that "hopefulky" it will. Wasn't sayin im right.
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
i might seem really newbie right now but i really cannot find "global" from the rivatuner that i was told to download. i got into a tab where i can like change the frequency and all, but no where i can find "global"...
is there any specific directions???? please help!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
i have the core i7 720qm
6gb 1333mhz
bios a03
just got this system
when i run prime 95 and furmark together, i see a definite throttling.
when the temp of the gpu reaches 74 and when JUST about to reach 75, it throttles back and reaches 69 degrees or so. and then it again regains its 550mhz core clock and reachers 74, and then throttles back onces again with this cycle.
i think this is caused by temperature issue. if it was lack of power, the point of throttling will be rather random. however in my case, as soon as it reaches 75, it throttles. ALWAYS in this temperature.
if i let cpu at idle, and run furmark, it will go up to like 78 degrees or so. i didnt see it throttle till then. i just turned the program off after seeing that it doesnt.
the thing is that, as long as i put the temp down, i can run the gpu at 550mhz with not throttle while running prime 95. again, whenever the temp reaches 75, as SOON as it does, it throttles back. so i want to rather confirm that it is more cause of the temp, not lack of power.
but well 75 degrees is not that hot at all....
any other ideas???? -
Hey guy i need some help with my Gpu. In GpuZ, the Gpu clock would show the default clocks 550/950/1350 while in sensor mode it would show 383/300/766. Seeing how joker showed his and had the default clocks i'm seeing that something is wrong here. I tried nvidia system tools to change the clocks which failed. I also used riva tuner yet that just resets to the clocks mentioned with link clocks off in settings. Im not very big with messing with this kinda stuff so not sure if this is normal or not.
Here's links to the picture
Gpu Clock
Gpu sensor
Edit: Seems like Riva Tuner decided to start doing its job lol. its showing stock clocks on Gpu Z now. -
Hi Signus,
I am not sure if you meant you solved the problem?
make sure you look through this thread for info, but maybe the problem is with your power management, did you make sure the active plan in fx fusion is high performance? and in the high performance, did you look in the advanced tabs, in the GPU, that it is both to max performance for battery and plugged setting? and lastly, make sure when you turn on the laptop, that you are plugged in, and in rivatuner, that you got "force clock on start up" box checked to the stock settings, and that your stealth mode is not on. M15x rocks! -
yep its fix and thnx for some more info on what to do.
Probably been suggested before, but if battery life is not a problem can we not just set our BIOS clocks/VIDs to all be the same? Then whatever the GPU tries it will be locked at the same speed.
Dunno if that's safe or if anyone tried that. Has anyone tried disabling speedstep also? does that make any difference on the CPU side of things? -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
I have spent ages to sort out the restarting issues. It boils down to this when using rivatuner the problem comes up. If I don't use rivatuner even if it is installed the laptop does not restart. May be something to do with the unsigned driver issue in windows 7. I've tried every possible solution.. HELP JOKER.....
As you said it's only with rivatuner on..did you randomly adjust the clocks? This can cause system instability if clocked toohigh, or even if the ratios are not kept the same if im not mistaken...
if you haven't messed around with the clocks, then i must ask what drivers are you using? I would suggest updating the latest 195.xx drivers from the Nvidia site, as they work best with rivatuner. -
I'm glad to say that my CPU or GPU never go higher than 69c so never had throttling issues yet. I've clocked up the GPU (260m) to 680/950/1700 and it runs perfect
Perhaps if I had the 920XM it would produce more heat/powerdrain. -
Also i was just wondering, are those clocks with or without flashing to 1v? i'm thinking of giving my 260 a lil boost without going through the hassle of flashing... (i've done it before.. but i'm just lazy lol). Also what FPS improvements have you seen with those clocks? Thanks -
At 680/950/1700 (typo before) it runs solid. I did have one crash though so I downed it to 660/950/1650.. That's the safest I've gotten so far.
I didn't up the voltage, I get a max of 67c like this. FPS improvement depends on game of course, but somewhere between 5 and 10%. For example, Dragon age origins couldn't run smooth using v-sync until I clocked up.
Me too RE Flashing. I don't want to force the machine to be clocked always. Only if I feel I need itI had flashed the bios on my old machine but I want to be sure this machine is stable before I go poking around
Thanks. i think i'll give it a shot some time soon.. see if those clocks run stable on my card.
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
I have tried this with 186.47 and 195.xx drivers as well. Tried it with a fresh install as well. I have also swapped hard drive from the other m15x which doesn't have this problem with rivatuner .. i.e. if I was installing in the wrong order or something.. Still restarts when I click shut down. And Flashed the BIOS as well to A03 again(it was already on A03) to confirm if it was due bios
If I am not wrong it is something to do with the difference in the GPU hardware between these 2 same spec M15x.... It shuts down properly when i unplug it...
Shall I swap the GPU's and try.. only if I do not need to rip apart my laptop. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Hey... this thread is going dead I suppose... Anyone HELP!!
I'm using the newest 195.62 driver incidentally. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Hey... tried this nvidia beta driver 195.xx and fps jumped in resident evil benchmark and overclocked t 600/1000/1700.
On stock clocks standard driver for 1920x1080 no AA no Vsync - 45fps
On beta driver OC to 600/1000/1700 65fps.. damn thats huge fps gain..
stock settings for RE benchmark
550/950/1350 - 195.62 driver 82fps
600/1000/1700 - 195 beta - 89fps
Max temp OC 73 usually stayed at 67 -
Perhaps you just needed to reinstall the driver. Sometimes that helps.. I'm using 195.62 but not a beta. From the Nvidia site.
Yeah overclocking rocks!! I'm not pushing my Memory clock too much though, it get's sensitive around 1050 for me, but haven't tried extensive testing yet. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
3dVantage GPU 5986 with OC
on stock with rivatuner GPU 4962..
using 195.81 beta driver
rep+ for nsu recommendation.. -
its nice to see the 260 handle those clocks without upping the voltage, especially the shader!
Sweet! -
I've left my RAM at 950 (I never see more that 60% memory controller load on GPU-Z).. It generates more instability for my chip and more heat. The other two run fine at 680/1700 (using the 2.5x ratio which may or may not be important)
The safest most stable clock I got was 660x1650x950 and temps never go above 68c which is pretty cool in every sense -
No update on this? Anyone ever try pleading their case with AW and perhaps raising the issue?.. perhaps some annoying is in order? HEH :<
its not really an issues for most people, beside there is a fix if you do have it.
for fix the GPU throttling, anyone knows what it does? does it disable powermizer?
^^^ no it doesn't disable powermizer, think of it as a kind of oc'ing, it just locks your your gpu clocks to stay at a constant 3d clocks. so it will be on 3d clocks no matter what you are doing.
Is that the only fix so far? I am yet another victim. It happens while playing WoW... Its quite annoying. :< Anyone?
haven't heard it happening in wow before, but isn't wow more cpu intensive, maybe just run the throttle stop without rivatuner.
Anyway, Whats the issue with the fix? You should be really glad there is a fix at all! -
also, i heard there's a fix to optimize the game to run on multi-core systems? Inappropiate you know what im talking about right? -
huh? what the heck is this multi core stuff everyone is talking about. yeah i have nevered tried wow, so everything i say is just a wild people say it like crack, once you start you can never stop, and i'm real bad at addictive stuff, so i'm never gonna touch it.
Yea I never noticed it with WoW since it ran so flawlessly...You cant tell the difference between 100 frames and 60 etc.
But with Crysis and AvP, you can really tell the difference between 30-40 FPS and 15-20. -
ahahahahah @ being bad at addictive stuff loll.. you kill me
and ok ok scratch that... wasnt you then... sorry lol... -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
try this
Gamebooster (disables services and tasks to make sure they don't take up cpu-time while you're playing a game)
Forcing physical cores for games --- as J advised -
I think you are referring to processAffinityMask... u can set it various options. 85 or 255 is used for i7.
255 = WoW uses all Cores and HyperThreaded Virtual Cores.
85 = WoW uses All 4 Physical Cores.
What is happening in WoW is the GPU throttles, I notice it because it drops from a locked 60FPS anywhere to like 30s .. I look at GPUz and its at 383MHz for the core clock. I like smooth constant FPS, this for sure is annoying.
I thought maybe that setting too might help. It does not stop the throttling at all. It does however make a giant difference in some situations. Now I can be in a crowded city and reach high FPS. Huge difference.
But the point of me asking about this is clearly there have been similar problems on other systems in the past that got Dell's attention and were fixed.. Why not a proper fix here? Is this not "Alienware" Or ? I will try the fix posted here. I am a bit disappointed that they just ignore a problem with a system they still sell.
Thanks. -
^^^^is it an actual cycle effect, it goes up and then down in a cycle? or does it just drop down for awhile then back up from time to time.
and dell is not acknowledging the problem, they just say its just powimizer doing it job. i guess we have to wait for a game to cause throttling on all machines before they are willing to fix it. -
While playing it drops down for a bit then goes back. Randomly but many times.
Does this happen on the i7 M17x? -
it had major issues the 1st month of release but its resolved now, so no throttling on M17x. i'm also really doubting that you have it on your M15x too.
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
just use rivatuner and throttlestop.. it should solve the issue...
I used to get non stop throttle...the fix does work, but id rather not have 3rd party software on my computer for just playing a simple game.
I never noticed the throttle in WoW but its VERY apparent in Crysis and AvP. Unplayable...
TY for the temporary fix though. -
yeah it suck, but its better then nothing. i wish they issues a fix for it too, but since most people stop complaining about it, we're not gonna see a fix. maybe a game will come out that will cause throttling on all M15x maybe then we will see a fix.
I've been making some improvements to ThrottleStop lately including power profiles and the ability to automatically switch profiles based on CPU or Nvidia GPU core temperature. The anti-throttling algorithm has also been improved. Definitely worth a look.
I've got a few more goodies to add before version 2.00 is official so check back next week. -
does using throtle stop and rivatuner produce a lot of heat?
Nice!! Thanks Unclewebb!
AW M15x Throttling Issue Investigation - Stock clocks and overclocked.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by 5150Joker, Dec 2, 2009.