Just got my call this morning, local tech has the motherboard and will be here this afternoon. I will let you all know how it goes.
But maybe it's good to have some time apart from the computer. That way the relationship will last longer right ?(Just kidding guys).
Edit: Sorry all, I just realized I posted this in the wrong thread when this was meant for the official M15x thread. -
After all the drama, DELL HK (where I purchased it) finally will replace my motherboard. I requested to get it replaced but they claim it was user's fault for flashing the bios. Arguing further wont get me results.
Either I book a flight there this weekend, or send it via fedex/dhl. Cost would be same or even higher if by courier.
Thats gonna add $800 to my M15x cost, a bad experience and anxiety. I want out and will sell this piece for good. The love was lost!
Bottom Line: DELL Service Suck! -
They should pay everything? All the fees. But ofcourse not to your preference. -
might want to try this:
I would if I were faced with your situation. I would not be shelling out anything to fix this issue. -
Can folks please post their experiences with the motherboard replacement? My appointment is for Friday so I'd like to hear the good/bad...I am in California (US) so Unisys is the outsourced tech service provider...
I'll post my experience tomorrow as well
in Canada at least Dell always replaces with new systems never refurbished so it is a non-issue, if its a repalcement it is new, your original specs or better
There aren't any M15x systems in the Outlet, so all replacements will be new.
thanks you two..makes me feel alot better. -
SillyHoney Headphone Enthusiast
this sounds like the same problem i had (i didn't read through the posts to see if someone has already solved this problem)
For me the new bios turned off my raid and so it was relying on only one harddrive (the one that didn't have my os) so after applying the bios it restarted and i just got a black screen with a _ on the top left. It eventually poped up with the message that my OS was missing.
After 2 hours with tech support we figured i had to reconfigure SATA to RAID and turn on both hard drives to RAID config.
hope this helps -
It would cost me about $250 to ship it from Manila to HK one way. I have to package it with good padding to prevent damage thus it will be shipped in the 25K FEDEX BOX.
But that is priced with $1 parcel value. If I add the real $ value of this M15x (for insurance purposes), it would go up to $300++; and I would be obliged to pay exhorbitant (5~15%) taxes when it comes back to me - even if its a REPAIRED UNIT.
I am now contemplating on booking a flight to HK to get it fixed.
This piece of BRICK is getting way too spoiled! -
The New M15x comes with 1 HD and no RAID. BRICK yes, RAID no. -
ah i did misread ive got the m17x... my bad.... i tried thou....
SillyHoney Headphone Enthusiast
Dell tech came and swapped my motherboard today.
Service tech was punctual and polite. He told me he usually could swap motherboards on laptops in 20 minutes and after reading someone else had theirs done that fast I was hoping to have a similar experience. Unfortunetly this tech had not worked on an M15x before and took an hour and fifteen minutes to swap the board. He had his laptop up the entire time though and had a step by step guide to get the motherboard out.
Damage? - Yes. I now have a scratch on the right side of the computer above the DVD drive on the base and screen plastics (through the black paint and into the base). There is also damage to the hinge from what appears to be a screwdriver prying it open.
Other notables - new motherboard came with A01 bios flash. I think I will hold off on updating that...
Location - California -
But now it seems to be all working - typing this on it
First thing I did was remove all traces of the A03 update (worse than a virus !!)
But now I don't know if I dare update to the A02 BIOS - I seem to have a strange unexplained fear of BIOS update now !!
Can someone try something for me... Run the ondisk diagnostics with and without the power adaptor plugged in. I have a suspicion that they don't fully work ?
[F12 on boot select Diagnostics]
Is there a Windows based diagnostics for Alienware ? -
Of interest if you guys haven't seen it - John B's post on the Dell blogs on this isssue. Admits the problem but extremely vague on the "options" for those folks affected. Read for yourself...
http://en.community.dell.com/blogs/...010/01/12/alienware-m15x-bios-correction.aspx -
I am confident that I can replace the mobo. I am electro-mechanically addept when it comes to disassemble-reassemble. But doing so will void the warranty, or what is left of it. I am helpless!
*I booked a flight to HK this Friday, and have it replaced around 1:00~2:00PM (12:00~1:00AM EST).
I will try to Photo Document it as much as possible but to be courteous and fair, I'd ask his permission first. I dont want to annoy the person fixing the board or I'd end up with scrathces and dings all over. We are at their mercy! If I were to fix this, I'd take all the time. but surely HE WONT. I am helpless!
WIth this experience, I wont be buying in HK anymore. In my future purchases, I will contact USA stores and check what their service policies are; if they are acceptable, i will buy it from there.
more than 10 years ago, the most popular game on hand held was the BRICK GAME - aka TETRIS.
NOWADAYS, Alienware M15x can play the same thing! M15x the BRICK Game. I sure love to see someone writing a flash game with M15x as the bricks! LOL! -
Hi jsteng,
Buying from USA will not make much difference when you live abroad, this is my case, I live in Europe and right now I cannot apply for motherboard replacement from Europe.
I was ask to send the laptop to USA or do an International Warranty Transfer to Europe, which in your case will put you in the same situation that you are facing.
For the moment I have not yet received any mail from DELL authorizing the warranty transfer, so at this moment I have to live with a $3.8K piece of Christmas lights, which I cannot use for Christmas because its over. :-/ -
When you said Warranty Transfer, does this mean we pay the local service center to cover future problem? I thought International Warranty means we bring it anywhere in the world and it will be fixed at no cost.
Pardom my ignorance on this matter; this has never happened to me in the last 25 years of my tech life. perhaps because I was buying crappy products sold locally.... -
OMG........ So i called two days ago, and they told me that the guy would come yesterday or today... Nothing.. Noboddy came. Then i call Dell again. and now they tell me i have to wait until the 25th!!! thats 12 days!.
How can they do that? Or more important, what can i do about it?
(They say its because they dont have the motherboard in stock) -
I think so!... When I consulted my account in DELL Web Site, the warranty appears associated to Americas, that's why Technical support could not manage to set the appointment for Europe because in USA DELL outsourced the on-site tech support.
I could confirm this because in the last page of the Alienware's User Manual specifically where it says Limited Warranty for "US Only". -
Yeaapp!! That's why I had to apply for International Warranty Transfer. I am crossing fingers, since I want to avoid shipping the laptop back to US.
do like what i did my friend, i didn't buy from alienware or dell..lol..i bought from an authorised Dell reseller..in my case ..i live in Saudi Arabia..and no way for me to contact dell or the service center here so what i did exactly i went to the reseller where i ordered the laptop from them and it came upon thier name not mine then when this brick movie we have been through happend i went back to the reseller as i have a warranty for 1 year,they contacted dell in U.K and they asked for a new laptop and they could even ask for mobo replacment and Dell could not refuse,because both of the companies (the reseller and dell ) has an ENTERPRISE BUSINESS so they have different kind of support you won't get as a Home user.
after that you can ask the reseller to do an ownership transfer through dell website and you can get support from your reseller and thier warranty as they are responsible for the system till the 1 year pass.
if you don't live in where you can get support so the reseller is the best way for you to always be in the safe side.
EDIT:i didn't pay any extra fees or any amount of money all what i lost is (actually still going to lose ) 10 days waiting for the new Notebook. -
I just got my motherboard replaced. i flashed it to A02 without any problems. -
I was supposed to share my MB replacement experience today, but alas it wasn't meant to be. And on top of that I'm really confused right now.
Here is the chronology :
1) I called on Saturday to complain about the A03 bricking my PC, and they said that they are looking into the issue and they'll contact me on Monday with an update when can I expect a motherboard at home
2) Since I didn't receive any call by AW support until 3pm on Monday, I called them and asked about it, and they say "Since you didn't receive a call so far, you will probably get a call tomorrow on Tuesday, don't worry everything is in order"
3) 7pm on Monday - I get a call by AW support, that I will get a call from the technician on Wednesday between 8 and 10 for the replacement of the MB. The support guy was quite polite, actually saying that it was their mistake for the delayed call and for the fix.
4) 8-3:15 on Wednesday - I'm waiting for the technician to call, with no luck. I decide to call Alienware again to ask them what's wrong. After a 5 minute call I get notified that the motherboards are out of stock, and they are expecting the motherboards as early as the end of next week, just like NiklasBrock was told. Of course I get quite pissed, but quite calmly explain to the support guy that this is really unacceptable, and I expect something in return if I have to wait such a long time. He says he'll speak with his supervisor, and 10 minutes later I am phoned with the expected: I'm sorry, Sir, but the we are out of stock for the motherboards, and we can't do anything right now. I ask for his supervisor, and I am told the same thing - the motherboards are out of stock due to that issue, and we can't do anything.
5) I decide to take a fast shower to calm down before I call Dell Customer Service.
6) 15 minutes after my last call with Hellienware, I receive a call from a local number, that was pretty much as follows: "I'm calling on behalf of Dell, your parts are expected to arrive later today or tomorrow morning, and you will get a call by our technician to schedule an appointment for the motherboard replacement". I asked "So you will have the parts by tomorrow?" "Yes, that's our latest information, Sir".
Ok, Am I really this stupid, or there is really a break of information sharing down the line at Hellienware? Disregarding the Monday issues, which I guess are pretty normal, what about today's calls? Conflicting information? I'm really confused right now, but if there is really a messup of the info they are giving, that would be an extremely poor customer service, and their customer service department will know about tomorrow if I don't get such a call.
P.S. I'm normally a nice guy, and I really don't know what will happen to the guy that messed this up, but I sure hope he loses his job & repays all the damages HELL incurred since Friday.
Edit: Anakta, what was your experience with the replacement? -
I wonder HOW MANY were really affected by this mess.. Cant we all file a CLASS LAW SUIT vs DELL for this? I mean, instead of having the mobo replaced, we should get a UNIT replacements. We should get a better deal out of this.
In my case, HK DELL claims I was responsible for the bricking because I was the one who FLASHED it and is implying "we are being generous to replace the board".
Thought it is true that WE, the unit owners DID the actual FLASHING, our situation is exactly similar to a a Doctor prescribing a WRONG MEDICINE to a Patient. Do you think that it was the Patient's fault for taking the "wrongly prescribed medicine"? HELL NO!
We the unit owners (or patient) took the BIOS UPDATE in GOOD FAITH (just like the patient).
Someone would defend DELL by using a "Can you exchange a 50K corvette back because its got engine problem?" This is not an accurate analogy however. The car's engine can still be fixed. But in our case, the engine was welded SHUT by the CAR MAKER with no way of repairing it.
We are getting very bad experiences with this MOBO replacement. We need better treatment!
The reason why I personally am clamouring for a UNIT REPLACEMENT instead of just the MOBO replaced is because, replacing the mobo will surely damage the other parts: scratches and breakage of parts. IF DELL can ABSOLUTELY guarantee that none of these will happen, I would agree. But I totally DOUBT that... fine granted they are going to replace, and granted they claiming "we will cover the damges caused by the mobo replacement", but will they do so when it comes to it? -
Qrio, looks like some where the logistics have gone wrong.
Well in my case if very satisfied with the support and customer service. I called the problem in on monday.. they said they were sorry to here that my computer got bricked and told me a technician will be there tomorrow and replace my motherboard.
8AM the next day the technician called me and said he had a motherboard with him. shorty after he was on my doorstep.
Offcourse i was kinda scared that this guy was a noob and would dent / scratch my notebook.
So i asked him if he had ever fixed a m15x, he answered no. that kinda freaked me out. but he said he had lots of experience with m17x. even had one himself.
so atleast that was a little reasuring.
well this guy knew what he was doing 20mins and the MB was replaced. he told me that A02 was fine so i updated to it, since the new MB was A01.
no dents, no scratches at all. i thanked him alot, and told him i owed him a beer. cheers
So im pretty happy with customer service at dell. -
you are lucky man...and i am happy for you ..hope others will have the same experience -
I Really dont understand that we cant do anything. I hate getting treated like i just bought a mouse or keyboard or something like that..
This is a VERY EXPENSIVE and VERY HIGH END item we are talking about.
Really dont get dell... -
sadly I have to join the list of those growing more frustrated by the ongoing breakdown in Dell's internal communications: I had called tech support late Friday, early hours of Saturday to diagnose the problem. Tech said he would call me back late Saturday night, by then it was apparent it was not my machine and that a motherboard replacement was needed so I called them mid-day Saturday to initiate the replacement. Checked with my local repair technician Tuesday afternoon and they could not find any trace of my system in the open call list, so I called Alienware back this morning: my new motherboard order had been misplaced or lost in the system and so they have now re-ordered one: earliest then will be tomorrow, Thursday, but I suspect it will be Friday. Perhaps next business day on site should be renamed next week and on-site. Let you know if and when the repair is done...
At least I have some good news before I start my nightmare regarding the replacement... I have received the International Warranty Transfer authorized by DELL, therefore I can now apply for Technical Support from Europe.
So I will keep you post it about the wrestling with Tech Support and see what's the deal with them... unfortunately I will not be here at the time that Tech Support comes to my home, therefore my wife will have to take care and as you all may be thinking, "this guy got really unlucky!" ... je je... I hope that my wife will have the extra eye to check that the laptop is well served. Crossing fingers!! -
Today, the DELL technician go back in my company and analyzed my M15X. He make many boot tests and, after speek in US DELL support, decided to change my MOBO. He make the MOBO order today but don't know when the change will occour. Hugs for all. Tks! -
Tks! I understand your portuguese very well. When my M15X be operational again, i will notice for all. Big Hugs!!! -
Tks! I understand your portuguese very well. When my M15X be operational again, i will notice for all. Big Hugs!!!
__________________ -
Just had my motherboard replaced this evening. The tech that came by, had never worked an Alienware, let alone this notebook before. Well, it took him almost 5 hours! I will post that experience at a later date, but for now, the diagnostics locks up at the color-bar screen. This happens everytime I run the diagnostics. I called TS, and the guy first tired to toll me that this was "normal," but now said he will get back with me tomorrow. We will see. This issue doesnt' seem to affect normal operation, just the diagnostics, as ran 3DMark Vantage three times in a row, without issues. If I try to run the diagnostics on the battery, it fails and says that it can't change the screen brightness. The new board shipped with BIOS A00 on it.
Rich S. -
Pictures of a german bios bricked M15x where the motherboard has been replaced:
And he also mentions some scratches on the case, but wasn't able to take a good picture of ...
Good luck! -
if that was mine i would be demanding a new one that is a disgrace the way that was left.
their tech guy ruined it so they are responsible
the parts that are damaged should be replaced or they should supply a new one. -
This looks far worse than my 3 yr old T2200 COMPAQ!!!!
What are they going to do with this garbage? Im sure the owner wants a complete unit replacement!
A03 Bios bricked my M15x
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by MaDDoGG, Jan 8, 2010.