Tell me how the GTX 460 Rolls. Sadly I'm rolling a lower CPU then you. ((its in my post new to alienware)) so I'm hopeing it will handle just as good with a dual as it would with a quad
Honestly I bet for most stuff there won't be a huge difference...I mean that thing should still slice through games just fine
I actually considered getting a dual core just because I'm paranoid about throttling, and the lower end the CPU, the less likely it seems to be to throttle. I just ended up taking the chance on the CPU I really wanted (I've wanted a quad core since before I bought my LAST notebook!)
hahhah i was just kidding. i'll blow up my laptop with my own money, heheheh
just be patient it get sold sooner or later. -
back on topic please... thanks
So back on topic....this thread was moving pretty fast. Was hard to keep up. I would seriously love a 470m as well. Where on earth can did you get a pm from inap?! Don't have to say if it was confidential etc. I'm saving up for one as well, but I may blow up my laptop combining it with a 920xm. Just a question, do people suffer from throttling when they have their extreme cpus on default multi's and tdps?
on intel stock no problem. but at 24x all across, then you will need to rise the tdp. this is for A08 bios.
sorry can't say much about the 470m atm. but will post all findings on it. prolly gonna use it for a few week anyways, just for testing only. -
Sweet thanks so I'm guessing when/if I ever get a 920xm the sensible thing to do is to game with stock multi's and tdps to avoid throttling, and do other intensive non gpu tasks 'throttlestopped' hehe.
Hoping to see some sweet numbers soon inap, break that 11k barrier! -
i need to read up on nvidia oc'ing again is been to long since i've used one.heheh
breaking 11k would be sweet. geez just a few months ago 10k was a big deal, hahaha -
I'm just curious if these cards can reach that mark on stock or need to be REALLY pushed to get there.
I'm dying to find out how well these can do. I love seeing competition and since i used to be a big Nvidia fanatic (although you can't deny the performance on the 58xx series) i'm really looking forward to what these can do. -
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
If this thread derails again it will be closed and warnings/infractions will be handed out. Thank you. -
W00t, just got mine.
Hey guys, I want to know what are the Default clocks on the GTX 460m on new M15x....
on notebook check it says 650/1350/1250......but i think Dell must have underclocked this card...... -
I may not have the sufficient knowledge to make this comment.......
But I have read through the Asus G73jw owners Lounge, and guys over there they have Overclocked this card and got very respectable scores in benchmarking tests......near to 5870 levels....
And it is said that the Nvidia drivers for GTX 460m are still in Beta stage...and they say after the full drivers are released...its performance will increase by 4-5% or even more....
I know that is being OVERLY optimistic but if its true...its good for GTX 460m owners....
Also ,The GTX 460m runs cool [temps] so lots of headroom for overclocking...
If you are wondering If i am from Nvidia camp...Nope i am not green fanboy..
Again, I apologise if i misquoted some facts.... -
Eurocom's GTX 460m works on my m15x! I just spent an hour and a half swapping it back and forth with my 240m only to open my CMOS and realize I never updated to A08 (I was still on A05).
I updated to A08 while holding the heatsink to my 240m with one hand (didn't want to move the mounting bracket back over) and my 460m works like a charm, with no throttling. I did need to install Dell's 460m driver instead of the latest Verde driver.
Also, A08 fixed touchpad choppiness for me, didn't even know I was missing out. Must've downloaded the bios update and forgot to install it.
Thank you for giving me hope this might work and courage to try it with a success story
Clocks are 675/1250/1350.
tl;dr Eurocom's 460m works on m15x as long as you're at A08. -
Yes benches please!
Yup some vantage numbers would be nice.+ rep for the clevo mod.
stock clocks
Vantage Results (not gonna rerun this now, would require me to go plug an external monitor in again)
sadly I had to use Dell's driver which is older, haven't tried beta yet. -
Btw can you check if the sound work if u are using the Displayport/HDMI out to external monitor.... cause clevo 5870 doesnt output the sound out on the M15X.... -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Lunixbochs- if you can, make some 3dMark Vantage Runs on that bad boy, 3dMark 06 is mainly cpu dependant and Vantage will show the true power of the 460m as it shows GPU dependancy, shoot you could even try out the new 3dMark 11!
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Awesome! Thanks inap, I will now go in the corner and FACE<--PALM lol. Awesome results but I still think it's going to take the 470m to outdo the 5850/5870.
well we haven't seen the full oc potential of the 460m yet, it could be a beast hiding under those stock clocks like the 5850 was.
c'mon people whip out that ac and unleash the beast, hehehehehe -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
^^^^ I second this mans request
P.S: I see that you have an M17x, does that 5870m works with the M15x? -
Now comparing the peformance of my 260 GTX to the 460 GTX is there a significant improvement?
Would I be able to self-upgrade easily or would I need to send my laptop to a specialist? -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Nivaku, if you know your way around computer work it's not hard at all. As far as the 260m--->460m yes it's a significant improvement. Just keep in mind with the numbers we've seen SO FAR the 5850/5870 still outperforms both of them. If you need CUDA/PhysX then yes it's a no brainer, if all you're doing is gaming the 5850/5870 is still where it's at.
There is a significant (use of 'significant' does not mean large, just means relevant) improvement. Now it probably won't beat the 5850/5870 in fact from what we've seen, it can't. But the 460m seems to have a reasonable amount of overclocking head room so you if you lucky and extremely skillfull might be able to match a stock 5870 or not is more likely. In DX11 games that utilize all the features such as tessellation, it will perform better. Now after Christmas, we shall see how my (hopefully upcoming) 470m gtx does.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Personal thought on the 470m issue is that it will most likely beat the crap out of the 5850/5870 unless Nvidia screws up majorly. This coming from the guy that loves the mobility 5xxx series
In my current rig I would prefer the 460m because it runs several games that I care about better. -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
And he once again has the top spot on the benchmark charts with that combo(just barely though
Any word on the likeliness of the m17x getting sli 470m's? On one of Dell's blogs it states ati 6xxx series but no nvidia. I'm thinking I'm gonna wait until we see the next m17x revision before I get the 470m but its still on my to buy list. 3dmark 11 looks pretty amazing.
Yeah the 6870 and 6850 are targeted for mid-range and the 5870 actually out performs them in some cases. Yeah the 5970 is a dual GPU config so two of them would result in quad-fire. However, games not optimised for dual GPU have trouble with the single 5970. Ati do have a 6990 in the works, but BOOM so do nvidia with a 590 GTX basically a dual 580 GF110 core. But I digress. Soon, I shall have a 470m in my clutches but not yet...not yet.
I've been seeing about 60C after gaming
coming from a 240m was a HUGE improvement - I can now play most games on maxed out settings
I'll check out dp -> hdmi sound now
no sound, might be either my displayport adapter or drivers though (waiting on a restart atm) -
Was looking around dell thread when i saw this post by Dell personnel..
Posted by DELL-Chris M on 25 Nov 2010 5:59 PM
".......blah blah blah...If after performing these steps the issue continues or if the root cause cannot be identify, please get in contact with the Alienware Support Team to confirm if further actions are required to fix the problem you are facing with the computer.
The video cards are validated in the M15x
479NV Nvidia GTX460m
WDXVH Nvidia GTX260m
KCTKH Nvidia GT240m
K6654 Radeon HD5850m
NTVGT Radeon HD5730m
These video cards are not validated in the M15x
Radeon HD5870m
Nvidia GTX480m <--Dell Confirmation on this card existance
Nvidia GTX470m <--Dell Confirmation on this card existance
Nvidia GTX465m <----OMG Dell leak on this card!
At the higher wattages, those video cards may or may not function in the system, but will cause the temperature of the system to exceed the thermal design rating.............."
This is exciting~ Hold ur horses on purchasing your 460m GTX~ -
Yeah, the 6870 is missing hundreds of cores. Still a very competent part though, but it's not a replacement for the 5870 despite the name. (Although it is supposed to have somewhat better tesselation, and they fixed an AA problem where stuff could look really weird, though Nvidia still has much better tesselation at the high end, which may or may not matter).
Just spotted that post about 465m leak there. Highly suspicious, could be the employee got confused. If it exists it could be a higher clocked 460m or one that lies in the middle between the 460m and 470m with ~216 shaders and performing similar to a 5870 but we shall see, I won't upgrade my graphics card until I know what new cards Dell stock ie after the M17x R3 is announced
alvinkhorfire Notebook Consultant
If someone already has HD 5850 in his M15x and chooses to replace it with GTX 460M or GTX 470M, do you guys think that the value of HD 5850 is wasted? Yes, it can be sold, but I feel that HD 5850 is not inferior as compared to GTX 470M by large margin. Probable better replacement could be the future GTX 570M, which may provide more substantial gaming boost.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
The 5850 is definitely not inferior to the 460m, with the little bit we've seen about the 470m though it's probably a little lower performing than the 470m. Now both are going to be great cards either way but the 470m>5850. The 570m hasn't even been seen, developed(that we know of for sure), or released so that's a long shot. The order would be 470m>5850>460m in normal day to day use. Now if someone uses CUDA in rendering, editing, etc or heavy PhysX then the Nvidia cards both beat the 5850.
I just wonder if anybody benched this combo ?
Im really courios about the results
Best regards
Toby -
Perhaps not M15X specific, but perhaps you can consider this when deciding whether or not to put one in your M15X.
CUDA/PhysX - these are the features this card has that the others you can currently select for the M15X do not have.
So, what's the big deal? A game developed using CUDA will perform better on the 460M than the 5850. But what games are those? What games are currently available that do, and what's the future likely to hold?
Also has anyone any decent links that aren't TOO techy on CUDA?
Cheers. -
Simply put, cuda applications include photoshop, video encoders and decoders. Physx is the process of particles interaction in the game using the graphics card. Games with Physx include Arkham Asylum and Unreal Tournament. A 460m is slightly more future proof as it has better tessallation - the main feature of DX11 that future games will be coded in. But if you don't care for Physx, the 5850 actually is a faster card in current games.
Physx demo link: YouTube - GPU PhysX in Batman Arkham Asylum Demo -
The reason I ask is I was reading the latest Asus gaming laptop review on anandtech (which compared identical laptops with the only change being a move from the HD5870 to the GTX460m) and the performance was similar (which GPU "won" was dependant on the game). The HD5850 is slower than the HD5870 and thus the peformance should tilt in favour of the GTX460m.
I am only going by this review so I don't mind being corrected but I don't see a big win for either card based on what I have read. -
Yeah but the 5850 has massive overclocking potential allowing it to scream up to 5870 levels and then some more. Plus if we look at price/performance then the 5850 stacks up way faster per buck spent on it.
PS I'm from Somerset too! -
I am from Street but live in Yeovil.
I agree with you on the overclocking potential of the HD5850m (having read about it on here) however I was comparing stock vs stock. We also need to consider the overclocking potential of the GTX460m which if it's anything like the desktop GTS450 it is based should overclock very nicely indeed.
I can also get a M15x with the GTX460m for the same price as the HD5850 (or slightly cheaper) so the price arguement is moot (for the moment at least).
1.5gb GTX 460m Official on Alienware USA/Asia
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by DaneGRClose, Nov 2, 2010.