That 460m score is actually very good. My 5870 scores about 7800 Vantage stock (Gpu). Im impressed with the 460m and am excited to see what the 470m can do because of that. And about the 10k+ score, its not like you could game on the settings that gave you that score.
LEN888 i was just wondering how much dell charged you to come and install the 460m for you?
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
The 470m I can see beating the 5850 and probably even 5870 by a bit, the 460m I don't see beating it though, I could game and run daily with absolutely not problems on settings that gave me about 9.8k-10k scores all day long in vantage so you tell me how I couldn't game at those settings? My sweet spot for gaming was slightly lower in the 9.2-9.5k range but I could run 10k settings if I had really wanted to. I could be wrong the card may be capable of beating the 5850's just the scores I've seen so far don't show that, a lot of the people in the bench thread never thought I'd beat inap's score let alone every single person on the gpu score list at least once and end up just barely behind jstar's 5870, so doubt can be a good thing for competition
It's a great card, and honestly if it were me in len's situation I wouldn't push it that far. 2k points in gpu vantage is a lot of ground to climb with a laptop gpu and there's a lot of risk of frying that brand new 460m in trying to get there. I'd love nothing more to see the push again, but it's risky.
I really want to get my hands on one of those caards. :S -
i'm using the 5850. is it possible to chge to the 460m or is there any difference in the heat sink or mobo?
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Aftermarket paste and pads with basically a perfect application, dialed in modded drivers, modded vbios, a/c under it with the back panel pulled off, temps of 18 degrees celcius before the run started and a lot of trial and error
Okay, so someone run both Prime and Furmark together or whatever else should cause it to throttle :-D I wants to see how it does
(Wouldn't Folding on both CPU and GPU cause it to throttle too if it's going to?)
If those clocks were stock, I THINK it's reference clock is 1350MHz on the cores, and that was 1140, so maybe Dell's doing a mild underclock? And that's totally fine with me if they've tested it and it's rock solid, no throttling or weirdness.
I bought a desktop Geforce GT 430 soley for Folding @ Home, and so far am really impressed by how it just tears through work units...and the desktop GT 430 only has half the hardware of the notebook 460
(My GT 430 is cranking away as we speak...finished three or four work units just during the day with the new GPU 3 client that runs faster on 4x0 GPUs.) -
5fps gain for worse drivers? Nope, pass.
ASUS G73Jw: Out with the Old, In with the New - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News -
I ordered a m15x not long ago still waiting for it to be build and sent out. I'm pretty pleased with most of it's specs for the budget I set myself: i7 620m, 4 gigs of ram with the 250 HDD.
Sadly I don't think I did enough research about the graphics card, I kind of placed too much faith in Nvidea (I've had their cards before and liked them so why not I though) and went with the 1.5gig 480m. By the sounds of it the 5850 was the better choice due to the lower cost so I'm not pleased to of paid extra for a card that doesn't perform better. For the 480's cost I would have been able to squeeze some more RAM or even invested in the SSD if I had dropped a processor (which I would have done). That's not to say that the 480 will be a bad card I'm just a bit disappointed that there is such a cost difference and that the 480 is actually marketed as a better card when in the benchmarks it is clearly not. Nevermind. I'll get a radeon next time. -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
I love how most people on here think the extra ram is gonna help. I especially love how people still think that Nvidia's drivers are so much better than ATI's. Time to do some real research and get down off the fanboi wagon guys, more driver releases doesn't mean they are any better.
And when I tell people that 5850 are better than 460m for gaming, I'd just get bombarded like a mofo. Nvidia is awesome indeed. In a sense. lol.
Ok you know what I mean! I was just annoyed when writing that.
Still, I didn't expect the .5 gigs to mean much in gaming performance but for the extra 120 you would expect something in the architecture. I don't think the 480 on the x17 is that much more expensive than the new 1.5gig 460. It is surprising that a card released so late and expensively cannot topple a rival card that was released a while ago. -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Kyrandia, that test shows it was run on a game with settings High DX11, there hasn't been a single person on here that I've seen say the 460m won't beat the 5850/5870 in Tesselation(DX11), but DX11 is very rare still so you tell me are you going to say spending extra money(about double) on a card to play better on 3 games on the market and then get stomped on the rest is actually logically worth it? The 5850/5870 has proven time and time again to beat the 460m by a decent amount in anything that is not DX11 heavy, CUDA heavy, or PhysX heavy. 2 of those 3 are primarily used in professional apps like photo or video editing software, and DX11 is only starting to be adopted by the gaming world and it will be quite some time til you see it in every game. By the time DX11 is very used the 460m will probably be old news like the 260m so you tell me how this card makes sense to 90% of the population in the gaming world?
^^^^^but what about those extra GB's....I kid I kid =p
Once dx11 actually matters and is adopted widely we will see 2 generations of cards come out. People need to keep in mind the general population still work on older cards which are dx9 or dx10 and if they move too soon into DX11 you will kill your market by only selecting clients who dump thousands of $$$ into setup to get the bleeding edge. Alot of people are just getting into dx10 graphics cards and dx11 is just being introduced and general population can't afford high end setups just to play a DX 11 game and would rather buy a xbox or ps3. I would look at benchmarks on dx9 or dx10 since that is mainly what we will be playing for now. Just having the ability to play dx11 is nice but it is just a teaser than actual performance. -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Do you want to explain why a lot of the tests done on the Asus(the one with the 460m) say High DX11 right next to them then? The only games I can see on there that the 460m beat the 5850 or 5870 are the ones that are Nvidia Fanboy games(ones that favor Nvidia cards HEAVILY by using massive amounts of PhysX and/or CUDA). The 460m is a good card but it simply doesn't beat the 5850 or 5870.
Is the 5870/50 the best card that will fit in an m15x then?
here too : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M - Tech
in most of games gx460 seems to be between 5850 and 5870, sometimes on pair with 5870 rarely better.
The only way to say that a card is better than one other is to see that all test says the same thing, but i can't uderstand why some tests by users were totally ignored -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Kyrandia if you think Stalker isn't pro nvidia you really need to do some additional checking. Using notebookcheck as a reference explains a lot more to me of your opinions. Have you not been paying attention to the real life benchmarks by actual end users on here? Most of these websites(especially notebookcheck) are ridiculously off and often biased. Even if the 460m does get beat it's still a good card. I'm done arguing with you as you seem to be a nvidia fanboi and there are plenty of bad websites out there that are of the same bias to give incorrect info on the real life performance of hardware. Good luck with the 460m!
if it had had 5870 probably i would not had to think about it
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Compare the benchmarks in my signature to the ones in Jstarnino's signature. His was an m15x with a Dell 5870 mine is an m15x with a Dell 5850. Again, if someone truly needs CUDA or PhysX the Nvidia card is where it's at as the gaming performance is close, but if a person is not going to use those 2 things frequently the 5850 is cheaper and better performing. The 5850 is a better card for most of the people that buy the m15x.
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Agreed, if you need
OSX support
Nvidia is the logical choice.
Anything else, the 5850 rips it up.
For me, I needed proper OSX support, so it was a no brainer. -
I'm in contact with a supplier for GTX 460 m. Well Physx is important to me as I like to see the raincoat of Vito Scaletta swing when he runs, and to see the curtain move when Artyom passes beside it. Oh as everybody knows it, no need to mention how fast cuda can convert my movies into iphone format. So, if I hear anything promising from the supplier, I'll let you guys know.
Anandtech says they're comparable. Regardless, as someone else said, even if it were a 5fps hit, I'd gladly take it for the better drivers.
I'm more concerned about possible throttling-to date we've STILL seen no reports on that :-/ -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
I'm only going to touch on one comment in your post Wolfpup, we may not see any reports of official Dell 460m m15x systems for a little while now. I've seen one guy on here who got an upgrade but everyone else is getting the "all of our stock is for new builds only" answer right now and the new builds the last time I heard don't ship til after Thanksgiving.
I was so outraged enough by the benchmark performance vs price comparison between the Radeon 5850m and the Geforce 1.5gig 460m that I cancelled my M15X altogether and ordered another one with the 5850 in it. It was a mess about and I might have to wait a week longer now but for the £120 difference I landed myself a 9 cell battery and 3 years anti-virus subscription and it was overall still cheaper without the 1.5gig 460m in it. I'll settle for the i7 620m chip in it and that ram is still only 4 gigs but that is easy to change in the future.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
The initial release info I saw said the first systems shipped would be after Thanksgiving, don't know if that has changed but that's the most recent I've seen meaning that we may be looking at December if AW does their job right and possibly the new year if there are any snags before we say an AW issued m15x with the 460m.
Whoa...when I was configuring this stuff last week and the week before, ship dates were this ship dates on the black model start on the 12th of next month, and the 26th of this month for the other colors (almost looks like silver and black swapped ship dates).
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Yeah so we are looking best case scenario December, knowing AW though probably beginning of the year before many get in the hands of the EU.
Well, my M15x just shipped! That's in line with the original estimates...just over a week lead time. For whatever reason they were saying the 13th of next month on the production status thingee.
Oh man, I'm sort of excited but nervous. Please no throttling! (Wish someone had actually tested for that before mine shipped...) -
here is a pic of a clevo 470m if anyone was curious.
Attached Files:
That 470 is just crazy :-D I'd LOVE one. Heck, when I look at what a 400 core AMD part is doing to Black Ops-just tearing it up no problem...and then I think what a 460 is going to do, let alone a 470...
i got a connect for a 470m, but need to save some dough for it. hopefully in a week or two, i can afford one to test out. now taking donations hehehehe
You're going to set a 470M in your M15x ?
well i'm gonna try once i get enough money for it. hopefully its just plug and play.
I orderd the 460m with my new one, I'm hopeing it rips up anything I throw at it since I play alot of online games. Here I thought it would pay off to get the latest graphics card out for something and now I find out there is a 470m? meh
1.5gb GTX 460m Official on Alienware USA/Asia
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by DaneGRClose, Nov 2, 2010.