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    AW haters

    Discussion in 'Alienware 18 and M18x' started by Perfect Stranger, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. ratchet916

    ratchet916 Notebook Consultant

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    ...and then Mr. Fox succinctly described the iPeople, the Apple zombies, the Mac mooks.
    Mr. Fox likes this.
  2. ltcmdrQ

    ltcmdrQ Notebook Consultant

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    Yep, once youve owned one of these, there is no going back, (voluntarily that is)
    Mr. Fox and YannC like this.
  3. Perfect Stranger

    Perfect Stranger Notebook Consultant

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    Mr. Fox....are you reading my mind and quoting it? are you my mind in another parallel universe? haunting me? are you a mirrored image? am I the mirrored image? am I quoting your mind? first ...the speed, power, and fuel consumption....rear wheel this?

    you have nailed pretty much the position that I have put myself in.....
    Mr. Fox likes this.
  4. Rafix

    Rafix Cave Canem

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    And yet again we see members of this community taking on the trend of hating Apple, not matter what. I have already called out this hypocritical attitude here several times before. It's my opinion that you cannot complain versus those who hate your favorite brand when you do the same toward other brands. See the irony there?

    Mr. Fox explained why he doesn't like Apple computers and devices--main reason that currently no other mobile solution performs like a maxed out Alienware--I totally understand where's he is coming from. However, that's not my approach, or I'd put myself in a position where I would deem useless many actually awesome gadgets and devices, which can do plenty of things very effectively.

    I never liked taking an extreme approach to life, main reason is that it limits my choice and might make me miss good opportunities. I prefer assuming a more flexible approach. If I owned a Ferrari and use it to set the bar I wouldn't be able to enjoy or like any other car in my life. Even the most performing computer has its limits depending on the environment and circumstances. I love the fact that I can go around with my iPad or Macbook Air and surf the web, take notes, take pictures, record stuff at any given moment, in a more comfortable fashion than using a smartphone, while I don't need to carry a bulky backpack with me all the time. Too easily people forget Apple's great contribution to technology advancement and that Apple computers today actually make life easier for several users and professionals alike. Maybe we are so stuck in our understanding of Apple computers or never had a good use for them that we consider anything Apple a waste of money? Wait a minute, isn't this what haters also accuse AW of?

    Several people simply use the computer when they need it and, unlike us, computing, gaming, and benching is not their passion, a hobby, or what they base their entertainment and pleasure upon. To go back to the Ferrari analogy, this car has outstanding performance and great speed, yet it can be (depending on the city layout) cumbersome and bulky to use around, imagine running errands with it. A small city car does that job way better--yes, I actually had the pleasure to drive a Ferrari for one day. So, it all depends on the circumstances.

    I honestly find it silly reading so much intelligent analysis of why "haters gonna hate" Alienware, only to realize a few posts later that this is exactly what quite a few people here do as well against anything that's not Alienware.

    Let's not get stuck guys, leave the blinders to race horses.
    1nstance likes this.
  5. ratchet916

    ratchet916 Notebook Consultant

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    Perhaps I should clarify so as not incite a brand war for fanboys... I actually have nothing against Apple products. In fact, I generally surf these forums on the only Apple product I own, an iPad 2. What Mr. Fox was describing to me was the attitude of a blind fanboy, one who knows nothing other than his own realm, yet claims to know all. Those are the people I have disdain for, whether they reside in the Apple camp, Alienware camp, ATI/AMD camp, or nVidia camp. I never said anything about disliking Apple products, just the blind advocates. The haters. Isn't that what this thread is about, haters?

    Look, I've owned products from just about every modern tech company at one point or another. I can and I'm willing to illustrate the pros and cons of each from my own personal experiences. There's good products out there and bad ones, and most companies have made some of each. Everyone has preferences for their own reasons, and that's fine, but my poke was targeted to those who speak about things they don't know about. If I struck a nerve, that wasn't intended.
    ErikO and Rafix like this.
  6. 1nstance

    1nstance Notebook Evangelist

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    I totaly agree with you sir.
    Rafix likes this.
  7. Rafix

    Rafix Cave Canem

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    I wasn't picking on you personally, just want to prevent this thread to turn into a let's bash Apple one, like it has already happened many times before. Apparently some people have nothing better to do than take the time to criticize Apple in any way possible and at any given opportunity. I'm aware what Mr. Fox said, and the implications of his words, since he has already stated several times his views on Apple products. Even though I disagree with it specifically--I couldn't agree more with his critique on haters--I consider his views on Apple always well-stated and supported by his own personal knowledge and experience. In short, he's never been a troll, like many others when it comes to bash Apple.

    Yes, this thread is about AW haters, let's keep going then.
  8. Perfect Stranger

    Perfect Stranger Notebook Consultant

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    Point taken.....Well said. In the end there is ( I suppose) no one perfect device for all circumstances encountered. In my own experience, there are devices that are reasonably well suited to many tasks. Generally speaking, every device (well, maybe not a Lada) excels at something...maybe not what we we choose another device that does meet our needs/goals. But that doesn't mean that we should hate all the other devices....I still respect the me something to make quips about. And Apple...well, one a day has kept the doctor away.
    Rafix likes this.
  9. Perfect Stranger

    Perfect Stranger Notebook Consultant

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    To me, the AW (any version) is the equivalent of the woman of your dreams......They will seduce you.....they will break your heart......they are not completely reliable........they are hot.....they require tender loving care.....they want attention......they make other people jealous.....other people want to take them from you.....they require time and money to be spent on them.....

    But in the end....the AW will cost less....

    No offense/slight to anyone meant in any way, shape or manner....offered as good humour in a tongue in cheek manner.....
    reborn2003, Rafix and minhajmsd like this.
  10. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox BGA Filth-Hating Elitist

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    Brother rafix73, I am not sure what you are talking about. I never said anything against an Apple product, or any brand name for that matter, in my comments. My comments were directed toward all anemic devices, regardless of brand, but among which some Apple devices can certainly be found. Maybe the fact that I said something about "those that are made really well" may have been an assumption I was referring to Apple, but I was thinking of other brands and the Apple brand actually did not even enter my mind at the time of my post.

  11. dandan112988

    dandan112988 Notebook Deity

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    I think the only system I would consider with some performance compromises is the razer blade 14.that machine is beautiful, despite the average screen. But the foot print is amazing.

    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Rafix

    Rafix Cave Canem

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    Brother Fox,

    There was no need to quote your own message as to make a point, I read it well the first time you posted it.

    I find it interesting that you say that you don't know what I'm talking about, considering that in the recent past you and I have already discussed about this anti-Apple mood that seems to linger in our AW board.

    Actually, my post here was trying to prevent this thread from becoming yet another let's bash Apple destination. My post mainly referred to your well known standing in regards of certain Apple products, from their design to their performance; opinions that you made crystal clear in those above mentioned posts.

    There's no need to nitpicking world for word or analyze the text to see if I've been reading something that wasn't there. There was a post that mentioned "all the ultra books, tablets, macbooks out there," to which you replied by saying that "all of those devices are so pathetic in terms of performance. They represent the lowest common denominator in the computer world and they are accepted by people that are willing to compromise for the sake of convenience."

    If you notice, your comment triggered the usual round of anti-Apple mockery, which I often find present in threads that originally discussed hatred toward AW. Maybe I'm the only one here who keeps noticing that such threads are filled with hypocrisy, because while they complain about hatred they respond to it in the same fashion.

    You claim that you didn't have Apple in mind when your typed your post and I want to believe you, I have no reason not to. However, you're aware of the influence of your words on this board, and you ought to know by now that Apple haters (those same that cry the moment someone dares attacking their beloved AW) don't waste an opportunity to remind us once again how much they despise Apple products.

    To those people I said this: guess what? we know it, it's clear that you guys don't like them. There's no need to remind us that every other thread. I find blind hatred silly and immature. As well, it's sillier to consider a MacBook an inferior, plan, and underpowered computer only because it does different things from an AW PC with Windows. The world doesn't revolve around our AW and what we do with it. Performance doesn't only translate in high fps in game and highest benchmark score. Many seem to forget the simple fact that computers are used to perform an immense variety of tasks.

    I really like this board, and I have great esteem for several members. But whenever I notice hypocritical behavior in regards of blind hatred be sure that I'll keep calling it out, no matter where it comes from.

    Brother Fox, my post's purpose wasn't criticizing or antagonizing you and your claims. I have already said before that your criticism toward Apple is intelligent and void of trolling attitude. Alas, I have learned that even an intelligent statement here might trigger a series of troll-imbued comments, which show up as sure as night does, if they contain or concern anything Apple.

    1nstance likes this.
  13. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox BGA Filth-Hating Elitist

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    Well, sorry you don't believe me, but I really wasn't "thinking Apple" when I posted that. I was thinking anything anemic in terms of performance. There are some Apple products that fall into that category, but they are just one example of many, including non-Apple products with weak processor and poor graphics performance. But, that's OK. Let's move on and not do any Apple-bashing.

    And, just so you know I am open-minded, I may consider OSX for an Alientosh hack if Micro$lop doesn't get its act together on the OS forefront. I would prefer to go the Linux route, but OSX has better game support than Linux does. I'm not ready to ditch Windows just yet, but if the product gets much worse that might be an option. I'm using 8.1 on one system and I don't consider it a meaningful improvement over 8.
    bumbo2 and Rotary Heart like this.
  14. kh90123

    kh90123 Notebook Deity

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    Basically....I used 8.1 because the Windows Update on 8 stopped working and there's no easy way to fix it. Chrome is crashing every other day on 8.1. The only thing that I like a lot is the Win + X shortcut. Other than that, not much else...

    And down in SEA, I am one of the very few to have a maxed out AW 18, in terms of GPU and CPU. There might be less than 10 of it now in Malaysia, where I am now. God knows, I might be the only one. Talk about being lonely...
    reborn2003 and bumbo2 like this.
  15. Rafix

    Rafix Cave Canem

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    I actually I didn't phrase myself well. I wanted to say that I do believe you > I don't have any reason not to believe you. It just didn't come out as I wanted to when I expressed it--even after five years that I've been speaking it, English is still a language that I find it very tricky.

    My response wasn't about what you said specifically in that post, but addressed the general mood, this common trend, which sees people eager to jump on the "let's bash Apple wagon" as soon as they've got a chance. No need to take anything I said personally, as I was merely mentioning comments and opinions you stated about Apple in general as an example of what they might trigger, even when expressed good-heatedly as most of what you share on this board. So, no hard feelings, brother.

    I'm glad you're keeping an open mind, and the Alientosh hack sounds like a good plan B. Microsoft has been disappointing. Just look at how it has waged war on other companies that make tablets and phones. It should have been sticking to what it knew best: making OS. Now, this new Windslow 8 series feels like a port, a forced bridge between two worlds that hardly coexist well.

    I've been Mac user for various years now (even use to sell them at one point in my life), and it's rock solid OS like no other. I'm aware that the lock-up approach and uber user-friendly intentions make it seems a bad choice for enthusiasts. However, let's not forget its FreeBSD Unix core. This means that the system is actually quite prone to tweaking of any kind if users are willing to learn how to work in shell. If you think of it, that's not much different from using DOS prompt and manipulate the registry in order to tweak Winslow. Shell commands and scripting is just another way to do the same things that we do in Win, but only in another system.
    Mr. Fox and bumbo2 like this.
  16. Prolixious

    Prolixious Notebook Deity

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    I have a great deal of respect for Apple. It seems to be the only company that avoids the blatant and irksome penny-pinching race among resellers and OEMs. Whether or not its products are higher-quality than those of every other vendor, I'm impressed that Apple has kept up that impression for so long. I still see so many people flee from the horrors of Dell, HP, Lenovo, and everything Windows to Apple and its spire of lotus-eaters. Stranger still because Apple outsources designs to Foxconn and Compal, which are not known for good quality.
    reborn2003, bumbo2 and Rafix like this.
  17. kh90123

    kh90123 Notebook Deity

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    Foxconn and Compal probably makes more laptops and components than you expect. Those are both OEM and ODM.

    And by the way, I am sure Foxconn makes quite a bit of stuff for the new Alienware too. Open up the chassis and you will see Foxconn on quite a few stickers.
    bumbo2 likes this.
  18. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Notebook Consultant

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    I own an Alienware and a MacBook so not sure what that makes me (well a friend says I'm not human anymore :p)
    Rafix likes this.
  19. Prolixious

    Prolixious Notebook Deity

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    I'm aware of that. I did not say that the new AWs or any other laptop or component is "good quality."
  20. Rafix

    Rafix Cave Canem

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    It makes you flexible and open-minded ;)

    Like I do, you can also enjoy the awesomeness these two machines can offer :thumbsup:
    Perfect Stranger likes this.
  21. dandan112988

    dandan112988 Notebook Deity

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    eh, apple's designs are good but the price you pay for the low performing hardware sucks. that, and the fact all the parts are now soldered means they designed it to be obsolete with no hope for upgrading other then buying a new machine. Also, your married to everything apple with their os. but, what ever floats the boat i guess, just not for me.
  22. pathfindercod

    pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso

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    I still have 3 mac's and always will have one for certain software I need. AW has brought me back to windows (7). It's great to be on both sides of the fence.
  23. Meaker@Sager

    Meaker@Sager Company Representative

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    If people get upset as to what machine you have they are the sort of people it's really not worth speaking to anyway :/
    Perfect Stranger likes this.
  24. Rafix

    Rafix Cave Canem

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    @ Mr. Fox, as you can see below that's exactly what I was talking about. How do they say? I told you so? We should just rename all the posts where Apple is mentioned on this board to "Apple haters," since it seems to be the common denominator among all those threads.


    So, here's another 'let's hate Apple because it's not a PC and I can't change the CPU on it' kind of post. First, you're not paying only for the hardware that's inside it, but for the whole package: a full-metal body built, rock solid performance with a great OS, reliability, support, software specifically designed for it (it simplifies releases of new versions, updates, and support), reference and standard for graphic design at any level. Not to mention that claiming that Apple delivers machines with "low performing hardware" reveals ignorance on the facts, and it's actually a laughable statement. Take the new Mac pro for example, it has Intel Xeon E5 with 12 core configs. 40GB/s of PCI Express bandwidth. Thunderbolt ports. Dual AMD FirePro workstation-class GPU with 6GB of VRAM that support three 4K displays. Of course, HDMI as well as USB 3.0. Oh, and it's smaller than your backpack. You pay for premium, just like the money you'd spend for your AW18 and consider it a premium computer. I don't understand why people keep comparing two worlds that are quite different, that is, computers that do different things. Maybe because a Macbook and an Alienware are both notebooks? We might as well compare apple with oranges. I believe that hatred toward Apple is not dissimilar from the one for Alienware: many despise the idea of it, demonizing the brand, the evil corporation that wants to take over the world with niche and expensive product. It sounds more like the cheese plot of an old James Bond movie than anything else. I hears that "no bang for the buck," but isn't that exactly what they accuse AW of? snif snif... I smell hypocrisy on this board.

    I love both my M18x r2 and AW18 and use them in so many ways. However, while I'm willing to carry the bulky backpack with me going somewhere to stay, I'm not going to do so when I spend long days running back and forth but still want access to my digital world and work. Here it comes to save the day a solid, slim, fast, and highly portable Macbook Air that does the job quite well. I call a device capable of giving me access to what I need in a quick and comfortable way while on the move also performing. No need to unpack, plug, set the table, and "assemble" myself on a roomy desk so I can work comfortably with my portable desktop replacement notebook.

    Beside, the fact that you don't have a good use for a Mac, or wouldn't know what to do with it, it doesn't make it underpowered or under-performing device. Also, you mention that Apple forces obsolescence. But that's the market, since that's what several vendors do nowadays. You know, re-badging old hardware and selling it at full price or coming up with new sockets that are incompatible, forcing you to get a new product even when the gain in performance is minimal. Still, you pay full price for it, because you consider it premium.

    So, please, let's stick to the topic. As I said, we are all aware that many among you hate Apple just because. We got the message loud and clear ages ago. Can we move on now please?
  25. Rotary Heart

    Rotary Heart Notebook Evangelist

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    Come on dude, just let them say what they want. They post/voices wont change nothing. Don't you see that the only one upset is you? Don't let this affect you, same with politics, religion and everything else.
    Mr. Fox and ratchet916 like this.
  26. Meaker@Sager

    Meaker@Sager Company Representative

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    Look, every notebook has its place, there are so many different requirements for size, battery life, cost, screen, keyboard etc. that you just don't get on a desktop in the same way.

    Can't we just live and let live?
    Perfect Stranger, Mr. Fox and Rafix like this.
  27. Rafix

    Rafix Cave Canem

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    I'm not upset, actually. I like discussing about technology because I always learn something new from the exchanges. My replies aim to point out the paradox and irony on having people stating their dislike for Apple in a thread that complains about Alienware haters. I'm actually smiling. And I seldom engage in discussion on politics and religion ;)
    TBoneSan likes this.
  28. TBoneSan

    TBoneSan Laptop Fiend

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    I think apple build quality is amazing. I previously had a iMac 27 and moving to an AW actually felt like a total step down in terms of build quality. Then again, I can pull apart and work on my AW relatively easily. As far as pricing goes they are pretty darn competitive. $2000-3000 grand for an well above average machine that includes the most beautiful monitor and decent specs isn't bad. AW is great but they are $5000 for the good stuff and its not like GPU upgrades are off the shelf parts that are cheap or easy to obtain either - they have their artificially inflated price. I'm mainly talking of iMacs here with Windows bootcamp since that is what I've owned before. I love my AW and my next purchase will probably be AW unless iMac manage to get dual GPU's into a iMac I might be temped. The locked down factor Mac I've noticed is also prevalent in the new AW's by the way.
    Rafix likes this.
  29. ratchet916

    ratchet916 Notebook Consultant

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    For anyone scratching their heads about the direction this thread took, I would highly recommend seeing the following CLASSIC link. It's not only highly informative, but guaranteed to induce laughter. Enjoy!
    Perfect Stranger likes this.
  30. Aikimox

    Aikimox Weihenstephaner!

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    Alas, vendors have embraced the new trend, offer slim and light devices but take the control away in exchange. It's happening very slowly but surely. The goal is to take the processing power and data away from the end user and put in a secure (aka controlled) environment. The only good thing is that the process will take a few years, so we have some time to keep benching and OC'ing....
    Mr. Fox and Rotary Heart like this.
  31. Rafix

    Rafix Cave Canem

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    So, what about those Alienware haters?
  32. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox BGA Filth-Hating Elitist

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    The "locked down" factor is being strong-armed by Micro$oft and that's why you are seeing it rear its ugly head in Alienware. They have marching orders, and unless they choose to balk and be in non-compliance, they will do as the Fuehrer commands them to... along with all of the other "good little OEMs" in the PC world. Unless they (MS) have an epiphany and realize they are slitting their own throat like their initial plans with the new XBOX, and turn things around, this probably will not change. Anything and everything, especially mobile systems, will eventually be a locked-down pile of trash regardless of build quality. They will assume ownership of the hardware and it will be on loan to you just like the software... not yours to whatever and however you please, even though you paid for it. With that as the future, a number of us might become "Everything Haters" LOL.
    TBoneSan likes this.
  33. YannC

    YannC Notebook Geek

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    Personally, I've been forced to use Apple desktop (with small form factor) in a lab for almost a year and hated it (who puts the power button on the back of the machine anyway?). I don't find the GUI any more user-friendly than Microsoft (which is not any better, either). But I agree with Mr. Fox, Microsoft is going Apple on limiting user access to the full potential of its softwares. I am afraid if this trend goes on I might have to start to re-familiarize myself with Linux...
  34. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox BGA Filth-Hating Elitist

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    I'm thinking the same thing, but looking at what little and how lame the game offerings are on Steam is still holding me back from taking it seriously. I explored this a few months ago and was dual-booting Linux Mint. After a few weeks I lost interest and reclaimed the drive space for Windows. There were a grand total of 2 Steam games that I was interested in, one of which was still kind of lame, and I was not about to pay Windows prices for Linux-ported games at this point.

    Also of extremely grave concern is the UEFI road map that looms ahead. That will prevent us from installing anything except for Windows 8 or newer, and hardware changes will be effectively blacklisted to prevent end-user upgrades or mods. Linux and Hackintosh, or even downgrading to Windows 7 will not be possible unless someone develops a hack for the UEFI BIOS. So far, that has not been successful with Secure Flash.
  35. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Notebook Consultant

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    I have given Linux several tries throughout the years and hated it every single time...
  36. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox BGA Filth-Hating Elitist

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    I have been playing with it for years. It is rock-solid as an OS and I like Linux Mint a lot from an aesthetic perspective. It is pretty slick, but the limitations associated with Linux are what continually brings me back to Windows. It's getting closer, but still not ready to take the place of Windows. For gamers, that might never happen. Video drivers are a mess and not many game developers are going to waste their time on a free OS that has such a small user base compared to Windows and OSX. For ordinary users that web surf, email, write school papers and such, Linux is actually a good alternative right now. Some of the latest releases are approaching the "idiot proof" status that most users need in order to function.
    Aikimox and YannC like this.
  37. Perfect Stranger

    Perfect Stranger Notebook Consultant

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    I made the original post to make a comment on how I got rid of some static......I had no idea that I would be instigating and unleashing such a poo storm......but, I have gained 3 pounds from all the hot buttered popcorn that I have been shoveling down while following this apologies to all....I had no intention of doing the troll thing......but, carry on, carrying on......................"sweetheart, would you make me some more popcorn?"
  38. TBoneSan

    TBoneSan Laptop Fiend

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    These kind of thread sprout up regularly here. If the mods were to merge all the threads I'm pretty sure it would take them far too long.
    Anyway, haters will be haters. But Rafix makes a good point that some AW owners are guilty of the same obnoxious bias.
    Rafix, ltcmdrQ and Alienware-L_Porras like this.
  39. DumbDumb

    DumbDumb Alienware !Wish money wasn't the problem.

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    well me I buy and sell alot of stuff and my m18x-R2 is the only thing i havent sold..
  40. newvelaric

    newvelaric Notebook Consultant

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    I always answer: because I have to the money to buy such power. Not a peep usually after that.
  41. newvelaric

    newvelaric Notebook Consultant

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    But seriously, I have tried Razer, Alienware, FalconNorthwest. And in the end I returned to Alienware so I now know my preferences. I have yet to try Origin or Sager. But I fail to see the difference between Sager, Origin and FalconNorthwest. They appear to have the hardware options and do not have proprietary software to differentiate themselves from the pack. So at this point in my gaming life, I will stay with Alienware. I was testing the water a few time and was not happy each time (I am especially looking at you Razer Blade-R2).
  42. MH01

    MH01 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I'm a big apple fan, never owned a windows laptop, have had countless mac laptops , they are excellent for the average user, now what brings us to these forums is gaming. They suck at gaming, I've had a few replaced cause I tried gaming on them, and thier slick designs mean bad air flow under stress and they cook themselves , this is the reason while having a lot of apple products I have always had a gaming pc.

    I have just got my first ever windows laptop, 18Mx r2, love it. I now have a choice between using that or a MacBook . I'm privileged to have that choice. And I think your being really unfair given your financial situation of having 2x 18 Alienware laptops and a apple mbp to choose depending on what you do, that is not the norm. Given that some people can afford just one, and want to game as thier main purpose, yeah apple sucks. I never game on my apple laptops and they are fantastic.

    If you think people on here are being harsh, go to macrumors and start up a thread about having 2x 18 Alienware laptops, you will learn about how they are a lot harsher then people on here , and you will get countless educations posts how awesome Mbps are to game on.....

    If you have the money and do not game macs are great. Don't forget a Alienware 18 destroys anything apple has when it comes to gaming, that includes a fully speced Mac Pro
    YannC likes this.
  43. Hybrys

    Hybrys That Damn Cactuar!

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    They're just Sager resellers... Origin, FalconNorthwest, XoticPC, Mythlogic, Power Notebooks... Etc. Mythlogic is the only one that really sets themselves apart.

    I wish the Blade was a better computer... I may get the next version myself.

    Oh, and lets not make this an Anti-Apple thread. Some people don't like them, some do. I don't like them for good reasons, such as their propensity to lose my work, or crash in mission critical scenarios. (You know how hard it is to fly in a laptop from another country in under 12 hours? I do, because of 3 subsequent MBP failures in 2 weeks.)
  44. Rafix

    Rafix Cave Canem

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    Ugh, and I thought we had finally moved on. Oh well, what do you know, right? haters keep coming back like the tide.

    Dear friend, I think you have misread everything that I wrote here. So, let me help you clear your blurred vision.

    First, I never said that Apple machines are "great for gaming." I merely talked about performance in broader terms, and reminded that the world of computing is not restricted to only gaming and benchmarks. I mentioned many times how portability, flexibility, battery life, specific apps and so on are aces up Apple devices' sleeve, which really make many of my computer-related tasks easier. Not to mention the unquestionable performance of Apple computers in graphic and industrial design, photography, etc. Second, the fact that you had bad experiences with Apple products doesn't make it the norm. What about all AW owners that had horror stories to tell about their computers? All the GPUs that fried? Does that make AW computers machines that "suck" because of it? I fried a Dell XPS for playing Crysis 1 too much on it. Did I go around and find a Dell forum so I could remind them that because my XPS died while gaming Dell PCs suck? Nope, 5 years later I'm still buying Dell.

    I've been Mac user for as long as I can remember, and I'm proud to tell you that I gamed nicely on them--not all maxed out at 120fps, but I still enjoyed myself. For instance, my now sold iMac 24" was the only computer I had (it replaced the dead XPS) and I did everything with it--a lot of gaming included. I am sorry your experience has been different, but that doesn't give you the rights to claim that Apple sucks for gaming in general with such finality. Yes, it doesn't allow you to play games like a Alienware 18 does, but as I said already, we are comparing apples with oranges. Third, who are you to judge my financial situation? I don't have to come here and tell you the sacrifices I've been making to buy the computers I love. I don't have to justify what I want to do with my earnings to you or anyone else. That comment was really uncalled for and it really depicts you as a bitter and hostile individual. By the way, look around this forum, you'll find out that quite a few members own several computers and even two or more AW machines. Is that because they are rich? I don't question someone else' finances or call them out for simply channeling their funds in what they love. Try to see who's really been "unfair" here. Fourth, I don't care what people do and say in other boards and forums, because I am member here. Besides, I never complained about people being harsh on Apple in itself. People can hate whatever the want, it doesn't concern me. I merely pointed out several times the hypocritical attitude of turning certain threads that have nothing to do with Mac into "let's bash Apple" ones. If you read my posts you will see that I have criticized the contradictions present in this thread, which it was an 'Alienware haters' thread and it became (once again like we've already seen) another 'let's remember all why we hate Apple' one.

    You need to learn how to be more respectful, and how to debate with civility in a forum. I suggest you become less antagonizing and more open-minded, as well as more receptive toward others members' point of view. Finally, remember that your own (good or bad) experiences don't prove the overall quality of certain products. A word to the wiser, my friend.
  45. MH01

    MH01 Notebook Enthusiast

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    To be honest I like debates,

    But having gone through this whole thread, you are not the victim you are the ACTUAL person who turned this in an apple bashing issue... a drama YOU created that did not exist.

    Let me quote your first and last sentences, that summarise everything about the supposed "debate" we are having

    "Ugh, and I thought we had finally moved on. Oh well, what do you know, right? haters keep coming back like the tide."

    "You need to learn how to be more respectful, and how to debate with civility in a forum. I suggest you become less antagonizing and more open-minded, as well as more receptive toward others members' point of view. Finally, remember that your own (good or bad) experiences don't prove the overall quality of certain products. A word to the wiser, my friend."

    Debate does not mean what you think it does, sorry ;) but thanks for clarifying that you considered it over when you got your last say, very open-mined. Allow me to kindly disagree.

    I'm still amazed how I am an Apple hater, given I have already stated I am a huge Apple fanboy......

    Just allow people to have their opinion mate, weather it be good or bad, if you do not like big bad words used against apple, do not read a thread. You are basically trying to stop people from voicing their dislike of Apple, why? I'm actually interested in hearing their opinions, I have been a apple fan boy for so long, I am keen to hear whey other users may not like about apple laptops. There is such a thing as constructive criticism.

    At the end of the day the irony is, we are both very similar, we use both PC and Apple, we get best of both forums.
  46. MH01

    MH01 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Having looked at a number of sites, when doing research into which Alienware I should buy, Alienware, tends to get hate, mainly due to the cost.

    I have always respected them for the purpose they were build for, though i too must admit a fully spec'd 18 gets right up there in price. Though the statement they make is unlike any other laptop, its like the muscle car of Computers.
    reborn2003 likes this.
  47. Rotary Heart

    Rotary Heart Notebook Evangelist

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    I wouldn't use the term "muscle car", but I got your point ;). I know that people say that they have high costs, but at the end those ones that prefer to pay "lower" prices for products perhaps at the end they will end spending more money, because of repairs and/or changes.

    Is the same as in the cars world, you have a broken part, then you go and ask for that part. They give you prices for the pricey one (which have good warranty (1+ year) and better build quality (perhaps its a metal piece)) and the "cheap" one (which have 1 month of warranty and very bad quality (perhaps is made out of plastic)) Must people will say: "What the hell they do the same thing, so I prefer to get the "cheap" one and go to the mall rather than the pricey one and stay at home", but at the end they got a piece that:

    1. Doesn't fit, so it have to be modified.
    2. It wears down 3x faster
    3. It broke and when they call for warranty they got: "Sorry its out of warranty"

    I got a lot of friends that where laughing at me when I bought my M17 R1 and now 5 years later they have owned a lot of laptops (3-4) and they say: "Man I wish I could play that game at my laptop". :)
    sangemaru likes this.
  48. Perfect Stranger

    Perfect Stranger Notebook Consultant

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    Interesting concept.

    I had considered a $1000 lappy (meh), and figured on replacing it yearly...or a $5000 lappy (ooohhh baby); replacing it every 5th year. The cost of replacing the software annually for the $1000 lappy soon added up substantially and the total cost (lappys and software) over 5 years was more than the high end machine.

    Thus the reason I went for the AW18. And there is that pride of ownership that can't be discounted......Unfortunately, there is the steep price of admission to this type of thinking, but for me, it is better value for money over a 5 year term.

    The other consideration that had (has) a huge influence on my purchasing decision is the warranty. Yes, the warranty is an expensive add-on stick-on and is reflected in the purchase price, but I'm not aware of any other system that offers the warranty term with onsite service....I consider this to be a vital component in the purchase of a lappy, especially if you are dependent on the device for work.

    One service call and the cost of a 4 year warranty has paid for itself. And the best part of the on-site service is that they go where I am...I understand, that for the majority of the faithful, that this is not an issue....for me; it is major.

    The combination of warranty, performance and image (not necessarily in that order) is what has kept me in the AW/XPS domain.

    It doesn't matter to me that there are other devices that can do this, that, are a different colour, have a different OS, do graphics better, are a smaller form factor, weigh less than a bag of Cheetos, ......none of any of the aforementioned alternatives mentioned through this thread .......have the balance of warranty, performance and image that the AW has. I don't hate, dislike, put down, pick on, disrespect, or otherwise, for any of the alternatives.....

    I want something with a warranty that is longer than the parking lot that the retailer's store is in.
    Rotary Heart likes this.
  49. ratchet916

    ratchet916 Notebook Consultant

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    Is it just me or are we being a bit too touchy now? I mean, really, I didn't see anything in MH01's post that was out of line or hateful. The man gave his opinion as an owner and lover of both machine types. I think being overly sensitive to the point of not being able to hear any sort of criticism is seriously counter productive. MH01 told us why he owns Apple products, why they left a gap in his computing experience, and why he now has the best of both worlds. You can say you're open minded all day long, but when you can't stomach hearing a legitimate complaint from an owner and shut them down, I think you only prove otherwise.

    Look, I love my new AW, but I'll be the first one to tell you of all of the flaws and issues I've run across so far. I love my iPad, but I'd happily tell you why it could be better in so many ways. I love my Samsung Galaxy Note 2, but I'd be happy to tell you why I miss being an iPhone owner at times. I'm a classic Land Cruiser nut, but I won't get upset when my Jeep buddies tell me what pieces of junk Birfield joints are. I'm decidedly non-religious, but I'd be happy to tell you about how I'm missing out on the strong sense of community and togetherness that religious organizations provide.

    My point is this, I really don't think it does anyone any good getting upset at someone for speaking their piece in a respectful way about a product they are familiar with. That does NOT make them a hater, that makes them a customer.
    Perfect Stranger and ltcmdrQ like this.
  50. MH01

    MH01 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I love building PCs, this year I build my first completely water cooled PC, and having the option to change parts over when I like is something I really appreciate.

    As I travel I finally looked into a gaming laptop, I had my reservations about Alienware, and as I have not seen a MX18 or 17 in the flash I was not sure about what I would get. I have to admit I got a bargain price on my MX18R2, and it was Nebula red , wanted a black one, but bought it anyway.

    When It arrived, I was shocked how much i liked it, it was so much better then I had expected. My girlfriend called it a Mantop, as all my other laptops are Apple.

    I was so impressed that I am able to update the CPU, GPUs, ram, and the thing is made to be pulled apart, unlike my Retina. Yeah its big, but the components are quality, its can be upgraded, and everytime I pull it out I have a big smile on my face, even respect the super low battery life.

    I am also impressed with the warranty options and given the fact they will come out to your house. So far been about 2-3 weeks and way happy, I can see myself getting future AW models.
    Rotary Heart likes this.
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