On dual GPU laptops, the MXM slot is only wired for x8. Also, what 1070 are you using?
The 4K screen mod was considered a failure
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
So the standard heatsink was used, and no physical mods were necessary. I ordered Artic thermal pads and so far so good.
Whilst I was there, I joined the CPU heatsink to the GPU2 (now empty) heatsink, with a large & wide 1mm thermal pad. However, I am now trying to work out how to get GPU2's fan moving. HWinfo isn't doing it.Chivalrous Roamin Knight, Papusan and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
For the average person I would advise not trying lol as you might end up with a fried motherboard.Mastermind5200 likes this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Whilst I was in there, I took photos of the existing connectors, I will then try to get pin out diagrams, and either also try to work it out myself, or get a Chinese company that specializes in custom cables to lend their expertise (and labour). I expect to be back in China at the end of the month, so I'll get to it then.
If I fry the board, at least its not BGA garbage, and I can replace only that, and not the cpu too.
Peace...Papusan and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Also @ErikO what is the 3x3 AC wifi card? Is it plug and play?
Some irregularities, my 34" 3440x1440 is only being fed 80Hz signal, not 100Hz as with the 880Ms, and I no longer see the G-sync option either. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
ErikO likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
ErikO likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
There is an Asus desktop motherboard that uses this as and add-on card. You need to identify that, and download & install that driver. Didn't bother getting the bluetooth working yet though, but the bluetooth works natively under Linux, so I know it works.
The included pig tails are not worth their weight in postage, you'll need to get either new tails made up (as I did), or buy new antennas with the correct ends on (better idea), as you'll lose signal in the connection. So instead of being 4 to 5dB BETTER than other laptops, I'm ~3dB below a 7260 2x2 now.... If I change the screen, I'll update the antennas.
Enjoy. -
@tomX likes this.
Please post your 980M Sli's score back...Mastermind5200 likes this. -
chewbakaats58 Notebook Evangelist
Lol your guy's scores makes mine look weak: https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13041117
Raid--how did you get your core clock so high on the gpu? Yours is like double mine! -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
chewbakaats58 Notebook Evangelist
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Also, your CPU isn't OC'd -
Papusan likes this.
Unlocked Bios A14 (VAS10A14) + mod for GTX 10xx for Alienware 18.
Flash at your own risk.
Last edited: Feb 3, 2019Chivalrous Roamin Knight and ssj92 like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Sent from my MI 8 Lite using Tapatalk -
I wouldn't bother with this upgrade, unless you are going to change the screen antennas completely - the loss incurred by having uFL to sma, or whatever they are, sent me from being 5 to 7dB better then my gf's machine, to 4dB below.
Its quite noticable.
But if you need that connection speed and don't care for range, go right ahead. -
Papusan likes this.
All the best Alienware benches have always been done with the M18x R2, not the Alienware 18. M18x R2 has no power limit, Alienware 18 does.Rengsey R. H. Jr. and ssj92 like this. -
I hated that R2 screen.Chivalrous Roamin Knight likes this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Don't they use the same panel though?
The M18xR2 has an edge to edge glass which looks amazing imo.
The 18 uses matte bezels which doesn't look as pleasant imo.
Idk why @ErikO is so salty but I would rather have a AW 17 R4/R5 over a 18 LOL.
M18xR2 will be engraved as one of the best laptops ever made for its time. @Raidriar @Rengsey R. H. Jr.@tomX and Rengsey R. H. Jr. like this. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
I have been using MSI GT73VR lately , and I am loving it so far. -
My friend's AW18 died as well randomly...they were just made bad. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
It's all plastic except for the lcd lid and palm rest lol. It's bulky and has a lot of room to slim down. As for the speaker, it has really good highs and mids... but missing the lows.
It's in the process of selling on ebay. I'm trying to upgrade another dead MSI laptop, GT75.
ssj92 likes this. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. and ssj92 like this.
But for the life of me, I do not know if they made a 'matt' version of the 18 - mine is glossy, but not completely reflective, like my R2 was.
As I live on the road, I am forced to use my laptop's screen - I don't get the pleasure of plugging into an external monitor very often. And for me, I believe the R2 did me a disservice whilst typing documents, due to its reflective screen. I remember being so happy to see the back of it, after I'd tried my 18.
Say what you want about my 18, but shes' running just fine.Chivalrous Roamin Knight likes this. -
Downloaded, extracted, from the choice of run uA14 or gtx_10xx, I ran the uA14 batch file.
Reported as successful, as far as I could see from the quick-scrolling-text output.
Rebooted, noted A14 was displayed, checked RAID enabled, set Service Tag.
Since I have a GPU in the graphics slot, followed instructions, and set 'Primay Display to PEG' (which I think is wrong), saved, rebooted....
8 beeps for LCD failure.
Tried external HDMI monitor, no joy / nothing, still 8 beeps.
Tried to reset bios to set 'SG' mode back - which I think it was on. (back off, ram out, bios and main batteries out, connect PSU, wait for beeps, slam in the ram), but was unsuccessful.
4 beeps for RAM failure. (usually my Hyper-X does this - so bios resets are usualy done with a generic 4GB module I have lying around, but I've no other RAM in here Asia to play with).
So anyone wth any ideas?
Am I actually getting bios reset, by being able to go from 8 beeps to 4 beeps? I think not. This, the archillies heel of the AW18, this bloody bios reset - is there still no other way in 2019?
Regards. -
It sucks, there is no way around NVRAM since Dell was stupid enough not to include a key combination to clear the NVRAM, unlike Apple, who knows this is important.Papusan likes this. -
Going to return it for a 2GB second hand module I saw, and try again. -
And yet it still doesn't work.
8 beeps, slam in the ram, re-powers, now 5 beeps (RTC), so reconnected bios battery, and just waiting whilst it continues beeping 5 beeps.
I think I remember someone saying if you just sit it out for 5 mins, it restarts and is thus cleared?
Fans are on too...Last edited: Mar 14, 2019 -
My solution was to pull the 1070M from the board, boot on Integrated GPU, and then change bios to SG mode once more.
I'm now successfully booted on A14 Unlocked, as I type.
I tried the gtx_10xx_A14_Flash batch file, assuming this is to flash the GPU? But it describes as an Intel Flash tool, and fails to complete, with Windows 7 complaining about it being a 16 bit application. So I don't know what is going on with that...
Thanks for being the only voice of help anyway. Its late, and I deploy for work very soon, so with no time to lose, it was 'last try', before getting a new board FedEx'ed to myself before bed, so I didn't lose a day.
Any advice with the gtx flash would be greatly appreciated.
Night all. -
Papusan likes this.
I realized today that I handn't 'slept' the computer again to run the gtx_10xx_A14_Flash batch file, did that, script appeared to complete. Rebooted, bios boot order needed resetting. Booted, and 1070M not seen. Back to bios, and IGFX set as default. Changed to SG, 1070M seen again. Checked GPU with GPU-z - ID has now changed.
Downloaded latest Nvidia drivers - nope. Same error as before, which will require me to generate the modded driver again - the whole point of engaging in this exercise in the first place.
Sorry I bothered now.Attached Files:
[SUCCESSFUL] Alienware 18 + MSI GTX 1070 MXM
Discussion in 'Alienware 18 and M18x' started by DaMafiaGamer, Jun 18, 2018.