Is there an image or illustration regarding what heatsink modifications to be made for it to seat properly?
Clevo P370EM (2012) -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
The MSI requires modding heatsink modding as posted on the first page of this thread, the Eurocom doesn't, and the new Zotac is to be seen, but it is recommended to have the AMD heatsink for all so it doesn't crack the PCB.
The 1060 offers good performance, but I would go for a 1070, nothing is "futureproof". You can find them for about $400 and $600-700 respectivly. If I were you, I would get a AW 17 of the same generation and get the 120HZ screen, so you don't need optimus, as that would he optimalChivalrous Roamin Knight likes this. -
Thanks for that. But where I live optimus is kinda a necessity Just installed the unlocked bios and it works fine . Will give it awhile before getting a 1070
Chivalrous Roamin Knight likes this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Why a necessity?
I wouldn't recommend this mod btw -
It's a dead platform.
Maybe so. But I love the big screen, the sound, the switchable graphics in bios the modularity and most importantly , the charger security check, which if my p157sm had, it would've still been alive and I wouldn't have bought 2 extra mobo that burnt due to same issue. Although if u know any that other that offers these, I'm all ears
Chivalrous Roamin Knight likes this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
For that form factor, I recommend the P870TM1, 8700K/dual 1080s
For a smaller form factor, the P751TM1 has a 8700K and a single 1080.
Of course, your alienware still seems to be running you find, but if you have the chance to buy a 1070 MXM, don't and get a new laptop -
Isn't an 8700k a power-hungry cpu? And do these laptops have optimus ?
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
bennyg likes this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Maybe my laptop cant support more power by mxm.
I want to ask other people who ues M18R3 for the same question.
通过我的 PRA-AL00X 上的 Tapatalk发言DaMafiaGamer and Falkentyne like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Last edited: Sep 19, 2018 -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Lol I get around an hour and a half with Optimus off, but I have terrible hardware
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
You probably saw it in my sig beforehand.
Also best thing about precisions are that they don't lose cpu performance on battery whatsoever! Dell know how to make laptops, I just wish the precision 7730 had mxm capability I would have bought it instantly. I don't care about soldered processors because I buy the best for the time BUT an upgradable GPU is needed. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
With some optimization, I could easily snag 4 1/2 with a new battery, closer to 7 with the extended one. I lose quite a bit of CPU performance, I locked it to 2.3 GHZ. Soldered CPUs dont bother me too much as long as their decent, but MXM GPUs do
DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Mastermind5200 likes this. -
Never seen my thread?
Ashtrix, jclausius, DaMafiaGamer and 1 other person like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Dell is by far NOT the worst when it comes to the precision line up but they aren't as good as clevo or eurocom either.
I should have read that earlier its a good thread. -
Vistar Shook, Papusan and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
Not the newest review but I'm sure you can see the picture
And I'm glad you finally read my thread
More people shoud start read it.
Dell Precision 5510 Workstation Review
Ashtrix, Vistar Shook and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
I was on about 7xxx series precision laptops they never go below base clock even on battery. Whatever it maybe 75xx or 77xx they are solid performers. They are probably the best laptops dell makes. That's including the crappy modern alienware lineup too lol.Last edited: Sep 22, 2018bennyg and Vistar Shook like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
I'm keeping my p870dmg for a good 2-3 years until something as slim and as powerful without throttling issues comes out. When I mean slim I mean in the 30-45mm range.Mastermind5200 and Vistar Shook like this. -
"Our stress test shows that the processor clock of the Intel Core i7-6700HQ drops to 2300 MHz after one hour of our stress test, and therefore below the base clock of 2600 MHz"
DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
There are no BGA laptops that would pass the threshold for the elites here in the forum. (BGA meaning CPU and GPU)
I could live with the CPU being soldered if they were all unlocked but GPU's age much faster so they need to be replaceable for it to be still considered.DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
@Papusan I'm sorry but who designed this heatsink lol. One fan for both cpu and GPU they are asking for throttling.
I don't even think metal paste would help in long term loads, the pipes are too thin.Attached Files:
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Mastermind5200 likes this. -
But here we go... TWOPOD
Would you use this for your expencive camera?
Ashtrix, jclausius and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
My laptop at work has worse though, temps somehow manage to stay in 90s with a gtx 750m and i7 4510u with this crap.
Edit: and that's with metal paste applied lol. No throttling though, not any that can be seen anyway.Attached Files:
Nice job!
Interesting, I'd like to see some reviews on it though
@Meaker@Sager @Donald@HIDevolution @Mr. Fox Heard about this brand before? And how trustworthy you think the product is? 680W External AC/DC Adapter For Notebooks, Small Form Factor PCs, Industrial PCs... Printed 560w max. See link above.
Seems same manufacturer who make the 780w psuLast edited: Oct 9, 2018Mr. Fox likes this. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
The differences..
This is the rear of 560/680w psu.
The orginal 780w
Last edited: Oct 10, 2018 -
May not be the same manufacturer. The Chinese counterfeit (or "draw inspiration from") new stuff every day.
It says 35A (~700W) sustained, 45A (~900W) peak for 25 seconds in the item description, and 90% efficiency, if you believe that.
I've seen ratings on PSUs that don't mean a damn, a cheap one that came with a cheap case once that had "785" on the side and it had one 15A 12V (180W) rail...Papusan likes this. -
bennyg likes this.
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
How do you know the design was not a limited time exclusive or licensed? Seems a bit premature to throw around the word "stolen" before the people involved confirm.
DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
Hello all,
Nice work on getting that running. I'm in an upgrade / tinkering mood myself.
I've just ordered a 1070 for my AW18....however I will not have the fitment issue as mine appears to be standard mxm 3.0b, and not with extra power connectors or the extended notch. So I won't be ordering the AMD heatsink unless it looks like it needs it.
Will update when it eventually arrives.
Many Q's....
So I'll soon be dumping my 880M GTXs which are about 18 months old from Dell, if anybody should need them.
In addition, since I will soon have a free MXM slot available, my ideas are;
1) Keep a single 880M GTX for Phys X / compute... or
2) (my preferred option) Since I'll have 8x PCIe lanes free, I'm considering putting together a board to do a dual NVME to PCIe x4, giving them four lanes each. I've already made inquiries for a custom MXM board, I can't imagine the signalling is much different, if at all, to PCIe, but I guess all problems can be solved.
The next idea is to somehow physically link the 3 heatsinks. Other than that cool A. F. watercooling prototype some years ago, has anyone managed to do this?
I'm thinking of forming thin & wide copper strips (insulated), drilling two holes in each heatsink, using paste and a block to secure it flat against the heatsink, and then carry onto the next heatsink in the same manner, and so on. I'm thinking that since no GPU2 will exist, the GPU2 fan will never turn, so maybe I could tag onto the CPU fan pins? Or, use a program to see that it always runs either statically, or based on CPU temperature events?
And finally, does anyone think this: will work?
Thanks and regards,
Erik. -
In sg mode I'm unsure if you can do phsyx , I didn't have a card to test that myself.
And mxm runs at x16 regularly, and people tried making mxm to x16 adapter, but that project seemed to have died
And for the 4k screen you might be able to tag onto the miniDP connector, because the aw18 uses lvds i believe -
I was of the understanding that the x16 lanes are split between the two MXM connectors, 8x lanes each, regardless of whether SLI is disabled or not. I believe I saw this using a small program whos name I've forgotten. -
I believe the person working on the adapter had it working at 1x speeds, then kinda dropped off the map. I personally do think the adapter is possible, I don't know why it keeps dropping off the map when people work on it
Its not practical. You will have similar limitations of whether or not the sBIOS will allow for functionality of the GPU.
Its probably why testing stopped, it wasnt practical. -
Another AW18 with 1070M installed successfully.
Some photos for you:
What a pain in the @rse the driver mod was.
Here is Win 7 x64 AW18 & 1070M modded for you with 416.94: unzip, and put in place of existing nvdmi.inf file. Thank me later.
First benchmark with no tweaking:
Previous score with 880M (x2) was 8145.
GPU-Z shows bios ver Has anyone got a newer version for me?
Last word - have the 3x3 Wireless AC module installed also, connection speed is now 1.3Gb/s.
Now to investigate the 4k screen mod...Attached Files:
[SUCCESSFUL] Alienware 18 + MSI GTX 1070 MXM
Discussion in 'Alienware 18 and M18x' started by DaMafiaGamer, Jun 18, 2018.