The clock speed when intense rendering it can't go over 3.6...3.8 keeping around this clock with the temperature vary between 88, 90, 92 and some jumps to 95 but most constant time is 92 and Gpu 85 and the gpu role is 3d rendering.
all this test is on R5
Been recording lots of videos, I want to talk with tech support see what they said and I will keep you guys on the loop...
Would love to hear any other owners of r5 and see if they are getting same problem in the UK is about 15 degree Celsius at the moment.
First of all you should test with software where the results can be compared. Record with hwinfo.
CPU: cinebench r15, Prime95, wprime, xtu
GPU: Firestrike, Heaven Bench, games
With the results of the Benchmarks and temp records we can interpretate the results better.
Maybe you can try to undervolt with xtu -
>>>> here in the UK is about 15 degree Celsius at the moment.
25C + outside !
And inside people's houses it is over 20C unless you are a squatter in a derelict buildingVasudev likes this. -
I have done a test on Prime95, Cinebench R15 and also playing game monitoring it on HWInfo too, I will try post a video soon. The moment I wrote the thread it could probably be 25C as now in the afternoon is a bit warmer outside and just type forecast bristol in google and it is 16C degree celcius at this moment... and in my house is cooler inside than outisde but anyway, I am mainly on computer at late night which is below 15C when I did the test it was Friday night around 23hs which the temperature was 14 degree celcius, I have plenty of videos and test done but I want to speak with tech support and see what they said it might be the case they didn't build properly my machine, I dont know but I hope get them have a look tomorrow at some point... just a bit concern at it is a premium machine with everything it was over 3300k+ Pounds machine and if I cant get the power of the 4.8ghz not even over 4 I probably should have sticked to the i7 but I do hope they solve it as I like alienware and specially dell machines.
Last edited: Apr 22, 2018Vasudev and Vistar Shook like this. -
Can you post some Screenshots? 20mins Prime + hwinfo screen, Firestrike, Cinebench, xtu?
I will do it, just finishing a deadline job and will prepare 20min one.. just did a quick one... can see the temp around 93 and clock speed never gone more than 3.7 - 3.8 ish when the cpu is stressed constantly, when I do tasks like video editing and other tasks where the cpu is not always 100 per cent I can get the speed spike up to 4.4 - 4.6 alternating down to 3 range...but not when I need to render 100 cpu cant go over 3.7 ish... I would hope could keep at least 4.2 constantly when need to render some frames for 12 hours keeping the temp around 80 maximum but lets see what it will happen, hope get it sorted out and curious to see other owner of this new machine.
cheersLast edited: Apr 22, 2018Vasudev, Redteam, alexnvidia and 4 others like this. -
Do you use a laptop base with fans? That would help quite a lot. I use a Zalman base and when on I cannot hear it even when I stick my ear on it.
Can it maintain its base speed of 2.9 GHz ? -
It can. In the video u can see in the hwinfo screen the Minimum clock. 2.9ghz...
@Testa how is the temp and speed during normal gaming? -
@Testa you're running Forza and prime95 at the same time?
thanks for the fan tip will look at it
I was doing only with Prime95 but I wanted to make use of the GPU at the same time the CPU was stressing itself constantly as when the cpu is constantly running the GPU gets hot than if I only play with GPU and the cpu is not constatntly at full power, but I kind have so many different tests done as it self only prime95, cinemark, vray benchmark and other.. when I have the chance I will only platy for half hour or so and do a temp and speed test too.tungd678 likes this. -
@Testa So how is the temp when playing games only? Have you ran AIDA64 (FPU+GPU only)?
Aida64 sounds good I havent.. should I do a test stress cpu + fpu + stress cache, ssytem memory and GPU all together? as when the gpu is stress together with the CPU the unit get very hot...
perfect will do, leaving running for around 5 to 10 min then take a screenshot or do a quick video around these minutes... if I run constantly around 12 hours a day with the CPU around 93 degree and gpu around 80 degree someone might know if the lifetime of these componentes will be long?
Seriously high CPU temperature. is this to be expected from the so called improved vapor chamber cpu cooling?
Rei Fukai likes this. -
Just to stress how important it is to have the laptop on a cooling base... They are very cheap, eg
definitly I am going to order one this is the exactly fan stand you have? would prefer order one based in your suggestion... but I am a bit concern with these temp at the moment just think if I have to use this laptop in tropical country where the temp is about 35 to 40 degree... will let you know what alienware have to say about it, if this machine shouldn't keep these temps definitely they didn't build mine properly then (my hope) as I do want these laptop and in good condition been waiting quite a long time aftter having problem with my R4 and apart from these... evertything is excellent cant complaint even high temp it does the tasks a need pretty well....but lets see this week and let you guys know what the result of it...
here is the test with aida64 fpu+gpu for around 10 minutes when I record the video.
in this test the clock speed didnt go over 2.9 and stil very high temp...
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
@Testa You were throttling. What was your overclock set to? That's an i9 8950HK right? Why is it at 2.9 ghz?
Why isn't the CPU package power being shown in AIDA64? -
Its not throttling if it can hold its baseclock.
But beside this, the temps are too high -
So same heatsink and 2 more cores.
Cool story I guess...
Hopefully that Chinese vendor can make water blocks for the r5 as they had done for the r4 so you guys can actually get your monies worth.Rei Fukai and Falkentyne like this. -
the overclock is the default one from alienware the default set 1 which is for 4.8 and set 2 is the one for 5ghz..
the other windows where shows all the components on AIDA64 is just minimized... or you meant in the HWinfo? in my previous video everything is default this lasst one i hidden lots of things to keep the cpu temp, clock speed and the gpu tmp fitting the same screen... it is the new i9-8950hk 6 core... if it is important I can keep all this information in the videosJzyftw likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
@Falkentyne the new alienware command center one of the default overclock settings that alienware did the frequeency is set up for 4.8 on Overclock 1 and 5 on Overclock settings 2 in the advanced view panel it doesnt allow to choose the cores separated just one simple slider for the frequency, I haven't checked in the bios to see if it is unlocked there though.
Dont use stock Software. Use XTU instead
@captn.ko the overclock set 2 is set up for 5ghz even though on stress test it doesnt get to 4 anyway... only in normal tasks when the cpu is not constantly in using then when spike for some task it goes up 4.8 ish and drop down but in a stress test where need cpu constantly running at full speed it hardly keep more than 3.2
I agree with you, however at this point think the settings from them should work well as I dont want to do anythihng else until speak with the technical support as them can address the problem first and see there is a problem, but as I can will keep doing some more tests on the run... any usefull info is great
Your right. This Notebook should run its advertised clocks out of the box. He can try some undervolt. This would be the first thing i would try to lower the temps and/or get higher boost
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
@Vasudev tried to unlock menus but it gave a corrupted bios. But the problem was, amibcp 5.0.1 was crashing on his bios. I already confirmed that 5.0.2 does NOT crash (5.0.1 was also crashing on MSI GT75 Titan bios as well, but does not crash with 5.0.2).
But its risky and you should have a skypro programmer and Pomona 5250 clip and male to female jumper cables in case you need to recover.
I know about the bios secure guard but that still needs to be tested if disabling Bios Lock and then flashing the dump (THAT YOU CREATED with FPTW64 -d backup.bin -bios), with FPTW64 -f backup.bin -bios) will work this time.
Regardless never ever EVER edit menus directly from the downloaded bios from dell's website, ever. Only use FPTW64.exe and create a backup. That is at least 100% safe.
Can you create a backup and then post it here please?
Use command in administrator mode: FPTW64.exe -d backup.bin -bios
You can get FPTW64 from the win-raid forums.
I’d play a game for 30 minutes so you can get an picture of temps with both gpu and cpu under load. If you can take a short video - you can email it to alienware support.
If your unit is representative of the r5, it seems to me the r4 is the better 1 to go for in price until nvidia release the next gpus in August.
Do you have an image of the external? I wondered what the new black finish was like on the r5 compared to the r4?
Hope you get sorted tomorrow tech support are open from 9am until 8pm in uk time. They are usually very helpful. -
Just ask for another brand new unit. Let's see if I could get a new AW with core I9 as a replacement or not. And maybe I will upload videos showing how hot it could be in tropical country where ambient temp is always over 30*C
thats exactly what happened with my R4 when I ordered it when released the tech guy came and change the heatsink andstill didnt fixed the problem and I returned it.. but decided to go again with the r5 as all the ads was on the cooling thought it have solved the problem... so yeh I decided to do the teest right from the first day so I can give it back if I have to, but glad to hear your thoughts and advice I probably will return the have 14 days return but even so i should have it sorted with them... when I ordered I didnt mention about the new colourway so in the end I got the same colourway as the r4 as on the r5 we have both colours to choose from... thanks I opened the case on friday already but hope hear from them tomorrow and try to get them to have a look after work when I am home.
Cheers -
Shame they don’t do the gtx1080 with the 8750h cpu - lower temps.
Did you buy m.2 pcie drive with it? If so, who manufactured it an what model is it ... Samsung pm. / toshiba xg ?
Hope you get sorted asap. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
@Testa did you follow my instructions and make a backup of your bios yet? It only takes 2 minutes to do.
It ships from manufacturing facility in China. Not the Netherlands.
About the tests. I presume if we max all 6 cores/12 threads that will give us 100% CPU (say with 12 threads in an infinite loop doing maths ? or maybe we need something more sophisticated? for example a hashing algorithm or say a black and scholes model or a chess engine to actually try and exceed the L1/L2 cache? would it even make a difference? do some instructions spend more energy than others per clock cycle?) and I also presume that the CPU should be able to maintain its advertised base clock of 2.9GHz ?
This is the test I will run - max all CPUs (cores) and see if they drop below 2.9GHz. My i7-4710MQ did drop to 900MHz when hot if I remember correctly (base 2.5GHz). The problem was bad quality / old (brittle) thermal paste between heatsink and CPU. Now using Arctic - I only repatsed it a few days ago and so far it's at 68C max - but no huge stress. -
@Falkentyne thank you very much for the advice, at this stage I will not perform any further test apart from the usual softwares to test the drive out as I might return the unit and dont want to affect it, and only keeping the seetings that the alienware create... I will keep update to see whats going to happen...
@doofus99 said that in a normal use of the laptop if I keep looking the clock speed it drops the speed for like 1.52...1.78... 4.1..2.16 all varing between it... when we said base clock of 2.9ghz? it means the clock speed should never drop below that clock speed at any moment? if so it is because throttling?Vasudev likes this. -
Rei Fukai, raz8020, Vasudev and 1 other person like this.
Is the R5 overheating straight out from the box or did you get custom thermal pads etc say from HID?
Vasudev likes this. -
Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
I imagine the return rate on the 15r4 and 17r5 will be significant given the lack of performance. If you want one, I would wait and grab one from the outlet at a significant discount.
On the i7-4710MQ inside the Clevo 17" laptop, with new thermal paste (a few days old), running Aida64:
CPU tests - max power 34W, multiplier x33, 3.3GHz, temps 67C
FPU tests - max power 55W @ x30, 3.0GHz, temps 86C, then mult drops to 28x / 82C / 46.5W
The FPU is very power hungry, obviously! In addition the i7-4710MQ is rated at 47W, and at 55W it is already well over its specs, so it drops the multiplier to stay within its TDP.
From Intel:
"Thermal Design Power (TDP) represents the average power, in watts, the processor dissipates when operating at Base Frequency with all cores active under an Intel-defined, high-complexity workload. Refer to Datasheet for thermal solution requirements."
It would appear that the BIOS or Windows (I am not sure which) reduces the multiplier to try and stay within the TDP and/or at a reasonable temp (eg 82C).
(I had an old MSI motherboard with an AMD CPU that allowed it to reach over 90C if I remember correctly and it was done in the BIOS.) -
55w is not "over specs" that is the short term power limit.
In your cpu test you should be at 3.5ghz not 3.3ghzraz8020 likes this. -
Last edited: Apr 23, 2018Rei Fukai and Vistar Shook like this.
Rei Fukai and Vistar Shook like this.
Your preaching to the choir on locked VS unlocked. I'm well aware.
Still doesn't change the facts that 4700mq is capable of 3.4ghz on all four cores as long as you didn't buy the machine for the express purpose of running prime. -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
Enviado de meu Pixel 2 usando TapatalkLast edited: Apr 23, 2018 -
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*OFFICIAL* Alienware 17 R5 Owner's Lounge
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by alexnvidia, Apr 11, 2018.