Agreed 100% but heck if somone gets good temps thats only hope for us, but freaking do it in your reviews specially if it was cherry picked for you @ proffesional reviewers.
Last edited: May 28, 2018Vasudev likes this.
Should I cancel my order or give it a chance? It's really unclear Dell gurrenteed me it's fixed 100%.
Either way you have 14 days to return it so best to wait and see.StarChildEvan likes this. -
propeldragon likes this.
StarChildEvan likes this.
Probably because dell won't send them anything more if they really criticise the machine.
That being said, if you watch aero 15x and msi stealth 8th gen cpu reviews they do both mention throttling too.StarChildEvan likes this. -
Vasudev, StarChildEvan and raz8020 like this.
Aristotelhs2060 Notebook Virtuoso
What I can say from my point of view as a user for 3 weeks (sending it back today) is that the laptop has generally good average temps (even in benchmarks). It looks like the way it works is to stop using one core when it reaches that high temps and start using another core. Hence the better average (which can still be over 90C). However, the cooling system cannot cope with the high temp spikes which result in thermal throttling obvious in games like farcry 5. And it looks like no brand can deal with the temp spikes now showing especially on i9.
If you ask me, it is a time of waiting. And Dell does not sell 1080 without the i9 or you can get previous R4 (which still has heating issues as I have seen). They seem to try to sell the new CPU no matter what. Probably Dell took stock from Intel and of course they are trying to get rid of them (in addition to marketing reasons).Last edited: May 29, 2018Vasudev and StarChildEvan like this. -
Vasudev and StarChildEvan like this.
My temps in Europe are goo din general, around 80c for the CPU and 70c for the GPU under load. But here in Asia where the ambient temps are higher it can reach up to 90c without undervolt and 86c with undervolt. The GPU stays at a nice 75c but it saturates the CPU heatsinks with additional heat too. 65c when the CPU alone is stressed though. So I need to re-pad it and make the laptop be as efficient as possible with transfering heat away from its components.
Ambient temps here now are about 28c with the aircon off and with aircon on around 25c (never push the aircon too much, its bad for your health)
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Aristotelhs2060 Notebook Virtuoso
Donald@HIDevolution I see you have done it on that MSI then. It maybe the only one then. However this is still after re-pasting and not out of the box. How is it like on 17 R5 after re-pasting?
Don’t think HIDevolution had the chance yet to re-paste a Alienware R5 17 as of yet , as they did say in a previous post in this thread they will let us know how they get on once they do it
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
Aristotelhs2060 Notebook Virtuoso
Hi11zone laptop is with them I think
I think the titan can only get away with it because of how thick it is compared to the AW (and a better cooling system as a result) -
Aristotelhs2060 Notebook Virtuoso
A general remark about fan volume levels, I think there should be a forum dedicated to quiet laptops, in my opinion everyone keeps posting screenshots of benchmark scores and game FPS but they do not mention the fan noise. Personally, I do not care how well it scores in cinebench if it's like a jet engine in the room.
The Dell AW17 R5 had a "quiet" profile but it was oscillating throttling continuously because it was hard/impossible to lock the i9 down to a frequency and ask it to stay put. It is like an aggressive dog on a short leash vaulting forward, getting caught by the leash, springing back and over again!
I think mine was broken, and not all AW 17 R5s are like that, but the i9-8950HK could not maintain its base frequency of 2.9GHz in *any* fan profile other than the full fan speed plus laptop base with fans and that was disturbingly loud.
And in that respect I do not think there is a laptop that manages to tame the i7-8700K or the i9-8950HK in conjunction with the GTX 1080 without ridiculous fan noise.electrosoft likes this. -
My Eurocom Sky X4C with the delidded 8700k, copper ISH and conductonaut and when I'm playing a game that taxes more the CPU than GPU, the laptop is pretty silent.
Again, it really depend on what you did to try to "tame" your CPU, but it is possible to have a powerful CPU in your laptop without having the fans screams. -
The P775 has a larger case than the X4C (17.3" vs 15.6") and yet it gets too hot (and loud) with i7-8700K and GTX 1080 ...
Usually, or with my games at least, the GPU is at 100% and the CPU cruising at 5%-20% - the 1080 GPU pulls 180W+ and the CPU at a modest 20W-40W. -
Maybe you didn't tweak it enough because I can assure you that it's "easy" to cool a 8700k, even when playing far cry 5, the cpu stay in the high 60s and low 70s with the usual random peak in the 80s.Rei Fukai likes this. -
Such a shame I had the R4 7820HK with the 1080 the whole reason I bought this R5 was for the fixed cooling and new command center. I got sick of the 10 motherboard replacements. Was denied an exchange as they said let us replace it again. So I bought the R5.
iv got AW tech support on the phone, im waiting for them to give me temps....
he is checking now....
he says 8950hk under gaming load should be 50 degrees
Vasudev and propeldragon like this. -
sorry now he says that 50 deg is from intel website normal operating temp.
iv asked him what are the temps of the cpu and gpu when they are squashed into the laptop hisconpany makes, surely they have data on this before they ship them?
he is checking..... -
im glad i got them to call me he is taking ages!
you would think this info is at hand considering last gen thermals?! -
Actually the GTX 1080 pulls 180W and even more depending on OC! The 17.3" P775TM1 cannot keep it cool enough, there are threads of desperation over at the Clevo forums. I am not sure why your 1080 only draws 145 Watts ? Maybe you are not loading it enough.
Here is a screenshot from my ex Dell Alienware 17 R5 UHD with GTX 1080 in World of Warcraft full settings was drawing around 170W with peaks over 180W, whereas the CPU is not being used so much. The AW 17 R5 did a great job at keeping the 1080 at a cool 74C but as you can see the i9 CPU is cooking and throttling all the time - the basic problem with the Alienware 17.
On the Clevo forums the P775TM1-G cannot keep the 1080 cool, no idea why. Someone even mounted extra heatpipes and it did not help. Both the PSU and the laptop were shutting down.
Considering the AW17 is thinner than the P775TM1-G I'd say well done Dell.
he says according to the average manual temps for cpu should be no higher than 60, he sent me a link to the maunal.
i said that average is no good i want to know the temps when gaming after a few hours but he said they are not given this info.
he said you can return the machine up to 14 days if not happy.
i think to be fair we have to accept all laptops will get very hot with stock cooling.
copper shims, liquid metal, fuji pads, raise the machine an inch off the desk and it should be ok.
i did this with my 15 r3 and cpu temps dropped from 97 to now 77. -
Ah the laptop was standing on a Coolmaster U3 Plus base with 3 fans...Last edited: May 29, 2018Papusan and paulrs1975 like this. -
im buying this tomorrow, will rwport back stock temps are and after i repaste with thermal grizzly.
Alienware 17 R5
8th Generation Intel® Core™ i9-8950HK (6-Core, 12MB Cache, Overclocking up to 5.0GHz)
Operating System
Windows 10 Home 64bit English, Dutch, French, German, Italian
Video Card
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1080 OC with 8GB GDDR5X
17.3 in QHD (2560 x 1440) 120Hz TN+WVA AG 400-nits NVIDIA G-SYNC, Tobii Eye-tracking- Silver Chassis
16GB, 2x8GB, DDR4, 2666MHz
Hard Drive
512GB PCIe M.2 Class 50 SSD
Killer 1435 802.11ac 2x2 WiFi and Bluetooth 4.1
Internal UK/Irish (QWERTY) Backlit Keyboard
Extended Service
1Yr Premium Support with Onsite Service
Accidental Damage Support
1 year Accidental Damage Protection
Microsoft Application Software
Microsoft Office 30 Day Trial - Excludes Office License
Protect your new PC
McAfee LiveSafe Consumer 12 Month Subscription
AC Adapter
330 Watt AC Adapter
Primary Battery
Lithium Ion (99 Wh) Battery
UK Power Cord (240W/330W)
FGA Module
Custom BTO Configuration
Placemat for English
Killer 1435 Wireless driver
Shipping Material
Non-Microsoft Application Software
Forza Motorsport 7 Included in Purchase
Regulatory and Environmental Labels (330W)
Order Information
Alienware Order
English, French, German, Italian, Dutch Shipping Docs
Retail Label
No EAN Shipping Box Label
Retail Information
Not Selected in this Configuration
Operating System Resource Media
Recovery USB Media Not Included
Processor Label
Intel® Core™ i9 Processor Label
Documetation not included
Color Choice
Market Price
- £352.92
Item Total (excl delivery):
Estimated Ship Date
01/06/2018 -
look what i found, anyone used this before?|aff|cj|3640576#pd-104 -
It was raised sitting on top of a Coolermaster U3 -
imagine if that was on a desk flat!!!!
bsod -
Do you know that to overclock the pascal cards, you actually have to undervolt them?
The thread you're refering to is a guy who soldered an extra heatpipe and didn't do it properly and ****ed up his whole laptop, not really a good example.
Why you're arguing the fact that you can't cool a 8700k in a laptop is beyond me, @Papusan posted many screenshots of his 8700k in a Z170 chipset barely breaking the 60s while being overclocked at 5.2ghz.
Are you trying to justify the fact that Alienware heatsink and quality control is ****?Last edited: May 29, 2018 -
Since I am a man of his words, here are the screenshots
I said 1900mhz but it is 1873mhz, I am sorry.
Here's the final run after 5 runs of firestrike:
It is 25 degrees in my room atm, kind of hot so it's probably playing on the results here.Attached Files:
But neither do I have shares in Clevo or in one of their resellers. Or in MSI. And I do not care much about laptops either.
I am just saying that I believe from what I have read about here and on reviews that the GTX 1080 inside a laptop means high temps, high fan noise volumes, high CPU temps, throttling, or a combination.
I also note that in so many comments fan noise is not considered, only performance vs heat.
Have you noticed that some Clevo resellers do not even sell the P775 with the 1080? The P870TM1 is better in temps since it can handle SLI. Maybe if you undervolt the CPU and the GPU you get better mileage, as you said your 1080 only draws 145W but mine drew its rated max, 180W, and still it was not approaching the 100FPS frame limit I set in WoW. As I see it, in a typical game, WoW, you'd have 180W + 40W of heat to dissipate, plus the heat generated by the PCH and the SSDs, probably over 250W. The i7-8700K may draw more than 40W, considering that the 330W PSU of the P775 could not keep up.
Papusan can tell us how cool and quiet his laptop is when gaming ? -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Why is my 230W GTX 1070 beating this 1080's graphics score?Rei Fukai likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
GPU heat will saturate the CPU radiator, reducing efficiency of the radiator and the CPU fan, causing CPU temps to still be hotter at full load.
MSI GT series has similar issue, despite no PHYSICAL contact whatsoever between CPU and GPU cooling system (on this Acer there is physical contact):
Radiator heat from GPU VRM radiator gets dissipated by the CPU fan, which causes CPU radiator ambients to rise up, making the CPU overall temp be close to the GPU temp, even with very low load on the CPU (like 2 threads, etc).
Even with perfect air heatsinks, having ambient temps rise due to heat radiation from parts is difficult to solve without isolated blocks. That's probably the only good thing about desktop "Vacuum blower" GPU heatsink systems; those blowers exhaust all of the hot air out of the case, with only the PCB radiation itself heating up the rest of the ambient air. Fully enclosed water blocks prevents any of this, as the block will absorb all of the heat.Rei Fukai likes this. -
At stock settings, 95% of laptops are **** and that's being polite.
My 1080 only draw 150W because I undervolted it, increasing its clock while also lowering the watts it draws.
If you didn't play with any settings then yeah you'll get more heat and draw more power.
I stopped playing WoW some time ago so I don't have any time left but it would have been a pleasure to show you that in your case it seems that you either had a really average card or simply didn't play with your settings.Rei Fukai likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Listen to me and brother @Papusan
Cancel your order. Stay far away from this cancer.
if you want true high performance laptop that works properly as it should, buy a Clevo P870 TM with proper cooling and from a Prema partner like HIDevolution (DO NOT BUY from a non Prema partner, PERIOD).
If you don't want a high performance laptop, buy some $500 disposable trash you can carry around with you to do your work on without breaking your back. And spend the rest on a desktop.Rei Fukai, oSChakal and StarChildEvan like this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
MSI Titan cancerbook can "deal" with it only after modding the firmware to remove some cancer overvoltage shenanigans, then disabling Intel Terminal Velocity Boost by unlocking advanced Bios Menus to access this setting to turn it fully into a "crappy, hotter badly binned 8700K".. But you won't be able to exceed 4.5 ghz on all 6 cores without overheating on the unlocked SKU, WITH liquid metal.
Alienware can't deal with it no matter what you try to do with this aborted fetus.Rei Fukai, raz8020, StarChildEvan and 2 others like this. -
I'm sure that this has been said before, but an expensive gaming rig that FUNDAMENTALLY cannot fulfill its main purpose correctly of playing games without blowing like a fat man on a marathon, getting hotter than a supernova, and throttling like a horny BDSM freak is just not fit for purpose.
It was bad enough with the 17 R4. But fixable - just. (Not that one should have to). But this i9 at 5 gHz??? I'll pass, and take a keen interest in where the AW engineers and designers take the new form-factor and, especially, cooling system.raz8020, Falkentyne and oSChakal like this.
*OFFICIAL* Alienware 17 R5 Owner's Lounge
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by alexnvidia, Apr 11, 2018.