Tried to power on my 3 day old R4 this morning. No power at all, dead. The power supply has a green light so I assume its working. Any ideas?
Open the back panel, remove CMOS battery cable and do a proper power reset.
Been onto Dell and they tried to fix it over the phone. They reckon the MB has gone. They are getting in touch on Monday.
Do you know where the battery is on the R4? I have the 6820 with 1080 version. -
on my 17 r3, one time it wouldn't turn on, i plugged in my USB peripherals back in the USBs and it powered on then, try plugging anything that was unpl7gged after it was shutdown.
Gov. Rick Perry Notebook Consultant
on my AW17R4 i have an issue where if one of my external hard drives is connected to USB it wont boot past post or it will refuse to turn on.
Then I saw this...and I must say "OUCH!" junk right out of the box, I'd ask for RMA if I were you...you didn't pay AW/DELL to sell you their crap and letting their consumers to do the QC for them...bad! -
Yep, puts me off completely.
However, don't say I didn't warned you: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/recommend-me-an-alienware-laptop.801685/#post-10465564 and you kind of agreed but decided to go for it anyway.
I'm always telling most people here in NBR (you) who are looking for a gaming laptop to wait for a new revision to come out this 2017 and I can't stress it enough, then comes another NBR forum member who tries to push his own ideals suggesting to get one now instead, this type of people doesn't know any better. Now you're dealing with something that it shouldn't be happening in the first place, you're not to blame but these laptop manufacturers are, paying them a premium price and sending you their garbage has always been unacceptable.
I'll ask for a refund instead of waiting for them to send a technician to fix the problem...it has always been like this "don't mind the QC of our products, just send in a tech guy if a problem should occur" like I never heard that before.Rannochuk likes this. -
I did order the 13 but the wait time was ridiculous so i cancelled it. If they cant fix the R4 on Tuesday I'll return it and build a gaming pc instead.
Beemo likes this. -
Anyways, whatever is the result good luck to you bro. Building a gaming desktop is always the safest route to take (as long as you know what you are doing).Rannochuk likes this. -
HIDevolution cost too much here. I dont think they could have foreseen it breaking down..
I have opened an eBay return for the laptop. I think that it's too expensive an item to breakdown in 72 hours. I dont have any confidence in it now. Dell are supposedly getting back to me tomorrow so I'll update the thread even though I'm retuning it.
I have just ordered a m.2 adapter to delete some off the SSD, I am in the process of securely wiping the 2.5 SATA HD that contained my Dropbox folder, dont want Dell peeping at that lol
An engineer has been assigned (lucky me) lets see if they have the part to be able to replace the montherboard tomorrow.
Assuming it is the board.
EDIT: It was the power button board, all sorted.Beemo likes this. -
I saved 1k buying from eBay, well worth it.
Can you name a company that doesnt have a failure rate at all?
All mass produced tech has a failure rate. Look up any desktop mobo that you think is the best, ASUS, MSI, whatever.
Then go to NewEgg / Amazon and look at the 1 star reviews. 90% are failures. Do this for Video cards, Hard drives, laptops, routers switches, etc etc etc.
Dell, HP, MSI, ASUS, Clevo, Cisco, whatever. They all have failures.
A couple things to note...
First, HID Evo might do QC yes, but you are paying for the QC in their inflated prices.
The only reason they can even do that is because when you compare the volume of sales to that of Dell/Alienware its a smaller fraction split up but several resellers.
To some this might be Okay so I don't think there is anything wrong with what they are doing. Me personally I handle my own QC. If there is a problem I get it handled.
Second, take note of how fast he got the power button board resolved.
He talked to tech support on March 5th and then by March 6th he had a tech at his house with all the parts needed to fix the issue.
If he would have had Clevo, Sager (yes I know same as Clevo), HP, MSI, Asus, Acer, or really any other brand (aside from Lenovo), his laptop would still be in transit to where ever it needed to go for repair.
Then he would have to wait for the repair (which often involves the reseller or repair center waiting on parts). He then would have to wait for the laptop to ship back to him.
In the best case scenario this would take a week. In the worst case this can take 2 to 3 weeks.
I fail to see where the "garbage" is.Last edited: Apr 5, 2017MogRules, Bisvic, iunlock and 1 other person like this. -
Papusan likes this.
Your statement is inaccurate and flawed.
Give me a brand and a model that you suggest.
We have had our hands on a wide variety of systems from 2016 and 2017.
Many many are really nice. However with that amount of systems we have encountered we also have encountered our fair share of problems with most companies.
Again one shouldn't buy a system based on the occasional failure or QC issues if that was the case you shouldnt buy any system from any company.
One should buy a system based on their own personal needs and desires.
To many Alienware's are very well rounded and hold their own.
If the other systems trumped the Alienware we would own it, plain and simple.Vasudev likes this. -
so yeah, with your reaction you're nothing but butt hurt so go ahead and join with the rest of your butt buddies and Failenware fanboys.Papusan likes this. -
That's simply not true. If you knew me or my tram you would know we are far from fan boys. In the current state of the industry we just prefer Alienware. We have had our hands on every major comparable laptop and turned back to AW for various reasons not becuase of any fanboyism, it's always because the systems were subpar in some form or another.
Either way this back and forth has gone on long enough and is simply counter productive. Perhaps your time and efforts would be better suited giving back and tacking positive about brands or systems you like rather then bashing systems you clearly dislike.
Fanboys are people that stick to a brand regardless of their current state. A product could suck badly and a Fanboy would still defend their purchase.
This is true for the opposite of fan boys. They tend to be critical and bashing even when they are presented with facts that speak to the contrary. Either way, Fanboy or opposite are irrationally biased, which I am far from.
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalkcootje1976 likes this. -
Papusan likes this.
There is no such thing as a perfect company that ships out perfect products. Sucks, but that's just how it is.
The newer AW's if kept stock run just fine and the temps are pretty good with minimal core differentials.
I did joke about the whole custom built rolling suit case desktop with chrome wheels and this was intended for those who would give up on laptops all together if stuff hits the fans....the only string left are the small companies who are still offering dtr's, but they have major issues of their own. One at the top of the list being QC issues.
To call it garbage is a bit extreme, because there are issues with all companies. If based on purely QC alone, every company can be defined as garbage if judging it off of QC issues, because they all have it.
The new AW Kaby's are much improved and runs fine if kept stock, but not everyone goes into buying systems to keep it stock so what matters here when making a buying decision is asking yourself if that "issue(s)," can be fixed or not. If it can...then the world is your oyster... for the issues that can not be fixed, like cheap build quality, unless one plans to build their own custom chassis, that is considered, "not fixable."
I don't want to get too off topic here, but the point is, if you go to any ODM's forum, you'll find QC related issues on every company.Vasudev likes this. -
@DeeX and @iunlock: What @Midas Touch was talking about was, as a whole AW is riddled by temps issues( and others as well) which impacts people who are not very knowledgeable about PC disassembly and things like that. Enthusiasts are tweakers and will disassemble their system(s) to tune their PC/Lappies/Tablets and whatever they lay their hands on!
After Repaste and other stuff like re-padding, lapping HSFs etc. AW is very good, this is my opinion. I think @Papusan will disagree here and say BGA is crap( which is part true ), @Papusan needs the best portable PC that behaves as a full Desktop w/o any compromises.Papusan likes this. -
I've seen more than enough, to have my opinion about these newer modern thin Alienware Echo models with welded on hardware that arrived the market early 2015. There were problems with the former Aw socket models too... But not in this massive scale!! This below is only a few exemples of recurring problems.
TRIPOD FIX - SSD overheating - more of same SSD overheating but with other ssd brand... Heat KILLING the SSD's in the new Alienware line!! - Battery draining - More of same PROBLEM - Battery drain to 95% several times a day - More AW MESS - And even more BATTERY DRAIN
And Dell still havent fixed the previous Alienware 15 R1 Throttle mess to 0.78 GHz And if you ask questions on AW social media I expect they know all this and don't want give you answer back.
Yeah, I knowYooo will find much more if yooo Gooogle
And I have not added none of all the PCH overheating problems I have seen in newest models, which already came with the early 2015 models.
Dell removed their Flagship the 18 inch models, as AW 18 does not fit into their new strategy as "portable gaming on the go". MSI, Asus and Acer have since come with 18 inch machines and taken over the relay stick from Dell. There are other times now brother @Vasudev
"Portable gaming on the go" Dell's new goal for Gaming laptops!!
Vasudev likes this. -
It usually takes months, half a year or more for even the smallest change to happen in a company. Even more so with a huge one like Dell.. So for them to have initiated a change this quickly for a company that big... Give credit to where it's due.
Is it perfect? No. But that's not the point.
We're fully aware of the initial short comings, in fact it was I (thanks to all those who have contributed to confirm this finding ) who had found the heat sink issue and cause.
Then very soon after making this public, Dell acknowledged it and made attempts to fix it with using different pads and changing out the stamp with paste on the cpu.
It wasn't a miracle fix, but the point is that there was action.
Would we see this fast change and taking of action from msi, Asus, acer, clevo etc... ?
Nope. Even with my MSI with the cheap build quality lid I had tried to message them several times, yet no answer. Even the 7Rf is the same with no changes. Just an example.
There are things we can pick out and nark on with any brand laptop.I can even go down the list of all the ones in my sig lol...
There is no perfect laptop, but like you've said with a little work on the AW, it's a great laptop and performs very well. (new kaby expecially).
I hope it grows a new leg so it can be normal again.
With jokes aside, you should also list the short comings and issues of other brands as well like clevo etc... Because they have dirt too.
There's no denying the issues with Dell / AW, it's unfortunate, but the same can be said about other brands too with their own fair share of problems. Some even worse like, things that are not fixable.
Also, I wouldn't consider my aw 17R4 Kaby an echo model at 4.7GHz (yes stable) with almost 25K in graphs score that has beat out everything in its class and in ratio just as impressive as those in the heavier weight division.
To be fair, yes I know that most people will run their systems stock. Have to keep in mind that enthusiasts are a small minority which is the cause of those 18" goodness getting scrapped. Sad indeed...
If clevo would just fix their QC and build quality, they would captivate a lot of buyers...
Every company has dirt and a lot of times the list of things are just as equal in their own regard.
::iunlock:: -
I post a lot in threads. See *Official* nVidia GTX 10xx Series notebook discussion thread + other as well
But what I have seen from Dell since early 2015 with the Echo models is rather special. As I said in previous post... Also older AW models with socket hardware had problems. But not like this.
Last edited: Apr 6, 2017iunlock likes this. -
The newer machines still have a stamp on the GPU, but actual paste on the CPU.
As we know the GPU does pretty well with almost nothing lol...even Crest Toothpaste so even thought that stock stamp is not preferred, it's getting by due to the simple fact that the GPU is very resilient with a lot of tolerance to be able to hold its own.
Edit: Takk for the big 7.Last edited: Apr 6, 2017 -
@Papusan: AW 18 will make a comeback because other PC ODM are making it, it is matter of time until Dell preps for 18 unit with LGA/BGA just as Dr. @Papusan ordered. It will take time though and Frank Azor will re-align market strategy.
As for SSD overheating issue, Dell will switch parts from Toshiba to Samsung 960 OEM at no cost, but some users are reporting this. I think this is region specific.
Regarding all the ****y ssd's Dell prefer pushing out... If people get cheapo ssd's as stated. Return it and get Samsung drives without cost or claiming refund for the ssd's costs.
The battery life improvement is for portable gaming as advertised. Could be meant for battery boost as well(I expect you by now, know the history).
But there's just enough understanding there to get the job done. Quick and fast.
::iunlock::Vasudev likes this. -
Stock temp @88-90c and you were saying they fixing/addressing the issue?Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017 -
The revisions to the AW's are in waves and the unit that Steven got, could very well be one of the earlier 'revision/batch,' units and/or just an unlucky one.
Also keep in mind that review units go through the ringer as it's passed from one person to another...
Nevertheless, I've just completed two 15R3's yesterday and the day before and working on a new 17R4 (7820HK/GTX1080) tonight.
From what I can see first hand, stock, the temps are very good for out of the box.
Fire Strike Combined Loop (Full Screen) test has been running for about an hour now on the 17R4 and the temps are very good for stock.
.Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017Vasudev likes this. -
No changes...
Killed by the predecessor. Previous AW model with 6820hk. Both Oc'd
And no changes from Dell tech support either!!
Last edited: May 23, 2017Ashtrix, Donald@Paladin44 and Beemo like this. -
Seriously, you're only saying that so people will keep sending you their already crippled units so you can make money out of them.Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017 -
Don't buy from HIDEvo if you're getting an Alienware system.
No offense meant to hidevo, still a great shop to buy Clevos from. -
How can you support this accusation?
Unless we know the unit's build date through service tag, it's not possible to say it's new or old. Could be that he ordered and got an old one through refurb or something.Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017 -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Right before buying my MSI GT73VR Titan Pro, I was contemplating buying the Alineware 17 R4 and when I spoke with their tech support to tell them about my concerns with the heat that I'm readon on the forums, they told me that they figured out a way to tame the temps by a big margin so heat shouldn't be an issue. I eventually went with the MSI GT73VR Titan Pro just because I like the FHD screen more than the QHD 120hz panel offered on the Alienware 17 R4.
If anything, one should ONLY buy an Alienware 17 R4 from HIDevolution due to how they manage to tame the temps unlike what you are saying without any details.
It's very easy to troll heh?Beemo likes this. -
You're taking anything and everything you can find as face value to support your bga bashing...
Make sure that your sources are credible or the info that you use with no first hand knowledge holds very little weight.
Are you slow or something? Think about it kid...
How would me bringing positive results by saying that temps are good stock, be of benefit....
Think about it... if what you are saying was true (Which it is not) don't you think I'd be here saying how bad the temps suck? DUUUHH?Just incredible some people...
Is that too hard for your to comprehend?
How small do you feel now?....Exactly...
It's quite funny how I'm sitting here watching Fire Strike Loop Combined Test at Full Screen running for the paste 4, almost 4 and a half hours just laughing at your rubbish remarks..
The ignorance of yours is clear in that you failed to realized that I have stated the word, "stock" several times..
Learn to read...because your incompetence just back fired on you.
How do you feel now?
Exactly... Enough said.Last edited: May 23, 2017 -
@Papusan , how does your Clevo run stock out of the box at 44x. Post temps please. - And no going outside in your -10000C weather. No cheating...
Lets keep things real here. If you're so quick to jump on something based on one source, then it's only fair to bring balance to your up front nature...
Fair game...
Don't cheat... most of us in the States or abroad have an ambient temp of around 22-24C on avg indoors...give or take...Last edited: May 23, 2017 -
1. NO ebates/cashback
2. Very little promotional discount/seasonal discount
3. VERY LITTLE haggling space for discount
4. Laptops are listed at retail price, alongside the upgrades
5. NO Dell member cashback
6. Not easy to return / refund in case you change your mind 180degs
7. Pay for return shipping, restocking fees
8. dunno, anything else?
9. Dell can do in-home service for you (this is standard 1 year premium warranty)
10. Prema bios not applicable for Alienware
Oh and swapping RAM / SSD doesn't require flipping the motherboard like the 2 ram slots on the GT73VR (I still think this is an idiotic idea)Last edited: May 23, 2017 -
I find it hilarious how the people who hasn't even seen the units in person, let alone work on them almost on a daily basis speak as if they know what they are talking about...
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 = this are all one point, price. You gotta pay to play! you want cheapo service or quality checked machines with proper thermal paste jobs and a machine that works great out of the box?!
6 = Yes there is easy returns, HIDevolution does have a 1 month return policy if you don't like the machine
7 = that's what the global warranty is for, pay for restocking fees? any reseller would do that
8 = really?
9 = yeah so? if you buy it from HIDevolution or ANY other reseller for that matter, the Dell on site support is still applicable worlwide provided the country being used in does have Dell Service Centers. If I were to buy a Dell laptop from the USA for example, Dell Dubai told me I can simply call them and have the warranty moved locally to Dubai for no extra charge
10 = what does that have to do with HIDevolution?
Papusan likes this. -
6 = easy return sure, read below
7 = dell pays for return, dell doesn't charge restock fees AT ALL.
8 = maybe
9 = means that you don't have to pay the extra premium to get the QC
10 = HID's biggest advantage is prema bios and the extra mile they do on the Clevos, on the Alienware you don't get that advantage and therefore they lose the exclusive bios feature
I'm not doubting the QC, but you're paying a LOT more for what you can possibly get it from Dell.
My previous Alienware 17R4 maxed out with 6820/1080 costed over 3300$ retail, with special discounts and not including credit card cashback, ebates [10% last year], and Dell gift card [worth a free backpack and hat] I was able to get it for 2760$.
Also this is straight from HID, not me.
I will gladly buy a Clevo from HID, not an Alienware though.
I haven't been charged ONCE for shipping and/or restocking fee by Dell, I have returned a couple 17R4 due to change of mind and/or bigger discounts within 30 days. -
Here you go @Midas Touch and @Papusan ...
No one said it was perfect. We all know that...nothing new.
The point is that the temps and core differentials are much improved from the earlier units, out of the box and bone stock. Get it?
If you're going to make accusations, why don't you back it up with something credible?
Because everything that you're saying holds no weight.
This is a 17R4/7820HK/GTX1080 of the latest units...Just got it in...
So there you have it...
Does it hurt that bad that a company is actually doing something to improve their products?
I don't care if this was any other brand, if they were doing something positive, I'd let it be known just the same....
You know darn sure I would... I'd call it out good or bad...
.Last edited: May 23, 2017 -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
that alone would make me wanna pay the premium to have a system properly pasted, tested, and works out of the box.
If you don't wanna pay the extra, I understand, it's up to you. But I for one would rather pay the premium and not have to deal with useless tech visits from the get go for an overheating machinePapusan likes this. -
Don't just make 1 call and give up there. That's not how a consumer should demand a fix.
HID does good QC for sure, but I don't think it's worth the price hike on Alienware systems. On Clevo systems the QC job is more than worth though. -
The whole issue with Dell is intricate as there are some good people in the mix where they actual give a rats, while the monkey's at the zoo ruin it for everyone.
This was the major problem, but they actually sent the big dogs from the states overseas to deal with these monkey's to 'skoool' them on QC.
Also, I did receive two units from HID where the client opted for the LM and it was not very good at all. They may know a thing or two when it comes to Clevo's, which is great, but from seeing two different units from two completely different sources, who still had to opt for another repaste does speak volume. For what it's worth...
I would be delighted to see any results of temps etc...from the LM that HID did on any given system...
I have yet see to any data outside of the two systems that I've worked on that was specifically from them...where's the proof? It should be abundant. I'm sure we would all love to see it.
No one is denying that the AW's had a horrible start and even now, there may be some here and there with absolute rubbish temps....we all know that.....it sucks and it is a shame.... but the point that I'm trying to make to the two individuals I've pointed out are:
1. Have they seen any of the new systems?
2. Have they had a steady flow of the newer units come across their desk to know first hand the progression of the improvements?
3. How much flight time, if at all do they have with working on these systems?
See what I mean?
That is why it makes me laugh when people have no idea what they are talking about. Especially some of the old timers who have been around for a while...
I mean to jump on something so fast and fierce only to satisfy ones own desire to fuel the hatred toward a certain thing is pretty hasty, in that the source of which is being used is highly in question; which in turn makes any accusations only as credible as the source of which is was derived from....
Then there are kiddos who blab about nonsense, who probably doesn't even own a system....
It's pretty comical...Last edited: May 23, 2017 -
And I expect you have seen a hell lot of the 100,000 units sold. How many are sent out crippled? I can imagine a huge number. It's pure fact. And I will continue post more numbers as well!!Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
I know you are diligent about researching and finding news, but lets be careful and understand everything that is at play here which is very intricate due to the known issues of Dell.
The point and facts that I am making + providing is to display the progression of where the new systems are at today.
This is what I was trying to make clear to that kiddo in that I have no incentive to prove that it is good out of the box if I was trying to catch fish LOL... this is what I find hilarious and absolutely a shot in the foot for that kiddo and he doesn't even realize it.
I'm running the same test right now at 36x, which is 100Mhz above the average of the 7820HK (technically) as it would normally sit at around 35x bone stock. So for what it's worth and to show more facts + more data with a 100MHz in favor of the nay sayers ... just doing what I do.... to show facts and real data.
As for the 100K's of units sold, you and I both know that the majority of the crowd are toys R us kids who don't even know what TDP means so in that regard... come one broWe know them poor chaps are thermal throttling and don't even know it...
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Therefore, let it be apples to apples.
Would you really have any doubts that I wouldn't run it OC'ed on stock paste?Of course I would...
AND I have...we know the stock paste can not handle. Surprise surprise.Nothing we didn't know..
So again, in case you're missing the point here...
What I am showing is stock straight out of the box. Press power, and play...
You should know by now that if it failed miserably, I would also show that just as much... impartial.
. -
Only advertised as overclock able
No power 17 R4
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Rannochuk, Mar 4, 2017.