It wouldn’t be upgradable if they don’t offer low end specs/hardware. This is how the market is.
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
@iunlock They said more display options will come in April? So might want to hold off.
I heard somewhere a 240hz panel might come as well.
@Rei Fukai 119W TDP total when both CPU/GPU are under full load
136W TDP limit otherwise in any other situation.
Probably will only be enough to sustain factory turbo indefinitely.
If only your coupon was $2,000 off not $200\\
It looks like you get the 330w psu only if you choose the RTX 2080, maybe the card is linked to what heat sink you get as you can only get replacements from Dell I’m thinking they would supply a heatsink with the GPU upgrade.
Wonder how much this machine is going to set us back in the UK.. -
Don't know if posted already. -
Wow, people are actually eager to pay money to be a guinea pig/experiment, eyes wide open, in the gimp-o-rama circus? In spite of the clear and unmistakable fact that the firmware is perma-locked, can't be fixed, and with power caps set absurdly low and barely adequate for holding stock performace?
Interesting. No complaining allowed after the fact, LOL. We better get some popcorn ready before the drama starts.Last edited: Jan 10, 2019 -
Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
Aroc, Rei Fukai, Dr. AMK and 1 other person like this.
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
The guinea pig thing can be fun to people too if you have the cash to burn (its a time and money sink like anything else... think sailboat). Some people like to do that kind of stuff (I think they are crazy).Aroc, Dr. AMK, Darkhan and 1 other person like this. -
Pretty sure they will up the TDP once they see that there is demand for it. Wouldn't be suprising in the least. Stop being biased, the notebook isn't out yet and you complain about it being locked, for all we know they could decide to open the TDP limits for enthusiasts.
Way to go complaining about something that doesn't exist yet.IXVIXXII, VoodooChild and Terreos like this. -
As I have already mentioned multiple times in this thread, I am encouraged by a couple of glimmers that reflect intelligence starting to show again from the Alienware brand, but it's way too early to call it a win. I do hope it is though, in spite of low confidence. Redemption is always a good thing. I am all for it, and forgiveness for past transgressions awaits them once the actual proof is produced and good results are clearly evident by my measurements.
Guarded skepticism is very smart, and in the case of this vendor, definitely warranted. It is always better to be pleasantly surprised to learn you were wrong and your concerns were without merit, than to be pissed off about the status quo.
Last edited: Jan 10, 2019TBoneSan, Ashtrix, Awhispersecho and 7 others like this. -
big edit; never mind i missed the text about the pascal GPUs being placeholdersLast edited: Jan 10, 2019 -
ssj92 likes this.
I tweeted to Mr. Azor about 2x330W probably won't get a reply.
What this means is you're basically ordering with 1060/1070/1080 but you'll actually get 2060/2070/2080. It's a way around the pre-orderingraz8020, Papusan, Terreos and 1 other person like this. -
Well played, Dell. That's one way to get around the embargo. -
Alienware makes it look like they are the first to put a modern desktop CPU into a laptop, but Eurocom has been doing this for awhile. You can configure one now with MXM and a full desktop class CPU.
Even Alienware's cooling solution layout looks similar (but not the same) to the F7W.,452,0)TornadoF7W
And unlike the Alienware, this thing supports up to THREE M.2 and TWO 2.5 SATA drives.
And they have a massive 780W single brick power supply.
HA! They even offer MXM upgrades to Alienware laptops: edited: Jan 10, 2019 -
The success in doing this is having the right firmware and thermal management. It's not magic, just a CPU. It used to be common to have socket-mounted CPUs in laptops, then the BGA cancer started spreading. It's treated like a novelty now because of ignorance, but it's really the right way to do things. It is sad that it is not still the norm, and it's kind of sad to see excitement about a vendor doing what should ultimately be status quo across the board, by all vendors. '
So much time has been wasted on BGA. That's sad, too. 5 stinking years of crippled filth and nothing good to show for it. -
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
Rumor has it they (Eurocom) will release a GTX/RTX consumer version (hopefully slashing that outlandish price point). Unfortunately, last I heard, the MSis have that same Cancer firmware @Falkentyne and @Mr. Fox have been talking about that plague almost everything. -
I will wait for reviews and save to get this in 2 years! I would be totally pissed off if I just purchased the M15 or the M17. Buyers remorse totally if this A51 comes out like a decent contender and not be a pretender and get knocked out on the first round.
And, I can confirm it is not a rumor. It is a fact. As a matter of fact, cancer firmware is universal and affects 100% of all notebooks manufactured in the last decade or more. There is not one single model or brand that is actually worth a damn without firmware mods. That is one of the reasons this new Alienware warrants equal scrutiny and a skeptical approach. -
Okay guys, don't know if this is a yes but.... 2x330w might be possible?
Last edited: Jan 10, 2019Rei Fukai, raz8020, Terreos and 1 other person like this. -
Wonder if this single 780W from Eurocom will work?,404,0)ec -
Mr. Fox likes this.
Maybe ask for clarification. Something like, "So, are you saying the laptop will have no limits or restrictions on the amount of power it can draw from the 660W available using two 330W AC adapters, other than the capacity of the AC adapters? Or, are you merely saying it will function with two of them up to an arbitrary functional limit Dell has imposed on the laptop through firmware." -
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
alaskajoel, Ashtrix, Aroc and 4 others like this. -
Brother SJ, ask him what the base config needs to be in order to get the so-called 'big heatsink' + side exhausts. We'd like to know if 8700 + 2080, or, 9700k + 2070 gets it, or is it just 9900k + 2080 buyers get it etc, see if he's chatty tonight for us (that $100 upgrade to 9700k doesn't sound like it buys the heatsink)
thinking out loud here: the presence of the 8700 non-overclockable CPU suggests that overclocking isn't high on their list of priorities for their end-users, it's a red flag actuallyLast edited: Jan 10, 2019 -
Alright this is as much as we're gonna get probably:
If anything changes I'll let y'all know. But I have a feeling that both ports are connected together into the motherboard. From what I saw in the teardowns on youtube they're just connected together to the motherboard. So theoretically, 330w should be possible on either port.
It will be a matter of firmware whether we can access the extra power or not. And let's not forget even Clevo implemented a 480W limit on their P870KM1 systems ( I think DM3/TM1 as well) so I wouldn't be surprised if we're limited by firmware to 510W (330w+180w).Vasudev, Rei Fukai, Terreos and 1 other person like this. -
We can agree on the thermal aspect, but if we look at the TDP of the cards, Alienware has the highest.
The thing you absolutely do not understand is that this notebook they created marks a change in the way Dell/ Alienware are handling their notebooks. This is not the AW 17 or 15 anymore, this is something entirely new. The entire thought process is completely different, Alienware focuses on upgradability and performance more than ever, they focus on DIY, even encourage users to open their own notebook, leaving tons of guides etc. If the community (which they most likely will) ask for a TDP raise it will very likely happen. Thanks to the superior mobo VRM the CPU's are more undervoltable than on the clevo turdbooks leaving lots of space for optimization as well.
You want an example of how Alienware fixed something? Sure:
Notebook from 2012 getting Spectre fix. Show me one other manufacturer that took a notebook this old and still updated the microcode for those who want a safer notebook.
The thing about the thermals on Alienware is that it actually isn't that bad pretty sure @iunlock can show you couple of screenshots of his temps once undervolted and repasted properly, the notebooks are overheating due to bad thermal paste, since most users are casuals, they don't undervolt nor repaste.
So yeah, keep your word and unsubsribe mate. Your skepicism made you blind and ignorant to what is actually going on. Your automatic hate towards notebooks with BGA made you not realize how much superior the notebooks are to the clevo turds you support and love so much and how much you actually give up for slight to almost no noticable performance differences in everyday usage. Hell, in GPU titles a TDP updated Alienware would downright beat your beloved DTR turdbook due to higher TDP.
The fact that people here are mad about Alienwares actual futureproof attempt of a GPU replacement is mindboggling. People here want a dead MXM form factor to be supported which has proven to be absolutely garbage for upgradability, tons of issues arising from different notebooks and GPUs. Hell, there are tons of people here who failed to upgrade due to tons of different reasons, Alienware users need to mod their MXM port for MSI 1070N to work, Dell 1070 doesn't work on anything other than HP or Dell, Gecube cards literally burn, pascal requires eDP and even then only seems to work on 120hz eDP, P150HM doesn't support anything past 680M for stupid pin reasons, LVDS notebooks are basicially done after 980M, You yourself saw how insanely hard it is to get a 1080 working on your P870DM, revisions of different cards won't work certains boards because... reasons and the list goes on.
Meanwhile Alienware has fixed all the issues by making the GPU as replaceable as a desktop GPU. Everything like connections (internal and external) and such are on the PCB of the graphicscard, not like MXM via motherboards, this means even if eDP gets obsolete in 10 years, a notebook from now can work with the newest card, all you need is a panel switch and the new card.
People here have absolutely no clue what Alienware has done here. We can all see how the notebook is constructed and we can see Dell/Alienwares intent. We can clearly see that Alienware spend lots of money and thought into this project. There is no way in hell, that they will let the machine throttle much. If users are complaining about to much throttling, it will get fixed, much like the 1080 cards in the AW 17.alberty, iunlock, alexnvidia and 1 other person like this. -
Says this is something entirely new, with area 51m as its name.
Incongruity at its finest. -
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
. It looked like this:
As a matter of fact I still have it's LGA CPU in my desk drawer!!
Forgot I had this till @TheReciever reminded me it had the same model name.
And its MASSIVE copper pipes and fins under my couch!!
I'm still in the wait for real numbers from production models before I recommend or discredit anything. Everything is meaningless to me until real numbers from real users.
I'm optimistic about LGA adoption from other OEMs just due to the buzz this one caused (The Alienware effect)
EDIT: Also remembered and found my AREA 51M's super janky Geforce GO6800:
Last edited: Jan 10, 2019alaskajoel, Vistar Shook, Vasudev and 3 others like this. -
That's what I call cooling.
It's all entirely new.Vasudev and ThatOldGuy like this. -
TBoneSan, Vistar Shook and Rei Fukai like this.
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
5 full round heat pipes, Handle to lift it
Attached Files:
Vistar Shook, Vasudev, raz8020 and 2 others like this. -
Anyone else see the prices have gone up? This afternoon the max default config (9900K + 2080) came with 16GB of RAM and was $3999. Now it's more expensive with 32GB of RAM, but when you bump that down to 16Gb it's still $4,049. $50 more for the exact same config as earlier.
The Verge even has an article about the max CPU+GPU combo coming in at 4,000.
There's no option to reduce the storage any further to shave that last $50 off. -
That thing should be able to handle tons of LGA CPU's. You could kill someone with that heatsink :'DDr. AMK and ThatOldGuy like this. -
Vistar Shook, Rei Fukai, raz8020 and 1 other person like this.
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
. Alienware just modded the covers back then
CLEVO D900T (from around 2004-2006)
They should not have abandoned the full round heatpipe Cooling. So what it weighed a ton (I think 4.9 Kilos). It was awesome for a lot of things (but Chasis was cheaper plastic than even current Clevo, and Nvidia modular GPUs of that era were wonky as hell).
Check out layout... GPU and CPU are nowhere near each other. Lots of thermal headroom for both if their intakes and fans where better.
Pic taken from interwebs: Credit to Russian guy it looks like
I have no idea where you are coming up with the wild notion of Alienware using better VRMs on their laptop mobos, but that's just crazy talk. Are you just making stuff up? What on earth are you basing this statement on? Something Frankie-boy thought might be cute to throw out there on Twitter or in a AMA session? As Brother @Cass-Olé will gladly confirm for you, these clowns don't even do that on their gimped desktop trash motherboards, so why in the world would they do that on a notebook with 50-75% less TDP limit than what it needs to function correctly? Do you have the schematics and the numbers on all the chips? If this new Alien can't run 5.2GHz like a 9900K in a P870, and doesn't have enough TDP for full stock turbo, why would they waste their money on better VRMs? And, why did they leave them and the other chips uncooled to be cooked to death in their own juices over the past few years? That doesn't seem like something a company that cared about overclocking would do to me, unless maybe they're retarded and don't know better. I'm not saying you're wrong, but where's the evidence to support this? It is contrary to everything else they have done since 2012-2013. We need proof. Please show us so we can have more of a reason to be hopeful than their past behavior gives us.
What I am not proud of is how they gimp the hell out of everything, and have been doing that even back in the day when they made the best laptops anywhere. Even when I was a Alienware fanboy/cult leader kook they sucked real hard at firmware. That has to change for the hardware to be of any value and for them to earn the respect I am sure they want. If they do that, then they'll deserve it as well. If they don't, then they'll be laughing stock. And, LOL at the planned TDP they have already mentioned. That won't let a 9900K run stock. They need to go back to computer science school and learn what it means to not be gimping Nazi control freaks and hire some crazy overclocking nuts in the firmware engineering department.
Brother @Papusan and I have been raining urine and hurling feces on BGA filth since Alienware first announced their unholy alliance with the BGA devil and it's their idiotic behavior that started that. I think it would be really awesome to see them be the one whose behavioral correction is responsible for undoing the mess they really are most responsible for having created. Monkey see, monkey do.Last edited: Jan 10, 2019 -
And of course Thinner and slimmer. The opposite way vs. other Jokebook manufacturers.
It seems people have forgot that Alienware continue its slim design. Even their new LGA books is in fact lighter and smaller than it's previous BGA-BOOKS. Of course they neede add in a awful low power cap if the Apple way continue!
Last edited: Jan 10, 2019 -
Well, on the positive side, while it might have trouble with 9900k, it may well be enough for incoming Ryzen 3 processors or future Intel 10nm processor in 2020.
TBoneSan, Ashtrix, Aroc and 1 other person like this.
NEW!! Alienware Area-51M LAPTOP!! (to replace alienware 15 and 17)
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by QUICKSORT, Jan 7, 2019.