There is no such thing as a "Max-Q" chip. It's just a design they came up with for optimal cooling to (hopefully) reduce thermal throttling and possibly fit a 1070 on 15" notebooks without throttling (not likely).
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Wait they wouldn't do this, would they?Papusan likes this. -
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Ill just go back to building SFF desktops. Im not interested in supporting even larger margins for less product lifespan.
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
ThatOldGuy likes this.
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the max-q chips can't physically get to normal clocks and voltages. Seems like a brilliant way to sell undesirable silicon...not that I would do such a thing...but working at a computer store that I don't own would tie my hands somewhat...
The whole thing smells underhanded to me. Case in point: All the "PC review sites" that make no mention of reduced clock speeds and just simply rave "ZOMG 1080 in impossibly thin chassis".Last edited: Jun 5, 2017 -
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Sorry, might be a bit late, but isn't it kind of strange that they chose 3dmark11 for the gtx 1080 max q. We all know that cpu affects the score, but maybe the gap between the max q and the full-blown notebook 1080s would be higher if they have shown a firestrike run. Based on the 17k 3dmark11 P score, the gpu score could be between 24-26k.
What's the URL link for that one?
I found another notebookcheck review / measurement that put the 1080 Max-Q at 4% higher than a stock 1070, that's still laughable.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Max-Q edited: Jun 6, 2017 -
Huh... those results are quite lackluster...
Perhaps if these results are close to the real thing then maybe its a situation where 1080 max Q = 1070 full fat but at temperatures low enough to fit where at 1070 wouldn't because if this were not the case then not buying the 1070 normal is completely contrary to logic. Otherwise they'd be completely banking on people thinking 1080 is a bigger number than 1070 which admittedly is a part of the strategy regardless.
If this were the strategy I think calling it a 1070 Slim, or something like that would be less confusing even if the underlying chip were indeed a 1080 but they'd miss out on the bigger number is better marketing. eh. It's why I'm not in marketing I guess. -
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Indeed this could be called a scam.Vasudev, hmscott, Papusan and 1 other person like this. -
I'm interested in MAX Q if and only if, I can OC the GPU to the max unlike standard NV 10 series GPU with more current leakage and technical jargon stuff. Otherwise my current 980m is best.
hmscott likes this. -
We have i3 and i5 chips that are faster than some i7 chips but the average person asking me for computer help thinks the i7 in a MacBook is better than an i5 in a desktop. Do we really need to wonder if a 1070 is faster than a 1080 going forwards? That was Intel's job lol.
I can't look at a spec sheet anymore and know where a processor and GPU's relative performance is anymore without resorting to benchmarks. And note where benchmarks were needed for pegging the exact performance of a chip now I need them just to know relative performance!
Each time marketing exceeds the needs for informative and descriptive naming a baby seal dies. Each time obfuscation becomes more profitable the more the marketing guys grab each other's butts. When Apple successfully advertised Macs without using full processor names Microsoft found it profitable too. How many times have you gone to a computer store and had the associate tell you "Well this one has an i7." Well probably none cause you guys aren't freakin idiots.
Last edited: Jun 7, 2017 -
Does anyone know hot the 160watt 1080N runs? Also what kind of OC's are folks seeing out of the 980m? I know the 1070N is 35% faster than the 980m and the 160watt 1080N is about 40+% percent faster and is faster than 2x 980Ms in SLI.
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I do get the need to group naming schemes, but I think I'd do it differently at the very least to highlight performance differences between mobile and desktop. -
Can a Gaming Laptop be Thin & Quiet? Explaining NVIDIA Max-Q
the 1080 GTX as it is can hit its current limit of 180 watts during high demand games such as Prey EASILY at 1440p and 4K. That means that the MaxQ 1080 will MORE than hit its limit of 110 watts way faster and suffer from power throttling extremely fast. It is essentially the same chip, just gutted/crippled on various aspects to make it perform quieter and cooler.
Your 980M is probably the best thing to stick with unless you want to upgrade to a 1080 and have a decent performance jump, altho the 980M should be a beast of an overclocker as well.Vasudev likes this. -
This doesn't make it better for anyone. Products get returned when the customer finds out the truth, they think the sales rep was a deceptive devil, and commission is revoked once the product is back on the shelves, now at a lower clearance price.
It's vicious.
The sales guys shouldn't only be there to point out performance differences. There's way more important concerns that they can be dealing with than just helping customers decipher names.
Hey at least car sales guys get 0-60 numbers but I hear things aren't much clearer. -
Vasudev likes this.
That's just promotional bs. I wanna see them run GTA V max settings 4K on one of those laptops. I have no doubt the laptop could do it on skyrim, but even 1080 desktops struggle with 4K on newer titles
MahmoudDewy likes this.
Wonder Why Nvidia don't used former 980m/980 in this comparison
MahmoudDewy, Vasudev, temp00876 and 1 other person like this. -
Nvidia will have to wait and watch if MAX Q will game @4K for six or eight hours straight w/o throttling. Else we've MAX T( MAX Throttling) 10 series GPUs.
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
shadowyani and Papusan like this. -
Vasudev likes this.
(Max-Q) ASUS Zephyrus - What's Inside the Thin Gaming Beast?
Vasudev likes this. -
The quiet mode with whisper mode frame limiting to 30-40 FPS, while the monitor is 120hz with G-sync at 120 FPS.
I am assuming these benchmark numbers weren't run with Quiet or Whisper, or even Max-Q mode's enabled - it's mentioned you can disable all of it to run at full potential of the GPU / CPU - which has to be a turbine jet engine sounding thermal and power throttling mess in that tiny chassis:
Notice how not one game was able to reach 120 FPS even on a 1080. We need full 1080 / 1070 / 1060 laptop results tested at the same settings for comparison - strangely not provided - the #1 comparison everyone wants.
Notice how it says "*with* Max-Q Design", but it doesn't say *using* or *enabled* Max-Q design, I am assuming these numbers being fairly high are with all the Max-Q controls disabled. Otherwise why not show results with both Max-Q enabled and disabled in the same laptop.
This whole Max-Q thing is going to be a great litmus test for reviewers to see who is reporting straight - finding the Emperor has no clothes, vs. the reviewers that report on how fine the Emperor's new cloths lookLast edited: Jun 8, 2017 -
MahmoudDewy Gaming Laptops Master Race!
So now instead of having gruesome and tiring discussions with family and friends on why is a normal i5 is much faster than a ULV i7 even though one has 5 in the name and the other has 7, I have to do it for GPUs as well.
You have got to be kidding me. -
LOL... The Division on Ultra at 1080p, 99fps average. a whole 14 fps higher than the Max Q design. Performance is 15% worse than the native card itself.
What I'd like to know is if that is the performance with Max-Q and Quiet / Whisper modes enabled? Or, which modes needed disabling to allow for best score?
Given the small chassis and lack of mass for cooling compared to the large frame laptops with higher scores, I'd assume that the scores Nvidia are releasing are with all the "be nice" modes disabled.
I would assume to get that high score the fan's would have to be at full speed and the CPU and GPU are kept on the edge of thermal throttling - just before.
But, the only way to find out is to get one - so please do come back and let us know how it works out -
hmscott likes this.
hmscott likes this.
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by wrathofdeath, May 31, 2017.