I meant the revised AW 15 R3/R4 if they have any plans of releasing it.
Vasudev likes this.
So while people are wondering about the bigger laptops (such as the 15 R3 getting a GTX 1080MQ), I'm wondering if the 13 R3 is getting a GTX 1070MQ. As well, given Nvidia has fan noise guidelines for Max Q GPUs, I wonder how it'll impact the cooling for the Max Q-equipped laptops. Will they remain the same (more likely), or will they be designed for more powerful GPUs to sustain low noise (less likely)?
I'm also wondering if Alienware will be open and discrete about any Max-Q listings on both their configurator and product pages. It's one thing to announce it, but it's another if it's listed as so.Vasudev likes this. -
Vasudev likes this. -
Well we here aren't representative of the average buyer, but is anyone here interested in max-q laptop designs?
I don't mean try and imagine a buyer for it, we probably can, but does anyone here actually want one? If so, why?
I promise not to make fun of you, much. -
Again, while I don't support it, and I will never own one I can see a lot of people buying them and it has been the way the market has been going for years so it really isn't surprising. My R4 is already half as thick as my R1 was so this is just the next step. OEM's just need to realize there are two markets...one like us who want the thicker higher performance version and others who would take the thinner Max Q stuff. As long as they have two lineup's then who cares. If someone chooses to buy the MaX Q design and knows they are sacrificing performance to do so then that is their choice.
The only problem I can see, as long as they offer two lineups , is that a lot of people don't know any better and will end up with a Max Q design and then get mad at the OEM's when it does not perform as well as the non Max Q design versions. This happened all the time when the "M" versions were out there and people never understood why as they didn't know enough about the hardware.Last edited: Jun 2, 2017Onetwo345 likes this. -
Vasudev and wrathofdeath like this.
Bottom line is the MAXQ chips will throttle to keep the noise down. People who truly want to use these for gaming or other heavy applications such as CAD don't want this. This is actually the exact opposite of what any of us want.
Last edited: Jun 2, 2017 -
But to fulfill the same need, bleach is much cheaper.Vasudev likes this. -
we still dont have the offical specs of those MAX Q chips.. lets wait and see.. but yeah.. im afraid its just a marketing name.. i really like asus design.. hope alienware brings something new to table.. im done with intel / nvidia.. waiting for ryzen / vega.. ik amd gpu division screwd up big time.. but i dont want nvidia monopoly here..
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
I'm interested because of the laptop design and its implications (in theory). Really interested if transformer laptop can be a thing (slim down for carrying, and expand for cooling). I consider it a proof of concept if it works and doesn't get stuffed with pet hair. Would be really cool if we could slim down a real GTX MXM the same way.
Onetwo345 likes this. -
The problem with this is that ODM's will feed off of this, putting the enthusiasts stuff behind in priority.
If they truly did offer something for everyone, that would be a different story.
Time will tell...
It keeps others on their toes.
::iunlock::Mr. Fox likes this. -
Also some of us travel all the time and would happily shave off a few fps for a lighter machine, so I can understand the appeal of some of the maxQ designs from other brands.
Everyone's situation and requirements are different so I don't understand the overreaction towards the maxQ laptops I keep seeing here. There's NO WAY manufacturers will start putting ONLY mQ chips on laptops from now on, if it's not your cup of tea, simply get a machine with a full 1060/70/80 instead of an mQ card. It's not like they're going out of fashion
Anyway rant over, feel free to laugh away. -
I don't think people would pay more for desktop 1070 vs. 1080Ti either. Or would they?Mr. Fox likes this. -
Of course it's free will buying what you want, but in the end we all will loose on this in the end!!jpsm likes this. -
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
Basically its about charging more $$$$ for little to no performance gain (at this point in this forum's view). They will have to either be better performing than anticipated, or have very good improvements on temps and battery
Fear is that Max-Q will spread to become the norm b/c Nvidia can charge more for it, and market it as "more efficient"
GTX 1080 Max-Q
Codename N17E-G3 Max-Q
Architecture Pascal
Pipelines 2560 - unified
Core Speed 1101 - 1290 (90W) or max 1278 - 1468 (Boost) MHz (110W)
Memory Speed * 10000 MHz
Memory Bus Width 256 Bit
Memory Type GDDR5X
Max. Amount of Memory 8192 MB
Shared Memory no
DirectX DirectX 12_1
Power Consumption 90 - 110 Watt
GTX 1070 (laptop)
Codename N17E-G2
Architecture Pascal
Pipelines 2048 - unified
Core Speed 1443 - 1645 (Boost) MHz
Memory Speed * 8000 MHz
Memory Bus Width 256 Bit
Memory Type GDDR5
Max. Amount of Memory 8192 MB
Shared Memory no
DirectX DirectX 12_1
Power Consumption 120 WattMr. Fox likes this. -
But I accept your point about the 90W version, although I imagine that will be in extremely thin laptops that would only be able to house a weakened 1070 or a 1060 of the current range.
Either way I think we should all wait and see some benchmarks etc instead of getting so worried without anything concrete to go by.ThatOldGuy likes this. -
Mr. Fox likes this.
It is all just another gimmick and a new channel designed to scam and screw customers victims and in the end all (everyone) will suffer because of it. Choices will be limited further and the bar will get set even lower. We're already at the edge of the cliff and this is exactly the kind of chintzy feces that could move us over the edge into the abyss. I bet we will soon see feckless 'gamer' mobile filth start to surface from companies like Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, Huawei, Google and Apple. Maybe even Fisher-Price, Hasbro and Mattel will have spots reserved at the mobile gamer urinal.
Last edited: Jun 2, 2017SkidrowSKT, Vasudev and Papusan like this. -
anyone in NYC I can borrow their 1070 AW15 so I can try and shove my 1080 mb in it?
also, 1070n is 115w -
InvoluntorySoul Notebook Consultant
at least they are not charging 2k for a raedon pro 460 like apple
I'm curious to see the price hike due to the form factor.
Last edited: Jun 4, 2017Papusan likes this.
Also back to my previous point about overreacting, buying a laptop with soldered components ≠ being raped. Don't like it don't buy it, an nvidia rep isn't stood here with a gun to your headVasudev likes this. -
And, that que sera sera attitude toward this filth is one of the reasons we all have to put up with it. We are all victims of the lower-bar syndrome that has indiscriminately cursed us all. This was from another thread, but it's fitting here. @D2 Ultima and @hmscott made some comments and I replied to them. This is only going to get worse.
Last edited: Jun 4, 2017Papusan likes this. -
Here's a random AW17 R4 benchmark that beats it tho
(with a 1070N) -
It's half-way to Mini-Q already, and it still beats the Razer. I WONDER HOW MINI-Q 1080Ns ARE GOING TO PERFORM FOR $1200 A POP? -
And, no... that doesn't mean buying the AW17 R4 is a good option. It only means it sucks about the same amount as the eunuch version of the 1080.Papusan likes this. -
Last edited: Jun 4, 2017D2 Ultima likes this.
Oh yeah external water cooling or a liquid nitrogen bath are also options.
Maybe you want a laptop that's essentially a desktop in both size and weight, albeit with the ability to fold in half, but the vast majority of consumers don't. Also power requirements are a thing, most people aren't going to like carting around multiple 330w power bricks to feed such a beast. I'm not sure I'd describe a 1080N (full, not RBP edition) as midrange, but all companies are going to aim their products at the largest target audience, not the 5 people who'll accept any price, size and weight of their machine in order to be able to say it has a 1080ti and a 7920X. Hell the 7920X costs £1200 by itself, few people spend that much on a CPU alone. -
In regards to the 1070N, it's already available in the 15r3 and 17r4, why would dell put a card that's less powerful than the one they currently have in the 15R3? It makes no sense? The only logical assumption is that due to the cooling system, the 1080MQ in it will be more powerful than the RBP edition
Really looking forward to some benchmarks tbh -
Think like a business. Same performance, but $500 more, and more desirable, and will possibly be able to make things thinner. This equates to more $$ for the company. The consumers won't care.
As for what I want? What I want for my own machine is pretty irrelevant. What I REALLY care about is that
- What we get works
- What we get isn't price-gouging
- What we get doesn't require a million mods to function at an "acceptable" levelPapusan likes this. -
Eurocom Support Company Representative
Last edited: Jun 4, 2017 -
And all of you should follow after!! Say no with your wallet!! All you do with buying this trash is helping Nvidia to make more money and more of similar fraud-scam in the future.
And the chassis most likely isn't gonna change cause it hasn't been out long. My point was it should be better, at least in the 15r3, as the frequency of the 1080mq can be chosen by the manufacturer. And I did mention I was awaiting benchmarks, it should be out at the end of the month and dell should have some promotional benchmarks soon too.
I'm not familiar with the p870xmx, but I imagine it's dimensions are gonna be larger than those of a 15r3, and it's price too, correct me if I'm wrong. My point about the power consumptions of those components still stands.
I entirely support your point about the products we pay so much for functioning without requiring user end hacks/fixes though.
I do think laptops are too expensive, they will always charge more for them than the desktop equivalent, bit it'd be nice if it wasn't so much more. Quality control should be far more strict at this price point too.
Either way, let's see some 1080 mq benchmarks in the 15r3 and others before deciding it's the end of laptops as we know themhmscott likes this. -
There's a LARGE difference between "I was able to hold an average of 2.9GHz in Crysis 3" and "the laptop throttled to 2.9GHz under simultaneous CPU/GPU stress". That key word? Throttle? "Performance loss"? "Not getting the rated performance for what you pay for"? Those are BIG turn off words to consumers. That's why they're never said, on purpose.
hmscott, SkidrowSKT, Darkhan and 2 others like this. -
ALSO: I found this http://www.gamersnexus.net/news-pc/2939-nvidia-max-q-40dba-requirement-msi-new-laptops-ge63-ge73
I'm super curious now to see how it performs with staying under 40dBa.Last edited: Jun 4, 2017 -
Sent from my OnePlus 1 using a coconutPapusan likes this. -
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
. The way you implied it is that Dell/Alienware does things that make sense all the time. I'd say over 50% of the things they do don't make sense. (3 armed tension heat-sinks being the biggest this revision... but there are so many more).
I am predicting that they will be putting Max-Q 1080 in the AW 15 next revision, but also 1070 and 1060 Max-Q, plus a $200-700 price bump. So yes the 1080 Max-Q will be the most powerful version, but still on par with its last revision, at a higher price point, but marketed at more efficiency.D2 Ultima likes this. -
And I sure as hell hope not, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. I doubt they'd do that while other manufacturers still offer non MQ cards though. Even Linus does benchmarks so people would probably notice that it doesn't add up. Either way, I agree that they'll most likely find a way to make them more expensive.
What I would like to see from Dell and other manufacturers ideally is a thinner laptop range with mq cards alongside a thicker, full power range of machines. Maybe I'm a bit optimistic though.ThatOldGuy likes this. -
At this point, I think I'm done with AW.
I love the brand and I've owned 6 of them in the past 6-7 years and it makes me sad to walk away.
However, with the roughly $3K I spent on my 15R3, the fact that I had to open it up three times, repaste and muck with the heatsink in order to get it to where I'm ok with the temps, is inexcusable.
These are flagship quality systems. The consumer should NEVER have to make alteration to the hardware in order to make up for shoddy design elements. Good thing there are those who are knowledgeable and capable of doing this dirty work.
Good thing I’m an IT guy who likes messing with tech too…The average user would never be able to do this crap on their own.
Now you guys are saying that they want to reduce the performance? No. No, I’m not having that. I’ll just suck it up and build my own PC from now on.
Too bad, I’m gonna miss that feeling you get when you finally get your new toy.hmscott likes this.
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by wrathofdeath, May 31, 2017.