Depends. US and Canada don't have regulations on power supplies and laptops.
Basically, in the US (and Canada) Dell doesn't have to certify that the power supply won't short and burn down the house before the product can be sold. Almost all manufacturers do but it only applies to the power supply (not the laptop), and even so it's completely optional so they can still sell the product without it.
Now in the EU (and possibly other countries too) Dell has to certify that both the power supply AND the laptop that was sold with it won't short and burn the house down. They cannot legally sell the device unless that certification is obtained. The AW 17/15 were certified for use with a 180W PSU, so that's legally the only PSU they can sell/give with the laptop.
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
. I would guess dell will be resubmitting for CE marking with data for a 240w PSU (if they're smart).
bnosam and cookies981 like this. -
Keep in mind that there are other laptops with the same specs that work fine (and get the same benchmark scores) when using a 180W PSU.
That means that something is clearly wrong with the BIOS. Either that or Clevo has somehow found a magical way to significantly reduce power while maintaining similar performance. So it could just be that Dell would rather work on fixing that issue first (because well we all know that there are numerous issues with the BIOS anyways) and while they can legally get away with 240W PSUs in the US to do that.Ramzay likes this. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Laptop came, 180W PSU =(
Sent in a request! -
Nothing comes the easy way for me it goes to show. -
Okay so after 4 contact attempts on the premium phone support, I managed to convince them to send me a new 240Watt adapter, and even then they tried to prevent me asking one, as in askign technical questions, but I knew what I was doing, and didn't gave them a single opportunity to accept the 180 watt I had.
So they did send me it for free, though they took the 180 watt one, not that I care that much, in the end I got my adapter.
PS: I'm from belgium. -
I'm surprised they haven't just automated the change of PSU's when people configure the 980M like they used to do with the previous generation models. They must be hoping that customers won't realize it. How cheap can Alienware be? It's disgusting. Just upsets me every time I visit this sub-forum now.
Thank you for contacting us.
Please accept our apologies for the inconveniences you have experienced with placing your order and being shipped with the 180 W power Supply,
Let me inform you that we are correcting these orders and changing the AC adapter to a 240 W before they ship. Nevertheless, if by any chance this unit ships arrives with the wrong adapter, we would appreciate if you can let us know and we will create a Dispatch to ship you one overnight.
If you have any additional concerns, please do not hesitate to reply back to us.
Best regards, -
Well, that's good. Let's just hope it's a legitimate claim. I've had their reps. tell me the most ridiculous things.
Guys, I installed the bios fix prior to getting my 240watt adapter, since I I didn't though I'd manage yo convince them to send me the 240watt one.
But now I'm using the 240watt one with the bios ment for the 180watt fix. Any of you lnow if this does have any negative consequences for my system or it's performance? -
95% of 180 = 171W
90% of 180 = 162W -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
But that's not how power supply ratings work. A power supply should be able to deliver its full power to the machine. A 90% efficient supply will deliver 180w to the machine but draw 200w from the wall to do so. An 80% efficient supply will draw 225W from the wall to deliver 180w.
bnosam likes this. -
I faced the same issue when I installed a 980M on my AW17 R1. There was a massive difference in performance between the 180w & 240w PSU. -
Did anyone outside the USA who got a replacement PSU get billed by Fedex for duty/taxes? I did even though I didn't pay anything for the PSU.
Hello, I'm from Malaysia. Thanks to the people on this forum I managed to get a 240w PSU delivered to me tomorrow. It took almost a week for me to convince them though. And guys with the 15, please don't use the Ao2 bios, it's raising my cpu temps by almost 8 degrees Celcius.
So I have a resolution on being charged $40 by Fedex for alienware sending me a replacement PSU. Fedex said it was a mistake on their end and didn't end up billing the tax back to Alienware. So it looks like it's all going to be billed backed to Alienware now so this has been solved thank god. -
Called in Tech support today, and they said i should get the AC Adapter by Thursday, Will be just nice by the time the laptop arrives
bnosam likes this. -
checked like 5 min ago still not update, my guess is by wed should have an update and cant trust the Purolator Delivery date which stated supposed to be today
It's ok though, because I call the UPS phone number and their dispatcher makes them come back and deliver it to me because of my complaint
At least Purolator actually knock or ring for me first. -
Results are the only thing that matters, right?
I'm happy for your issue being solved bnosam. -
lucky in my case i guess, I havent received the laptop yet, all i told the agent was i need new Ac adapter as the 180 watts throttle the CPU, he sent it right away
I got the 240w psu today and firestrike scores is 8430 compared to previous 7700 on 180w. But I had to return the 180w though.
I tried again, over in this region, Dell refused to give me 240W. I asked to buy brand new 240W, they also refused to sell me the unit, saying not compatible with the machine and that they have no such listed part anyhow. Dell went further to say and even if they did have a 240W PSU, they still would not sell me the unit. Even saying that if I did use a 240W power supply other than the 180W then I would not be covered by warranty. At this point I got tired of the wrestle war, as is apparent that I can never get a 240W unit from Dell even if I should try and buy one, then I figured why am I having so much discussions and offering to pay more on top of the already high price, at this stage I give up and filed for a refund instead, at least they could process that! It is a shame although, looks like I will be using my Alienware M17x R3 for bit longer yet.
My main problem is that Dell ANZ is all I have to negotiate and deal with.
Would of been good, but is not to be now. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Each region is fairly independent from what I can tell so i would not be surprised.
I tried Dell ANZ one more time (ANZ is the region), this is what they said to a lengthy email "Unfortunately as advised by our Tech Support Agent the 240W power supply in unavailable at our stock for Australia."
I am in New Zealand not Austraila (but they just automatically assume that everyone lives in Austraila).
ANZ which is Austraila and New Zealand. I doubt that would be certification. More like low priority, under resourced and service level reduced. -
bnosam likes this.
I am still working on it, I don't know what the deal is with offical electrical standards but would expect Dell to be able to answer that one for their own products. All I know is that today one of the sales reps sent me a quote for a 970M based machines, obviously no issues with this GPU and 180W from what I read. Good thing is the rep is actually go to chase some of the emails I was sending in regards to the 980M further up the chain, so hopefully still maybe a tiny bit of hope there. When I asked about what other Alienware 240W adaptors cost, said would be a few hundred dollars. Kind of awkward right now as refused delivery. If not or to late, then there is the fail safe 970M that is fine with the 180W, wasn't what I was aiming for but is a lot cheaper than 4K and 980M not to mention I would have to pay extra for 240W PSU which then makes it even more expensive.
Hello, I'm 95% decided on an Alienware 15 (4710HQ, 16GB RAM, 970M, 128GB SSD + 1TB HDD, FHD).
I've just been reading a lot about this PSU issue, and wanted to check with you guys first, if a model with these specs will work ok with the 180W PSU.
I've already talked with local support from my country and it seems they don't know about this yet.
Thanks. -
Not sure if there is an issue with the 970m and the 180w as its rated 19w less, but someone here might have more info on that. Just remember these units are not upgradeable so make sure u have the one u want for years to come.
Last edited: Apr 3, 2015 -
Means there is a little bit leaft over for battery charging and useful for some overclocking. No one runs prime 95 and furmark for anything useful, so there should be a lot spare power remaining with 970M and 180W configuration
Check under power comsuption here:
Other than that the 980M is not worth the trouble for those who are refused the 240W, which means you will need to pay extra and source your own 240W on top of the increased price for the 980M. Not so much an issue for US region but a unnecceary hassle never the less. -
Well looks like mine shipped with the 240w psu, says 100-240w right on it. Does the bios still recognize the 240w as a 180w?
looks like im an idiot and misread the psu ....180w hope they send me the 240 hahaLast edited: Apr 7, 2015 -
I have a dell 240w PSU (P/N: FWCRC) that I don't think I'd need (AW15 + 970m). I'd be open to trading someone for their original.
The current Dell representative I have has promised over and over that the 180 Watt PSU will power the 980m and 4710HQ. Going so far as to say it is engineer tested and approved, and that if I am unhappy with the performance I can receive a full refund...
Now is that ideal? Nope. But it seems to be the way Dell and Clevo have gone this generation.
Have you got your 240w PSU from Dell?
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Red Pyr4mid, Mar 7, 2015.