AIDA64 extreme test result, -150mv, stock crap paste![]()
but not anytime soon, im busy working on insider preview builds.. and the OP dell bios 1.2.15
Last edited: Jul 20, 2016 -
Sorry for no updates since past week, had personal issues.
So in the end DELL forcefully closed the issue from their end stating
1)Temps that i am reporting are normal (96-98 degrees is normal at 3.4 ghz).
2)Repasting and replacing CPU is hence not needed.
3)The hinge is misaligned or something leading to the lid not closing completely, an aesthetic issue i know but i have warranty and they are refusing to fix it. (And now i cannot even pursue them as my home town has no dell centre)
So now if anyone defends dell's shady practices, please make note that you are defending the wrong company and it WILL be you next in my place someday.
Going off topic now,
Alienware have actually downgraded a lot for the gamers -
1)No 5.1/7.1 support, cannot use my razer 7.1 headphones on this laptop. ( M17x supported it)
2)6-bit displays with banding issues. ( M17x didn't suffer from banding)
3)No high refresh rate monitor options ( M17x had it)
4)Use of optimus(removed the possiblity of hacking in gsync support through drivers, nor does it allow fast sync to function)
5)No direct HDMI out from Nvidia GPU leading to VR incompatibility without buying AW graphics amplifier
I didn't comment on the BGA processors or anything cz i actually have no proof regarding it and most gamers on this forum don't care about that either. But if you actually tell me that the above points are invalid then you are a fanboy without denial. Last year i asked on this forum whether upgrading the m17x my bro had to 980m was worth it compared to buying a new echo model and people said yes, i should've listened to themSolo wing likes this. -
True that about the price of these laptops ........ what to say man i love my razer tiamet 7.1, You should demo them sometime; i remember in bangalore there was a razer store i went there two years back; demoed these headphones at the shop playing battlefield 3; the positional audio blows the logitech g930 my friend has
Had to buy xonar 7.1 usb soundcard(Rs. 10000) to use them with this lappy. I'll repaste these with ICD once i am done with placements and back to gaming again.
But really DELL service in india at least blows .... i mean you'd at least expect such a global company would've a standardised global warranty policy not policies varying from one country to another
And obv it thermal throttled at 96 degrees to 2.3-2.5 ghz
PS: many of my friends who play fpses have 5.1 headphones(hardware 5.1 not the virtual 5.1 headphones); even my hp probook supported 5.1 at leastthis just supports stereo out
Last edited: Jul 21, 2016 -
Saying the quality was topnotch in the past is also not correct. The M11x is notorious for its hinge problems.
The panels used now in the 15inch FHD versiona re adequate not super good. and they need some calibration. BUu the viewing angles are good and the repsonse times as well. The 17inch version has really good panels in all resolutions. The 15 has good 4K panels. -
Please dont follow the statements of Papusan, I have corrected him numerous times but he ignores it.
Standard the monitor is too yellow though so you really need to tune it.
my profi9le. but not all displays are exactly the same. but your white should be more natural white and better color balance.
Howver the 156WF6SB1 variant is superior. One of the best panels available for gaming laptops. above 300 nits and better color gamut.
regarding the m11x hinge problems > https://www.google.nl/search?q=m11x...e=utf-8&gws_rd=cr,ssl&ei=yKCQV5DRAYWGU9CQh-gKCaladdon likes this. -
How do you control your PCH temps?
@rinneh can you solve color banding via calibration? is there an option for debanding or dithering in windows which i missed -
dell technician logic : To reduce PCH temps please turn off your laptop xDD ...
Sorry went off topic there but just couldn't help it -
http://www.ebay.com/itm/10PCS-15-15...448844?hash=item35e44bf10c:g:kIUAAOSw1vlUteC2 -
in this moment i am testing the new beta of KillerBigfoot driver
i like the old logo, is badassPapusan likes this. -
A small heatspreader is hardly a heatsink. -
Last edited: Jul 21, 2016 -
I always use hwinfo64.. not a fan of hwmonitor.. moreover it doesnt have fan control,
seems PCH temperature affects throttling at some point.. testing it on lenevo laptop.. lets see how it goes
Even in mine HWInfo doesnt show pch temps, i checked in epsa and initially its at 60 degrees after epsa is done its at 80 degrees (same was on my old motherboard), the processor temp remains below 65 in epsa.... I am just imagining what PCH temps would be when my proc hits 80 degrees
Found the setting, @judal57 when you open hwinfo press settings go into safety tab, select "enable PCH thermal device" . But still no PCH temps showing in hwinfo -
There you go
Sorry to necro the thread but i thought i'd update the current situation-
Finally i got a proper motherboard replacement, CPU doesn't go above 76 degrees with stock paste on aida64 running for 30 mins(previously would go to 90) ;
GPU is 80% ASIC quality; practically i oced to +220mhz on core and 500 mhz on memory without any overvoltage and ran unigine for 10 mins without any glitches or crash.
So finally got a board that worked as intended;
TL;DR don't give up hope and keep on getting replacements till you win the silicon lottery -
How do you guys overclock a 6700hq and 980m? I'm just curious.
Alienware 15 services woes
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by suyash691, Jun 29, 2016.