Since you appear to be retarded (clearly having learning problems), let me break it down as simple as possible.
When. A. Product. Line. Has. A. Known. Issue.
People. Who. Have. Lucky. Working. Machines. Should. Not. Be. Looked. At. As. The. Absolute.
Not. Every. Machine. Is. Going. To. Exhibit. Broken. Behaviour. If. Broken. Factor. Is. Not. Intentional.
But. Someone. With. A. Broken. Machine. Is. Not. Going. To. Magically. Make. The. Problem. Go. Away.
Now read the words slowly, one at a time, and see if you understand each sentence now. Since you haven't been able to comprehend this with my earlier posts, you must clearly be learning challenged, so this method of typing should help, yes? If you still can't understand what it means for a product line to have a known defect, you really shouldn't be commenting on these machines. For everyone else's sake.
To be truly honest with you, I would fight for a Skylake model replacement with support. It'll be difficult because they like to say how if you're above base clock it isn't throttling, but since the CPU's MSR registers throw up throttle flags, you should be able to make a case about it. At least those models won't throttle.
- -
That being said, it's simply a suggestion I made and nothing you need to follow through with for sure, however "settling" for "200MHz less than what I should have" is kind of what's wrong with the laptop market these days. Everyone is fine with "settling". If you don't want a new model, then fight for a working current model. Let them replace the motherboard 10 times if necessary. You DESERVE a properly working machine, and you paid for one, and whether their line is faulty or not has nothing to do with whether or not you should have one.
They're offering the warranty service, and they shouldn't offer it if they can't deal with requests like yours for a properly working machine. -
i know that this type of laptops is not for noobs ... you need some kind of knowlege, maybe if i keep trying options i will achieve the 3,3ghz on four cores -
If you're ever able to get 3.3GHz on the four cores, congratz. Good luck though, there's a ton of people trying to get just that on the forums. -
" CPU will run cooler than the 4710HQ by a large margin as far as I know" no as far as you thought -
After months of hassle Dell finally approved my replacement, they still don't know what the specs are but they said it is likely I will get the R2 model.
To make things clear, my sister's N155RF ( see cooling solution here) in the same room I'm in basically sits at 61c where I get 75c, and she has stock paste (not even ICD) on it, and it isn't even propped up or anything. This is my cooling system. -
edit: also i changed thermal pads with artic thermal padsLast edited: Jul 14, 2016 -
That there are R1s with these issues is something I never denied. But it is still a fairly select few. People that have the problem shoud be assisted. Log everything, document everything, keep contacting Dell for that replacement like some other on this forum did. Some users including you portray it like all R1's are faulty. A small but loud group haunting the Alienware threads while not having actually owned one of the latter models.
Talk loud, act like you know it all but you never came with proper proof only assumptions.Caladdon likes this. -
Hey sorry couldn't update........... @rinneh if my machine cannot work under normal gaming stress (fallout 4 with mods), what do you want me to do? stay silent because other peoples machines are working?
BTW i went to them to get the front bezel replaced cz before delivery of the laptop the bezel was loose(most likely when they opened it they broke the front bezel lock). Now after examining my bezel for part no, etc. my keyboard stopped working; i mean rinneh i know you have had a good experience with alienware, many people might have but look at my case
1)i file for throttling, they send a doa motherboard while replacing motherboard the technician scratches backplate.
2)they issue a second board and backplate replacement. throttling is not resolved plus temps are now reaching prochot at standard 3.3 ghz speed and hence cpu throttles.
3)they say high temps are a design compromise to make machines small. Really? the compromise was to get prochot temps when put under gaming load?
4)They return laptop, the bezel is loose. I go after 2-3 days to the center, they tell me they need to open to check if bezel lock is damaged, then after reassembly by them the keyboard malfunctions.
You tell me rinneh should i accept this? just because some people are having a good time with their 15's?
And btw there are many people who don't wanna bother with dell (like my brother) even if they have a throttling machine and there are people who simply wont know what is the reason behind sudden performance drops and will think that the laptop spec is weakPapusan, jack34, Solo wing and 1 other person like this. -
People have logged and documented things. People keep contacting Dell, and Dell is not fixing it, because they claim they can't. Most people don't get new systems. If you have a line with such a blatant defect, they should have fixed it from the get-go, not keep selling the machines and claim they can't fix it. Or, do some proper QC and weed out the systems who exhibit the problem. I have no particular hate for ALIENWARE. I have a particular hate for expensive machines with bad QC and QA that often go out the gate with operation problems. ASUS doesn't have defective systems, but they have THE WORST QC AND QA and I NEVER recommend them for that. But you want me to say that this AW line is fine? As long as I know someone has a distinct chance to find a machine that won't work properly, for any reason, I will avoid telling them to buy that.
And finally, you have YET to go find me information that the HQ CPUs work well. I gave you test guidelines. You have this forum. Find people. Make them test. Come back and show me I'm wrong. I already told you why I'm not hunting for my old research, because it is far too old and scattered. Until you go PROVE ME WRONG, you should shut up, because you haven't done any testing aside from play some GAMES on a system you ONCE OWNED which had a Haswell HQ chip and found no problems, even though I said, multiple times, that games are not likely to trigger the TDP limit issue.
Everyone assumes it's bad, assumes "it's a laptop", starts expecting the bad behaviour, and when I try explaining to people that laptops SHOULDN'T break like that, nobody wants to listen. This is on reddit, in real life, on other forums that aren't T|I and NBR, etc. OCN is especially stupid when it comes to laptops. People have to stop settling. And stop overpaying for things like Razer because they look nice. -
@D2 Ultima - What a load of utter tripe.
Dell won't fix or replace systems....?!
If they are still within their warranty period they are contractually obligated to.
And they will sort of the issue - Stop spreading rubbish - It's getting boring going over the same ground with you.
I've dealt with their warranty support in the past hence why I'm still with them now. It works and in the end I've always been satisfied with the service.
The only person that's coming across as retarded here is you. Typing longer or in capitals for loud effect still doesn't make you right. You purposefully started up again after the previous thread was closed, trying to gather attention at an irrelevant point. One individuals unfortunate dealings with Dell does NOT reflect the entirety of their line. Even an idiot can understand this.
What does? Block the fan or running damaging stress tests?
Lol - You tried submerging them yet? Heard some can still work there too............
I've owned my system for at least half a year now and my HQ works perfectly. I've already repeatedly told you my system works great and again I will state again;
- Your opinion does not change this fact -
Total War Warhammer, Emulation, Battlefield series, general every day usage, being left on an entire week, running programs through the night.......everything that will happen in real world usage.......not a single problem.
If it did not I'd have already been in contact with Dell to rectify the matter.
Let me first and foremost here - by purchasing the latest gaming laptops from Alienware, you are NOT settling or picking up a low quality system whatsoever.
These new systems are amazing.
Check the reviews online and watch the videos on youtube. They received praise and rightfully so. Don't let a few nobodies online try to criticize a product that they don't even own. -
@judal57 that's my 3rd motherboard with R1, 4720HQ, I did many tests with different mobo, forget about those temps, its 33c ambient when I tested.. with AS5 thermal paste..
THIS IS ALL I HAVE SAID, AND KEEP SAYING, ABOUT THOSE CHIPS. SKYLAKE HAS NO SUCH LIMITATION. It is PRIMARILY a problem for power users, video editors/renderers, etc. People who actually use a system more than the light load games put on PCs. Those people exist, and buy GAMING LAPTOPS or HIGH END LAPTOPS or BUSINESS CLASS LAPTOPS, ALL OF WHICH WERE LIMITED TO THE TDP-LOCKED AND THUS THROTTLE-PRONE-UNDER-HEAVY-LOAD HQ HASWELL AND BROADWELL CPUs. Want to know what chips didn't have this problem? 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen SOCKETED chips. Their only true TDP limits were per-manufacturer. Example: M17x R4 had a 68W board draw limit for the CPU, thus a 3920XM was TDP limited to 68W in there. M18x R2 and P370EM had no such limit, therefore the chip was not limited in those machines. My P370SM3 has no such limit for my 4800MQ, and I can easily pull 96W+ with this chip without issue.
Nobody cares about your system besides you. NOBODY. And you keep talking as if because your system works, everybody's system will work. NOBODY. CARES.
Did I comment on the quality of Alienware? No, I didn't, but you keep talking as if I have. Stop it.
Here I'm going to give my opinion, for the first time: No they're not. They're adequate. They're middle of the road. They're average. They're sufficient, and they're not too expensive. But they're nowhere near "amazing". If you find they're amazing, fine. Enjoy. More power to you. I don't think they're amazing, and your opinion that they are amazing is just that... your OPINION. Don't spew your opinion as if it's fact, which you are doing right now.
I don't care about online reviews or videos on youtube. I'm a far harsher critic than most of those people who don't know anything other than running a PCMark test and installing a couple benchmarks and games and saying it's great. Why don't those critics mention the GT80 Titan with 980 SLI overdrawing the power brick and pulling from the battery and after a few hours of gaming at stock the system hits 0% battery and throttles HARD all the way down to barely above 980M SLI levels? Why don't those critics mention the benefits of a MUX switch for systems with mobile CPUs, so people can switch between iGPU/Optimus/dGPU? Ever tried streaming with Optimus? Ever had a game have a problem with Optimus? It's a pain. Switching to it when you want it and away from it when you don't is great, and the switch adds about $10 to production costs. Why don't people say anything about that? Why don't people comment about the 25ms response time IPS panels on laptops being bad for fast paced gaming? Why don't people comment about low numbers of USB ports like on the EVGA SC17 which only has two USB Type A ports? Why don't people comment on thermal throttle on machines like the Razer Blades when you load up a game like Crysis 3? Why don't people comment on crap out-of-the-box paste jobs, where a plain old repaste with any half-decent paste grants you 10-15c drops like in some of those gigabyte models? Why don't people comment on how those "out of the box overclocking" features for GPUs cap at about 72MHz over an already over-1000MHz core clock, and half the time it won't even keep the boost in demanding titles where both CPU and GPU are stressed?
Please. You want some good reviews, look at HTWingNut's reviews. He mostly does Clevo but he has done some MSI models and such. You'll get some actually balanced tests there. Notebookcheck is ok too, but since they include looks/feel of a laptop in the rating for how good it is, their only useful information is their raw numbers (temps, power draw, performance, etc). And even then, they often won't use say... max fans on a Clevo, but report high temps, etc. So take with a grain of salt.
And FINALLY. The crown jewel of everything wrong with your post. The POST DIRECTLY ABOVE MINE.
but i am not satisfied with the service, that is it and i think any person with sound reasoning will agree that the service dealt to me was bad that is if not you are a dell employee trying to promote alienware.
Secondly i have two r1's(mine and my brothers) on which i can reproduce throttling by playing ROTTR, fallout 4 with mods, so for me all by basic interpolation it is a issue affecting at least 40% of the laptops ( i didn't just go 100% cuz i know rinneh is honest, his system might've been good).
Read vickygameboy's post for a change even he had a very bad experience with warranty.
What you said applies to you as well buddy; if you had good experience with dell service doesn't mean everyone else has. And now i with an actual experience with the issue, will definitely not recommend alienware to any person(You can see by my initial posts that i was non chalant to this company fiasco alltogether, i never blamed alienware for haswell series blunder, i just assumed it to be bad luck that intel sent defective stock to them which reached the wide market. But the service dispatched to me, and many others on this forum has been bad and till they rectify it, i will never recommend alienware again)
BTW staying on the topic, @VICKYGAMEBOY there is a guy with an r2 having issues, they replaced his mobo twice without any diagnosis and now his pc won't boot, met him at domlur center. He is filing a consumer court case against dell and isn't ready to post about his issues on the forum cz he thinks dell will counter sue him for defamation. (At least one of us is taking some real action)
All in all the users of alienware 15 can be divided into 5 categories-
1)Have issues and are posting on forums like notebookreview.
2)Have issues, are staying silent online in fear of being pressed for defamation and trying a hopeless case against dell in local courts.
3)Have issues, don't want to bother with dell service
4)Have issues, are not technically sound hence think the laptop specs are poor(and dell support inflames this thinking ; they told vicky that he should upgrade his CPU if he wants better perf, even though in his case he had shown throttling to them with video proof and live).
5)Don't have issues, lucky people
Even if you apply interpolation, maths will say 20% people have no issues but i am ready to give relaxation as maths is not right till i have proper statistical figures. Even with relaxation i can atmost say 60% machines don't have issues and 40% have. This is still not a good figure. Even if 20% had issues even then dell should try to resolve it, not give up on its customers and neither should they misguide them that the CPU is weak and hence should be upgraded.
And to top it all, the l3 team (the highest level dell techs say) 96 degrees is by design the temp that the laptop "is supposed to reach under load"(and it was reached while loading into fallout 4 and the cpu throttled),
he said cpu throttling is by design as well to safeguard(i agree that thermal throttle is a safeguard) but is reaching those temps even remotely ideal on load of gaming only. Not even streaming , only local gaming. Techs spewing false information live to me is not something i take lightly. And a00 is the best in terms of temp/power consumption. In a06 even with psu plugged in i used to draw from battery, leading to 70% battery after 2-5 days of use while connected to the PSU at all times(i don't move my laptop while i am in college, always stays at my desk). And i only game, use photoshop or aftereffects(normal people use these, these are not CPU burning stress tests here)
PS: Off topic stuff here - I miss Mr. fox as the mod, he was good. He made sure alienware reps properly responded to customer complaintsLast edited: Jul 15, 2016 -
@D2 Ultima What a work of failure .... Oh look, you can type in different colours now.....clever boy we have here.....
You're honestly going around calling forum members "retards" on this site because they continually shoot you down?
Most likely end up with this thread closing too. Shut up before I report you for trolling.
And YOU keep bringing up the rare few systems that have had issues as if it's some sort of qualifying factor to state that ALL Alienwares suck.
Do you own one of the latest line - I'm guessing NO.
Have you even personally tested them? - I'm guessing NO.
Are you fit to provide your own insight as a result - ABSOLUTELY NOT
These systems are not simply adequate - They are fantastic.
Are there more powerful out there? Of course. Still doesn't make them a lesser machine for what they offer and at 15 inches, they are still one of the most powerful available. And the sleekest Alienware 15 inch too.
For gaming use, they are one of the top systems out.
I didn't read your spiel about TDP or wattage as it's garbage that means nout to most general users and I'm getting bored of dealing with you.
Games are running at 60 FPS + at 1080p without tampering with my system, and it doesn't feel like I'm transporting a kitchen sink when travelling with it. Utterly fed up of the naysayers acting like it's the end of the world for Alienware because they don't agree with these new machines. Suck it up and move on to someone who cares.
Simple equation to shoot you down one last time.
I enjoy my Alienware as do the majority (Hence why they're not here) and the time spent with it.
Time = Money
Good time = Money well spent.
Do you actually have an Alienware? If not, why are you even in our forum section? It'd be like one of us Alienware users trying to trample all over threads in another manufacturers page because we don't like them.
@ suyash691
Sucks about your situation - That's unusually bad - I'd probably have already taken further action by now. And no I'm not a Dell Employee or someone trying to promote them.
Just providing a balance to the often blown out of proportion side claiming Alienware suck.
I don't agree with your maths on customer satifaction, first and foremost because the majority of Alienware users with perfectly functional machines are not the "Lucky few". Alienware would have gone out of business a long time ago had that been the case and not picked up be Dell.
Dell do follow through with warranty solutions hence why they are deemed some of the best in the business. If none of their offerings are good enough, then I strongly advise you continue to chase up management. You WILL get a good solution IF you still have a recognizable warranty.Last edited: Jul 15, 2016 -
I have recognized warranty and trust me i've visited dell center too many times; in cases where there is no warranty they won't even raise a finger to help the person; this is what i've seen live over there.
I raised the issue further, the l3 team is the highest support team they have. Their resolution is what you have read in the previous post. I am just waiting for the keyboard they damaged to be fixed then i'll wait for my college to finish and sell off the lappy to a poor sucker(not my problem anymore)D2 Ultima likes this. -
Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
@ jazkha
Then I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens. Although I'm not concerned in the slightest. It's being a little trooper here on my front and runs 6 hour gaming sessions with ease. Haven't noticed any dips or performance drops. -
"Dell will fix everything with warranty". (Proven false by another user here)
"These machines are the one of, if not the best ever". (Paraphrased)
"My machine works therefore you are wrong". (Already proven to be an awful way to look at things)
"I keep shooting you down". (You have yet to)
"You hate Alienware". (I have never said this)
"You keep badmouthing them/spreading rubbish". (I have not said a single non-factual thing about them excepting my opinion in my very last post)
"Your criticism of TDP limits in the CPUs is worthless because I can game". (Congratulations, you are lacking a brain AND saying people who want to do more than game don't matter, good job!)
"These machines are not lesser than any other machine on the market". (If I can get the same specs AND MORE FEATURES out of another machine with similar cooling which costs less and has a longer warranty, how are these "better"? Does looks and less features, whether *YOU* use or care for them or not personally, mean you and everyone else should spend more money and get these? If yes, you should never talk about another laptop again for as long as you live)
"Your opinion is invalid". (I did not give my opinion until my last post, and if mine is invalid then so is yours)
But I have problems? Really? I'm telling you off because you're beyond deluded, and you'll give people the wrong idea. You love Alienware? Cool. Go ahead. Don't tell people there's no problems with their AW15 R1/AW17 R2 systems, because the machines have known defects, whether or not the majority sell without them being present. Don't tell people Dell will fix these problems should they arise as long as it's within warranty, because as ANOTHER USER WHO HAS ONE OF THESE MACHINES JUST TOLD YOU, they don't. Don't tell people Alienware machines are fantastic without explaining why, and make sure you let them know the downsides.
But alas, no matter how sound my logic, you're going to put on your Alienware fanboy pants and decry me again. Oh well, nobody's listening to you, perhaps except the other one with a learning disability. -
There are definitely users out there that have issues with this model and Dell should step up and fix it. If they cannot fix it, they should replace it. Simple as that. The problem is, some countries have better support than others. India for example is notoriously bad when it comes to support.
BUt I dont think most people would stay silent about this. I think the amount of people that stay silent after paying thousands of dollars/euro's for it want the perfect machine. These arent cheap machines. Ofcourse some would not care. But I truly think this is fairly rare. But I dont have statistics about this subject. So I cannot prove it.nzgeek and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
Vasudev likes this.
only 100 mhz to achieve the stock
edit :
Last edited: Jul 15, 2016 -
Just for you
@D2 Ultima
You can deny it all you want - You've been continually brought down. Probably one of the reasons you even tried starting up again in a different thread because you weren't being listened to anymore and simply cannot get on in life without having the last say. Most of us are fed up of you and your monumental stupidity.
Dell WILL fix everything provided it's covered by warranty - They are legally obliged to. If the OP is not reaching a solution then he must either take his complaint direct to management OR pursue legal action. (I personally can't understand why Dell would not be willing to provide assistance and their track record with myself and immediate social circle has proven this, not to mention the feedback found online).
I NEVER stated that just because my machine works, everyone's should. The majority will work however as Dell release very high quality machines.
I merely shot you down regarding your blatant and pathetic attempt to bad mouth the company's line up as being low end and something you should "settle" for if you're prepared for problems.....
This means you ARE badmouthing and spreading verbal turd in these forums.
You've also instigated personal insults directed myself and other members.
I've NEVER stated people who want to do more than game don't matter.
I've stated overclocking laptop GPU's isn't recommended and if they are craving the absolute maximum power then perhaps they should think of desktops due to potential heating concerns.
At the same time, stock 980m performance provides a fantastic gaming experience at 1080p. Believe it or not, there are MANY users that just don't want to tamper with their machines.
They're buying Alienware so I presume they either want to game, use a high end system or maybe just like the brand's appearance.
There are several machines out that offer tremendous value for money. I've never stated otherwise nor have I stated that Alienware is better than all the competition. They are however one of the best.
I've already argued that laptops features are subjective to buyers. I don't value the CD drive feature yet I'm sure there are users that do.
You HAVE repeatedly stated your opinion about these systems. I swear to god you must type before you think.
There will be faults with some systems with every manufacturer. You should STOP claiming that these systems have issues by default because a few users have reported problems on this site. As stated - It's not a case of will Dell amend any issues if covered by warranty - They LEGALLY have to. This isn't something they can argue.
Your logic isn't sound because all you have done is sought attention (Hence the first tag being placed by you in this thread after the previous was shut) and blown a few unfortunate users troubles completely out of proportion to the rest of Alienware customers, both present and potential.
No one here has a learning disability and you should be utterly ashamed of yourself for stating so as an insult. You've been nothing but arrogant, idiotic, provoking and have amounted to little more than a troll. Take a good long hike because there's only so many times shooting you down is enjoyable.....that and you're not worth the bullets to be honest......
I do hope the OP and anyone with an issue gets it sorted immediately and I have complete faith in Dell ultimately doing so. And no, I don't work for the company or have any financial interests in it, just experience. (The absolute majority of which has been very good, and the conclusion of any issues being ultimately sorted). -
Papusan, bloodhawk and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
- Yes you have. Multiple times. You constantly say "I have one and it works, therefore these machines don't have problems". You're blatantly lying now.
- By telling me that my claims about HQ CPUs (which I have ALWAYS made in a vacuum, and NOT ABOUT ALIENWARE MACHINES SPECIFICALLY) are stupid if games work on a gaming machine when I clearly stated that the real problems exist for power users and content creators, you DID in fact say they don't matter.
- This is your opinion, which quite a few people on this forum will disagree with. AND it's opinions like this that lead to us getting such low-quality GPUs and low-clockspeed CPUs in the first place.
- Don't you DARE tell me what my opinion is and is not. I stated my opinion ONCE, and I clearly stated when it started and when it ended.
- I don't think you even understand how bad the legal system is for these things. Why don't you ask @Mr. Fox about Dell and the 580M fiasco? And what happens when people "take legal action" against a giant like Dell not holding up their end of the bargain for broken hardware?
- My logic is completely sound, to pretty much everyone but you and the other one with a learning disability.
- I list facts and information. You look at them, refuse to learn, refuse to listen, and spin your own agendas. That's pretty much a learning disability if I've ever seen one. And if it isn't, then you're simply choosing to remain stupid, and that's far far worse.
- Yeah, this is basically "I'm a fanboy" in a sentence. You really should un-fanboy yourself. Fanboys are good for nobody but a company, and companies don't really care about the end user enough to have fanboys. -
i would like to know how this new machines handle a test like: this
and calm down man, i am not saying the new machines are bad, just dont like the display
i am recently interested since the touchpad display appear again on new models
but i dont have money for a new one, and i recently upgraded my machine lol -
in my case the usb type C cant offer me anithing usefull, i have 1 more usb port and mini display port
DDR4 over DDR3L performance is 0 in gaming. i upgraded my ram with hyperx impact CAS9 16gb and only more space ...
the big difference that you didnt mention is the pcie SSD dammmm i like this !!! i would like to have 2X 950 PRO .... in my case i have 2X samsung 850 EVO.
my laptop star really fast
Can everyone please stop fighting? We've got a lot of hate in this thread, and it's getting out of control.
From what I can tell:
- The Broadwell/Haswell HQ CPUs are prone to throttling issues. Not everyone has these issues, but a non-trivial number of people have found the problem. It's enough that there's a pattern here.
- There has been some success in getting Dell to repair systems that have the issue, but it depends a lot on which support person you deal with. (Not unexpected, given that most computer support people have very little training. This applies to most major brands, not just Dell.)
- It's unknown how far this problem extends, and there's no easy way to find out. It's possible that it's a large portion of the user base, but that the users don't understand or don't notice the problem.
jack34 likes this. -
@nzgeek - I agree. I'm utterly fed up of time wasters on this site. If you search through the thread you will see that D2 Ultima instigated this with a tag and then resorted to petty name calling of 2 members like some sort of spoiled brat. His latest and probably most laughable attempt yet is referring to me as an Alienware "fanboy" despite my signature showing just how many systems from many different manufacturers I've owned.
@D2 Ultima
At what point do I state because I have one and it works, then these machines don't have issues?
The majority - MAJORITY don't have problems.
I'm a power user and content creator too and again, no problems. Beginning to think you're just trying to conjure up any issue you can think of. If it didn't work I'd tell you and I wouldn't be with Alienware.
Those GPU's aren't low quality and neither are the CPU's. They perform very well and WILL run the incredible majority of games, if not all, very well.
If Mr. Fox had such bad dealings with Dell and Alienware in the past, why did he continue to support them? Again your logic falls through. If it's as bad as you claimed then you WON'T support that company again. It's as clear cut as that.
It's getting tiresome and rather repetitive schooling you on this......
Your logic isn't sound Ultima - You are about as far removed from "sound logic" as you can possibly be.
You're just ranting and raving like an idiot because and here's the bottom line
- You are butthurt over Alienware's new direction -
And no - What is VERY stupid is continuing to support a MXM product line that even Alienware's General manager has just come forth and declared has " never formed like the desktop upgrade". GO and actually read this in that other thread. It's from someone who has a MUCH better understanding of the success rate of these products.Last edited: Jul 16, 2016rinneh likes this. -
This forum and it's stupid double-posting errors I cannot understand why this keeps happening
I don't think ddr4 is a downgrade at all, considering the fact that, you'll get more bandwidth at low voltages that translates to lower power consumption. Albeit, you have more latency issues to deal with. In real world the differences would be negligible.
Yes you're correct right now, ddr3/ddr3L seems like better bang for buck for now but the future is a different story and you can't say ddr3 is the king of the hill even after 10 years.
I'm sorry @D2 Ultima if I offended you. -
In a couple years though we'll be beyond that. Unfortunately DDR4 has been out for a couple years already and its JEDEC is still pretty bad, so they need to get on that lickety split.
I don't understand why you would think that offended me?Vasudev likes this.
Alienware 15 services woes
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by suyash691, Jun 29, 2016.