Hello everyone!
As you have seen already, we released the new platforms today. You will see the configurations and options on our website. I've been playing with both of them recently and I think they are both great machines (15 and 17). I've read through the post and see some of you concerned about the options on the GFX cards. Well, they will be sold with the GTX 980m indeed for those of you asking for that one specifically.
Also, we will provide the option to upgrade the screen on the Alienware 15 if the customer wants it. I understand that you don't want the PC attached to the Graphics Amplifier all the time, but you could travel around with the AW15 or AW17 and have the Graphics Amplifier at home for those hardcore gaming sessions. It's just one more option that we can offer to our customers. If you think about it, there aren't many ways to get a laptop to perform as our machines do with the Graphics Amplifier, therefore we just released it as a way of improving the gaming experience on them.
If you have any questions about the new platforms, feel free to contact me directly through this thread or through any of the official Alienware social media channels.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
I believe the same, I will continue to reply on the other one by now.
@OP if you have any questions, let me know!
Alienware-L_Porras I actually sent you a PM regarding some questions I have, I hope that perhaps you might be able to assist me with my questions. they partially relate to the hardware refresh but also have to do with the levels of customer service I have recieved thank you very much and sorry to trouble you
eats7 likes this.
I can't really complain about the BGA CPU's.. At least the 4980HQ is being offered which is better then nothing considering the way Intel is going.. But that BGA GPU... I can't forgive that.. My next laptop will be a Clevo since they will
1. Socketed Desktop CPU's
2. MXM GPU..
Bye bye AW in Sept.. -
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
The soldered GPU is really going to hurt considering that seems to be the first part to go. They need to start offering standard 2 year warranties at the very least and 3 years for less than $445.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Oh wow I just noticed they dropped the power adapter to 180W for the 15 and 17
Power saving in gaming behemoths like aw 15 and specially 17 is redicolous. Main and only reason is profit and it came from competition like Asus G seeies and pricing those machines have. Altho GA across the board is great but in my opinion main thing in which Alienware as a brand stood out is now completely lost with this solder it all.
Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH P310X using Tapatalk -
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Weegie likes this. -
TactX keys??? What is that?
Oh, now I see... thanks for mentioning that... a row of keys on the left side of the keyboard - which is annoying when positioning your hand (usually the edge of the keyboard eases up positioning your left hand with the pinky finger), and disturbs when you want to write some actual text on the keyboard, causing wrong keypresses.
This must be the biggest crap invention ever since the mini-screen on the Razer Blade 17". Can't we have a gaming laptop without this crap? As always the excuse is "but it's a gaming laptop, it needs some crap on it"... well no, it doesn't! It would have been perfectly fine without this crap.
But what do I care... a small look on the canadian configuration page shows that everything is soldered. You cannot even configurate anything of importance (neither CPU, nor GPU). This is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. -
Hey guys, on the website of the alienware 15 it states about the audio output:
(1x) Audio Out 1/8" Ports (Compatible with inline mic headset)
(1x) Line In Microphone 1/8" Port (retaskable for 5.1 analog audio output)
I don't understand, How can you get 5.1 analog audio out of 2 jacks? I have an alienware m14x. I have 2 audio jacks and one 1 for mic. In order to get 5.1 audio, I have to reset the mic port to sub/center channel, so that I can get 5.1 analog audio using all three 3.5mm jacks.
How is it possible on the alienware 15 with only 2 audiojacks? Did they mean digital output instead of analog? like spid/f combo port?
I'm confused. and I do have a 5.1 setup that I can connect through either three 3,5mm jacks or one spid/f optical port. So how is it actually on the alienware 15?
On alienware support the guy didn't know nothing about it and couldn't help me further as expected.
(reposting same comment to this thread, since it seems to be more active now and also an alienware rep actively being here.) -
@Xanius Alienware graphics amp. could be replaced with toaster
Xanius likes this. -
Finally R9-M295X and GTX 980m in the same machine! I can BARELY wait to finally see how both REALLY compare (hope the cooling would be the same).
As for slimmer laptops - my 8740w is a wee bit over an inch thick, yet it has MXM slot, socketed CPU and 4 RAM slots. The CPU cooling is lacking but delete the DVD and there you go, quite the room for improvement. There's always way, it's just that you don't want to take it.
Graphics amplifier is nice, but most people around here want the power on the go, the whole point of having high-performance laptop in first place. You get it packed and unpacked and ready for annihilation in less than 5 minutes. So yeah, the graphics amplifier would stay, but you'll have to get the next year's laptop model if you want all the power on the go. -
Peter likes this.
To me it looks like a good balance between size and going for the too thin noisy route.
I like it -
), I'm saying it would give quite the performance for the money. The R9-M290X/8970m is fairly close to 780m (and I'm not talking the few points difference here), overclocking them is another story.
Then, seeing how most of the people don't buy extended warranty's after a year and a half or two you will see allot of people starting to complain how their product died "unexpectedly" and they paid an arm an a leg for it - mind you dead GPU means dead notebook entirely and brand bashing will start.
Then you will see costs to provide mbo replacements for people who got 2/3/4y warranty going skyrocket as now its not just a gpu replacement most of the time. Its motherboard and cpu - which i believe cost quite a bit.
Genius who started all this then gets fired and Alienware starts using M and MXM again. Which somehow I doubt.
But then again I might be wrong and I hope I am. But as far as I see it now AW looks a lot like Asus with different colors now and shorter warranty...TomJGX likes this. -
We shall see.
You know what's going to suck about it though? It's not going to use MXM or socketed CPU's like the legendary m15x to whom it replaces.
It will be BGA only, and I won't be buying it if that's the case which it sadly most likely is. If it was MXM with socket CPU's, I'll be genuinely shocked, and almost ecstatic about it, and I will buy it, but I highly doubt that will occur so I'll pass much like I will on all the new 2015 Alienwares as they are all BGA. I find BGA completely ridiculous in such a large laptop.
The m15x is known for it's high upgradebility. If Alienware wants more buyers, they'd use MXM and socketed CPU's in it, but sadly I doubt that will ever happen.
R.I.P, Alienware. We we all miss you dearly..Last edited: Jan 6, 2015 -
You know what's going to suck about it though? It's not going to use MXM or socketed CPU's like the legendary m15x to whom it replaces.
It will be BGA only, and I won't be buying it if that's the case which it sadly most likely is. If it was MXM with socket CPU's, I'll be genuinely shocked, and almost ecstatic about it, and I will buy it, but I highly doubt that will occur so I'll pass much like I will on all the new 2015 Alienwares as they are all BGA. I find BGA completely ridiculous in such a large laptop.
The m15x is known for it's high upgradebility. If Alienware wants more buyers, they'd use MXM and socketed CPU's in it, but sadly I doubt that will ever happen. This "new" direction that they are taking is outrageous to all Alienware fans everywhere. -
The M295x is also a 125W TDP card. The AW 15 only comes with a 180W PSU. Might be some issues there with overclocking.
It also looks as though the power port has changed. So, M17x/AW 17 R1 PSU's may not work. -
From your reply I take it that BGAs are soldered while MXMs are not, is that correct?
Care to elaborate what BGA and MXM stand for? -
The new Alienwares are now listed on Dell's site. The prices really aren't as high as I thought. 4k screen with touch upgrade is only 200, comes stock with IPS.. surprising.
Alienware Gaming Laptops
You can also do graphics amplification. Which is awesome.
The CPU is an HQ model unfortunately. -
So you can buy a top end M15 for 2.5k.... and play games at 1080p just fine Crysis 3 will run around 50-65 Fps on very high settings. ( i've tested this with my 980m on my R4) then to truly push your system to the next level you need to spend $300 on the graphics amplifier and another $550 on a desktop 980. So you just paid 3.8 - 4.0k for a mobile desktop... (which if you plan to get the amplifier add another 350 for the monitor and your up to 4.6k....
It might be time for some of you who want to get "unlocked" power for 1/3 of the price in a small console form factor mini iTX to consider building their own STEAM machine for 1.5k on the high end. That steam box will run cooler, its lighter, and can be upgraded with an endless selection of parts, fully OCable, just as portable and truly packs that wow factor. Non restrictive gaming.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-nGjTYN43Q Here is an example -
Alienware, we understand your thought process and it's got some good ideas.
However, this is not what WE want. We want socket CPU's and GPU's.
The amplifier is a nice option to have.. but having it as the only option for an upgrade path is kind of insulting.
If i want a thin and light laptop, I would buy a macbook. Once again, This isn't a bad idea, but it's just not what we want from our laptops from you guys. Don't try and be something you're not. Please pass this on to you're engineering team, as they don't seem to understand what their die-hard customers want. -
2.5k + .3k + .55k = 3.35k
3.35k + .35k = 3.7k
Where are you getting these numbers? 4.6k from where? Did you just insert hidden numbers to make your argument look more appealing? -
mikecacho likes this.
Last edited: Jan 7, 2015
I cant seem to find the dimensions for the 15 - looks like they have not published it yet.
I wanted to compare it with the dimensions I got for the 13:
AW 13:
Dimensions & Weight
Height Front: 1.04" / 26.34mm
Height Rear: 1.098" / 27.9mm
Depth: 9.252" / 235mm
Width: 12.913" / 328mm
Average weight: 4.537Lbs / 2.058Kg -
Height Front: 1.34" / 34.0mm
Height Rear: 1.34" / 34.0mm
Depth: 10.64" / 270.2mm
Width: 15.19" / 385.8mm
Average weight: 7.07Lbs / 3.2078Kgxxpmrong likes this. -
When I see people complaining not having socket CPU and GPU, I think it's silly.
Why would you try to upgrade the CPU when it's extremely good? It will only fit one socket, no future processor will fit in it. What's the point?
MXM GPU...now...this is a valid reason, it is modular and can be made to be upgraded from one generation to next (only manufacturer would lock us down to force us to buy new laptops).
Now, I can see a thin design using MXM gpu and it is strongly possible. Just make area for it in the chassis and make it fit onto the motherboard instead of ON the motherboard, hmm...
I don't care, but why is Alienware 15's weight 7 pounds? It's so heavy that the 17 is only a pound more (approximately). If they're soldered, the weight should be between 5 and 6 pounds.
This actually makes Clevo's 5.5lb 15.6" gaming laptop look better and it's thinner with excellent cooling. -
The increase in weight is way off in proportion to the increase in size =)
Looks like the metal parts inside the AW15 are surely HEAVY duty =) -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The heatsink looks pretty heavy duty and is a dual fan design so that looks up to par at least.
bigtonyman Desktop Powa!!!
The upgradabilty of the alienware lineup used to be one of their big selling points and I'm sad to see it going away. I was all excited and was seriously thinking about buying a maxed out alienware 15 to take to school with me, but If its got a BGA proccessor and a motherboard with the gpu soldered to it I'm gonna have to pass and get something else. Being able to upgrade your components is a big thing for me as I like to be able to swap out and test different parts. Also was gonna buy the amplifier and stick in my older 780 ti to power my laptop when I bought a new card to replace the one in my desktop this summer. oh well guess I'll give my money to sager or MSI.
ayylmao likes this. -
Anyone know the physical dimensions of this thing? Ever since they switch over the aluminium design,... I was not a fan how fat it gotten.
bigtonyman Desktop Powa!!!
Height Front: 1.34" / 34.0mm
Height Rear: 1.34" / 34.0mm
Depth: 10.64" / 270.2mm
Width: 15.19" / 385.8mm
Average weight: 7.07Lbs / 3.2078Kg
Pulled from the alienware 15 pageryukenden likes this. -
AW is not what they used to be and the premium you pay in my opinion is not worth it, sure they look and feel great but so do other laptops in this size.
Maybe if they used MXM parts I would be tempted but instead they offer the GA which is not what most people want when buying a gaming laptop. -
Because a BGA'd CPU will require a reball in the future. My Vaio Z2's CPU died a few months ago and required a reball to get it going again. It wasn't cheap.
Also, the 4940mx if you ever got hold of one. The 4710HQ is a bit underpowered by my standards.. -
One-time-thow-away-laptops all over again. Now only very few brands are left with changeable CPUs and even less with MXM cards. Want to upgrade, throw away the whole paket. 3rd world will take care of the trash... maybe not. It just stacks up. Doing anything for profit. It's not solely an alienware issue, MSI and others jumped on this train too.
ayylmao likes this. -
Yep, and it's a sad, sad time for all of us who love upgradebility.
MXM is being phased out in favor of the much, much inferior ball grid array. Seriously, BGA is cancerous.TBoneSan likes this.
ALIENWARE 15 HYPE?! leaked video
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by MikeTheVike, Jan 6, 2015.